Fonts in googleapi links - google-font-api

Rather than using <link rel="stylesheet" href=",400,500,700">, is it possible to get the CSS style and place it in a CSS file?
I am asking because, if Google changes their above Googleapi link and I forgot to update he link on my site, it will affect some of the fonts I used on my website.


bootstrap.min.css is overriding my custom css file

I know my question is similar to: Bootstrap popup does not appear when include bootstrap.min.css
However it was not resolved and I am practically having the same issue (minus the JS).
I am currently designing my Bootstrap website using Pinegrow, everything looks fine in the software however I realized when I actually preview or upload the code to a browser parts of the website is being overridden, I just found out it's because of the bootstrap.min.css file.
The strange thing is my 'home', 'about me' pages are fine, however when it gets to 'skills', 'portfolio' etc pages the css from my custom file is overridden.
For example:
This is what my software shows
Preview from Pinegrow
And this is what happens when it is in a browser:
Preview from Browser
Things I have done
Some people suggested just deleting the .min file, however doing that mucks up the website.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/bootstrap.min.css" type="text/css">
<!-- Custom CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/creative.css" type="text/css"> The custom css file is placed at the bottom in the html (someone said it provides priority to the custom file)
Using the !important rule doesn't work and I don't think it's the right to use it
I am using ID selections in CSS
Is the only solution to go into the .min file and edit the code from there? Is there a way to get my custom CSS code to override the .min instead? Would it help if i posted some of my code? Many thanks for your time.
I would have done so:
If a few page works, my opinion, problem in markup. If you don't use one header section for all pages, try to copy content from skills to about, then I would check the wrapper, and deeper structure first. Do you see any strange rules in development tools on skills page? (I'm learning, and I can only give you simple tips.)

Using a CSS in ScrewTurn Wiki

We use ScrewTurn Wiki and I created a Wiki page that contains the CSS information. I used:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
as the link in all the other Wiki pages as the reference for the CSS info, where Tech is the namespace and CSS-Master is the Wiki page containing the CSS info.
This worked fine for a while, then suddenly it just stopped working. Any suggestions?
Are you trying to apply this CSS across your whole wiki? There's actually a lot you can do with theming. In the main directory on your webserver, there's a 'Themes' subdirectory, where you can make a new folder for a theme, then you can select a theme in the Administration->Configuration page, as well as when you're editing a namespace (if you want to change the theme for a particular namespace).

Extending a CSS stylesheet?

An interesting problem but maybe it has already been solved. I have a collection of CSS style sheets that apply to multiple domains. The way it has been architected, both domains share the same CSS files and add their own definitions and rules to the stylesheets. Our system is as such that anytime a developer makes a change to a CSS file that belongs to a particular domain, then that very same change needs to be done in another domain's style sheet as well.
For instance if I have two domains: Main, SubMain. BOth of these share a stylesheet called global.css and a developer working on the SubMain domain changes this stylesheet by adding a new rule. To ensure that things do not break in the Main domain, the developer needs to go ahead and add the same rule to global.css to the main domain's global.css stylesheet.
Why this does not have the same shared location is beyond me since this is a shared engineering project. My understanding is that the reason being that the changes were to be applied immediately and unfortunately the only option was to use the same stylesheet + directory structure across all the domains.
But this problem does exist and it is tremendous overhead. Is there anyway to extend CSS stylesheets such that domain specific CSS can be added to the extended stylesheets.
If not, what other solutions can be proposed ?
If you have the same code in two places, why have two files (and this goes for coding as well - methods or variables or whatever)? If you use something more than, keep it in one place and reference to it everywhere else.
What you need to do is to have the Main website point at a local copy of the CSS file (like so):
<link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href="/global.css">
... and then on the SubMain website, include in your headers a link to the Main website's CSS file (like so):
<link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href="">
To solve your problem, only have the editable CSS file/files on one domain (the Main one), and then link to them using absolute URLs in the other (SubMain) website.
I dont understand you. I dont know where your problem is. Do you want to add 2 css style sheets?
<link href="style.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="style2.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
Or do you want that 2 domains using 1 style sheet?
<link href="" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
Both of the domains can use this. You are not linking in the directory of the style sheet. You put the link of your style in it. This will solve your problem.
Both domains can use one CSS file.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
Just link to one CSS file.
Or if you really want to "sync" them you could create a rsync script but that doesn't make sense.
It's apparent that you know you can include stylesheets across domains:
<link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href="">
But did you know that you can include multiple stylesheets? Create a single stylesheet that has all of the "master" styles and put it in global.css on one of the domains (your choice). The styles unique to each domain can be in a stylesheet specific to that domain.
<link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href="">
<link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href="/css/specific.css">

How to display CSS files in Django blog?

i'm very confused about how to add css files to a blog a made on django following this tutorial:
Basically, i want to add a css style sheet to my blog. I've looked around a bit and seen somethings about static and media files and urls. I read a bit about them on Django's website but coulnd't fully understand them.
So, could anyone kindly tell me how i should display:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" />
They styles work when i do it internally, but how do i show external stylesheets?
It's right in the Django docs, check here. Follow the instructions there and you will be able to use something like that:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ STATIC_URL }}style.css" />
You should sepearate you "static" files from your templates. So move all your .css, .js and images to one directory in your app (it's default name is /static). Honestly, everything is written in the link provided.

CSS in Master and regular pages

I have some pages that use the master page and apply a theme. Some of my pages are not using master pages, instead they have individual css files linked
<link href="../Style/pck.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
Although the css works for regular pages for most cases, the body css is taken from the theme. I do not want that. I want that the body css should be taken from pck.css.
What to do?
On the pages that the CSS file is not working, have you checked to make sure that it actually loading the CSS file? (with the relative CSS link, it might not be working for pages that a deeper into your site structure).
Alternatively, I sometimes find that the needs to be the very first thing on the page or you force some browsers into compatibility mode and all hell breaks loose when that happens.
