Hello coding community
I have a two part question that is 1/2 answered
transpose, aka melt data frame, to my liking - done
add rows of data based on results found in "removed" column, a column created in the transposing step - stuck here
df<- read.table("https://pastebin.com/raw/NEPcUG01",header=T, sep="\t")
df_transformed<-tidyr::gather(df, day, removed, -(1:2), na.rm = TRUE) # melted data
In my example here (df), I have an experiment ran over 8 days. On certain days, I remove data points, and I am only interested in these days (hence why I added na.rm = TRUE in the transposing process). I sometimes remove 1 data point, or 4 (but this could be any number really)
I would like the removed data points to be called "individuals", and for them to be counted in chronological order. Therefore, I first need to add a column called "individuals"
df_transformed$individual <- ""
I would like to fill in the "individual" column based on the results in the "removed" column.
example: cage 2 had only 1 data point removed, and it was on day_8. I would therefore like to add, in the "individual" column, a 1. Cage 4, on the other hand, had data points removed on day_5 (1 data point) and day_7 (3 data points), for a total of 4 data points , aka , 4 "individuals". Therefore, Cage 4, when starting with day_5, I would like to add a 1 in the "individuals" column, and for day 7, create 3 total rows of data, and continue my "individual count" with 2,3,4. IF day_8 had 3 more data points removed, the individual count would continue with 5,6,7.
My desired result for my example data set today would be this:
desired_results <- read.table("https://pastebin.com/raw/r7QrC0y3", header=T, sep="\t") # 68 total rows of data
Interesting piece of information: The total number of rows in my final data set should equal the sum of all removed data points:
sum(df_transformed$removed) # 68
Thank you StackOverflow community. Looking forward to seeing the results.
We can use complete to create a sequence from 1 to each individual grouped by cage and day. We then fill the NA values in columns experiment and removed.
df_transformed %>%
mutate(individual = removed) %>%
group_by(cage, day) %>%
complete(individual = seq_len(individual)) %>%
fill(experiment, removed, .direction = "up")
# cage day individual experiment removed
#1 2 day_8 1 sugar 1
#2 3 day_5 1 sugar 1
#3 4 day_5 1 sugar 3
#4 4 day_5 2 sugar 3
#5 4 day_5 3 sugar 3
#6 4 day_7 1 sugar 1
#7 7 day_7 1 sugar 1
#8 7 day_8 1 sugar 1
#9 8 day_5 1 sugar 2
#10 8 day_5 2 sugar 2
# … with 58 more rows
To update individual only based on cage we can do
df_transformed %>%
mutate(individual = removed) %>%
group_by(cage, day) %>%
complete(individual = seq_len(individual)) %>%
group_by(cage) %>%
mutate(individual = row_number()) %>%
fill(experiment, removed, .direction = "up")
I think the following bit of code does what you need:
read.table("https://pastebin.com/raw/NEPcUG01",header=T, sep="\t") %>%
pivot_longer(starts_with("day_"), names_to = "day", values_to = "removed") %>%
# drop_na() %>%
group_by(cage) %>%
summarize(individual = sum(removed, na.rm = TRUE))
I have used the pipe operator (%>%), which enables cleaner syntax. I have also used the newer pivot_longer function instead of gather. Then, grouping by cage and later summing over the individual column with summarize you get how many individuals were removed per cage.
I checked the sum of all the individuals and it seems to work:
read.table("https://pastebin.com/raw/NEPcUG01",header=T, sep="\t") %>%
pivot_longer(starts_with("day_"), names_to = "day", values_to = "removed") %>%
# drop_na() %>%
group_by(cage) %>%
summarize(individual = sum(removed, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
pull(individual) %>%
#> [1] 68
The result is slightly different to your desired result. I am not 100% your desired result is actually correct... From your question, I understand that cage 4 should have 4 individuals, but in your desired_result it appears 4 times with values 1, 2, 3 and 4. The code I sent you generates a data frame where each appears in a single row.
I got an XLSX with data from a questionnaire for my master thesis.
The questions and answers for an interviewee are in one row in the second column. The first column contains the date.
The data of the second column comes in a form like this:
"age":"52","height":"170","Gender":"Female",...and so on
I started with:
test12 <- read_xlsx("Testdaten.xlsx")
test13 <- concat.split(data = test12, split.col= "age", sep =",")
Then I got the questions and the answers as a column divided by a ":".
For e.g. column 1: "age":"52" and column2:"height":"170".
But the data is so messy that sometimes in the column of the age question and answer there is a height question and answer and for some questionnaires questions and answers double.
I would need the questions as variables and the answers as observations. But I have no clue how to get there. I could clean the data in excel first, but with the fact that columns are not constant and there are for e.g. some height questions in the age column I see no chance to do it as I will get new data regularly, formated the same way.
Here is an example of the data:
A tibble: 5 x 2
partner.createdAt partner.wphg.info
<chr> <chr>
1 2019-11-09T12:13:11.099Z "{\"age_years\":\"50\",\"job_des\":\"unemployed\",\"height_cm\":\"170\",\"Gender\":\"female\",\"born_in\":\"Italy\",\"Alcoholic\":\"false\",\"knowledge_selfass\":\"5\",\"total_wealth\":\"200000\""
2 2019-11-01T06:43:22.581Z "{\"age_years\":\"34\",\"job_des\":\"self-employed\",\"height_cm\":\"158\",\"Gender\":\"male\",\"born_in\":\"Germany\",\"Alcoholic\":\"true\",\"knowledge_selfass\":\"3\",\"total_wealth\":\"10000\""
3 2019-11-10T07:59:46.136Z "{\"age_years\":\"24\",\"height_cm\":\"187\",\"Gender\":\"male\",\"born_in\":\"England\",\"Alcoholic\":\"false\",\"knowledge_selfass\":\"3\",\"total_wealth\":\"150000\""
4 2019-11-11T13:01:48.488Z "{\"age_years\":\"59\",\"job_des\":\"employed\",\"height_cm\":\"167\",\"Gender\":\"female\",\"born_in\":\"United States\",\"Alcoholic\":\"false\",\"knowledge_selfass\":\"2\",\"total_wealth\":\"1000000~
5 2019-11-08T14:54:26.654Z "{\"age_years\":\"36\",\"height_cm\":\"180\",\"born_in\":\"Germany\",\"Alcoholic\":\"false\",\"knowledge_selfass\":\"5\",\"total_wealth\":\"170000\",\"job_des\":\"employed\",\"Gender\":\"male\""
Thank you so much for your time!
You can loop through each entry, splitting at , as you did. Then you can loop through them all again, splitting at :.
The result will be a bunch of variable/value pairings. This can be all done stacked. Then you just want to pivot back into columns.
Updated the data based on your edit.
data <- tribble(~partner.createdAt, ~partner.wphg.info,
'2019-11-09T12:13:11.099Z', '{\"age_years\":\"50\",\"job_des\":\"unemployed\",\"height_cm\":\"170\",\"Gender\":\"female\",\"born_in\":\"Italy\",\"Alcoholic\":\"false\",\"knowledge_selfass\":\"5\",\"total_wealth\":\"200000\"',
'2019-11-01T06:43:22.581Z', '{\"age_years\":\"34\",\"job_des\":\"self-employed\",\"height_cm\":\"158\",\"Gender\":\"male\",\"born_in\":\"Germany\",\"Alcoholic\":\"true\",\"knowledge_selfass\":\"3\",\"total_wealth\":\"10000\"',
'2019-11-10T07:59:46.136Z', '{\"age_years\":\"24\",\"height_cm\":\"187\",\"Gender\":\"male\",\"born_in\":\"England\",\"Alcoholic\":\"false\",\"knowledge_selfass\":\"3\",\"total_wealth\":\"150000\"',
'2019-11-11T13:01:48.488Z', '{\"age_years\":\"59\",\"job_des\":\"employed\",\"height_cm\":\"167\",\"Gender\":\"female\",\"born_in\":\"United States\",\"Alcoholic\":\"false\",\"knowledge_selfass\":\"2\",\"total_wealth\":\"1000000\"',
'2019-11-08T14:54:26.654Z', '{\"age_years\":\"36\",\"height_cm\":\"180\",\"born_in\":\"Germany\",\"Alcoholic\":\"false\",\"knowledge_selfass\":\"5\",\"total_wealth\":\"170000\",\"job_des\":\"employed\",\"Gender\":\"male\"')
We need a few here. Or you can just call tidyverse.
This function will create a data frame (or tibble) for each question. The first column is the date, the second is the variable, the third is the value.
clean_record <- function(date, text) {
clean_records <- str_split(text, pattern = ",", simplify = TRUE) %>%
str_remove_all(pattern = "\\\"") %>% # remove double quote
str_remove_all(pattern = "\\{|\\}") %>% # remove curly brackets
str_split(pattern = ":", simplify = TRUE)
tibble(date = as.Date(date), variable = clean_records[,1], value = clean_records[,2])
Now we use pmap_dfr from purrr to loop over the rows, outputting each row with an id variable named record.
This will stack the data as described in the function. The mutate() line converts all variable names to lowercase. The distinct() line will filter out rows that are exact duplicates.
What we do then is just pivot on the variable column. Of course, replace data with whatever you name your data frame.
data_clean <- pmap_dfr(data, ~ clean_record(..1, ..2), .id = "record") %>%
mutate(variable = tolower(variable)) %>%
distinct() %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = variable, values_from = value)
The result is something like this. Note how I had reordered some of the columns, but it still works. You are probably not done just yet. All columns are now of type character. You need to figure out the desired type for each and convert.
# A tibble: 5 x 10
record date age_years job_des height_cm gender born_in alcoholic knowledge_selfass total_wealth
<chr> <date> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 1 2019-11-09 50 unemployed 170 female Italy false 5 200000
2 2 2019-11-01 34 self-employed 158 male Germany true 3 10000
3 3 2019-11-10 24 NA 187 male England false 3 150000
4 4 2019-11-11 59 employed 167 female United States false 2 1000000
5 5 2019-11-08 36 employed 180 male Germany false 5 170000
For example, convert age_years to numeric.
data_clean %>%
mutate(age_years = as.numeric(age_years))
I am sure you may run into other things, but this should be a start.
I am working with a data frame that has two columns, name and spouse. I am trying to calculate the interracial marriage frequency, but I need to remove repeated registers.
When I have the name of a creature I need to keep this register in the data frame but remove the register where that creature name is the spouse name. I have this following data sample:
name spouse
15 Finarfin Eärwen
6 Tar-Vanimeldë Herucalmo
17 Faramir owyn
8 Tar-Meneldur Almarian
14 Finduilas of Dol Amroth Denethor II
12 Finwë MÃriel Serindë then ,Indis
9 Tar-Ancalimë Hallacar
7 Tar-MÃriel Ar-Pharazôn
5 Tarannon Falastur Berúthiel
21 Rufus Burrows Asphodel Brandybuck
2 Angrod Eldalótë
4 Ar-Gimilzôr Inzilbêth
19 Lobelia Sackville-Baggins Otho Sackville-Baggins
25 Mrs. Proudfoot Odo Proudfoot
22 Rudigar Bolger Belba Baggins
24 Odo Proudfoot Mrs. Proudfoot
3 Ar-Pharazôn Tar-MÃriel
13 Fingolfin Anairë
18 Silmariën Elatan
23 Rowan Greenhand Belba Baggins
20 RÃan Huor
1 Adanel Belemir
16 Fastolph Bolger Pansy Baggins
10 Morwen Steelsheen Thengel
11 Tar-Aldarion Erendis
25 Belemir Adanel
For example, I ran the code and in line 1 it caught name Adanel and got Belemir as its spouse, so I need to keep line 1, but remove line 25, because with that I will avoid duplicated data.
I have tried this following code:
interacialMariage <-data %>% filter(spouse != name) %>% select(name, spouse)
How can I get the same spouse name register out of the data frame registers?
P.S.: I would need it to avoid case sensitive (Belemir == belemir) so that I don't have problems in the future.
You could set up another vector with the row-wise alphabetically sorted names, and deduplicate using that...
sorted <- sapply(1:nrow(data),
function(i) paste(sort(c(trimws(tolower(data$name[i])),
collapse=" "))
irM <- data[!duplicated(sorted),]
The trimws strips off any leading or trailing spaces before sorting and pasting, and tolower converts everything to lower case.
My attempt with tidyverse:
dat %>%
mutate(id = 1:n()) %>% # add id to label the pairs
gather('key', 'name', -id) %>% # transform: key (name | spouse), name, id
group_by(name) %>% # group by unique name to find duplicated
top_n(-1, wt = id) %>% # if name > 1, take row with the lower id
spread(key, name) %>% # spread data to original format
select(-id) # remove id's
# # A tibble: 3 x 2
# name spouse
# <chr> <chr>
# 1 Adanel Belemir
# 2 Fastolph Bolger Pansy Baggins
# 3 Morwen Steelsheen Thengel
dat <- data.frame(
name = c("Adanel", "Fastolph Bolger", "Morwen Steelsheen", "Belemir"),
spouse = c("Belemir", "Pansy Baggins", "Thengel", "Adanel" ),
stringsAsFactors = F
I have a dataframe dealing with time series data in which some some columns represent amounts, and some columns represent percentages. I want a row which summarizes each column, but obviously it is not particularly useful for me to sum the columns containing percentages.
Here is an example dataframe:
date<-c("2019-04-27", "2019-04-28", "2019-05-01")
name<-c("sam", "sam", "sam")
percent1<-c(0.25, 0.7, 0.42)
percent2<-c(0.54, 0.48, 0.77)
df<-data.frame(date,name, amt1, amt2, percent1, amt3, percent2)
What I would like is a row that contains:
-the sums for columns amt1, amt2, amt3
-the means for columns percent1, percent2.
Anyone have any ideas of how to accomplish this?
One option would be to select the numeric columns (select_if), then using mutate_if, get the mean of those columns where the values are all less than 1, in the next step, do the sum of columns where there are any value greater than 1. (Disclaimer - The OP said there are no column name patterns or index and this is one of the possible logic given by the OP)
df %>%
select_if(is.numeric) %>%
mutate_if(~ all(.x < 1), mean) %>%
mutate_if(~ any(.x > 1), sum) %>%
slice(1) %>%
bind_rows(df, .) %>%
mutate(name = replace(as.character(name), n(), "Other"))
# date name amt1 amt2 percent1 amt3 percent2
#1 2019-04-27 sam 3 4 0.2500000 13 0.5400000
#2 2019-04-28 sam 6 2 0.7000000 7 0.4800000
#3 2019-05-01 sam 2 7 0.4200000 4 0.7700000
#4 <NA> Other 11 13 0.4566667 24 0.5966667
I have a data frame like these:
1 1 81825 PPB 38.713318
2 1 81825 PMDB 61.286682
3 1 09717 PMDB 48.025900
4 1 09717 PL 1.279217
5 1 09717 PFL 50.694883
6 1 61921 PMDB 51.793868
This is a data.frame of elections in Brazil. Grouping by NUM_TURNO and CODGIDO_MUNICIPIO I want to compare the SHARE of the FIRST and SECOND most votted politics in each city and round (1 or 2) and create a new column.
What am I having problem to do? I don't know how to calculate the difference only for the two biggest SHARES of votes.
For the first case, for example, I want to create something that gives me the difference between 61.286682 and 38.713318 = 22.573364 and so on.
Something like this:
df %>%
mutate(Diff = HIGHER SHARE - 2º HIGHER SHARE))
You can also use top_n from dplyr with grouping and summarizing. Keep in mind that in the data you provided, you will get an error in summarize if you use diff with a single value, hence the use of ifelse.
df %>%
top_n(2, SHARE) %>%
summarize(Diff = ifelse(n() == 1, NA, diff(SHARE)))
# A tibble: 3 x 3
# Groups: NUM_TURNO [?]
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1 9717 2.67
2 1 61921 NA
3 1 81825 22.6
You could arrange your dataframe by Share and then slice the first two values. Then you could use summarise to get the diff between the values for every group:
df %>%
arrange(desc(Share)) %>%
slice(1:2) %>%
summarise(Diff = -diff(Share))
To try and get the frequency of variable within a column, I used the following code:
s = table(students$Sport)
t = as.data.frame(s)
names(t)[1] = 'Sport'
Although this works, it gives me a massive list that is not sorted, such as this:
1 Football 20310
2 Rugby 80302
3 Tennis 5123
4 Swimming 73132
… … …
68 Basketball 90391
How would I go about sorting this table, so that the most frequent sport is at the top. Also, is there a way to only display the top 5 options? Rather than all 68 different sports?
Or, alternatively, if there's a better way to approach this.
Any help would be appreciated!
you can use dplyr and do it all in a single line, below an example
students = data.frame(sport = c(rep("Football", 200),
rep("Rugby", 130),
rep("Tennis", 100),
rep("Swimming", 40),
rep("Basketball", 10),
rep("Baseball", 300),
rep("Gimnastics", 70)
students %>% group_by(sport) %>% summarise( n = length(sport)) %>% arrange(desc(n)) %>% top_n(5, n)
# A tibble: 5 x 2
sport n
<fct> <int>
1 Baseball 300
2 Football 200
3 Rugby 130
4 Tennis 100
5 Gimnastics 70
You can use the plyr packages count function to count the words and frequency. A more elegant way of doing it compared to converting it to a dataframe.
d<-count(students,"Sport") #convert it to a dataframe first before using count.
Order function helps you to order the output. using the - makes in sort in descending order. [1:5] gives you the top 5 rows. You can remove it if you want all entries.