How to capture the log details on pytest-html as well as writing in to Console? - console

In my pytest script, I need to customize the pytest-HTML report for capturing the stdout at the same time writing into the console as I have user input in my automated test.
import os
import sys
import pytest
from Process import RunProcess
from recordtype import recordtype
from pip._vendor.distlib.compat import raw_input
def Process(request):
# print('\nProcess setup - module fixture')
fileDirectory = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
configFilePath = os.path.join(fileDirectory, 'ATR220_Config.json')
process = RunProcess.RunProcess()
def fin():
return process
def test_WipeOutReader(Process):
assert Process.WipeOutTheReader() == True
def test_LoadingKeysIntoMemoryMap(Process):
assert Process.LoadingKeysIntoMemoryMap() == True
def test_LoadingFW(Process): # only use bar
assert Process.LoadingFW() == True
def test_LoadingSBL(Process):
assert Process.LoadingSBL() == True
def test_CCIDReadForPaymentCards(Process):
assert Process.CCIDReadWrite('Payment Card') == True
Currently, if I run the following command from the windows command line, I get output on the console, but no captured output on the HTML report.
pytest C:\Projects\TripTickAT\ -s --html=Report.html --verbose
Also, I would like to know the programmatic way of customizing the HTML report where I can update the file name, ordering test based on time of the execution and capturing the std-out.

I have tried additional flags to the pytest command. --capture sys and
-rP for Passed tests. --capture sys and -rF for failed tests
And I can see the console log as well in the html document after I click show All details button as shown in the output. I have captured only partial screen for the purpose of showing to you. But you can scroll down the output to see all the console logs. The grey area in the image below is the console output. I am not sure of the command line level flag that works regardless of failed or passed tests. But here is a temporary solution. This will print logs on command line console as well as html logs console


problem with event loops, gui qt5, and ipywidgets in a jupyter notebook

I am trying to integrate interactive ipywidgets with a loop in my code that also performs other tasks (in this case, acquiring data from some hardware attached from the computer and updating live plots).
In the past, I could do this by using IPython.kernel.do_one_iteration() in my while loop: this would trigger a sync of the ipywidget changes and I would be able to retrieve them from the python widget objects. A minimal example is here:
import ipywidgets as widgets
from time import sleep
import IPython
do_one_iteration = IPython.get_ipython().kernel.do_one_iteration
w = widgets.ToggleButton()
while True:
print(i, w.value, end="\r")
w.decription = str(i)
Here, the for loop prints out the ticker integer along with the state of the widget. (In the real code, I would also acquire data, update plots, and change plot / acquisition settings dependent on the interaction with the user via the widgets.)
With ipykernel 5.3.2 and ipython 7.16.1, this worked fine: if the widget changed, calling do_one_iteration() synced the widget states to the kernel and I could retrieve it from my while loop.
After an upgrade (to 6.4.1 and 7.29.0), this no longer works. It seems that do_one_iteration() is now a coroutine: I get a warning coroutine 'Kernel.do_one_iteration' was never awaited if I use the above code.
With some help of a friend, we found a way to do this with threading an asyncio:
%gui asyncio
import asyncio
import ipywidgets as widgets
button = widgets.ToggleButton()
text = widgets.Text()
text.value= str(button.value)
stop_button = widgets.ToggleButton()
stop_button.description = "Stop"
async def f():
while True:
i += 1
text.value = str(i) + " " + str(button.value)
await asyncio.sleep(0.2)
if stop_button.value == True:
And this works (also adding a stop button, and changing to text output widget instead of printing). But to throw a spanner in the works, I need to use a library that itself uses a QT gui event loop. Some more puzzling suggests that this should be the code to make this work:
%gui qt5
import asyncio
import ipywidgets as widgets
import qasync
button = widgets.ToggleButton()
text = widgets.Text()
text.value= str(button.value)
stop_button = widgets.ToggleButton()
stop_button.description = "Stop"
async def f():
while True:
i += 1
text.value = str(i) + " " + str(button.value)
await asyncio.sleep(0.2)
if stop_button.value == True:
from qtpy import QtWidgets
APP = QtWidgets.QApplication.instance()
loop = qasync.QEventLoop(APP)
But with this code, the updates do not propagate, and I get the following error on the terminal running my notebook server:
[IPKernelApp] ERROR | Error in message handler
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/gsteele/anaconda3/envs/myenv2/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ipykernel/", line 457, in dispatch_queue
await self.process_one()
File "/Users/gsteele/anaconda3/envs/myenv2/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ipykernel/", line 440, in process_one
t, dispatch, args = await self.msg_queue.get()
RuntimeError: Task <Task pending name='Task-2'
coro=<Kernel.dispatch_queue() running at
cb=[IOLoop.add_future.<locals>.<lambda>() at /Users/gsteele/anaconda3/envs/myenv2/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tornado/]>
got Future <Future pending> attached to a different loop
It seems that somehow my ipywidgets events are propagating to the wrong event loop.
And now my question is: does anybody know what is going on here?
It's hard for me to identify if this is a "bug", and if so, in which software package do things go wrong? ipykernel? Or tornado? Or ipywidgets? Or asyncio? Or maybe I'm missing something?
Any thoughts highly welcome, thanks!
Found at least a partial solution: using the nest_asyncio package allows me to now use do_one_iteration(), just by adding the following to the first code block:
import nest_asyncio
and then using await do_one_iteration() instead of calling it directly.
For my purposes, this solves my issue since I don't need asynchronous interaction with my GUI. The problem of the %gui qt5 interaction with the event loop in the asynchronous versions of the code is still a mystery though...

How to override getpass function in a jupyter notebook for testing?

I'm trying to test a jupyter notebook with nbval.
py.test --nbval ~/MyNotebook.ipynb
Howver, the notebook has a getpass() function in it. This blocks the test:
========================================================================================= FAILURES =========================================================================================
__________________________________________________________________________________ Untitled.ipynb::Cell 1 __________________________________________________________________________________
Notebook cell execution failed
Cell 1: Cell execution caused an exception
StdinNotImplementedError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-2-b4e90adc512e> in <module>
----> 1 getpass.getpass()
/opt/miniconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ipykernel/ in getpass(self, prompt, stream)
834 """
835 if not self._allow_stdin:
--> 836 raise StdinNotImplementedError(
837 "getpass was called, but this frontend does not support input requests."
838 )
StdinNotImplementedError: getpass was called, but this frontend does not support input requests.
I've tried to override the function, however it still prompts for input:
How can I override the getpass() function or provide Stdin so that it doesn't block for user input?
What you tried would seem work, here it is in the Python interpreter
>>> import getpass
>>> getpass.getpass = lambda: "abc"
>>> getpass.getpass()
However, on Jupyter, IPython overrides getpass between blocks.
The solution is either to monkeypatch at the start of every block, or monkeypatch IPython directly:
The IPython version of getpass is defined here and here, I hacked accordingly.
import IPython
from ipykernel.kernelapp import IPythonKernel
import builtins
# Modified version of original function
def _forward_input_hacked(self, allow_stdin=False):
"""Forward raw_input and getpass to the current frontend.
via input_request (hacked)
self._allow_stdin = allow_stdin
self._sys_raw_input = builtins.input
builtins.input = self.raw_input
self._save_getpass = getpass.getpass
getpass.getpass = lambda: "xyz"
#getpass.getpass = self.getpass
ipyk = IPython.Application.instance().kernel
ipyk._forward_input = _forward_input_hacked.__get__(ipyk, IPythonKernel)
import getpass
This should persist across blocks.
Note: a previous version of my answer did not answer the question properly, this monkeypatch should do the trick.

Pytest failing on file open command string assert - what's the best way to test this?

I am constructing a command to pass to requests library to Post an attachment - as in
files= attachment = {"attachment": ("image.png", open("C:\tmp\sensor.png", "rb"), "image/png")}
The code is working but I cannot get PyTest to test it as -is because of the open command which is executed when evaluated. Here is simplified code of the problem
import pytest
def openfile():
cmd = {"cmd": open(r"C:\tmp\sensor.png")}
return cmd
def test_openfile():
cmd = openfile()
#assert str(cmd) == str({"cmd": open(r"C:\tmp\sensor.png")}) # this works
assert cmd == {"cmd": open(r"C:\tmp\sensor.png")} # this does not
PyTest complains that the two side are different but then confirms they are the same in the diff panel!
Expected :{'cmd': <_io.TextIOWrapper name='C:\tmp\sensor.png' mode='r' encoding='cp1252'>}
Actual :{'cmd': <_io.TextIOWrapper name='C:\tmp\sensor.png' mode='r' encoding='cp1252'>}
'Click to see difference' - Opening diff panel reports 'Contents are identical'!
I can just stick with comparing the generated string with expected string but am wondering if there is a better way to do this.
You need to test the properties of the actual file buffer that is returned by the open call, instead of the references to that buffer, for example:
def test_openfile():
cmd = openfile()
expected_filename = r"C:\tmp\sensor.png"
assert "cmd" in cmd
file_cmd = cmd["cmd"]
assert == expected_filename
with open(expected_filename) as f:
contents =
assert == contents
Note that in a test you may not have the file contents, or have them in another place like a fixture, so testing the file contents may have to be adapted, or may not be needed, depending on what you want to test.
After talking this through with a friend I think my original approach is perfectly valid. For anyone that trips over this question here's why:
I am trying to pytest building of an executable parameter to pass to another library for execution. The execution of the parameter is not relevant, just that it is correctly formatted. The test is to compare what is generated with the expected parameter ( as if I typed it) .
Therefore casting to string or json and comparing is appropriate since that is what a human does to manually check the code!

GNAT GPS: Add a custom command

I would like to know if it is possible to add a custom command to the GNAT Programming Studio (GPS)?
If the custom command is invoked (by a button in the menu bar or a keyboard shortcut) an external Python script should be called with the full/absolute path to the file that is opened and selected in the editor.
This is a quick-and-dirty script that might give some direction. I tested it on Linux, but it should also work on Windows. Change the action near the end to invoke the script you like. To actually use it, you must put it in the (hidden) .gps/plug-ins directory which can be found in your home directory. The actual action can be invoked from the context menu in the source code window.
"""Run Python Script
This plug-in executes a python script.
# No user customization below this line
import os, sys
import GPS
from gps_utils import interactive
def __contextualMenuFilter(context):
# Check if the context is generated by the source editor
if not (context.module_name == "Source_Editor"):
return False
# If all OK, show the menu item in the context menu.
return True
def __contextualMenuLabel(context):
# Get current buffer
name = context.file().name()
basename = os.path.basename(name)
# Name of the menu item.
return "Run Python script for <b>{}</b>".format(basename)
name ="Run Python script",
contextual = __contextualMenuLabel,
filter = __contextualMenuFilter)
def on_activate():
# If modified, then save before proceeding.
eb = GPS.EditorBuffer.get()
if eb.is_modified:
# Run the action (defined below).
GPS.parse_xml ("""
<action name="my_script">
<external output="Output of my_script">python3 /home/deedee/ %F</external>
</action>""") (some test script)
import sys
print ("Running script {0} for {1}".format(sys.argv[0], sys.argv[1]));
output (shown in GPS on a new tab named "Output of my_script")
python3 /home/deedee/ /home/deedee/example/src/main.adb
Running script /home/deedee/ for /home/deedee/example/src/main.adb
Some relevant info from the GNAT Studio (formerly GPS) documentation:
15.5.2. Defining Actions
15.5.3. Macro arguments Redirecting the output of spawned processes
17. Scripting API reference for GPS

bokeh development workflow with interaction

I'm developing a visualization using
% bokeh serve --show
The problem is that when I change I have to kill the above command and restart it. Is there a better workflow for this kind of development?
Not yet. As of Bokeh 0.11.1 (and soon to be 0.12 too), this is a planned, but still open, feature request There are only a few folks working a huge pile of work for Bokeh. New contributors can help accelerate new features and fixes. If you're able to help, please reach out to us on the project gitter channel.
I was unable to understand enough of the bokeh internals to make this work nicer, but here is a hacky script that does what I want anyway.
# Watches specific files in directory and restarts bokeh server upon change.
# % python bokeh_watcher
# Note that you stil have to navigate your browser to localhost:5006/filename
# to see your Bokeh visualization and you might have to refresh the browser.
import sys
import time
import logging
from watchdog.observers import Observer
from import RegexMatchingEventHandler
from bokeh.command.bootstrap import main
import multiprocessing
import os
JOBS = []
FILE = []
def spawn_bokeh(args):
class BokehHandler(RegexMatchingEventHandler):
kills and restarts bokeh server upon filechange.
def on_modified(self, event):
super(BokehHandler, self).on_modified(event)
what = 'directory' if event.is_directory else 'file'"Modified %s: %s"% (what, event.src_path))
time.sleep(1) # time to die'terminated')'initiating restart')
p = multiprocessing.Process(target=spawn_bokeh,
if __name__ == "__main__":
here = os.path.realpath(__file__)
# local logger
format='%(asctime)s - %(message)s',
datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
filemod_handler = BokehHandler(['.*%s'%(sys.argv[1])])
filemod_handler.args = ['','serve',fullpathname, '--log-level','info']
# fire up bokeh server
p = multiprocessing.Process(target=spawn_bokeh,args=(filemod_handler.args,))
# store object in global for later
observer = Observer()
observer.schedule(filemod_handler, '.', recursive=False)
while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
