How to remove two data points from a data set that have a large influence on the regression model - r

I have found two outlier data points in my data set but I don't know how to remove them. All of the guides that I have found online seem to emphasize plotting the data but my question does not require plotting, it only takes regression model fitting. I am having great difficulty finding out how to remove the two data points from my data set and then fitting the new data set with a new model.
Here is the code that I have written and the outliers that I found:
#part A (Box-Cox method show log transformation)
mod=boxcox(y.regression, data=lathe1, lambda = seq(-1, 1, length=10))
#part B (null-hypothesis F-test)
anova(y.regression1_Reduced, y.regression1)
#part D (F-test of log(Y) without beta1)
anova(y.regression1_Reduced, y.regression2)
#part E (Cook's distance and refit)
9 10
0.7611370235 0.7088115474

I think you may be able (if execution time / corpus size allows it) to pass through your data using a loop and copy / remove elems by your criteria to obtain your desired result e.g.
corpus_list_without_outliers = []
for elem in corpus_list:
if(elem.speed <= 10000) # elem.[any_param_name] < arbitrary_outlier_value
# push to corpus_list_without_outliers because it is OK :)
print corpus_list_without_outliers
# regression algorithm after
this is how I'd see the situation, but you can change the above-if with a remove statement to avoid the creation of a second list etc. e.g.
for elem in corpus_list:
if(elem.speed > 10000) # elem.[any_param_name]
# remove from current corpus because it is an outlier :(
print corpus_list
# regression algorithm after
Hope it helped you!


Combining 3 separate line plots into one line plot display

We are looking at pattern recognitions and making different variables
unusualsubjects <- rtaverages$subject_id[rtaverages$count < 5] # make a list of subjects without enough data.
rtaverages <- filter(rtaverages,!(subject_id %in% unusualsubjects)) # only include data from good subjects. ! = not. Put data from acceptable subjects right back in the same data frame
# Another example of filtering subjects: let's say we only wanted to analyze subjects with accuracies over 95%
accurateSubjects <- averages$subject_id[averages$accuracy > .95] #returns all of the subject_ids for subjects meeting an accuracy criterion
length(accurateSubjects) # tells us how many accurate subjects there are
goodSubjectdata<-filter(data,subject_id %in% accurateSubjects) # make a new data frame that contains only the data from accurate subjects
Code to conduct actual ANOVA of the Respone Times results
model<ezANOVA(data=Data,dv=rt,within=c(set_size,target_presence,task),wid=subject_id) # You need to fill in the XXXs with the correct variable names within the variable containing all of the correct RTs. conduct a repeated measures ANOVA - dv = dependent variable. within = a list of all of the within subject variables. wid = variable that is used to group data by subject
model # show results of the ANOVA model
table1 <- tapply(X=Data$rt,INDEX=list(Data$task,Data$set_size),FUN=mean,trim=0.1)#find breakdown just of setsize and task - less broken down than the above tapply code, obtained just by deleting one item from the INDEX list "INDEX=list(rtaverages$target_presence,rtaverages$set_size,rtaverages$task)" above
table1 #show means so that one can begin to interpret the data. You'll break down rtaverages in different ways to get the different mean RTs that you need for your report
par(mar = c(4,4,4,0),mfrow=c(1, 2) ) # mfrow=c(1,2) creates two plots side by side
lineplot.CI(data=filter(rtaverages,task=="conjunctive"),x.factor=set_size,group=target_presence,x.cont=TRUE,response=rt,ylim=c(0,4000),x.leg=2,xlab="Conjunctive Set Size",ylab="RT") # produces a line graph with confidence intervals
lineplot.CI(data=filter(rtaverages,task=="disjunctive"),x.factor=set_size,group=target_presence,x.cont=TRUE,response=rt,ylim=c(0,4000),x.leg=2,xlab="Disjunctive Set Size",ylab="RT") # produces a line graph with confidence intervals
Currently attempting to put 3 lines onto one plot the following way:
# The next bit of code is to reproduce Treisman and Gelade's Figure 1, including best lines of fit
rtaverages$set_size_num<-sizes[rtaverages$set_size] # added a new column to rtaverage data frame which is the numeric/continuous version of the nominal/categorical set_size factor which will be useful for predicting RT from set_size
bySetSize<-group_by(rtaverages,set_size_num,task,target_presence) #collapse even more, so all subjects' data are combined together
collapsed<-summarize(bySetSize,rt=mean(rt,trim=0.1)) # make RT summary
collapsed # show what collapsed data look like. Note that there are now only 4 (set sizes) X 2 (tasks) X 2 (present/absent trials)=16 rows
cp<-filter(collapsed,task=="conjunctive" & target_presence=="present") # plot each of the four lines separated, filtering by the right type each time
cpf<-lm(data=cp,rt ~ set_size_num) # use a linear model to predict RT from set size. Use this to get out best fitting slope (estimate for set size) and intercept
summary(cpf) # make a summary of the linear regression model. cpf stands for: conjunctive, present fit
cp3<-filter(collapsed,task=="conjunctive" & target_presence=="absent")
caf<-lm(data=cp3,rt ~ set_size_num)
cp1<-filter(collapsed,task=="disjunctive" & target_presence=="present")
dpf<-lm(data=cp1,rt ~ set_size_num)
cp2<-filter(collapsed,task=="disjunctive" & target_presence=="absent")
daf<-lm(data=cp2,rt ~ set_size_num)
plot(cp$set_size_num,cp$rt,ylim=c(0,4000),xlim=c(0,30),pch=19,col="green",xlab="Set Size",ylab="Response Time (msec.)") # use a big enough range to capture all of the data
abline(cpf, col="green") # add the line with the slope and intercept derived from linear model
abline(caf, col="green")
abline(dpf, col="red")
abline(daf, col="red")
legend(x=0,y=4000,pch=c(19,1,19,1),col=c("green","green","red","red"),cex=0.7,legend=c("Conjunctive present","Conjunctive absent","Disjunctive present","Disjunctive absent")) #Legend only should be plotted once, pch sets 4 symbols, and col sets 4 colors. cex < 1 so that legend box isn't too big
I got them to combine, but now the lines lost their format:

Removing Multivariate Outliers With mvoutlier

I have a dataframe that composes of > 5 variables at any time and am trying to do a K-Means of it. Because K-Means is greatly affected by outliers, I've been trying to look for a few hours on how to calculate and remove multivariate outliers. Most examples demonstrated are with 2 variables.
Possible Solutions Explored
mvoutlier - Kind user here noted that mvoutlier may be what I need.
Another Outlier Detection Method - Poster here commented with a mix of R functions to generate an ordered list of outliers.
Issues thus Far
Regarding mvoutlier, I was unable to generate a result because it noted my dataset contained negatives and it could not work because of that. I'm not sure how to alter my data to only positive since I need negatives in the set I am working with.
Regarding Another Outlier Detection Method I was able to come up with a list of outliers, but am unsure how to exclude them from the current data set. Also, I do know that these calculations are done after K-Means, and thus I probably will apply the math prior to doing K-Means.
Minimal Verifiable Example
Unfortunately, the dataset I'm using is off-limits to be shown to anyone, so what you'll need is any random data set with more than 3 variables. The code below is code converted from the Another Outlier Detection Method post to work with my data. It should work dynamically if you have a random data set as well. But it should have enough data where cluster center amount should be okay with 5.
clusterAmount <- 5
cluster <- kmeans(dataFrame, centers = clusterAmount, nstart = 20)
centers <- cluster$centers[cluster$cluster, ]
distances <- sqrt(rowSums(clusterDataFrame - centers)^2)
m <- tapply(distances, cluster$cluster, mean)
d <- distances/(m[cluster$cluster])
# 1% outliers
outliers <- d[order(d, decreasing = TRUE)][1:(nrow(clusterDataFrame) * .01)]
Output: A list of outliers ordered by their distance away from the center they reside in I believe. The issue then is getting these results paired up to the respective rows in the data frame and removing them so I can start my K-Means procedure. (Note, while in the example I used K-Means prior to removing outliers, I'll make sure to take the necessary steps and remove outliers before K-Means upon solution).
With Another Outlier Detection Method example in place, how do I pair the results with the information in my current data frame to exclude those rows before doing K-Means?
I don't know if this is exactly helpful but if your data is multivariate normal you may want to try out a Wilks (1963) based method. Wilks showed that the mahalanobis distances of multivariate normal data follow a Beta distribution. We can take advantage of this (iris Sepal data used as an example):
test.dat <- iris[,-c(1,2))]
Wilks.function <- function(dat){
n <- nrow(dat)
p <- ncol(dat)
# beta distribution
u <- n * mahalanobis(dat, center = colMeans(dat), cov = cov(dat))/(n-1)^2
w <- 1 - u
F.stat <- ((n-p-1)/p) * (1/w-1) # computing F statistic
p <- 1 - round( pf(F.stat, p, n-p-1), 3) # p value for each row
cbind(w, F.stat, p)
col = "blue",
pch = c(15,16,17)[as.numeric(iris$Species)])
dat.rows <- Wilks.function(test.dat); head(dat.rows)
# w F.stat p
#[1,] 0.9888813 0.8264127 0.440
#[2,] 0.9907488 0.6863139 0.505
#[3,] 0.9869330 0.9731436 0.380
#[4,] 0.9847254 1.1400985 0.323
#[5,] 0.9843166 1.1710961 0.313
#[6,] 0.9740961 1.9545687 0.145
Then we can simply find which rows of our multivariate data are significantly different from the beta distribution.
outliers <- which(dat.rows[,"p"] < 0.05)
col = "red",
pch = c(15,16,17)[as.numeric(iris$Species[outliers])])

How to do top down forecasted proportions for hts objects with 2 levels?

I had previously asked this question trying to get top down forecasted proportions forecast recombination using the hts package. The solution there works great for multilevel hierarchies, however I have found I get an error when I try to use the solution on a two level hierarchy.
# Create the hierarchy
newhts <- hts(htseg1$bts, list(ncol(htseg1$bts)))
# forecast creation adapted from the `combinef()` example
h <- 12
ally <- aggts(newhts)
allf <- matrix(NA, nrow = h, ncol = ncol(ally))
for(i in 1:ncol(ally))
allf[,i] <- forecast(auto.arima(ally[,i]), h = h, PI = FALSE)$mean
allf <- ts(allf, start = 51)
# Earo Wang's solution to my previous question
hts:::TdFp(allf, nodes = htseg1$nodes)
Error in *.default(fcasts[, 1L], prop) : time-series/vector length mismatch
The problem seems to arise because a two level hierarchy skips the last if conditional with the condition if (l.levels > 2L). The last statement of this conditional multiplies includes a piece where prop is multiplied by the time series flist[[k + 1L]], which converts prop into a time series matrix. When this statement is skipped, prop remains a regular matrix causing the error when the time series vector fcasts[, 1L] is multiplied by the matrix prop.
I understand that TdFp is a non exported function and therefore may not be as robust as the other functions in the package, but is there any way around this problem? Since it is a relatively simple case, I can code a solution myself, but since hts::forecast.hts() can handle two level hierarchies for method = "tdfp", I thought there might be a nice clean solution.

How to force rpart to do exactly 1 Split

Having a problem similar to this, I am trying to force rpart to do exactly one split. Here is a toy example that reproduces my problem:
y <- factor(c(1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0))
x1 <- c(12,18,15,10,10,10,20,6,7,34,7,11,10,22,4,19,10,8,13,6,7,47,6,15,7,7,21,7,8,10,15)
x2 <- c(318,356,341,189,308,236,290,635,550,287,261,472,282,262,1153,435,402,182,415,544,251,281,378,498,142,566,152,560,284,213,326)
data <- data.frame(y=y,x1=x1,x2=x2)
tree <-rpart(y~.,
control=rpart.control(maxdepth=1, # at most 1 split
cp=0, # any positive improvement will do
minbucket=1, # even leaves with 1 point are accepted
xval=0)) # I don't need crossvalidation
length(tree$frame$var) #==1, so there are no splits
Isolating a single point should be possible (minbucket=1) and even the most marginal improvement (isolating one point always decreases the misclassification rate) should lead to the split being kept (cp=0).
Why does the result not include any splits? And how do I have to alter the code to always get exactly one split? Can it be that splits are not kept if both classify to the same factor output?
Change cp = 0 to cp = -1.
Apparently the cp for the first split (maxdepth = 3) is 0.0000000. So going negative allows it to show up with maxdepth = 1.

R Nonlinear Least Squares (nls) Model Fitting

I'm trying to fit the information from the G function of my data to the following mathematical mode: y = A / ((1 + (B^2)*(x^2))^((C+1)/2)) . The shape of this graph can be seen here:*%28x%5E2%29%29%5E%28%282%2B1%29%2F2%29%29
Here's a basic example of what I've been doing:
simdat.Gest <- Gest(simdat) #Gest is a function within spatstat (explained below)
Gvalues <- simdat.Gest$rs
Rvalues <- simdat.Gest$r
GvsR_dataframe <- data.frame(R = Rvalues, G = rev(Gvalues))
themodel <- nls(rev(Gvalues) ~ (1 / (1 + (B^2)*(R^2))^((C+1)/2)), data = GvsR_dataframe, start = list(B=0.1, C=0.1), trace = FALSE)
"Gest" is a function found within the 'spatstat' library. It is the G function, or the nearest-neighbour function, which displays the distance between particles on the independent axis, versus the probability of finding a nearest neighbour particle on the dependent axis. Thus, it begins at y=0 and hits a saturation point at y=1.
If you plot simdat.Gest, you'll notice that the curve is 's' shaped, meaning that it starts at y = 0 and ends up at y = 1. For this reason, I reveresed the vector Gvalues, which are the dependent variables. Thus, the information is in the correct orientation to be fitted the above model.
You may also notice that I've automatically set A = 1. This is because G(r) always saturates at 1, so I didn't bother keeping it in the formula.
My problem is that I keep getting errors. For the above example, I get this error:
Error in nls(rev(Gvalues) ~ (1/(1 + (B^2) * (R^2))^((C + 1)/2)), data = GvsR_dataframe, :
singular gradient
I've also been getting this error:
Error in nls(Gvalues1 ~ (1/(1 + (B^2) * (x^2))^((C + 1)/2)), data = G_r_dataframe, :
step factor 0.000488281 reduced below 'minFactor' of 0.000976562
I haven't a clue as to where the first error is coming from. The second, however, I believe was occurring because I did not pick suitable starting values for B and C.
I was hoping that someone could help me figure out where the first error was coming from. Also, what is the most effective way to pick starting values to avoid the second error?
As noted your problem is most likely the starting values. There are two strategies you could use:
Use brute force to find starting values. See package nls2 for a function to do this.
Try to get a sensible guess for starting values.
Depending on your values it could be possible to linearize the model.
G = (1 / (1 + (B^2)*(R^2))^((C+1)/2))
If B^2*R^2 is large, this becomes approx. ln(G) = -(C+1)*(ln(B)+ln(R)), which is linear.
If B^2*R^2 is close to 1, it is approx. ln(G) = -(C+1)/2*ln(2), which is constant.
(Please check for errors, it was late last night due to the soccer game.)
Edit after additional information has been provided:
The data looks like it follows a cumulative distribution function. If it quacks like a duck, it most likely is a duck. And in fact ?Gest states that a CDF is estimated.
simdat.Gest <- Gest(simdat)
Gvalues <- simdat.Gest$rs
Rvalues <- simdat.Gest$r
#let's try the normal CDF
fit <- nls(Gvalues~pnorm(Rvalues,mean,sd),start=list(mean=0.4,sd=0.2))
#Looks not bad. There might be a better model, but not the one provided in the question.
