Conditional place data into a prebuilt report - r

It's quite an interesting challenge, and I can't say that I entirely know how/the best way to go about it.
Basically I have a data set, I have attached a few picture to try and show you what I am working with. The data was randomly generated but it similar to what I am working with.
I am wanting to take the data, then input the date and value into the report based on the category, and date. The even more challenging part of it is that I need to have to report be filled out for each unique id. So it will have to create many different reports, and then fill it out.
Any idea/questions? I have no idea how to go about it.
I am experienced in R, excel, some python and SQL (but very little).

If you have the dataset in R, you could write a function that takes the parameters needed, performs the aggregation, and writes the result to excel.
It is not clear to me what exactly the data aggregation part is. Without reproducible data it is hard to go into more detail.


Complex Synthetic Data - Create manually or use a package/tool?

The data I work with consists of multiple tables (around 5-10) with single tables containing up to 10 million entries. So, overall I'd describe it as a large data set, but not too large to work with on a 'normal' computer. I'm in the need of a synthetic data set with the same structure and internal dependencies, i.e. a dummy data set. I can't use the data I work with as the data contains sensitive information.
I did research on synthetic data and came across different solutions. The first would be online providers where one uploads the original data and synthetic data is created based on the given input. This sounds like a nice solution, but I'd rather not share the original data with any external sources, so this is currently not an option for me.
The second solution I came across isthe synthpop package in R. I tried that, however, I encountered two problems: the first one being that for larger tables (as the tables in the orginal data sets are) it takes a very long time to execute. The second one being that I only got it working for a single table, however, I need to keep the dependencies between the tables, otherwhise the synthetic data doesn't make any sense.
The third option would be to do the whole data creation by myself. I have good and solid knowledge about the domain and the data, so I would be able to define the internal constraints formally and then write a script to follow these. The problem I see here is that it would obviously be a lot of work and as I'm no expert on synthetic data creation, I might still overlook something important.
So basically I have two questions:
Is there a good package/solution you can recommend (preferably in R, but ultimately the programming language doesn't matter so much) for automatically creating synthetic (and private) data based on original input data consisting of multiple tables?
Would you recommend the manual approach or would you recommend to spend more time on the synthpop package for example and try that approach?

Lost on .rds files/pulling data from tables

Very new using R for anything database related, much less with AWS.
I'm currently trying to work with this set of code here. Specifically the '### TEST SPECIFIC TABLES' section.
I'm able to get the code to run, but now I'm actually not sure how to pull data from the tables. I assume that I have to do something with 'groups' but not sure what I need to be doing next to pull the data out of it.
So even more specifically, how would I pull out specific data like revenue for all organizations within the year 2018 for example. I've tried readRDS to pull a table as a dataframe but I get no observations or variables for any table. So I'm sort of lost of what I need to do here to pull the data our of the tables.
Thanks in advance!

Talend for Master Data Management

I am working on a project to extract Master Data from a Database that gathers data from many departments, and this should be done using Talend.
I did some researches to understand what is Master Data exactly and I have some modest experience in working with Talend, the problem is how to detect unchangeable data (Master Data) ?
I can check dates, but what dates exactly? taking example of a sales department, I work based on order date or delivery date and see if the columns keep their values for a long time, but that doesn't sounds right because:
First of all, the values can be updated but not dates.
Secondly, this rule will work only if the database deals with transactions, but if a column has a distinct values this solution won't work, even though if it is a Master Data.
It is easy to deal with it manually and analyze type of column and then decide if it is a master data or not, but this process should be automated.
I hope my idea is clear and I did clarify the problem I am facing, any peace of advise can really help me a lot, if you have any other method in mind which is better, be my guest!

R Models with Factors in Tableau

I'm attempting to build a model for sales in R that is then integrated into Tableau so I can look at the predictions as they relate to the actual values. The model I'm building for sales is in R, and I'm trying to integrate it into Tableau by creating a calculated field that uses the model to give the predicted value for each record using the SCRIPT_REAL function in Tableau. The records are all coming from a MySQL database connection. The issue that I'm having comes from using factors in my model (for example, month).
If I want to group all of the predictions by day of week, Tableau can't perform the calculation because it tries to aggregate each field I'm using before passing it into the model. When it tries to aggregate month, not all of the values are the same, so it instead returns a "". Obviously a prediction value then can't be reached because there is no value associated with a "". Essentially what I'm trying to do is get a prediction value for each record that I have, and then aggregate those prediction values in various ways.
Okay, now I can understand a little bit better what you're talking about. A twbx with dummy data (and even dummy model, but that generates the same problem you're facing) would help even more, but let me try to say a couple of things
One thing that is important to understand is that SCRIPT functions are like table calculations, i.e., they are performed only with aggregated fields, they are computed last (after all aggregations, measures and regular calculations) and you can define the level of aggregation you want.
So, if you want to display values on a daily basis, put your date field on page, go to the day level, and for the calculation partition by DAY(date_field). If you want by week, same thing.
I find table calculations (including R scripts) very useful when they are an end, i.e. the calculation is the answer. It's not so useful (or better, not so easily manipulable) when it's an end, like an intermediate step before a final calculation to get to the answer. That is mainly because the level of aggregation is based on the fields that are on page. So, for instance, if I have multiple orders from different clients, and want to assess what's the average order value by customer, table calculation is great, WINDOW_AVG(SUM(order_value)) partitioned by customer. If, for some reason, I want to sum all this values, then it's tricky. I can't do it directly, as the avg order value is not stored anywhere, and cannot be retrieved without all the clients being on page. So what I usually do is to create the table with all customers, export it to mdb, and reconnect in Tableau.
I said all this because it might be your problem, when you say "Tableau can't perform the calculation because it tries to aggregate each field I'm using before passing it into the model". Yes, Tableau does that and there's nothing you can do about it, but figure out a way around it. Creating an intermediate table in Tableau, exporting it, and connecting to it again in Tableau might be an answer. Performing the calculations in R, exporting it and then connecting to Tableau might be another way.
But again, without actually seeing what you're trying to do, it's hard to say what you need to do

Array calculation in Tableau, maxif routine

I'm fairly new to Tableau, and I'm struggling in building some routines that could be easily implemented in Excel (though it would take forever for big sets of data).
So here is the deal, consider a dataset with the following fields:
int [id_order] -> id of the sales order (deepest level, there are only unique entries of id_order)
int [id_client] -> as I want to know who bought it
date [purchase_date] -> when the customer bought the product
What I want to know is, for each order, when was the last time (if ever) the client has bought something. In order words, what is the highest purchase_date for that user that is smaller than current purchase_date.
In excel, approach is simple (but again, not efficient)
Is there a way to do this kind of calculation in Tableau?
You can do this in Tableau using table calculations. They take a little time to understand how to use well, but are very powerful and flexible. I posted a sample Tableau workbook for a similar question in an answer for SO question Find first time a condition is met
Your situation is similar, but with the extra complication that you want to repeat the analysis for each client id, so you might want to try a recursive approach using the Previous_Value() function instead of the approach used in that example - though I'm not certain that previous_value() will fit your situation.
Still, it might be helpful to download the example workbook I mentioned to get an idea how table calculations can address similar problems.
Just to register the solution, in case someone has the same doubt.
So, basically the solution I found use table calculation, which is not calculated until it's called on a sheet (and is only calculated on the context of the sheet). That's a little bit limiting, so what I do is create a sheet with all the fields I need (+ what is necessary for the table calculation) then export the data (to mdb) and connect to this new file.
So, for my example, the right table calculation is (let's name it last_order_date):
Explanations. The MAX() is necessary because Lookup (and all table calculations) does not work with data directly, only with aggregations. You can use sum, avg, max, attr, whatever suits you. As in my case there will be only 1 correspondence, any function will do just fine and return the same value.
The -1 indicates that I'm looking for the element immediately before the current entry (of the table, as you define it). If it were FIRST(), it would go for the first entry of the table, and LAST() would go for the last.
Now, I have to put it on a sheet. So I'll bring the fields id_client, id_order, purchase_date and last_order_date.
Then I have to define the parameters of my table calculation last_order_date (Edit Table Calculation). I'll go to Compute using and choose advanced. Now I'll do Partitioning: id_client, and addressing all the rest. What will that do? This mean Tableau will create temporary tables for each id_client, and table calculations will use those tables as parameter.
Additionally, I will Sort by field purchase_date, Max (again the aggregation issue) and ascending, to guarantee my entries are in chronological order.
Now, what will it do? For each entry it will access the table of the id_client, and check what was the purchase_date that is immediately before the current entry (that is being assessed), exactly what I need.
To avoid spending Tableau processing in Visualization, I often put all the fields in details (and leave nothing on screen), use Bar chart (it's good because it allows me to see the data). Then I export it to mdb, then connect to it again. Unfortunately Tableau doesn't directly export to tde.
