Transfering Docker image saving IP address from Windows to Linux -

I'm very new to Docker (in fact I've been only using it for one day) so maybe I'm misunderstanding some basic concept but I couldn't find a solution myself.
Here's the problem. I have an ASP.NET Core server application on a Windows machine. It uses MongoDB as a datastore. Everything works fine. I decided to pack all this stuff into Docker containers and put it to a Linux (Ubuntu Server 18.04) server. I've packed mongo to a container so now its PUBLISHED IP:PORT value is
I've hardcoded this address to my ASP.NET server and also packed it to a container (IP
Now if I run my server and mongo containers together on my Windows machine, they work just fine. The server connects to a container with the database and can do whatever it needs.
But when I transfer both containers to Ubuntu and run them, the server cannot connect to the database because this IP address is not available there. I've beed googling for a few hours to find a solution and still I'm struggling with it.
What is the correct way to go about thes IP addresses? Is it possible to set an IP that will be the same for a container regardless of environment?

I recommend using docker-compose for the purpose you described above.
With docker-compose, you can access the database via a service name instead of an IP (which potentially is not available on another system). Here two links to get started
Updated answer (10.11.2019)
Here a concrete example for your app:
version: "3"
image: fqdn/aspnet:tag
- 8080:80
- database
image: mongo
- myMongoVolume:/data/db
myMongoVolume: {}
From the frontend container, you can reach the mongo db container via the service name "database" (instead of an IP). Due to the link definition in the frontend service, the frontend service will start after the linked service (database).
Through volume definition, the mongo database will be stored in a volume that persists independently from the container lifecycle.
Additionally, I assume you want to reach the application via the host IP. I do not know the port that you expose in your application so I assume the default port 80. Via the ports section in the frontend, we define that container port 80 is exposed as port 8080 on the host IP. e.g. you can open your browser and type your host IP and port 8080 e.g. for localhost and reach your application.
With docker-compose installed, you can start your app, which consists of your frontend and database service via
docker-compose up
Available command options for docker-compose can be found here
Install instructions for docker-compose
Updated answer (10.11.2019, v2)
From the comment section
Keep in mind that you need to connect via the servicename (e.g. database) and the correct port. For MongoDB that port is 27017. That would tanslate to database:27017 in your frontend config
Q: will mongo also be available from the outside in this case?
A: No, since the service does not contain any port definition the database itself will not be directly reachable. From a security standpoint, this is preferable.
Q: could you expain this
myMongoVolume: {}
A: in the service definition for your database service, we have specified a volume to store the database itself to make the data independent from the container lifecycle. However just by defining a volume in the service section the volume will not be created. Through the definition in the volume section, we create the volume myMongoVolume with the default settings (indicated through {}). If you would like to customize your volume you can do so in this volumes section of your docker-compose.yaml. More information regarding volumes can be found here
e.g. if you would like to use a specific storage driver for your volume or use an external storage.


Communicate between two services with docker on same host

I'm currently trying to host two of my core services in docker. I am able to get them both up and running but the problem is that I don't know how to communicate between the two containers.
I'm using docker-compose to get my applications up and running and to allocate the ports on my host machine.
The urls to the services are placed in the appsettings.json. I think the problem lies here because I don't know where to get the right IP of the running containers.
I already tried to use the host network in both docker-compose files but I wasn't able to get that working.
I also tried to get the container's IP by using docker container inspect. but those IP's are unreachable.
docker-compose of service 1:
version: '3.4'
context: .
dockerfile: app1/Dockerfile
- 5002:5002
docker-compose of service 2:
version: '3.4'
context: .
dockerfile: BackOffice/Dockerfile
- 5001:5001
I hope to find a way to be able to communicate between the two services.
You could use external_links options, seems the most fit solution in your case:
This explains bridging containers
If your communication is http based I would recommend having a http gateway that keeps track of your containers and their service endpoints.
You can communicate between two services in docker container using the name of service.
In your case, you have backoffice and leave.api services in your docker composed file.
So, you can access the backoffice service from leave.api using https://backoffice:5001/.
Thanks for all the answers, but I found another solution that works best for my situation.
I added the following line to both of my docker-compose files:
network_mode: bridge
This way both of my containers use the same network. After that I could communicate between the containes using my host ip address with the port the service is bound to. I placed this IP in the appsettings.json the same way as I had it before.

How to build multi tenant application using docker

I am pretty much new to the docker concept and know basics of it.
I just wanted to know how can we build multi tenant application using docker.
Where the containers will use the local hosted database with different schema.With the nginx we can do reverse proxy but how we can achieve it?
because every container will be accessed by localhost:8080 and how we can add upstream and server part.
It will be very helpful if some one explains it to me.
If I understand correctly you want processes in containers to connect to resources on the host.
From you containers perspective in bridge mode (the default), the host's IP is the gateway. Unfortunate the gateway IP address may vary and can only be determinate at runtime.
Here are a few ways to get it:
From the host using docker inspect: docker inspect <container name or ID>. The gateway will be available under NetworkSettings.Networks.Gateway.
From the container you can execute route | awk '/^default/ { print $2 }'
One other possibility is to use --net=host when running your container.
This will run you processes on the same network as your processes on your host. Doing so will make your database accessible from the container on localhost.
Note that using --net=host will not work on Docker for mac/windows.

Docker nginx-proxy : proxy between containers

I am currently running a development stack using Docker-Compose in my company, to provide to developers everything they need to code our applications.
It includes in particular:
a Gitlab container (sameersbn/gitlab) to manage private GIT repositories,
a Jenkins container (library/jenkins) for building and continuous integration,
an Archiva container (ninjaben/archiva-docker) to manage Maven repositories.
In order to secure the services through HTTPS, and exposing them to the outside world, I installed the excellent nginx-proxy container (jwilder/nginx-proxy) which allows automated nginx proxy configuration using environment variables on containers, and automated HTTP to HTTPS redirection.
DNS are configured to map each public URL of dockerized services to the IP of the host.
Finally, using Docker-Compose, my docker-compose.yml file looks like this :
version: '2'
image: jwilder/nginx-proxy
- "80:80"
- "443:443"
- /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock:ro
- /var/config/nginx-proxy/certs:/etc/nginx/certs:ro
# Configuration of postgresql container ...
image: sameersbn/gitlab
- "10022:22"
- /var/data/gitlab:/home/git/data
# Bunch of environment variables ...
image: ninjaben/archiva-docker
- /var/data/archiva:/var/archiva
image: jenkins
- /var/data/jenkins:/var/jenkins_home
For a developer workstation, everything works as expected. One can access the difference services through, and
The problem occurs when one of the dockerized service access another dockerized service. For instance, If I try to access from jenkins docker, I will get a timeout error from the proxy.
It seems that even if is resolved as the public host IP from the docker container, requests coming from dockerized services are not proxied by nginx-proxy.
As far as I understood, docker-nginx is handling requests coming from the host network, but does not care about the ones coming from the internal container network (_dockerconfig_default_ for a Docker-Compose stack).
You could say, why would I need to use the proxy from a container ? Of course, I could use URL http://archiva:8080 from Jenkins container, and it would work. But this kind of configuration is not scalable.
For example, using a Gradle build to compile one application, the build.gradle needs to declare my private repository through It will work if build is launched from a developer workstation, but not through the jenkins container ...
Another example is an authentication in Jenkins by OAuth GitLab service, where the same URL GitLab authentication needs to be both available from the outside, and inside the Jenkins container.
My question here is then : How to configure nginx-proxy to proxy a request from a container to another container ?
I did not see any topic discussing this problem, and I do not understand enough the problem to build a solution on nginx configuration.
Any help would be really appreciated.
BMitch, the odds were good, it was indeed a iptables rules problem, and not a misconfiguration of nginx-proxy.
The default policy of chain INPUT for the table filter was DROP, and no rules was made to ACCEPT requests from the container IPs (127.20.X.X).
So for the record, I give some details of the situation if other people face the same problem.
To access containers from the outside world, Docker put rules on PREROUTING and FORWARD rules to allow external IPs to be DNATed from the host IP to the container IPs. Theses default rules allow any external IPs, and that is why limiting access to containers requires some advanced iptables customizations.
See this link for an example :
But if your containers need to access host resources (services runing on the host, or in my case, a nginx-proxy container listening to HTTP/HTTPS host port and proxying to containers), you need to take care about the iptables rules of the INPUT chain.
In fact, a request coming from the container and addressed to the host will be routed to the host network stack by the Docker daemon, but will then need to pass the INPUT chain (as the request src IP is the host one). So if you want to protect host resources and let containers access them, do not remember to add something like this :
iptables -A INPUT -s 127.20.X.X/24 -j ACCEPT
Where 127.20.X.X/24 is the virtual network on which your containers are running.
Thank you a lot for your help.

Docker Swarm JDBC connection

Running a Postgresql DB on a Docker Swarm containing multiple nodes where the Database can be deployed. Using Docker version 1.12+.
Using a Data container, the Postgresql failover is working nicely. Now I would like to have a Java client connect to the DB and also survive failover. How should the JDBC connections be managed here? Does the connection string change? Or should it be managed through something like an nginx container running elsewhere? Is there an example of this available for study anywhere? Conceptually, I think I get moving this off to another (nginx-like) container, but can't quite grok the details!
In swarm mode, you get service discovery by DNS name for services in the same overlay network, you don't need to add a proxy layer yourself. The swam networking docs go into detail, but in essence:
docker network create -d overlay app-net
docker service create --name app-db --network app-net [etc.]
docker service create --name app-web --network app-net [etc.]
Your database server is available by DNS within the network as app-db, to any service in the same app-net network. So app-db is the server name you use in your JDBC connection string. You can have multiple replicas of the Postgres container, or a single container which moves around at failover - the service will always be available at that address.
But: I would be cautious about failover with your data container. You have a single container with your database state there; even if your state is in a volume, it won't move around the cluster. So if the node with the data fails, your data container will start somwhere else, but the data won't go with it.

How to organize architecture of an isomorphic app using docker?

I am developing an isomorphic app. The key moment here is that js code on frontend server and on client is the same.
Suppose we have the following services:
Of course each of these services lives in it's own docker container.
And there is a need to access backend and comments services from client side (as and respectively).
It seems pretty reasonable to use nginx as reverse proxy here. So these are new containers to be added:
And the last problem is to resolve * to nginx. How to achieve this without buying domain? Of course solution is to add DNS to each container and to dev host. But what docker container should I use as DNS server?
Or maybe there is better architecture?
