wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host - http

When sending Post to a https rest api endpoint in my local network I'm receiving the error:
wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
However, when I use Postman on the same server it works fine.
The problem is specific to my Go http configuration, I'm just not sure what the problem is.
I've tried disabling TLS on the http client but the problem persists:
// disable SSLVerify
func getHttpClient() *http.Client {
tr := &http.Transport{TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true}} // disable SSL integrity check
return &http.Client{Transport: tr}
edit: correction, it's being routed over a proxy, probably Bluecoat, that's performing some MitM operations. But still can't figure out why it works over Postman, but not with Golang.


Why do websockets and HTTP conflict?

I am trying to use the same port on the same host.
Websocket URL
But when I open the "" page, I get this error message.
Failed to open a WebSocket connection: invalid Connection header: keep-alive.
You cannot access a WebSocket server directly with a browser. You need a WebSocket client.
Http does not work. But, websocket is connected normally.
How can I solve this problem?
The WebSocket protocol is not the HTTP protocol.
Although the WebSocket protocol does initiate a new connection using an HTTP request, it quickly upgrades the connection to full WebSocket (which requires a Connection: upgrade header in the initial request, not Connection: keep-alive).
You can't use a vanilla web browser to directly communicate with a WebSocket URL, as such a browser doesn't know how to finish the upgrade, let alone process any WebSocket packets. So, you must use a valid WebSocket client (such as the WebSocket API that modern browsers expose to client-side scripting).

improbable-eng/grpc-web Response closed without headers

I have a server in go using gRPC and on the react client I'm using grpc web with grpcwebproxy and I've been trying to connect my client to the server but constantly get error Code 2, with the message: Response closed without headers. Has anybody else encountered this issue? I'm currently using improbable-eng implementation of grpc-web.
You probably need to configure grpcwebproxy for CORS, see this docs.
grpcwebproxy: might have read/write timeout and close your longPolling connection by timeout. Relevant for all client-server streaming calls.
server_http_max_read_timeout – HTTP server config, max read duration (default 10s).
server_http_max_write_timeout – HTTP server config, max write duration (default 10s).

FiddlerCore: HTTP Tunnel Issue

I have an application, and I am trying to intercept its requests with FiddlerCore.
Using Fiddler, I see the requests as follows:
(HTTP CONNECT tunnel into HTTPS request)
When using FiddlerCore, I am only seeing the initial HTTP CONNECT tunnel, and the application is not requesting. after that, stating:
Failed to connect to server.
This is the code I'm using in the BeforeRequest method:
if (oSession.HTTPMethodIs("CONNECT"))
oSession["x-replywithtunnel"] = "FakeTunnel";
And the output from the FiddlerCore program (upon running the application):
The application is a Java application, which I had to create a keystore for using the FiddlerRoot certificate, and I am wondering if this is where the problem lies.
(Images as such since low reputation)
Solution: FiddlerCore uses a different SSL certificate than Fiddler itself.

Use JMeter HTTP Proxy to record JSON over HTTP request from not-a-browser client

I have a client program running locally in iPhone emulator and local server written in Java. Client talks to server with JSON over HTTP requests. Now I am trying to record a client session http requests with JMeter to use them as a base to load-test server.
The problem is client requests do not go throw JMeter proxy. Client gets 501 "Method not implemented" (it is not because of https, I am using http). There is nothing in JMeter log about the request, and obviously nothing gets recorded in JMeter and the request doesn't reach the server.
There is well-described steps to setup JMeter proxy to record request from a browser, but my client programm is not a browser. Though JSON over HTTP is widely adopted approach, I could not find anything on the web about recording such requests with JMeter. I understand I need to do on the client the same thing browser does when proxying request and what I've found about it is that I need to set Host header to server's host and port, but that did not work and I cannot see how is it related to 501 error client gets.
If someone can explain what should be done on client or how to configure JMeter to let it know where to proxy client's requests or link any manual explaining that, it would be great help. I've been searching for solution for a few hours already and had no luck. Please help.
You can see my question and the answer I got below:
Use Jmeter proxy to record HTTP calls from iOS simulator
In short:
With this tutorial you can record calls from your Android device:
For make same thing with iPhone, do the following steps:
Mac configuration:
system preferences -> Network -> Advanced.. -> Proxies -> check "Web Proxy (HTTP) ->in "Web Proxy Server" field, type your IP (, and choose available port (I using 8080) ->ok -> Apply
iPhone configuration:
Settings -> WiFi -> choose same wifi you use with your Mac -> press on it again to go to it's details -> scroll down ->In HTTP proxy, choose Manual -> server = your mac IP you found earlier -> port = the port you chosen (maybe 8080)
Now You can start recording all "iPhone network out" using jmeter recording controller

HTTP Connect via NTLM authenticating proxy server

I am trying to write Connect calls via a NTLM authenticating proxy server. I open a socket to the proxy server and send it a “CONNECT x.x.x.49:80 HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n”. I expect this to fail as it is an authenticating proxy server but it fails and also closes my connection to the proxy server. I am using Wireshark to check packet values. I can see “Proxy-Connection: close\r\n”. If I do a GET it does not close the connection.
My question is if it is correct for a failed Connect call to close my socket connection?
I'm not 100% clear about your question - I would not expect the first CONNECT to fail with an NTLM proxy server, as it should have sent a Proxy-Authenticate: NTLM header back.
In any case, proxy server has the full right to close the client-side connection in a case of failure, so the answer to your question is "yes". It is odd that it does not do the same for GET, however proxies are more limited with what they can do as a response to CONNECT, and this one may decide that it can't support HTTPS for your request.
