Wijmo Flexgrid how to get number of rows pasted/Get index of row where data is pasted - wijmo

I want to change data while pasting. I am pasting a number of rows and I want to change on pasted data.
I am trying on pasting event but I am not able to get the index of pasted rows.

You can use the event data that was sent to the pasting event:
grid.pasting.addHandler(function(s, e) {
let row = e.row; // gets the starting row index
let rng = e.range; // gets the whole cell range which were affected


javascript for Array how many and min

I am trying to create a form in Acrobat. I want it to do some calculations. I got almost all of them done aside from 2.
I have an array of cells DF1 to DF78 so I need a calculation script that will give me the minimum value in that array not counting the blank ones.
In the same array of cells DF1 to DF78 I need a calculation script to find how many fields in that array have value and bring me up the number.
I already tried using the min option on the acrobat DC and selecting the fields. Ii want to look at DF1 to DF78. However, it always shows 0 because it's counting the empty fields as well.
I tried looking online, but all the scripts that they show are very confusing. I can't find where to put the array in there.
I wish I had a script to put it in here... sorry.
I have fields DF1 to DF78 so a total of 78 fields, and I need to find the minimum value in that array not including the fields that are blank.
Another script for the same fields DF1 to DF78 needs to count how many of the fields actually have data ex: DF1, DF2, DF3 had data on it and the rest are empty so it should display the number 3 because 3 of the 78 fields have data in them.
I hope somebody can help me with this.
This should work... Add it to the calculate action of a new hidden field you want the numbers to show up. Fix the names on the last two lines first.
valueArray = [];
for (var i = 1; i <= 78 ; i++) {
//Get the fieldvalue by assembling the name with the prefix and the number increment
var fieldVal = this.getField("DF"+i).value;
//Acrobat field values are never null. The value of a blank field is an empty string
if (fieldVal != "") {
//Add non-empty field values to an Array.
// Get the minimum value in the array.
var minValue = Math.min.apply(null, valueArray);
// Get the number of non-blank fields.
var nonBlankFields = valueArray.length;
this.getField("RESULT FOR YOUR 1st QUESTION FIELD NAME HERE").value = minValue;
this.getField("RESULT FOR YOUR 2nd QUESTION FIELD NAME HERE").value = nonBlankFields;

How to create add and subtract buttons to track inventory

I've been searching for similar solutions out there but am coming up short so far. Here is what I want to accomplish:
I need to come up with a basic solution to sync inventory quantities at the end of each day. We take physical counts of inventory sold throughout the day but need something to log these changes and share between users. I would like to utilize two buttons (click one to subtract amount of items sold at the end of the day and click one button to add newly received inventory).
This is how my sheet is set up:
Col A: Product Tag
Col B: Product sku
Col C: Amount Sold Today
Col D: Total Inventory Quantity
Col E: Add New Inventory
Column D will be pre-populated with initial inventory counts. At the end of each day, I would like to go down my product list and fill in the amount of each item sold that day in Column C. Once Column C is fully populated, I would like to click the "subtract" button and have Column C subtracted from Column D.
On the other side, once we receive new stock of an item I would like to enter these counts into Column E. Once this column is fully populated, I would like to click the "Add" button and have Column E added to Column D. Ideally once the add or subtract function has been completed, columns C or E will be cleared and ready for the next days entry.
I already have designed my buttons, I just need help coming up with the scripts to accomplish this.
You can use Google Apps Script for this.
If you are unfamiliar, in your particular spreadsheet, go to Tools → Script Editor and then select the Blank Project option.
Then you can write functions like this to achieve what you want!
function subtractSold() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var c1 = sheet.getRange("C2");
var c2 = sheet.getRange("D2");
while (!c1.isBlank() && !c2.isBlank()){
c2.setValue(c2.getValue() - c1.getValue());
c1 = c1.offset(1, 0);
c2 = c2.offset(1, 0);
Basically what the function does is:
Get a reference to the active spreadsheet
Get references to the cells C2 and D2, for the first row of data.
Use a while loop to repeated go through the rows. Terminate when either cell is empty.
In the loop, we get the appropriate values, subtract and set the value back into the cell. Then we clear the cell in column C. We then move both cell references down by one row (the offset method returns a reference to the original cell, but offset by row, column).
Then assign the script to the button image by entering the name of the function (subtractSold in this case) in the "Assign script" option for the button.
I have made an example sheet here (go to File → Make a Copy to try the scripts and see the code): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qIJdTvG0d7ttWAUEov23HY5aLhq5wgv9Tdzk531yhfU/edit?usp=sharing
A bit faster
If you try the sheet above you can see it processes one row at a time, which might get pretty slow when you have a lot of rows. It is probably faster to process the entire column in bulk, but it may be a bit more complicated to understand:
function subtractSoldBulk() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var maxRows = sheet.getMaxRows();
var soldRange = sheet.getRange(2, 3, maxRows); // row, column, number of rows
var totalRange = sheet.getRange(2, 4, maxRows);
var soldValues = soldRange.getValues();
var totalValues = totalRange.getValues();
for (var row in soldValues) {
var soldCellData = soldValues[row][0];
var totalCellData = totalValues[row][0];
if (soldCellData != "" && totalCellData != "") {
totalValues[row][0] = totalCellData - soldCellData;
soldValues[row][0] = "";
The difference here is that instead of getting one cell, we get one range of cells. The getValues() method then gives us a 2D array of the data in that range. We do the calculations on the two arrays, update the data in the arrays, and then set the values of the ranges based on the array data.
You can find documentation for the methods used above from Google's documentation: https://developers.google.com/apps-script/reference/spreadsheet/sheet

empty row and column while Exporting Several XtraGrid Controls to a Single Excel File

I have read this article and tested, it works but my problem is that there are one wide empty column (column A) and one wide empty row (row 1) in every sheet (in excel file). I know that this is the setting of PrintingBase class. But how can i remove those first empty column and row ?
i have found the answer to my own question:
var compositeLink = new CompositeLinkBase();
var link1 = new PrintableComponentLinkBase();
// this is the margins in sheet1
link1.Margins.Left = 0;
link1.MinMargins.Left = 0;
link1.Component = DG1;
// then export to excel :)

Flex mobile - How do I move to the next data in List.selectedItem when moving to next page?

When I move page01 to page02, I pass the same data along with it using the following code:
navigator.pushView(Page02, data);
How do I move to page02 with passing the next row of data (instead of the same data)?
In other word, how to increment to the next row of data with pushView?
If you have access to the List component which displays the data you want to pass into views, you can do something like this:
You'll want to do some checking to make sure that you're trying to reference an index that actually exists:
var mySelectedObject :Object;
if(myList.selectedIndex+1 < myList.dataProvider.length){
mySelectedObject = myList.dataProvider[myList.selectedIndex+1]
} else {
// do some other behaviour; such as selecting the first one in the list
mySelectedObject = myList.dataProvider[0]
navigator.pushView(page02, mySelectedObject );

Flex - sorting a datagrid column by the row's label

I'm creating a table that displays information from a MySQL database, I'm using foreignkeys all over the place to cross-reference data.
Basically I have a datagrid with a column named 'system.' The system is an int that represents the id of an object in another table. I've used lableFunction to cross-reference the two and rename the column. But now sorting doesn't work, I understand that you have to create a custom sorting function. I have tried cross-referencing the two tables again, but that takes ~30sec to sort 1200 rows. Now I'm just clueless as to what I should try next.
Is there any way to access the columns field label inside the sort function?
public function order(a:Object,b:Object):int
var v1:String = a.sys;
var v2:String = b.sys;
if ( v1 < v2 ){
return -1;
}else if ( v1 > v2 ){
return 1;
}else {
return 0;
One way to handle this is to go through the objects you received and add the label as a property on each of them based on the cross-referenced id. Then you can specify your label property to display in your data grid column instead of using a label function. That way you would get sorting as you'd expect rather than having to create your own sort function.
The way that DataGrids, and other list based classes work is by using itemRenderers. Renderers are only created for the data that is shown on screen. In most cases there is a lot more data in your dataProvider than what is seen on screen.
Trying to sort your data based on something displayed by the dataGrid will most likely not give you the results you want.
But, there is no reason you can't call the same label function on your data objects in the sortFunction.
One way is to use the itemToLabel function of the dataGrid:
var v1:String = dataGrid.itemToLabel(a);
var v2:String = dataGrid.itemToLabel(b);
A second way is to just call the labelFunction explicitly:
var v1:String = labelFunction(a);
var v2:String = = labelFunction(b);
In my experience I have found sorting to be extremely quick, however you're recordset is slightly larger than what I usually load in memory at a single time.
