How to execute different recipes based on the output of a condition? - gnu-make

I am trying to compile all the source files except the one ones that are excluded.
Take into consideration that I can neither control the target nor the prerequisites, I can only control the recipe.
For some reason the if condition does not behave properly.
The first condition is always satisfied even if the output is true which happens when the source file is among the excluded files in custom_c_excludes variable, so the correct behavior should be that the ifep condition fails and the block preceding else should be executed.
(Condition output : true => don't compile it)
(Condition output : false => compile it)
$(OBJDIR)/%.$(OBJEXT): %.c
ifeq (false,$(if $(findstring $<,$(custom_c_excludes)),true,false))
#echo 'This file is included and should be compiled.'
#echo 'Condition output : $(if $(findstring $<,$(custom_c_excludes)),true,false)'
#echo 'This file is not included and should not be compiled.'
#echo 'Condition output : $(if $(findstring $<,$(custom_c_excludes)),true,false)'
The expected output is either :
This file is included and should be compiled.
Condition output : false
This file is not included and should not be compiled.
Condition output : true
The actual output is :
This file is included and should be compiled.
Condition output : true

ifeq is evaluated during parsing Makefile, not during execution of the recipe, so your recipe will always generate the same. You can verify it with make -p:
# Implicit Rules
obj/%.o: %.c
# recipe to execute (from 'Makefile', line 11):
#echo 'This file is included and should not be compiled.'
#echo 'Condition output : $(if $(findstring $<,$(custom_c_excludes)),true,false)'
However, if you do know which files are to be evaluated differently (like this custom_c_excludes variable), you can do a static pattern rule, i.e.:
$ cat Makefile
OBJDIR := obj
custom_c_excludes := foo.c
$(OBJDIR)/%.$(OBJEXT): %.c
#echo 'This file is included and should be compiled.'
$(patsubst %.c,$(OBJDIR)/%.$(OBJEXT),$(custom_c_excludes)): $(OBJDIR)/%.$(OBJEXT): %.c
#echo 'This file is not included and should not be compiled.'
$ make obj/foo.o
This file is not included and should not be compiled.
$ make obj/bar.o
This file is included and should be compiled.


Defining local variable in Makefile target

How to define local variable in Makefile target?
I would like to avoid repeating filename like:
FILENAME := "text.txt"
#echo "Copying ${FILENAME}...";
scp "${FILENAME}" "user#host:/home/user/${FILENAME}"
But I am getting an error:
FILENAME := "text.txt"
/bin/sh: FILENAME: command not found
Same with $(FILENAME)
export FILENAME="text.txt"
#echo "Copying ${FILENAME} to $(EC2)";
Gives me an empty value:
Copying ...
You can't define a make variable inside a recipe. Recipes are run in the shell and must use shell syntax.
If you want to define a make variable, define it outside of a recipe, like this:
FILENAME := text.txt
#echo "Copying ${FILENAME}...";
scp "${FILENAME}" "user#host:/home/user/${FILENAME}"
Note, it's virtually never correct to add quotes around a value when assigning it to a make variable. Make doesn't care about quotes (in variable values or expansion) and doesn't treat them specially in any way.
The rules for a target are executed by the shell, so you can set a variable using shell syntax:
#FILENAME="text.txt"; \
echo "Copying $${FILENAME}..."; \
scp "$${FILENAME}" "user#host:/home/user/$${FILENAME}"
Notice that:
I'm escaping end-of-line using \ so that everything executes in
the same shell
I'm escaping the $ in shell variables by writing $$ (otherwise
make will attempt to interpret them as make variables).
For this rule, which apparently depends on a file named text.txt,
you could alternatively declare text.txt as an explicit dependency and then write:
zsh: text.txt
#echo "Copying $<..."; \
scp "$<" "user#host:/home/user/$<"

gprbuild get external information into source

I am trying to have gprbuild automatically set some variables' values in my source code - one way or another. In particular I want the outputs of certain commands to be accessible from within the code. In C with Makefiles this is easy:
#include <stdio.h>
int main() { printf("%s\n", COMMAND_OUTPUT); return 0; }
result : source.c
$(CC) -DCOMMAND_OUTPUT=`command -with -options`
However I have no idea how to do such a thing with gprbuild and Ada. (Short of ditching gprbuild and just using make - but I rather like gprbuild)
Ada does not use a preprocessor like C does.You cannot expect Ada compilers to modify strings in your code.
Use of such inline editing can easily become a violation of Ada strong typing, which would be very difficult to diagnose and would be completely invisible to source code static analysis.
I solve that by generating an Ada file from the makefile before building.
An example:
HG_MODIFIER = `test $$(hg status | wc -c || echo 0) -gt 0 && echo "plus changes" || echo "as committed"`
HG_REVISION = `hg tip --template '{node}' 2>/dev/null || echo N/A_____________________________________`
#mkdir -p src
#echo 'package 'Mercurial is' > $(HG_STATE_SOURCE)
#echo ' Revision : constant String (1 .. 53) :=' >> $(HG_STATE_SOURCE)
#echo ' "'$(HG_REVISION)' '$(HG_MODIFIER)'";' >> $(HG_STATE_SOURCE)
#echo 'end 'Mercurial;' >> $(HG_STATE_SOURCE)
Yes, the gnatprep preprocessor allows exactly the same as what you have in your C code:
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Main is
Put_Line ($Command_Output);
end Main;
project simple_gnatprep is
for Create_Missing_Dirs use "True";
Command_Output := external ("Command_Output");
for Source_Dirs use (".");
for Exec_Dir use ".";
for Main use ("main.adb");
for Object_Dir use "obj/" & "CommandOutput_" & Command_Output;
package Compiler is
for Switches ("Ada") use ("-gnateDCommand_Output=""" & Command_Output & """");
end Compiler;
end simple_gnatprep;
COMMAND_OUTPUT=$(shell echo hello there)
gprbuild -d -p -g -XCommand_Output='${COMMAND_OUTPUT}'
rm -rf obj/ *.exe
Note I have included the command output in the obj/ directory used, which will fail if the command outputs any symbol that cannot appear in a directory name. However, if you omit it then gprbuild will say that your executable is up-to-date when nothing has changed except the output of the command.
Another option is to always remove the object directory before compiling, but when possible it is better to include the value of any preprocessor symbols in the object path so that switching from one configuration (e.g. Debug / Release) to another and back doesn't throw away intermediate results and slow down your development process.
Gnatprep is only included in the GNAT compiler, because there isn't yet any provision for preprocessing in the Ada standard. For other compilers, you will need to run each file through gnatprep separately in the Makefile, and then pass it to the compiler. In this case there is no need to fiddle with object directory names, as the source file will always be new and the compiler will always have to recompile everything.

GNU Make dynamically created variable name

This is my make recipe, I'm passing nonle value *, although bamboo_nonle_password variable is having password, still function is failing
validatevar.%: $(if $(IS_BAMBOO),)
#echo "\n################################################################################"
#echo ">>> validatevar"
#echo ">>> Start: Validate bamboo variables "
ifndef bamboo_$*_password
#echo "Bamboo variable bamboo_$*_password is empty"
exit 1
ifndef bamboo_$*_server
#echo "Bamboo variable bamboo_$*_server is empty"
exit 1
#echo "<<< Done: validatevar"
#echo "################################################################################\n\n"
You crazy person :)
Make will expand the recipe just before it wants to execute it.
At this point make knows what the % corresponds to,
and so can ensure $* is set appropriately.
Unfortunately, the ifndef…endif pair is evaluated as the makefile is read,
not as the recipe is expanded.
This suggests the answer:
use macros.
Maybe $(origin …) or $(flavor …) in something like
$(if $(filter undefined,$(origin bamboo_$*_password)),#echo "Bamboo variable bamboo_$*_password is undefined")
$(if $(filter undefined,$(origin bamboo_$*_password)),exit 1)
Naturally you can tidy this up a bit.
die-if-undefined = $(if $(filter undefined,$(origin $1)),$(error "$1" is undefined))
$(call die-if-undefined,bamboo_$*_password)
$(call die-if-undefined,bamboo_$*_server)
Two things to note:
The whole of the recipe is expanded in one go, before any of the lines are executed.
The upshot of this is that it doesn't matter where you expand the $(error) assertions.
I have put them at the top.
ifndef also detects empty variables, as well as undefined ones. You may wish to adjust die-if-undefined to take account of this (and rename it to die-if-empty).
(This would all be a lot easier if make would only take a --error-undefined-variables parameter,
just to match the existing --warn-undefined-variables parameter.)

How do I specify target dependant prerequisits with GNUMake?

Say I have a list of source files like this:
SOURCE=aaa.src bbb.src ccc.src
I want to create a rule to build each corresponding target in its own folder, the name of which depends on the soruce file.
Sourcefile ----> Corresponding output file / target
aaa.src -------------------> aaa/aaa.out
bbb.src -------------------> bbb/bbb.out
ccc.src -------------------> ccc/ccc.out
How do I write a rule for this using GNUMake? My best effort was the following Makefile:
.PHONY: all clean
SOURCE := aaa.src bbb.src ccc.src
RTARGS := $(SOURCE:%.src=%.out)
TDIRS := $(addsuffix /,$(basename $(SOURCE)))
TARGS := $(join $(TDIRS), $(RTARGS))
%.out: $(SOURCE) # Better source specification?
#[ ! -d "$(dir $*)" ] && mkdir "$(dir $*)"
$(CC) "$(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $*)).src" "$#"
rm -f $(TARGS)
rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty $(TDIRS)
The problem here is, that any one target (i.e. .out file) depends on every source (i.e. .src file), instead of just the one that has the same basename. I could change the commented line to %.out: %.src but than the source file would have to be in the same directory as the output file. I could also compile it something like this:
%.out: %.src
$(CC) "$>" -o "$*/$#"
But then make would always compile every target regardless of whether it already exists or not.
How do I get make to use the appropriate source file only. What is the proper way of specifying dependences for each target separately in a generic rule?
In GNU Make you can specify prerequisites separately from recipes and still have a generic / pattern rule for all .out files:
.PHONY: all clean
all :
SOURCES := aaa.src bbb.src ccc.src
OUTPUTS := $(foreach src,${SOURCES},$(basename ${src})/${src:%.src=%.out})
# Build dependencies in the form of x/x.out : x.src | x
$(basename ${1})/${1:%.src=%.out} : ${1} | $(basename ${1}) # Also depend on the output directory.
$(basename ${1}) : # Rule to create the output directory.
mkdir $$#
$(foreach src,${SOURCES},$(eval $(call ESTABLISH_DEPENDENCY,${src})))
all : ${OUTPUTS}
# Generice rule for all .out files.
%.out :
#echo "build $# from $^"
touch $#
%.src : # For debugging only.
touch $#
.PHONY: all
$ make
touch aaa.src
mkdir aaa
build aaa/aaa.out from aaa.src
touch aaa/aaa.out
touch bbb.src
mkdir bbb
build bbb/bbb.out from bbb.src
touch bbb/bbb.out
touch ccc.src
mkdir ccc
build ccc/ccc.out from ccc.src
touch ccc/ccc.out
Note that it is more efficient and elegant to have order-only dependencies on directories and let make create them, than to have each recipe checking directory existence first.

ifeq issue: compare 2 strings with a dot included

I am trying to implement a simple string comparison to get the type of a file (using its extension) like this:
extract_pkg: $(PKG)
$(eval EXT := $(suffix $(PKG)))
#echo $(EXT)
ifeq ($(EXT), .zip)
#echo "is zip file"
#echo "is not a zip file"
extract_pkg : PKG =
However, when I run it it goes into the else branch. My guess is, it has to do with the dot, but I dont find a solution. Thanks for your help !
Edit 1: the essential code would be actually somewhat like the following, and it works as expected:
ifeq (.zip,.zip)
#echo ""
ifeq (zip,zip)
#echo "zip==zip"
thus the problem is somewhere else !
One thing to be careful about -- spaces in if constructs are significant. So if you have something like:
ifeq ($(EXT), .zip)
it will only match if $(EXT) expands to exactly ".zip" -- including the space before the period. So your first example will always print is not a zip file, since $(EXT) will never contain the space.
You cannot use ifeq() etc. inside recipes. ifeq() are preprocessor statements: they are interpreted immediately as the makefile is read in. Recipes are not run until much later, after all makefiles are parsed and make decides that this target needs to be updated. So trying to set a variable in a recipe using eval, etc. then test that variable using ifeq() cannot work.
You have to use shell constructs for this; something like:
extract_pkg: $(PKG)
#EXT=$(suffix $<); \
echo $$EXT; \
if [ $$EXT = .zip ]; then \
echo "is zip file"; \
else \
echo "is not a zip file"; \
