Remote Go Registry to a self hosted Git repo (not Github/Gitlab/bitbucket) - artifactory

How can I create a remote repo to a Git server, which is not GitHub, and is hosted on prem (along with Artifactory)?
We currently use Go mod or Glide with "regular" git clone and no Artifactory. In order to make the transition from "regular" to Artifactory smooth, I have to create a remote registry to point to my Git server and setup GOPROXY. Since part of the artifacts will be in Artifactory Go-local and part of them will be in the Git server I might be facing a problem. I think that even JFrog-cli tool will have to make 2 step to pull the data (first with --no-registry and the second "with-registry").
Since the docs explains only how to setup Github and GoCenter remote registries, and I would like to be able to pull code from any other type of git servers as well.


Practical Use of Artifactory Repositories

In a near future I will start using Artifactory in my project. I have been reading about local and remote repositories and I am a bit confused of their practical use. In general as far as I understand
Local repositories are for pushing and pulling artifacts. They have no connection to a remote repository (i.e. npm repo at
Remote repositories are for pulling and caching artifacts on demand. It works only one way, it is not possible to push artifacts.
If I am right up to this point, then practically it means you only need a remote repository for npm if you do not develop npm modules but only use them to build your application. In contrast, if you need to both pull and push Docker container images, you need to have one local repository for pushing&pulling custom images and one remote repository for pulling official images.
Question #1
I am confused because our Artifactory admin created a local npm repository for our project. When I discussed the topic with him he told me that I need to first get packages from the internet to my PC and push them to Artifactory server. This does not make any sense to me because I have seen some remote repositories on the same server and what we need is only to pull packages from npm. Is there a point that I miss?
Question #2
Are artifacts at remote repository cache saved until intentionally deleted? Is there a default retention policy (i.e. delete packages older than 6 months)? I ask this because it is important to keep packages until a meteor hits the servers (for archiving policy of the company).
Question #3
We will need to get official Docker images and customize them for CI. It would be a bit hard to maintain one local repo for pulling&pushing custom images and one remote repo for pulling official images. Let's say I need to pull official Ubuntu latest, modify it, push and finally pull the custom image back. In this case it should be pulled using remote repository, pushed to local repo and pulled again from local repo. Is it possible to use virtual repositories to do this seamlessly as one repo?
Question #1 This does not make any sense to me because I have seen some remote repositories on the same server and what we need is only to pull packages from npm. Is there a point that I miss?
Generally, you would want to use a remote repository for this. You would then point your client to this remote repository and JFrog Artifactory would grab them from the remote site and cache them locally, as needed.
In some very secure environments, corporate policies do not even allow this (they may not even be connected to the internet) and instead manually download, vet, and then upload those third-party libraries to a local repository. I don't think that is your case and they may just not understand their intended usages.
Question #2 Are artifacts at remote repository cache saved until intentionally deleted? Is there a default retention policy?
They will not be deleted unless you actively configure it to do so.
For some repo types there are built-in retention mechanisms like the number of snapshots or maximum tags but not for all of them and even in those that have it, they must be actively turned on. Different organizations have different policies for how long artifacts must be maintained. There are a lot of ways to cleanup those old artifacts but ultimately it will depend on your own requirements.
Question #3 Is it possible to use virtual repositories to do this seamlessly as one repo?
A virtual repository will let you aggregate your local and remote sites and appear as a single source. So you can do something like:
docker pull myarturl/docker/someimage:sometag
... docker build ...
docker push myarturl/docker/someimage:sometag-my-modified-version
docker pull myarturl/docker/someimage:sometag-my-modified-version
It is also security-aware so if the user only has access to the local stuff and not the remote stuff, they will only be able to access the local stuff even though they are using the virtual repository that contains both of them.
That said, I don't see why it would be any harder to explicitly use different repositories:
docker pull myarturl/docker-remote/someimage:sometag
... docker build ...
docker push myarturl/docker-local/someimage:sometag-my-modified-version
docker pull myarturl/docker-local/someimage:sometag-my-modified-version
This also has the added advantage that you know they can only pull your modified version of the image and not the remote (though you can also accomplish that by creating the correct permissions).

How to sync 2 remotes using Phabricator Diffusion

I have to use 2 remotes for my repositories. For eg.
One is my local git server (gitblit)
One is Github/bitbucket
Additionally, I have to use Phabricator to manage all this. So the workflow i am thinking is:
I push the changes to my local git server, and my friends push to github. Phabricator Observe the changes from local git server + Github and sync it with the other remote changes. I have tried Mirror option, but it deleted the changes from one of remote, because that's what mirror is supposed to do.
So I need to know a way which i can use to sync these 2 remotes using Phabricator.
Apart from creating a (read-only, as you discovered) mirror, Phabricator doesn't really have any ability to push to other servers. It assumes one of the following workflows:
Phabricator is the master copy of the repository - everyone pushes to Phabricator (Phabricator can push to mirrors in this scenario).
Some other server is the master copy of the repository - Phabricator will monitor the remote master and keep a read-only copy of the repository locally.
It might be possible to implement a respository merging task in Harbormaster, but you'll have to be prepared for frequent manual intervention in any workflow that has users pushing to different repositories and expecting automation to sync them together. Probably this syncing task would be easier if you were to get rid of the gitblit server from the equation, and just use Phabricator locally.

How can I push a repository to my computer and my online server?

I have figured out how to create a repository on github. Now I am trying to push the repository to both my macbook pro and my server, which is hosted through, and be able to understand how to keep things simple. I am using wordpress on my server and I have a template theme. I want to edit my files on my mac and then push them to the website, keeping everything easy.
There is plenty of information out there on how to get started with github, so I will just focus on clearing up a misconception:
Now I am trying to push the repository to both my macbook pro and my server
You do not push from github to a server. You need to clone your github repo to your development (macbook) and production (server) environments.
git clone
Alternatively, you can push existing code to an empty repository by initializing locally, setting your remote and then pushing
git init
git add -A
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git remote add origin
git push origin master
Once you have your repo setup, your typical workflow will look something like this:
Make changes in your development environment (macbook).
push those changes to github.
pull those changes from github in your production or staging environment (server).
One of the main things you need to use git this way is access to a terminal on the hosting serve, to push your files directly through git that should be installed as well.
Alternatively you can upload file using any available protocol such as (s)FTP or SSH direct to your server. In this case you'll be using git to version and manager your templates but not to upload or release them.
I've seen that provides Softaculous as a mechanism to manage their servers. This software also provides synch and install scripts.

Viewing file from Git using JGIT remotely without creating local repo

I m writing a web application where it accepts the git URL and file to read and then displays the file on the webpage. I m using JGit for this. I see that JGit needs a local repository to clone before viewing the file. Since this is server, I do not have access to local files. So, is there anyway I can access the git remotely and view the file from there?
It's not just JGit that needs a local repository, Git itself requires a local repository. Centralized version control systems like CVS and SVN had remote server viewing built-in, but decentralized systems (such as Git and Mercurial) typically do not.
If you want to browse a Git server, you have to make a local clone, but you could do this in the background for the user.
You might also be interested in the GitHub API, which lets you do what you want, but only for repositories hosted by GitHub.

Manage wordpress blog on remote server via git

I want to be able to develop my plugins & themes on my machine and the changes be reflected on my server almost instantly. Also I want a backup plan. So git & github seems a very good solution. I want to make regular changes to the server (push from local) and once in a while upload them on github too (local to github or remote to github).
The question is can I clone the repo from github to my remote server and to my local machine and be able to push from local to remote or pull from github to remote (if I'm not at home)?
Edit: I did a research and I found out that I actually need a bare repo in the server, but i want it to be able to push/pull to/from github.
In github and bitbucket ( you can add any number of ssh keys from different machines and push and pull from anywhere you want. The command to generate such a key is
answer the questions with enter and the ssh key will be in /home/user/.ssh/ You have to do this for every machine you want to push and when the repository is set to private, yo also have to do it for those machines, you want to pull from.
So the workflow would be
editing locally
pushing to github/butbucket repo: git push -u origin
log in to the machine where wordpress is running: git pull
