sqlpackage publish fails if sqlcmd variable is not provided - sql-server-data-tools

I have an SQL project where I need to run certain scripts depending on the value of an SQLCMD variable
When I pass the variable on sqlpackage.exe (i.e. /v:var=value) it works as expected, but when I don't pass the variable it fails instead of using the default value I set:
*** An error occurred during deployment plan generation. Deployment cannot continue. Missing values for the following SqlCmd
Any idea how to fix this?


why the output values length are getting reduced when using DB links in oracle and asp.net

We are retrieving the output from table through DB link by executing a stored procedure and input parameters which worked previously and got the output in asp.net application.But now we noted that outputs through DB links are getting trimmed say if status is 'TRUE' ,we are getting as 'TRU' etc why the output values are getting trimmed.The only change we did recently was we changed one of the type of input parameter from number to varchar at the receiving remote side,But i don't think that is the issue??whe we execute the stored procedure remotely on the table.It is giving proper output but through DB link outputs are getting trimmed.ANy one has any idea about this issue??
My oracle client is having issues,i reinstalled and it worked fine.Only my system was having issues.so i desided to reinstall

ImportError: No module named None

*** Test cases ***
Connect To Database Using Custom Params None database='TestDB', user='system', password='system', host='', port=1521
Please help - the error is:
ImportError: No module named None
The error most probably comes from the way you call Connect To Database Using Custom Params - the first argument you're passing, which should be the value for the dbapiModuleName, is passed as a string object, with the value "None".
If you wanted to call it with the value None object (as it's written in the library's help), that should have been ${None} in robotframework format.
I doubt that's going to work though - the DatabaseLibrary probably needs some DB type identifier. So if you are using postgres for example, you'd call it with "psycopg2":
Connect To Database Using Custom Params psycopg2 database='TestDB', user='username', password='mypass', host='', port=1521
Have in mind you'd need the DB driver already installed through pip, psycopg2 in the case of the example here.
P.S. please don't paste actual credentials in SO.
I assume your question should have been posted something like this...
When attempting to execute the following test case in Robot Framework, I receive the following error: ImportError: No module named None
Here is the test case in question:
*** Test Cases ***
Connect To Database Using Custom Params None database='TestDB', user='system', password='system', host='', port=1521
If so, your issue may be as simple as spacing. Robot Framework can accept pipes as delimiters, but if you choose to use spaces, you must use 2 or more.
Based on your copy/paste, it looks like you have only one space between Connect To Database Using Custom Params and None (which, I'm assuming you're specifying as the DB API Python module the system default - not sure if that's recommended or supported). Make sure you have at least two spaces (I generally try for 4 unless I have a lot of parameters) between keywords and their parameters.
Make sure you have at least two spaces between the keyword and parameters. Here is the keyword in question's reference.
Verify that you don't need to specify the Python database driver for the database you are using. Based on the port you've specified, I'm guessing it's an Oracle database. Here's a list of Python Oracle drivers.
I had a similar error and read on it for hours not knowing I hadn't created a .env file yet. credit to a friend who brought me to this page. (which gave me the hint on what I was missing).
I created a .env file in my root folder where the manage.py file is and configured my database settings and voila. Thanks Suraj

Asp.Net code fails to run on server, error: ORA-01405: fetched column value is NULL

We have a select query to build a dataset and bind to a datagrid. The code runs well on my local computer, it runs well on development testing server too. But after we deploy to a User Acceptance Testing server, we get the error in title.
I extracted the query and ran it in sql developer, pointed to User Acceptance Testing DB, no error either.
Please help.
Its possible that one or more of the columns in your resultset is null. Try using NVL on your columns to substitute a null-valued column with a 'default' value.
select NVL(supplier_city, 'n/a')
from suppliers;
This will return 'n/a' if supplier_city is null

Error during Invoking a Stored procedure from UNIX

I had a stored procedure with no arguments which was invoked form the UNIX
script by db2 call and the SP was working fine and script running fine as well.
The new requirement is to pass a file name to the stored procedure and do some
business logic -- I am not able to pass the file name from UNIX to the SP. I am using IN parameter of Varchar(50).
The SP compiled fine and is available in the correct schema -- I invoked
using multiple ways and none of them are working fine.
Please help me debug this.
DB2 Stored Procedure:
Different methods I tried Calling the DB2 stored proc from the UNIX script
db2 call "ABC.sp_Update("filename.txt")"
db2 call "ABC.sp_Update(("filename.txt"))"
db2 call "ABC.sp_Update($FILE_NAME)"
db2 call "ABC.sp_Update($(FILE_NAME))"
The error I get:
db2 call ABC.sp_Update(filename.txt)
SQL0206N "FILENAME.TXT" is not valid in the context where it
is used. SQLSTATE=42703
When I checked for the execution status of the command I get a return code 4
+ RC=4
Before the code change, this worked fine:
db2 call "ABC.sp_Update()"
When I Googled the description of the error 42703, it is An undefined column, attribute, or parameter name was detected.
Sorry Guys - Should have used a single Quote - It worked - Thanks and sorry

System.Data.EntityCommandExecutionException: An error occurred while executing th

I have created a connectionstring in mvc3 application and it is working fine in mvc views and controllers and I am able to fetch data. Now I have called the repository/model functions in a Unit Test in Test project and I am getting error:
System.Data.EntityCommandExecutionException: An error occurred while executing the command definition. See the inner exception for details. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Invalid object name 'dbo.tblProduct'.
How can i fix it?
That has nothing to do particularly with MVC. As it seems, when testing, you use ConnectionString on database that does not have 'dbo.tblProduct' table/view. Check the connetion string and database. You may need to debug tests
Check your table may have different schema (other then dbo) change it to dbo using query below
look at this.
How do I change db schema to dbo
Its very strange for my case, as it is required to do mapping between model and tables, the name has to be the same. When I added 's' at the end of table's name, it works. I don't know if this part work of what LINQ does.
