iOS 13 navigation bar issue - part of navigation bar becomes transparent - navigationbar

My app running on iOS 13 shows weird appearance.
When a form sheet is presented on another form sheet, part of navigation bar becomes transparent so that you can see another form sheet beneath it.
When my app enter background and come back to foreground, the navigation bar come back to normal navigation bar as it should be.
This error does not appear on the firstly presented form sheet.
Only appears from the second form sheet (form sheet over another form sheet)
Anyone has had same issue?
Any solutions?
iOS 13.2 - XCode 11.2

The workaround is to add the following code to the viewDidLoad method:
if #available(iOS 13, *) {
let appearance = navigationController?.navigationBar.standardAppearance.copy()
navigationItem.standardAppearance = appearance


Xamarin Forms Android Navigation Bar Shifting Down

I'm using a NavigationPage in a Xamarin Forms app. When the page first loads the navigation bar starts partially under the Android status bar (clock, battery, notifications, etc) and then a second or two after the page loads it shifts down to just below the status bar. I like that the status bar icons don't overlay my navigation bar, but I don't like that the users sees it shift. Is there any way to work around this so that when the page first becomes visible it is already shifted down? Thanks in adavance!
I personally prefer a "splash screen" over the awkward bar that appears on the top by default in a Xamarin.Forms app on Android. In my style of splash screen I just have the app's icon floating in the middle of a white field, with NO nav bar on top. If I understand your problem correctly, this workaround would get rid of the first part so there is no longer a "shift". There are many blog posts out there about how to do this, here is one, and here is my project where I have a splash screen.

How to disable resize(maximize/minimize) button on Xamarin Forms (UWP)?

Is there any way to disable the resize button on Xamarin Forms (UWP) ? Like the image with red square highlighted in the image above.
Titlebar buttons are something that is controlled by the Windows itself, so you cannot remove it but you have limited control on it, like changing the background color. Further you can make your app to go fullscreen which will make the title bar disappear or you can extend your App in the title bar itself as mentioned in this blog post.

Appstore navigation bar functionality

I wanted to implement a feature that is present in the Appstore app in iOS 11. As is visible from the gif, when the detail screen loads, the navigation bar is fully transparent and becomes visible when the view scrolls to the top.
I was under the impression that the navigation bar cannot be completely transparent.
Any insights so as to how Apple has implemented this feature would be helpful/
Check out Customizing the Navigation Bar section of this page.
Change the navigation background image and hide navigation bar on push
Also set prefersLargeTitles of bar as true only in iOS 11

How to make status bar opaque in iOS7?

I'm using a navigation controller (with navigation bar and toolbar) in my app. Triggered by tapping the bars slide in and out with a custom animation. Almost everything works fine with iOS7 so far.
The problem I have is the translucency of the status bar:
From what I understand from this question iOS 7 status bar back to iOS 6 style? (especially from jaredsinclair's answer/blogpost) and from this Status bar issue and navigation bar issue in ios7 is that the status bar is just always translucent. To get the iOS6 status bar look and feel they (simply spoken :)) moved the view 20 points downwards.
Sadly that does not help me with my translucency problem. Because the overall look of the app is quite puristic, it just looks so wrong and confusing to the user's eye when the navigationbar is sliding up and it is still visible while sliding up behind the status bar.
So I tried to simulate the sliding with non-proportional scaling, but it's just not the same. So my next idea would be to somehow make the status bar background opaque. Is this possible? I tried to sandwich some opaque view between status and navigation bar, but I failed.
Any help is appreciated!

iPad SplitView Master View shows but with minor (and incorrect) variation

I'm practicing development of a simple iPad Split View app (Stanford's Hegarty online class). And everything works for the most part. However, the Master side ('left side), although working in landscape mode looks a little different than what I expect it to as a 'popover' in portrait mode. The 'popover' covers the left side of the screen including the toolbar button item that triggered it where normally it should not cover that button.
Unfortunately I can't post images so I'll try my best to describe in more detail. Normally the 'proper' popover will be hovering right below the bar item button that triggered it with a thick arrow-ish thingie (the 'anchor') pointing to the button and not covering that button. The popover can be dismissed by clicking on that button again (or elsewhere on the screen).
What's happening to me, however, is that when I click the bar item button to show the popover, the resulting popover 'covers' the button and essentially fills up the left portion of the screen (the detail view is under it and most of it is showing) with its designated width (so, again, it doesn't cover the entire detail view). The is no 'anchor' arrow pointing to the bar item button since it is obviously covering it instead. The popover is dismissed normally once I click anywhere else on the screen.
So why is my popover covering the button and not simply hovering under it with an 'anchor' pointing to it as it should?
I don't think it it makes much sense to post code at this point because I don't think it'll help and more importantly not sure what portion to post considering this might be a problem with how I wired it in the Builder. Any thoughts will be greatly appreciated!
I believe its a change that came in IOS5.1
If you want the same behaviour you probably need to set the master up as a popover segue, from a toolbar button or similar in the detail view, and set the split view delegate to not show the master in portrait.
I'm on the move now but if you want any more info let me know and I'll try and get back to you later.
