Check if QML Item is being drawn - qt

I have a set of QML items distributed all over my UI. They display data from a remote device and their content needs to be updated regularly. The Items are spread on several tabs and hidden in nested ListView instances, so most of them won't be visible to the user all the time.
In order to keep the bandwidth low I want to update only those items that are currently visible to the user.
I am looking for the right hook to get the information which of these Items is currently displayed from within the Item, without relying on information from the parents. If they were all placed in ListView delegates I could use the delegate's Components onCompleted and onDestroyed signals. Since this is not the case I am stuck at finding out how to get this information.
Am I missing something here? Is there an onPaintFinished signal or something similar? My workaround would be to add that logic to the parent containers, but that would be tedious, since there are several kinds of container that can contains these display Items.

Instances that are on delegates of a ListView will not exist until they would be in the visible range or the cache range around the visual area of the list view. If the delegate moves outside of that range, it is destroyed. So, no need to worry about instances hidden there.
Furthermore, items are currently not visible are also not drawn. They are not entered into the scene graph, and hence, not rendered. So, instances of your items appearing on tabs that are currently not current will also not be drawn. However, these items do still exist of course.
Figuring out if an item is effectively visible or not is quite a hard problem though. QML delegates part of that to OpenGL (clipping for instance). There is not feedback on the result of that. You could in theory lift that information out of the renderer, but that would require customizing that and that is very hard. You could take a look at the heuristics that GammaRay uses to warn about items not being visible. Perhaps you can take some inspiration from that.


QML: Mimic GridView/ListView cacheBuffer with Grid

I have quite complex QML view which basically is a GridView, but default GridView is not used because it doesn't support sections.
For this reason I am using a combination of Flickable+Grids and Repeater to populate multiple section headers + its grids under one scroll.
Now, as cacheBuffer is not available and we do have quite heavy visual delegates for the views + infinite model for the last section(which is fetched as user scrolls further) our RAM consumption is increasing like crazy when you continuously scrolling. My best guess yet is that each instantiated QML delegate is being kept in memory basically forever.
I'm looking for the solution where you mimic GridView's cacheBuffer property and apply it for simple Grid and unload delegates that are far away from visible scroll area.
As for now, am thinking about using Loader to load each delegate and keep track of what items are in/close to visible scroll area so theirs Loaders can load/unload its content.
Would appreciate any suggestion.

Clarification of WatchKit Performance tip regarding scene simplification

Can anyone clarify this statement from the WatchKit Development Tips page?
Simplify controller scenes.
Reduce the number of hidden objects as much as possible to significantly improve load time. For example, five versions of a controller’s layout in a single controller scene will result in all objects being created before the controller is displayed
I've read it a few dozen times now and can't figure out what it's trying to say.
What is a "scene"? Is it referring to the Storyboard scene?
Are "hidden objects" referring to literally hidden UI elements like a hidden button?
How is it possible to have five versions of a controller's layout? This just does not compute.
When a storyboard is loaded, and there are, say, 10 different WKInterfaceControllers in the file, will that be very slow even if the initial controller is blank? Aren't these only loaded as-needed? Or, would it be better to have a single table with 10 prototype rows - each of which is actually a stand-alone interface - which are only instantiated one at a time?
Because we can't programmatically add interface elements to controllers in the current version of WatchKit, any interface elements that we might need to display must be included in a Storyboard scene. By including these initially-hidden elements, we can programmatically hide or unhide these elements as needed.
For example, it's common to include a full-screen label that is initially hidden. Then, if a full-screen message needs to be shown for some reason, the text is populated, the label is unhidden, and the rest of the elements on the screen are hidden. To make hiding a set of elements easier, they're typically included in a WKInterfaceGroup, so that only the top-level group element needs to be hidden.
So, to answer your questions:
Indeed, a "scene" is a standard Storyboard scene.
Yes, "hidden objects" is referring to literally hidden objects as I've described above.
Using the method I've described, you could create five top-level WKInterfaceGroup elements, each with its own set of controls and layout. Then, you'd likely unhide the one that makes sense to display and hide all the others.
I use these techniques in my own app, though I typically don't have more than three top-level groups.
So yes, because it takes time to initialize and layout all of these elements (even if they're hidden), the recommendation is to keep it to a minimum.
Regarding the loading of interface controllers in a storyboard, you're correct that only the interface controllers that are needed are loaded. However, if you have a set of five page-based controllers, they'll all be loaded and initialized before the first page is activated. Other controllers would then be loaded as appropriate.
Creating unique rows is another possibility, but whether you do that or simply hide/unhide top-level groups depends on your app's specific needs. As always, it's worth testing on actual hardware.

How to update a QLayout and get the new dimensions before returning?

This is driving me nuts. I have a custom menu class that, when set visible, shows a list of items located in a particular folder. When a hardware button is pressed, my application gets the latest list of items, populates the menu with them, and returns.
The menu displaying these items uses a QListWidget filled with custom widgets. Each of the widgets contains one or more QLabels in a horizontal layout, and is created at the time the menu is shown. In order to adjust the text displayed based on the menu width available, I need to get the size of the QLabel AFTER it has been resized according to the layout, but before the menu becomes visible to the user. The problem is, my layout does not get updated until all of the functions constructing my list return.
I have tried QApplication::ProcessEvents() and the layout update functions, but none of them have updated the values of my QLabels before returning. I can set a QTimer when the button is initially pressed, and have it show the menu, update the items, and stop itself, but that seems like a terrible solution.
Any help would really be appreciated! I've spent most of a day on this.
I had this exact problem and could not find an answer anywhere on the Internet. Calling Layout.update(), Layout.activate(), or widget.adjustSize() (all suggested in various places) all did not work.
I had a widget with a vertical layout that I wanted to add a QLabel to and then immediately use the size of the QLabel.
The only thing that worked reliably was
size = myLabel->size();
It would seem that layouts will just not recalculate until you either return from a function and allow the Qt event loop to progress or manually call show() yourself.
How to update a QLayout and get the new dimensions before returning?
Don't. You're not meant to do that. It'll drive you "nuts" because you're doing it backwards. Layout updates are handled asynchronously from the event loop. Instead of getting layout dimensions right away, set yourself up to be part of the system. Some options are:
Implement a custom widget that will interact properly with the layout, growing to fill the available width of the layout. Perhaps all you need is a size policy and a way to elide text?
Make a custom layout that takes the special properties of your use case into account.
You want to call QWidget::adjustSize() on your parent widget. This will force the layout recalculations.
Have you tried using layout()->update(); ?
I've tried many but nothing works for me on Qt 5.15.
Only invented little patch - create timer and get size after 20 msec:
QTimer::singleShot(20, this, [this]
const auto height = myLayout->contentsRect().height();
// ...

How can I implement drag-out-to-delete in Flex?

I have a List component from which I'd like to be able to remove items using drag & drop, but without having a specific target. If you use the mac, the behaviour I'm looking for is something like what the Dock uses; when you drag something out of the bounds of the control it should get an icon that indicates that it'll be deleted (OSX uses a cloud or something?) and then if you release it it will be removed from the list.
How can I do this?
(If I need to provide a more clear description, please comment; I'll fill in what I can)
In my experience with drag/drop in Flex, you cannot simply drag something out and handle that. There is no dragOut event (unfortunately), so that would leave you up to the task of writing dragOver and dragDrop listeners on all the containers surrounding your dragInitiator and handling the process accordingly.
It's more time consuming and can become complicated if any of these controls already have specific dragOver and dragDrop event handlers.
Hope this helps.
Having no Flex experience all I can offer is some psuedo code which resembles how I implemented a similar effect in JavaScript, but hopefully it will get you started.
Essentially what you'll want to do is during your drag event measure the current coordinates of the object you're dragging to see if they intersect the original container and when they fall outside of its bounds call the logic to update the icon in order to indicate it will be removed. Then, on the drop event, check the coordinates once more and delete the item if needed.

Flex app with large number of UI objects == slow?

I'm building my first Flex custom component, in Flex 3. It is a data table based on the 'Grid' container class, with a simple text Label in each cell. (DataGrid and AdvancedDataGrid were not appropriate starting points for my needs.) The component works quite well using smallish tables, but I tried stress-testing it using a larger table, and have been disappointed by the results.
The component creation process has some slow spots, but those are in my power to optimize and aren't my primary concern. What worry me more are what appear to be limitations in the Flex framework itself.
This 'large' sample table has a bit over 7000 cells in it. This is largish, but still 1-2 orders of magnitude less than the biggest I need to accommodate. In standard Grid structure, the main portion of the component consists of a Grid with 400 GridRows of 16 GridItems each, plus a few other smaller ancillary Grids.
Once the table renders, I find the following:
Mouse-related events are slow to fire. Specifically, I have rollOver/rollOut event handlers registered on each table cell, to let me highlight the cell under the pointer. On a small table, I could move the mouse over the table very quickly, and the highlighting would follow the pointer in real-time. With the larger table, the highlighting is very jerky, changing only about twice per second, skipping over many cells.
If I place the mouse cursor over the component and leave it there, my CPU is pegged (one processor core, anyway), and stays that way until I move off of the component, when it drops to idle. My component isn't doing anything at all at this point.
It feels like Flex simply cannot scale to support component trees that are this large. I shudder to imagine how it would behave with 100,000 cells. Perhaps I'm pushing the Grid beyond its intended use, but having an object per table cell doesn't seem like an unreasonable model, and ~14,000 objects in the tree (a GridItem and a Label per cell) seems pretty modest.
I have yet to get useful data out of the FlexBuilder profiler; I'm working on it. For now, my biggest questions are:
Am I really pushing the limits of Flex with this modest test?
Is my approach to this component completely off-base?
I'm running this on Flash Player 9 under Firefox on WinXP.
Yes, Flex is not designed to support very large numbers of components, it is well known that you should minimize the number of components and don't use features that you don't need (Eg. DisplayObject instead of Canvas if you don't need the extra functions).
It's unwise to mirror your data exactly with displayed objects. DisplayObjects (and related classes) are relatively heavyweight, and you need to control how many of those you have.
I would say that the scale you're working at, with 1000+ Cells, and an event listener for each one, would definitely reach Flex's limits.
I think you should take a better look at your approach and architecture. I assume you are not displaying all 1000+ items at the same time, perhaps you should use paging and display 100ish with each screen, with previous/next buttons to move on to another page. You could also consider dynamically adding and removing rows using a custom scrollbar, simulating the scroll effect. This is much more complicated to do.
Boy, it seems we can write a book on this topic. Or atleast a chapter. We learnt quite a few things in this area as we were developing our products.
Bottom line - yes, Flex will slow down to a halt when you add 1000+ "things" on the screen. Here are a few bullet points, and some repetitions of what's already mentioned (just to be concise)
1) Always draw only what is visible. Hans Muller, the architect on the new Spark DataGrid has a great writeup on ViewPorts. So instantiate enough "cells" to fill up the visible area, and basically recycle them as the user scrolls.
2) Recycle, recycle, recycle: Further to above, as the user scrolls, you obviously have to recycle cells that are now out of view to show the ones that are in view. Here there are a few things we learned the hard way :-)
-> Instead of disposing and creating new cells, either use reparenting or use repositioning (prefer repositioning)
What this means is this: Say you have a 10X10 grid (visible) showing a 100X100 data provider.When the user scrolls to cells 20X20, the quickest way will be to set the X and Y of the existing cells to the new locations, and then call set data for each. We used reparenting earlier because our scenario was a series of related containers, so this may not apply to you. But bottom line - we simply move "rows" around the visible area. So creating and destroying will be slow, removing and adding to the display object list will be faster, and just moving around (x,y) will be fastest.
3) Choose what you inherit from wisely: The Flex SDK is a beast. So choose your "cells" base class wisely. For example, the SDK DataGrids, have a lightweight renderer that inherits from UITextField (Halo), as opposed to Label. Even UIComponent will be heavy in certain scenarios. Look up the asdocs for UIComponent and see if you need everything in there, else consider inheriting from further up its hierarchy.
4) Cache Calculations: Do this last in your development cycle. Once you are done with a feature, run flex profiler. Identify the longest running methods, and the most called methods. We always do this when we release, because there's always improvements to be made. There's a lot of math involved when you're developing a highly visual component, and too many calculations will slow things down.
5) Make sure you profile for memory : Unwired event listeners, rogue object references, etc will kill performance. Flex profiler is an excellent tool to combat this, so make sure you use it.
We have some good links here:
Hope this helps!
If you look at any List-based control in the Flex framework, you'll see that they make significant use of item renderers which are recycled. So a DataGrid with 20 rows displayed only creates about 22 renderers and recycles them as you scroll through the list. This is why a DataGrid can hold thousands of records and still have pretty snappy performance. I recommend you check out Peter Ent's series of articles on item renderers and take a look at ListBase/List and some of the related classes to understand how to build something similar:
Without seeing your code and knowing exactly what you're trying to definitely seems like you're pushing the limits of Flex by pushing that much data into the framework all at once.
Keep in mind that the Flash runtime wasn't designed to handle huge applications...but run somewhat light applications inside the browser. It also seems unlikely that your users are going to need to have access to all of those controls all at once.
You could try providing data services (Java, .NET, etc.) to drive the data in your application. You would then page through the data so that the framework is only dealing with maybe 200 - 300+ elements at a time.
In flex, if you using Mouse move event to redraw anything .. You might have experienced very slow rendering .
this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, redraw);
public function redraw(anything:Object=null):void{
//draw something here;, 0x000000);, startPoint.y);, endPoint.y);
this.scaleTextInput.x = centerPoint.x;
this.scaleTextInput.y = centerPoint.y;
The Above code results very slow rendering ...
Use Event.ENTER_FRAME event instead? Although more resource intensive than the mouse move event, you should receive considerably more updates per second, allowing the mouse to appear more responsive to the user:
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, redraw); instead of
this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, redraw);
and You are good to go ..Happy Flexing
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