Given the below two vectors is there a way to produce the desired data frame? This represents a real world situation which I have to data frames the first contains a col with database values (keys) and the second contains a col of 1000+ rows each a file name (potentials) which I need to match. The problem is there can be multiple files (potentials) matched to any given key. I have worked with grep, merge, inner join etc. but was unable to incorporate them into one solution. Any advise is appreciated!
potentials <- c("tigerINTHENIGHT",
keys <- c("tiger",
desired <- data.frame(keys, c("tigerINTHENIGHT, tigerWALKINGALONE", "bearOHMY, bearWITHME", "rat"))
names(desired) <- c("key", "matches")
Psudo code for what I think of as the solution:
#new column which is comma separated potentials
# x being the substring length i.e. x = 4 means true if first 4 letters match
function createNewColumn(keys, potentials, x){
str result = na
foreach(key in keys){
if(substring(key, 0, x) == any(substring(potentals, 0 ,x))){ //search entire potential vector
result += potential that matched + ', '
return new column with result as the value on the current row
We can write a small functions to extract matches and then loop over the keys:
return_matches <- function(keys, potentials, fixed = TRUE) {
vapply(keys, function(k) {
paste(grep(k, potentials, value = TRUE, fixed = fixed), collapse = ", ")
}, FUN.VALUE = character(1))
vapply is just a typesafe version of sapply meaning it will never return anything but a character vector. When you set fixed = TRUE the function will run a lot faster but does not recognise regular expressions anymore. Then we can easily make the desired data.frame:
df <- data.frame(
key = keys,
matches = return_matches(keys, potentials),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#> key matches
#> tiger tiger tigerINTHENIGHT, tigerWALKINGALONE
#> bear bear bearOHMY, bearWITHME
#> rat rat rat
The reason for putting the loop in a function instead of running it directly is just to make the code look cleaner.
You can interate using grep
> Match <- sapply(keys, function(item) {
paste0(grep(item, potentials, value = TRUE), collapse = ", ")
} )
> data.frame(keys, Match, row.names = NULL)
keys Match
2 bear bearOHMY, bearWITHME
3 rat rat
I'm a newbie in R, so please have some patience and... tips are most welcome.
My goal is to create tibble that holds a "Full Name" (of a person, that may have 2 to 4 names) and his/her gender. I must start from a tibble that contains typical Male and Female names.
Below I present a minimum working example.
My problem: I can call get_name() multiple time (in 10.000 for loop!!) and get the right answer. But, I was looking for a more 'elegant' way of doing it. replicate() unfortunately returns a vector... which make it unusable.
My doubts: I know I have some (very few... right!!) issues, like the if statement, that is evaluated every time (which is redundant), but I don't find another way to do it. Any suggestion?
Any other suggestions about code struct are also welcome.
Thank you very much in advance for your help.
# Dummy name list
unit_names <- tribble(
~Women, ~Man,
"fem1", "male1",
"fem2", "male2",
"fem3", "male3",
"fem4", "male4",
"fem5", "male5",
"fem6", NA,
"fem7", NA
set.seed(12345) # seed for test
# Create a tibble with the full names
full_name <- tibble("Full Name" = character(), "Gender" = character() )
get_name <- function() {
# Get the Number of 'Unit-names' to compose a 'Full-name'
nbr_names <- sample(2:4, 1, replace = TRUE)
# Randomize the Gender
gender <- sample(c("Women", "Man"), 1, replace = TRUE)
if (gender == "Women") {
lim_names <- sum( !$"Women"))
} else {
lim_names <- sum( !$"Man"))
# Sample the Fem/Man List names (may have duplicate)
sample(unlist(unit_names[1:lim_names, gender]), nbr_names, replace = TRUE) %>%
# Form a Full-name
paste ( . , collapse = " ") %>%
# Add it to the tibble (INCLUDE the Gender)
add_row(full_name, "Full Name" = . , "Gender" = gender)
# How can I make 10k of this?
full_name <- get_name()
If you pass a larger number than 1 to sample this problem becomes easier to vectorise.
One thing that currently makes your problem much harder is the layout of your unit_names table: you are effectively treating male and female names as individually paired, but they clearly aren’t: hence they shouldn’t be in columns of the same table. Use a list of two vectors, for instance:
unit_names = list(
Women = c("fem1", "fem2", "fem3", "fem4", "fem5", "fem6", "fem7"),
Men = c("male1", "male2", "male3", "male4", "male5")
Then you can generate random names to your heart’s delight:
generate_names = function (n, unit_names) {
name_length = sample(2 : 4, n, replace = TRUE)
genders = sample(c('Women', 'Men'), n, replace = TRUE)
names = Map(sample, unit_names[genders], name_length, replace = TRUE) %>%
lapply(paste, collapse = ' ') %>%
tibble(`Full name` = names, Gender = genders)
A note on style, unlike your function the above doesn’t use any global variables. Furthermore, don’t "quote" variable names (you do this in unit_names$"Women" and for the arguments of add_row). R allows this, but this is arguably a mistake in the language specification: these are not strings, they’re variable names, making them look like strings is misleading. You don’t quote your other variable names, after all. You do need to backtick-quote the `Full name` column name, since it contains a space. However, the use of backticks, rather than quotes, signifies that this is a variable name.
I am not 100% of what you are trying to get, but if I got it right...did you try with mutate at dplyr? For example:
result= mutate(data.frame,
concated_column = paste(column1, column2, column3, column4, sep = '_'))
With a LITTLE help from Konrad Rudolph, the following elegant (and vectorized ... and fast) solution that I was looking. map2 does the necessary trick.
Here is the full working example if someone needs it:
(Just a side note: I kept the initial conversion from tibble to list because the data arrives to me as a tibble...)
Once again thanks to Konrad.
# Dummy name list
unit_names <- tribble(
~Women, ~Men,
"fem1", "male1",
"fem2", "male2",
"fem3", "male3",
"fem4", "male4",
"fem5", "male5",
"fem6", NA,
"fem7", NA
name_list <- list(
Women = unit_names$Women[!$Women)],
Men = unit_names$Men[!$Men)]
generate_names = function (n, name_list) {
name_length = sample(2 : 4, n, replace = TRUE)
genders = sample(c('Women', 'Men'), n, replace = TRUE)
#names = lapply(name_list[genders], sample, name_length) %>%
names = map2(name_list[genders], name_length, sample) %>%
lapply(paste, collapse = ' ') %>%
tibble(`Full name` = names, Gender = genders)
full_name <- generate_names(10000, name_list)
I am relatively new to R and even more new to Shiny (literally first day).
I would like a user to input multiple phrases separated by a comma such as female, aged, diabetes mellitus. I have a dataframe in which one variable, MH2 contains text words. I would like to output a dataframe that contains only the rows in which all of the inputted phrases are present. Sometimes a user may input only one phrase, other times 5.
This is my ui.R
# load dataset
load(file = "./data/all_cardiovascular_case_reports.Rdata")
ui <- fluidPage(
textInput(inputId = "phrases",
label = "Please enter all the MeSH terms that you would like to search, each separated by a comma:",
value = ""),
helpText("Example: female, aged, diabetes mellitus")
and here is my server.R
server <- function(input, output)
# where all the code will go
df <- reactive({
# counts how many phrases there are
num_phrases <- str_count(input$phrases, pattern = ", ") + 1
a <- numeric(num_phrases) # initialize vector to hold all phrases
# create vector of all entered phrases
for (i in 1:num_phrases)
a[i] <- noquote(strsplit(input$phrases, ", ")[[i]][1])
# make all phrases lowercase
a <- tolower(a)
# do exact case match so that each phrase is bound by "\\b"
a <- paste0("\\b", a, sep = "")
exact <- "\\b"
a <- paste0(a, exact, sep = "")
# subset dataframe over and over again until all phrases used
for (i in 1:num_phrases)
final <- final[grepl(pattern = a, x = final$MH2, = TRUE), ]
output$dataframe <- DT::renderDataTable({df()})
When I tried running renderText({num_phrases}) I consistently got 1 even when I would input multiple phrases separated by commas. Since then, whenever I try to input multiple phrases, I run into "error: subscript out of bounds." However, when I enter the words separated by a comma only versus a comma and space (entering "female,aged" instead of "female, aged") then that problem disappears, but my dataframe doesn't subset correctly. It can only subset one phrase.
Please advise.
I think your Shiny logic looks good, but the function for subsetting the dataframe has a few small issues. In particular:
a[i] <- noquote(strsplit(input$phrases, ", ")[[i]][1])
The indices [[i]] and 1 are in the wrong place here, should be [[1]][i]
final <- final[grepl(pattern = a, x = final$MH2, = TRUE), ]
You can not match multiple patterns like this, only the first element of a will be used, which is also the warning R gives.
Example working code
I have changed input$phrases to inp_phrases here. If this script does what you want I think you can easily copy it into you reactive, making the necessary changes (i.e. changing inp_phrases back, and adding the return(result) statement.). I was also not entirely clear if you wanted all patterns to be matched within one row, or return all rows were any of the patterns were matched, so I added them both, you can uncomment the one you need:
# some example data
inp_phrases = "ab, cd"
final = data.frame(index = c(1,2,3,4),MH2 = c("ab cd ef","ab ef","cd ef ab","ef gx"),stringsAsFactors = F)
# this could become just two lines:
a <- sapply(strsplit(inp_phrases, ", ")[[1]], function(x) tolower(noquote(x)))
a <- paste0("\\b", a, "\\b")
# Two options here, uncomment the one you need.
# Top one: match any pattern in a. Bottom: match all patterns in a
# indices = grepl(pattern = paste(a,collapse="|"), x = final$MH2, = TRUE)
indices = colSums(,lapply(a, function(x) grepl(pattern = x, x = final$MH2, = TRUE))))==length(a)
result <- final[indices,]
index MH2
1 1 ab cd ef
3 3 cd ef ab
... with the second version of indices (match all) or
index MH2
1 1 ab cd ef
2 2 ab ef
3 3 cd ef ab
... with the first version of indices (match any)
Hope this helps!
I need to replace subset of a string with some matches that are stored within a dataframe.
For example -
input_string = "Whats your name and Where're you from"
I need to replace part of this string from a data frame. Say the data frame is
matching <- data.frame(from_word=c("Whats your name", "name", "fro"),
to_word=c("what is your name","names","froth"))
Output expected is what is your name and Where're you from
Note -
It is to match the maximum string. In this example, name is not matched to names, because name was a part of a bigger match
It has to match whole string and not partial strings. fro of "from" should not match as "froth"
I referred to the below link but somehow could not get this work as intended/described above
Match and replace multiple strings in a vector of text without looping in R
This is my first post here. If I haven't given enough details, kindly let me know
Based on the input from Sri's comment I would suggest using:
# words to be replaced
a <-c("Whats your","Whats your name", "name", "fro")
# their replacements
b <- c("What is yours","what is your name","names","froth")
# named list as an input for gsubfn
replacements <- setNames(as.list(b), a)
# the test string
input_string = "fro Whats your name and Where're name you from to and fro I Whats your"
# match entire words
gsubfn(paste(paste0("\\w*", names(replacements), "\\w*"), collapse = "|"), replacements, input_string)
I would not say this is easier to read than your simple loop, but it might take better care of the overlapping replacements:
# define the sample dataset
input_string = "Whats your name and Where're you from"
matching <- data.frame(from_word=c("Whats your name", "name", "fro", "Where're", "Whats"),
to_word=c("what is your name","names","froth", "where are", "Whatsup"))
# load used library
# make sure data is of class character
matching$from_word <- as.character(matching$from_word)
matching$to_word <- as.character(matching$to_word)
# extract the words in the sentence
test <- unlist(str_split(input_string, " "))
# find where individual words from sentence match with the list of replaceble words
test2 <- sapply(paste0("\\b", test, "\\b"), grepl, matching$from_word)
# change rownames to see what is the format of output from the above sapply
rownames(test2) <- matching$from_word
# reorder the data so that largest replacement blocks are at the top
test3 <- test2[order(rowSums(test2), decreasing = TRUE),]
# where the word is already being replaced by larger chunk, do not replace again
test3[apply(test3, 2, cumsum) > 1] <- FALSE
# define the actual pairs of replacement
replacements <- setNames(as.list(as.character(matching[,2])[order(rowSums(test2), decreasing = TRUE)][rowSums(test3) >= 1]),
as.character(matching[,1])[order(rowSums(test2), decreasing = TRUE)][rowSums(test3) >= 1])
# perform the replacement
gsubfn(paste(as.character(matching[,1])[order(rowSums(test2), decreasing = TRUE)][rowSums(test3) >= 1], collapse = "|"),
toreplace =list("x1" = "y1","x2" = "y2", ..., "xn" = "yn")
function have two arguments xi and yi.
xi is pattern (find what), yi is replacement (replace with).
input_string = "Whats your name and Where're you from"
toreplace<-list("Whats your name" = "what is your name", "names" = "name", "fro" = "froth")
Was trying out different things and the below code seems to work.
a <-c("Whats your name", "name", "fro")
b <- c("what is your name","names","froth")
c <- c("Whats your name and Where're you from")
for(i in seq_along(a)) c <- gsub(paste0('\\<',a[i],'\\>'), gsub(" ","_",b[i]), c)
c <- gsub("_"," ",c)
Took help from the below link Making gsub only replace entire words?
However, I would like to avoid the loop if possible. Can someone please improve this answer, without the loop
I have problem with code in R.
I have a data-set(questions) with 4 columns and over 600k observation, of which one column is named 'V3'.
This column has questions like 'what is the day?'.
I have second data-set(voc) with 2 columns, of which one column name 'word' and other column name 'synonyms'. If In my first data-set (questions )exists word from second data-set(voc) from column 'synonyms' then I want to replace it word from 'word' column.
questions = cbind(V3=c("What is the day today?","Tom has brown eyes"))
questions <- data.frame(questions)
1 what is the day today?
2 Tom has brown eyes
voc = cbind(word=c("weather", "a","blue"),synonyms=c("day", "the", "brown"))
voc <- data.frame(voc)
word synonyms
1 weather day
2 a the
3 blue brown
Desired output
V3 V5
1 what is the day today? what is a weather today?
2 Tom has brown eyes Tom has blue eyes
I wrote simple code but it doesn't work.
for (k in 1:nrow(question))
for (i in 1:nrow(voc))
question$V5<- gsub(,strsplit(question$V3[k]," "))[which (,strsplit(question$V3[k]," "))== voc[i,2])], voc[i,1], question$V3)
Maybe someone will try to help me? :)
I wrote second code, but it doesn't work too..
for( i in 1:nrow(questions))
for( j in 1:nrow(voc))
if (grepl(voc[j,k],,strsplit(questions[i,]," "))) == TRUE)
new=matrix(gsub(,strsplit(questions[i,]," "))[which(,strsplit(questions[i,]," "))== voc[j,2])], voc[j,1], questions[i,]))
questions = cbind(questions,c(new))
First, it is important that you use the stringsAsFactors = FALSE option, either at the program level, or during your data import. This is because R defaults to making strings into factors unless you otherwise specify. Factors are useful in modeling, but you want to do analysis of the text itself, and so you should be sure that your text is not coerced to factors.
The way I approached this was to write a function that would "explode" each string into a vector, and then uses match to replace the words. The vector gets reassembled into a string again.
I'm not sure how performant this will be given your 600K records. You might look into some of the R packages that handle strings, like stringr or stringi, since they will probably have functions that do some of this. match tends to be okay on speed, but %in% can be a real beast depending on the length of the string and other factors.
# Start with options to make sure strings are represented correctly
# The rest is your original code (mildly tidied to my own standard)
options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
questions <- cbind(V3 = c("What is the day today?","Tom has brown eyes"))
questions <- data.frame(questions)
voc <- cbind(word = c("weather","a","blue"),
synonyms = c("day","the","brown"))
voc <- data.frame(voc)
# This function takes:
# - an input string
# - a vector of words to replace
# - a vector of the words to use as replacements
# It returns a list of the original input and the changed version
uFunc_FindAndReplace <- function(input_string,words_to_repl,repl_words) {
# Start by breaking the input string into a vector
# Note that we use [[1]] to get first list element of strsplit output
# Obviously this relies on breaking sentences by spacing
orig_words <- strsplit(x = input_string,split = " ")[[1]]
# If we find at least one of the words to replace in the original words, proceed
if(sum(orig_words %in% words_to_repl) > 0) {
# The right side selects the elements of orig_words that match words to be replaced
# The left side uses match to find the numeric index of those replacements within the words_to_repl vector
# This numeric vector is used to select the values from repl_words
# These then replace the values in orig_words
orig_words[orig_words %in% words_to_repl] <- repl_words[match(x = orig_words,table = words_to_repl,nomatch = 0)]
# We rebuild the sentence again, and return a list with original and new version
new_sent <- paste(orig_words,collapse = " ")
return(list(original = input_string,new = new_sent))
} else {
# Otherwise we return the original version since no changes are needed
return(list(original = input_string,new = input_string))
# Using and, we can collapse the output of a lapply() =,
args = lapply(X = questions$V3,
FUN = uFunc_FindAndReplace,
words_to_repl = voc$synonyms,
repl_words = voc$word))
original new
1 What is the day today? What is a weather today?
2 Tom has brown eyes Tom has blue eyes
structure(list(`p value` = c(0.00151124736422317, 0.804709799937324,
0.0192537412780042, 0.000467854188597731, 4.80216666553605e-06,
0.0231434946595433), significance = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE,
TRUE, TRUE)), .Names = c("p value", "significance"), row.names = c("Q5.i",
"Q5.ii", "Q5.iii", "Q5.iv", "Q5.v", ""), class = "data.frame")
To create a function that would take input of dataframe name and a (new) variabe name.
The function would:
create a new variable that is based on the row name of the dataframe
delete the row name
reorder the variable so that the newly created
column is first column
I am stuck at the first step.
I've searched the internet and stackoverflow for snippets of code that would help and I've managed to hammer something although it couldn't work.
What have I tried:
row2col<-function(df, varname){
eval(parse(text=paste(df, "[[", "'", varname, "'", "]]", "<-row.names(", df, ")", sep="")))
row2col<-function(df, varname){
assign(parse(text=paste(df, varname, sep="$")), row.names(df))
nothing happened (not even an error message)
a character vector of row names (rather than a variable within the dataframe) was created
Thanks for your help and attention to this post.
You don't need to use eval, parse, assign - that's in many cases not the right approach. Here's a simple alternative:
row2col <- function(dat, varname) {
dat[[varname]] <- row.names(dat)
row.names(dat) <- NULL
dat[, c(varname, setdiff(names(dat), varname))]
And then you can test it:
> row2col(df, "testcol")
# testcol p value significance
#1 Q5.i 1.511247e-03 TRUE
#2 Q5.ii 8.047098e-01 FALSE
#3 Q5.iii 1.925374e-02 TRUE
#4 Q5.iv 4.678542e-04 TRUE
#5 Q5.v 4.802167e-06 TRUE
#6 2.314349e-02 TRUE
Create new var using row names.
data$new_var <- row.names(data)
Reset row names
row.names(data) <- NULL
Reorder data frame with new var first
data <- data[, c(ncol(data):(ncol(data) - 1))]