How to make own text editor for math equation? - math

I'm using C# on Windows (but I can also use C++)
What I want to make is just an own text editor that I can write/edit mathematical equations/formulas.
Reason why I'm looking for this function is that the calculations of my structural analyzing programs are only editable with in my C# code. I want my programs provide a function that a user can add their own formulas for design checking or whatever so that my programs can be more widely used.
I know how to parsing equation of string form to multiple variables in code so I can compute what I want. However, I really have no idea that how to display own text editor. I think it can't be done by textbox and only thing I can think of is using opengl api. But I believe there should be easier and efficient way to this job done.
My programs are currently run on windows only but I'm planning to make OSX version and web version as well. I don't mind if solution only available for windows only or not. If anyone knows easy way to display own text-box, please help me. I will really appreciate for it. Thanks for reading my question.


Anyone know how to set Notepad++ as default text editor for SAS, Stata and R?

Anyone know how to set Notepad++ as default text editor for SAS, Stata and R?
I'm having the hardest time finding anything online (particularly for SAS). Looking for ability to run code from Notepad++ as well as setup color coding.
Why not just go the GUI route: right click, e.g., any foo.R file and select "Open with...", then pick Np++ and click the "always open this file type.." button. Rinse, lather, repeat.
BTW, for R, if you don't already have it, get "NppToR" , a little app which lets you execute code directly from the Npp window.
On windows you can either:
manually edit the keys for the file type to set the value of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\FILE_TYPE\shell\edit\command where FILE_TYPE is the appropriate one for each of the files extensions you wish to change this is quite hard work or
you can use a program that does it for you such as the free Default Programs Editor
In either case the first thing to do is to back up the registry.
I would seriously suggest looking into using one of the many, some free IDEs as they will automatically include the run from edit environment, syntax highlighting, code completion and, in many cases, debugging as well.
Notepad++ is my favorite editor and I was in the same shoes as you are now.
I am assuming that you are in Windows (Notepad ++ doesn't exist in Mac, saddest thing for me)
Please follow the steps mentioned in the below webpage and do as the author says.
Now for in-line editing , it may be not be the best choice for SAS. Although I haven't tried it much so not a good person to comment on it.

GNAT GPS on the fly syntax checking and getting the best out of the IDE

I've started using GPS for coding Ada at work - does anyone have any tips for getting the best out of the IDE? or any plugins I should be aware of?
For example is there a way to enable on the fly syntax/type checking - of the sorts you get in eclipse/visual studio where errors are underlined as you go?
Also what are people's general opinions on GNAT Workbench compared to GPS?
The GPS does not have a from of background syntax checking and that is by design. The idea behind GPS is that it is the compiler who decides what code is correct and what code is not correct. It means that if you want to know if your code is correct or not you have to compile it. On a Windows computer the short cut key for that is SHIFT+F4 and will only compile the specification or body file you are currently editing. Pressing F4 will compile your whole project. You will save time by using SHIFT+F4.
Another interesting feature is that the GPS uses cross-reference (XREF) information when navigation through the code. For example, let's say you would like to find all the places in your code where a specific subprogram is called. In GPS (GNAT PRO), right click on the subprogram you are interested in a press Find references. In the GPS GNAT Libre version you don't have a menu when right clicking in your code. In this case go to the Navigate menu and click on Find references there. If the GPS does not find any references and you know that the subprogram is used in the application it means that the XREF information needs to be updated. You may compile the whole application by F4 since the XREF information will be generated along with the binary that is produced. If you go to Edit and click on Key shortcuts you can set up a short cut key to generate the XREF information only. You may also find several interesting features there that you can set up a short cut key for.
The cross-reference information (XREF) is also used for refactoring (GNAT PRO specific functionality). It often works well for changing variable and subprogram names. Just make sure the cross-reference information is up to date!
Code snippets in GPS are also useful. You use them by writing a keyword followed by CTRL+O (not zero, O as in Orwell). To see the code snippets you can choose between go to Edit and click on Aliases. You can also create your own Aliases and code snippets to become a more productive Ada Software Engineer.
Good luck!
I do not think that GPS has a form of background syntax checking like Eclipse does, at least I haven't found it.
I wrote a small sized terminal program in GPS as my first Ada program and my opinion of it is generally negative.
The browser is very confusing and it is hard to find items you are looking for.
The editor has the nasty habit of adding a column to the left and removing it dynamically based on the item under your mouse. What that does is when you are trying to select text with the mouse, your text switches right and left by one character as you move which makes precise selection a difficult thing to do
Getting in the debugger involves too many steps and it generally moves your files in the editor to the EOF position when you set breakpoints, so you will do a lot of scrolling to go back to the sections of interest.
The debugger output looks fancy with all the graphical elements but it is also cumbersome to operate.
GPS offers better help features for Ada libraries though, it's generally easier to browse the standard libraries and check them out than in Eclipse.
All in all, if Eclipse works for you, you might want to stick with it or perhaps open both on the same project and switch to GPS for things like help etc.
I had a related question out here which is on hold now (as I expect your question will soon be due to it's broad content) but I did some research and I am generally dissatisfied with what is out there in the Ada field. The language is great but it suffocates under bad tools.
One last tip: You might want to try Slick Edit as it's text editor and browsing features are quite good, although they too have flaws with Ada (for instance the beautifier).
Good luck with your venture

programmatically interact with webpage
I would like to write out a python program that opens the above webpage, fills out 3 text boxes with specific values, hits the "convert" button, and extracts the answer. What is the best way to accomplish this? I've heard of mechanize but that's not available for Python 3.
If there's nothing available to do this in python, what would be a good alternative way of automating website interaction? I'm open to any type of program or programming language.
You could look at mechanize. It should have everything you need to accomplish your goal.
Is Python 3 a pre-requisite? If not, you can check out selenium.
Described as a browser automation tool which is primarily used for automated testing. There are Python bindings availble. I currently use these.

R statistics console in QT

I am planning to link a Qt project against R to provide some statistical funcionality. I thought it might be quite cute to add some generality to the project by having an R console as a Qt widget within the tab to allow me to do analyses that I haven't thought of in the design stage later on. I was wondering whether it is something that might be accomplished fairly easily?
In particular I'm stuck on how I would access the RTerm from QT? Has anyone else attempted something similar or can give some hints on where to start?
One of the examples for RInside does something pretty close---in around 200 lines most of which deal with the other GUI aspects, it wraps R functionality inside a Qt application.
The example implements a GUI density slider, and the edit box allows you to write an almost arbitrary R expression, or rather the parts that are then passed into an evaluation to generate random number: rnorm(50), or for a mixture c(rnorm(50), rt(50)) etc. You could possibly build on top of that.
See this blog post for more.
Check out Carson Farmer's work on manageR:
this is a plugin for Quantum GIS (mapping package) that interfaces it to R, giving you exactly what you want - an R console wrapped in a Qt4 body - as well as data transfer between Qgis and R. It handles plots as well.
I've tried to encourage Carson to produce a standalone R Gui project from this code, but he's a busy guy. Aren't we all?
RStudio is largely written using QT, you should be able to have a look at their code and build something similar into your Qt based application:

PDF to HTML or similar

I'm building an application to view pdf's through a browser without the need of a plugin on mobile devices. I tried ImageMagick and ghostscript to covert the pages to images but they are far too large and text becomes unclear. I see website offering a service of converting pdf's into html and do a descent job but I can't find an example of how this is accomplished. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!
EDIT: I seem to have read the question backwards. In this case it might be best to parse through the PDF and then format some HTML based on what you find. I believe the javapdf option is capable of this, but I haven't used any of these so I am not sure. If worse comes to worst and you can't find software to disassemble a PDF, you might be able to write your own disassembler in Java or PHP by reading the PDF specification. Best of luck! - PDF Specification (Adobe Modified Version, because they are most popular you may want to support their extensions)
-- OLD -- These websites probably write their own proprietary software to do the trick. If you are truly interested in this undertaking, I would suggest parsing the HTML to get the data and style information and using it to format some sort of PDF writer APIs. A quick Google search yields the following: -- END OLD --
If you are looking at converting PDF to HTML and planning to run the conversion on a server, then you can try pdf2html. It is a program packaged as part of poppler-utils. I do not know how the program accomplishes it.
I was googling and came across the below link explaining how implements conversion.
