PasswordSignInAsync - Failing when calling this programmatically? -

Please help, I want to test a service method - and during this testing I want to forcefully log-in a user by providing the user name and password - this will not be used for production, simply for a test I am conducting. But when I get the sign in manager and call the PasswordSignInAsync I receive a strange error, this error is not generated when going via Login.cshtml.cs code which reads the same?


Does anyone know what this Async Storage key is?

Whenever my user logs in, my app creates this key that gets returned in my call to AsyncStorage.getAllKeys();
I do not make any calls to AsyncStorage.set on login so I am very confused as to what this is and how it is getting there.

ask(Alexa Skill Kit) cli asks for authorization code all the time

My requirement is to automate skill create and ask deploy via pipelines for which I am relying on ask cli
I am using this doc to set the envionment variables and using curl to get the access token which I then set as "ASK_ACCESS_TOKEN".
I am also aware that to get the refreshtoken, you need to provide the "Authorization code" via cli "ask generate-lwa-token --no-browser" command.
The refresh token is valid for 1 hour and I provide this refresh token as an input to my pipeline each time it gets expired.
However what I am noticing is that the refresh token even though it is expected to be valid for an hour, throws a 400 bad request the SECOND time I run the pipeline.
If I generate a new refresh token and input it, all works fine?

Artifactory Users Management not loading

I'm trying to open the Artifactory Users Management page, following the Admin->Security->Users tab.
Then I'm getting the following error:
Any idea of what might be causing it? Also, which log I can check this? Couldn't find anything yet.
The server error generally indicates there is problem fetching the user details from Artifactory. This can happen due to any of the following reasons:
when you have a high volume of users and the request is timing out.
There is a chance that you might have created a username with a
special character which is not allowed (using the REST method or some
other method)
There is an issue with the backend database
And the best place to troubleshoot is to first check the request log a good valid entry looks like below:
Next check the artifactory.log file for java stack or check catalina.out under tomcat/logs directory.

MSG.exe Error 5 getting session names

I am trying to send a message through the command line using msg.exe on Windows 7. I have successfully gotten everything to work except for the Session ID. I get the error Error 5 getting session names. After searching online I found that I can edit the registry to remove this error using regedit.exe. However, on the domain I am on, I do not have permissions to edit the registry. I can only view it.
I know the individual session ID's of the users that I am trying to send a message to.
Super user hasn't really been any help... How do I prevent the error from occurring without editing the registry?
You need to log into the user, that the computer you are trying to send to is on.You will need to do is go to credential manager, and add the credentials. That error message will go away.

Sending alert to pages in

I am working on web application , in my project there is some type of testing and task assignment to employees.
Now when an employee complete a task and assigned to a user the user automatically get the message on his page ( there is 3 user accessing application , one is admin , second is tester and third is verifier ...both of them works on different pages , now when admin assign a task the tester automatically get a notification " new message " ( for this i am using master page)..on whatever page the tester is on working... now if the tester is completes it 's task and assign to verifier , verifier must get notification "new message" ... and so on..)
for this a have put a button on master page ..and also i have make a windows service that runs on every minute , now my problem is how i sent the message from windows service to my master page button ( that i change text of button).
Is this idea working ?
Why do you need to window service to run in background? Is there any specific reason to have the windows service for these requirements?
As per your detailed description what I understood is that when the employee completes a task and assigned to a user the user automatically get the message on his page. So when the employee is working and completed means they will click on some button that their work is completed. Then while clicking on the button, you just write the code for sending the mail to the tester. like the same way, when the tester is completed their work and click on the testing completes, send a mail to the reviewer and so on..Then where is the need to have a window service for this to send the mails?
All the requirements can be achieved through the simple send mail code.
Let us know if you need any more help or if you don't understand the exact scenario or if anything is missing in the requirements.
Hope it will be helpful to you.
I don't think it is possible to send from a windows service informations to You can create a button that can query a webservice about new tasks (but you are counting on the user to press it).
Another more "friendly" way is to have a timer in javascript that uses ajax requests to get new tasks.
