Update azure tag using AZ CLI - azure-resource-manager

trying to update all the tags in a resource in one shot using Azure CLI any ideas
This is code I tried
jsonrtag=$(az resource show -g examplegroup -n examplevnet --resource-type "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks" --query tags)
rt=$(echo $jsonrtag | tr -d '"{},' | sed 's/: /=/g')
az resource tag --tags $rt Project=Redesign -g examplegroup -n examplevnet --resource-type "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks"

An example to add tags to a resource without existing tags, use:
$r = Get-AzResource -ResourceName examplevnet -ResourceGroupName examplegroup
Set-AzResource -Tag #{ Dept="IT"; Environment="Test" } -ResourceId $r.ResourceId -Force
An example to add tags to a resource that has existing tags, use:
$r = Get-AzResource -ResourceName examplevnet -ResourceGroupName examplegroup
$r.Tags.Add("Status", "Approved")
Set-AzResource -Tag $r.Tags -ResourceId $r.ResourceId -Force
For more information, please refer this document.
Hope this helps! Cheers!


How to SRC_URI:append per $MACHINE

I have a yocto native recipe that should apply a different patch to the source code depending on the target ${MACHINE} that it bitbakes for. The folder struct looks like this:
| |-machine1
| | |-p1.patch
| |
| |-machine2
| | |-p2.patch
| |
| |-common.patch
then the important contents of the recipe are
inherit native
SRC_URI = <some git repo>
SRC_URI:append = "file://common.patch"
SRC_URI:append:machine1 = "file://p1.patch"
SRC_URI:append:machine2 = "file://p2.patch"
do_configure() {
./configure --static
do_compile() {
oe_runmake tool1
do_install() {
# Default sigtrace installation directory
install -d ${D}${bindir}
install -m 0755 ${S}/output/linux/${release}/tool1 ${D}/${bindir}/tool1
The above does not work - only the common patch gets applied.
I also tried
SRC_URI = <some git repo>
SRC_URI:append = "\
file://common.patch \
file://p1.patch \
file://p2.patch \
which applies all patches in all targets. Also not what I aim for.
Am I using the command wrong? Is there another way to achieve this ?
Thank you in advance for your help

How to Run a Shell Command in a zsh-theme?

So, I have Oh My Zsh up and running, and I'm creating my own new zsh-theme. In it, I wish to grab the external IP address from https://api.myip.com - and I'm using curl & grep to grab it. Works fine when I enter it at the command prompt, but when embedded in my zsh-theme file it gives me an error:
zsh: no matches found: ((1?[0-9][0-9]?|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]).){3}(1?[0-9][0-9]?|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])
(23) Failed writing body
Jacobs-MacBook-Pro-2.local jacobjackson ttys002 0 [ ] 10/29/20 18:32:46 PM
Here is my zsh-theme:
PROMPT='%F{white}%M %n %y %j $(curl -s https://api.myip.com | grep -oE '((1?[0-9][0-9]?|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}(1?[0-9][0-9]?|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])') %F{green}%2c%F{blue} [%f '
RPROMPT='$(git_prompt_info) %F{blue}] %F{green}%W %* %F{yellow}%D{%p}%f'
And here is the command sequence that grabs the IP address:
curl -s https://api.myip.com | grep -oE '((1?[0-9][0-9]?|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}(1?[0-9][0-9]?|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])'
Try this:
# Function name that's compatible with
# http://zsh.sourceforge.net/Doc/Release/User-Contributions.html#Prompt-Themes
# in case you ever want to build a full prompt theme.
# -s to prevent curl from outputting a progress bar.
# Use a service that simply outputs your IP, so you
# don't have to parse anything.
prompt_jacobjackson_precmd() {
psvar[1]=$( curl -s ifconfig.co )
# precmd hooks ru just before each new prompt.
autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook
add-zsh-hook precmd prompt_jacobjackson_precmd
# %1v inserts the 1st element of the psvar array. See
# http://zsh.sourceforge.net/Doc/Release/Prompt-Expansion.html#Conditional-Substrings-in-Prompts
PS1='%1v > '
I decided to use some of Marlon Richert's ideas as well a few from the zsh-theme 'bureau.' :)
get_space () {
local STR=$1$2
local zero='%([BSUbfksu]|([FB]|){*})'
local LENGTH=${#${(S%%)STR//$~zero/}}
local SPACES=""
(( LENGTH = ${COLUMNS} - $LENGTH - 1))
for i in {0..$LENGTH}
echo $SPACES
_1LEFT="%F{white}$(curl -s https://api.myip.com | jq .ip -r) %F{green}\$(dirs -c; dirs)"
_1RIGHT="%F{yellow}%j jobs %F{cyan}\$(~/systemstatus.sh)"
actionjackson_precmd () {
_1SPACES=`get_space $_1LEFT $_1RIGHT`
print -rP "$_1LEFT$_1SPACES$_1RIGHT"
setopt prompt_subst
PROMPT='%F{yellow}%n%F{white}#%F{green}%M $_LIBERTY%f '
RPROMPT='$(actionjackson_git_prompt) %F{green}%W %* %F{yellow}%D{%p}%f'
autoload -U add-zsh-hook
add-zsh-hook precmd actionjackson_precmd

Kendo UI splitter for aurelia-cli project: height in %, and bundling export?

I am trying to use a Kendo UI Splitter widget in an Aurelia JS project, which is started through aurelia-cli (the au program).
To have a reproducible example, I have added a bash script below, which uses au to start a new project (since au new is interactive only, and has no options that would be useful to specify in batch mode, I had to use expect in the script to automate it), then add the relevant source files, finally building and exporting it. Here are my problems:
Regardless of what I do, the horizontal split has its height set to 300px; I would like to set its height as percentage of parent - how can I do this?
When I "export" a "production" "bundled" site, it cannot load - it fails; it only works through au run on http://localhost:9000. How can I "export" a proper "bundled" site?
About the size/height issue - this is what I get when I view the index.html via au run/localhost:9000:
Note that the height setting I've used on my CSS class for the left pane div element, are overwritten by the Kendo framework which explicitly writes in height into an inline style attribute of the element. Related to this, I've found http://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/controls/layout/splitter/how-to/expand-splitter-to-100-height and Kendo UI Splitter height, which suggest JavaScript might be needed to do this - but I'm not sure how to apply it in an Aurelia JS context.
About the bundling issue: I've found this documentation (btw, is it possible to refer to a specific framework version in the aurelia hub URL?):
Aurelia CLI apps always run in bundled mode, even during development. To build your app, simply run au build. ...
By default, the Aurelia CLI creates two bundles, an app-bundle.js, and a vendor-bundle.js.
The way I've understood this, is that every needed dependency in node_modules gets "compiled in" in the two .js files in the scripts/ subfolder of the app. So, in order to "export" a "production" site (given that the au cli has no commands to do this) one can just copy the project folder without its node_modules subfolder, and then simply view index.html from the copy in a browser - and all should work. In fact, this did work for me, until I tried using the Kendo UI components.
The script below basically creates the project in /tmp/testsplit, builds it with au build, copies the project folder without node_modules/ to /tmp/testsplit-export and then runs au run --watch in the original project folder. When I view http://localhost:9000/ or file:///tmp/testsplit/index.html, all is well - but when I view file:///tmp/testsplit-export/index.html, nothing is rendered, and Firefox console log tells me:
DEBUG [templating] importing resources for mainpage.html <unavailable> vendor-bundle.js:13938
ERROR [app-router] <unavailable> vendor-bundle.js:13968
ERROR [app-router] Router navigation failed, and no previous location or fallbackRoute could be restored. vendor-bundle.js:13968
My versions are:
$ node --version
$ npm --version
$ npm show aurelia-framework version
$ npm show aurelia-cli version
Here is the bash script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# uses `expect` and `rsync`: sudo apt-get install expect rsync
set -x
cd /tmp
REINSTALL=true # comment this var assignment to not recreate the project
if [ "$REINSTALL" == "true" ] ; then
rm -rf /tmp/testsplit
# npm install aurelia-cli -g # so we have `au` command
# `au new` also creates new dir
# note `au new --here` asks different questions!
# wout --here: 1. Default ESNext (Default)
# with --here: 1. Yes (Default) Would you like to create this project?
#~ echo -r "1\r1\r" | au new testsplit # NOWORK, must use `expect`
expect -c '
set timeout -1
proc abort {} {
puts "Timeout or EOF\n"
exit 1
spawn au new testsplit
expect {
"\\\[Default ESNext\\\]>" { send "1\r" ; }
default abort
expect {
"\\\[Yes\\\]>" { send "1\r"; }
default abort
# note: the next q is the "Would you like to install the project dependencies?"
# it downloads into node_modules (182MB), and may take a while
expect {
"\\\[Yes\\\]>" { send "1\r"; }
default abort
expect eof
catch wait result
puts "Finished OK\n"
cd /tmp/testsplit
if [ "$REINSTALL" == "true" ] ; then
npm install jquery kendo-ui-core aurelia-kendoui-bridge --save
{ set +x ; } 2>/dev/null
function setfilename { FILENAME="$1"; echo $FILENAME; }
if [ "$REINSTALL" == "true" ] ; then
echo " Patching files:"
setfilename "aurelia_project/aurelia.json" ;
IFS='' read -r -d '' REPLACER <<'EOF'
"name": "kendo-ui-core",
"path": "../node_modules/kendo-ui-core/js/",
"main": "kendo.ui.core"
"name": "aurelia-kendoui-bridge",
"path": "../node_modules/aurelia-kendoui-bridge/dist/amd",
"main": "index"
IFS='' read -r -d '' LOOKFOR <<'EOF'
perl -pi -e 's/($ENV{"LOOKFOR"})/$1$ENV{"REPLACER"}/' "$FILENAME"
setfilename "src/main.js" ;
IFS='' read -r -d '' LOOKFOR <<'EOF'
IFS='' read -r -d '' REPLACER <<'EOF'
// .plugin('aurelia-kendoui-bridge', kendo => kendo.core());
perl -pi -e 's/(\Q$ENV{"LOOKFOR"}\E)/$ENV{"REPLACER"}/' "$FILENAME"
echo " Adding files:"
setfilename "src/app.html" ; cat > "$FILENAME" << 'EOF'
<div>Test App</div>
<div id="container">
setfilename "src/app.js" ; cat > "$FILENAME" << 'EOF'
export class App {
configureRouter(config, router){
config.title = 'Test App Title';
{ route: ['','mainpage'], name: 'mainpage', moduleId: './mainpage', nav: true, title:'Main Page' },
this.router = router;
setfilename "src/mainpage.html" ; cat > "$FILENAME" << 'EOF'
<require from="./mainpage.css"></require>
<require from="aurelia-kendoui-bridge/splitter/splitter"></require>
<!-- these two css must be present, else the drag handles are styled/positioned wrong! -->
<require from="../node_modules/kendo-ui-core/css/web/kendo.common.core.min.css"></require>
<require from="../node_modules/kendo-ui-core/css/web/kendo.default.min.css"></require>
<div>( see also: http://aurelia-ui-toolkits.github.io/demo-kendo/#/samples/splitter-basic-use )</div>
<div class="splitpane-holder" ak-splitter="k-orientation: horizontal;">
<div class="pane-left"></div>
<div class="pane-right"></div>
setfilename "src/mainpage.js" ; cat > "$FILENAME" << 'EOF'
import * as $ from 'jquery';
//// both of these names seem to work the same:
// import {Splitter} from 'kendo-ui-core';
import {kendoSplitter} from 'kendo-ui-core';
export class Mainpage {
setfilename "src/mainpage.css" ; cat > "$FILENAME" << 'EOF'
html, body {
.splitpane-holder {
height: calc(100% - 6em);
width: calc(100% - 2em);
position: relative;
.pane-left, .pane-right { height: 100%; }
.pane-left { background-color: #AAA; }
.pane-right { background-color: #888; }
au build
rm -rf /tmp/testsplit-export
# add /. at end of source folder in rsync so hidden files are copied, else source will be copied as a folder inside destination
rsync -av /tmp/testsplit/. /tmp/testsplit-export --exclude node_modules
echo -e "Exported /tmp/testsplit-export/index.html\n"
au run --watch
This code works in all browsers, substitute 'splitpane-holder' for 'horizontal'?
<div id="horizontal" role="horizontal" style="height: 100%;">
body {height:100%; padding:0; margin:0;}
body {display:flex; flex-direction:column;}
#horizontal {flex-grow:1;}
Ok, I still haven't solved the styling (height in %) issue, so I still hope someone can help me with that; however, I think I may have solved the bundling issue. The trick seems to be:
Add the required .css files as resources in the vendor bundle in aurelia.json
Use an additional import statement for the aurelia-kendoui-bridge version of the component in mainpage.js
I found about the adding resources from an example for including nprogress from How to import packages within my Aurelia application ; and I got the import trick from here (via improve webpack kendo-core config · Issue #588 · aurelia-ui-toolkits/aurelia-kendoui-bridge · GitHub):
#len-ro my experience with aurelia-cli is very limited, but it may be tracing the imports of your javascript files to see which files to include in the bundle. since it doesn't pick up tags, just import tags, you could try to use import 'aurelia-kendoui-bridge/dropdownlist/dropdownlist'; instead and see if that changes anything
So the relevant changed parts in the OP bash script are:
setfilename "aurelia_project/aurelia.json" ;
IFS='' read -r -d '' REPLACER <<'EOF'
"name": "kendo-ui-core",
"path": "../node_modules/kendo-ui-core",
"main": "js/kendo.ui.core",
"resources": [
"name": "aurelia-kendoui-bridge",
"path": "../node_modules/aurelia-kendoui-bridge/dist/amd",
"main": "index"
setfilename "src/main.js" ;
IFS='' read -r -d '' LOOKFOR <<'EOF'
IFS='' read -r -d '' REPLACER <<'EOF'
// .plugin('aurelia-kendoui-bridge', kendo => kendo.core()); // nope, this imports extra wrappers! Can also do kendo => kendo.core().kendoSplitter() ...
setfilename "src/mainpage.html" ; cat > "$FILENAME" << 'EOF'
<require from="./mainpage.css"></require>
<require from="aurelia-kendoui-bridge/splitter/splitter"></require>
<!-- these two css must be present, else the drag handles are styled/positioned wrong! -->
<require from="kendo-ui-core/css/web/kendo.common.core.min.css"></require>
<require from="kendo-ui-core/css/web/kendo.default.min.css"></require>
<div>( see also: http://aurelia-ui-toolkits.github.io/demo-kendo/#/samples/splitter-basic-use )</div>
<div class="splitpane-holder" ak-splitter="k-orientation: horizontal;">
<div class="pane-left"></div>
<div class="pane-right"></div>
setfilename "src/mainpage.js" ; cat > "$FILENAME" << 'EOF'
import * as $ from 'jquery';
//// either of these names seem to work the same:
// import 'kendo-ui-core/js/kendo.splitter';
// import {Splitter} from 'kendo-ui-core';
import {kendoSplitter} from 'kendo-ui-core';
import 'aurelia-kendoui-bridge/splitter/splitter';
export class Mainpage {
Now, I can load the file:///tmp/testsplit-export/index.html and it works the same as the localhost:9000 version; meaning that the understanding of export as a copy of the project folder without node_modules seems sound enough.
Btw, note that also .css files are bundled inside scripts/vendor-bundle.js:
$ grep -Eao '.{34}.kendo.common.core.min.css.{12}.' testsplit/scripts/vendor-bundle.js
define('text!kendo-ui-core/css/web/kendo.common.core.min.css', ['module']
atey(-100%)}\n/*# sourceMappingURL=kendo.common.core.min.css.map */\n"; }

Apigee Command Line import returns 500 with NullPointerException

I'm trying to customise the deploy scripts to allow me to deploy each of my four API proxies from the command line. It looks very similar to the one provided in the samples on Github:
if [[ $# -eq 0 ]] ; then
echo 'Must provide proxy name.'
exit 0
source ./setup/setenv.sh
echo "Enter your password for user $username in the Apigee Enterprise organization $org, followed by [ENTER]:"
read -s password
echo Deploying $proxyname to $env on $url using $username and $org
./tools/deploy.py -n $proxyname -u $username:$password -o $org -h $url -e $env -p / -d ./$dirname
echo "If 'State: deployed', then your API Proxy is ready to be invoked."
echo "Run '$ sh invoke.sh'"
echo "If you get errors, make sure you have set the proper account settings in /setup/setenv.sh"
However when I run it, I get the following response:
Deploying teamname-gameassets to int on https://api.enterprise.apigee.com using my-email-address and org-name
Writing ./gameassets/teamname-gameassets.xml to ./teamname-gameassets.xml
Writing ./gameassets/policies/Add-CORS.xml to policies/Add-CORS.xml
Writing ./gameassets/proxies/default.xml to proxies/default.xml
Writing ./gameassets/targets/development.xml to targets/development.xml
Writing ./gameassets/targets/production.xml to targets/production.xml
Import failed to /v1/organizations/org-name/apis?action=import&name=teamname-gameassets with status 500:
"code" : "messaging.config.beans.ImportFailed",
"message" : "Failed to import the bundle : java.lang.NullPointerException",
"contexts" : [ ],
"cause" : {
"contexts" : [ ]
How should I go about debugging when I receive errors during the deploy process? Is there some sort of console I can view once logged in to Apigee?
I'm not sure how your proxy ended up this way, but it looks like the top-level directory is named "gameassets." It should be named "apiproxy". If you rename this directory you should see a successful deployment.
Also, before you customize too much, please try out "apigeetool," which is a more flexible command-line tool for deploying proxies:

How can I send an email through the UNIX mailx command?

How can I send an email through the UNIX mailx command?
an example
$ echo "something" | mailx -s "subject" recipient#somewhere.com
to send attachment
$ uuencode file file | mailx -s "subject" recipient#somewhere.com
and to send attachment AND write the message body
$ (echo "something\n" ; uuencode file file) | mailx -s "subject" recipient#somewhere.com
Here you are :
echo "Body" | mailx -r "FROM_EMAIL" -s "SUBJECT" "To_EMAIL"
PS. Body and subject should be kept within double quotes.
Remove quotes from FROM_EMAIL and To_EMAIL while substituting email addresses.
mailx -s "subjec_of_mail" abc#domail.com < file_name
through mailx utility we can send a file from unix to mail server.
here in above code we can see
first parameter is -s "subject of mail"
the second parameter is mail ID and the last parameter is name of file which we want to attach
mail [-s subject] [-c ccaddress] [-b bccaddress] toaddress
-c and -b are optional.
-s : Specify subject;if subject contains spaces, use quotes.
-c : Send carbon copies to list of users seperated by comma.
-b : Send blind carbon copies to list of users seperated by comma.
Hope my answer clarifies your doubt.
Its faster with MUTT command
echo "Body Of the Email" | mutt -a "File_Attachment.csv" -s "Daily Report for $(date)" -c cc_mail#g.com to_mail#g.com -y
-c email cc list
-s subject list
-y to send the mail
From the man page:
Sending mail
To send a message to one or more people, mailx can be invoked with
arguments which are the names of
people to whom the mail will be sent.
The user is then expected to type in
his message, followed
by an ‘control-D’ at the beginning of a line.
In other words, mailx reads the content to send from standard input and can be redirected to like normal. E.g.:
ls -l $HOME | mailx -s "The content of my home directory" someone#email.adr
echo "Sending emails ..."
NOW=$(date +"%F %H:%M")
echo $NOW " Running service" >> open_files.log
header=`echo "Service Restarting: " $NOW`
mail -s "$header" abc.xyz#google.com, \
cde.mno#yahoo.com, \ < open_files.log
Customizing FROM address
echo $MESSAGE | mail -s "$SUBJECT" $TOADDR -- -f $FROM
Here is a multifunctional function to tackle mail sending with several attachments:
enviaremail() {
values=$(echo "$#" | tr -d '\n')
heirloom-mailx $( attachment=""
for (( a = 5; a < ${#listargs[#]}; a++ )); do
attachment=$(echo "-a ${listargs[a]} ")
echo "${attachment}"
done) -v -s "${titulo}" \
-S smtp-use-starttls \
-S ssl-verify=ignore \
-S smtp-auth=login \
-S smtp=smtp://$1 \
-S from="${2}" \
-S smtp-auth-user=$3 \
-S smtp-auth-password=$4 \
-S ssl-verify=ignore \
$5 < ${cuerpo}
function call:
enviaremail "smtp.mailserver:port" "from_address" "authuser" "'pass'" "destination" "list of attachments separated by space"
Note: Remove the double quotes in the call
In addition please remember to define externally the $titulo (subject) and $cuerpo (body) of the email prior to using the function
If you want to send more than two person or DL :
echo "Message Body" | mailx -s "Message Title" -r sender#someone.com receiver1#someone.com,receiver_dl#.com
-s = subject or mail title
-r = sender mail or DL
