How to get Flow to recognize DOM objects - flowtype

If I use the online Try Flow tool and simply write document; I get the error "Cannot resolve name document." How can I get it to recognize DOM objects like document, window, and other objects that are present in the browser? Is there a libdef I need to import? I clearly see that Flow has a dom.js but how would I reference that?


Executing a method which is named via a config file

In short: I have a method name provided via a JSON configuration file. I'd like to call a method using this provided name. The method (with a matching name) will exist in the backend. What's the best way of going about this?
I am not quite sure what I should be searching for as an example.
To detail: I am working with a legacy application, hence the VB.NET. I am building a single PDF file from multiple PDF sources. Most of these are as is, I simply read the configuration and grab the relevant files and the job is done. However some require processing, I'd like the configuration file to pass in a method name to be called that will perform extra processing on the PDF, whatever that may be.
As there can be a lot of PDF files that can vary, I cannot simply use a property such as "PostProcessing: true".
Any ideas?
You could use reflection to reflect method names back and check them against the name passed from the property in the config file.
Like so
Type magicType = Type.GetType("MagicClass");
MethodInfo magicMethod = magicType.GetMethod("ItsMagic");
object magicValue = magicMethod.Invoke(magicClassObject, new object[]{100});
That would work.. but to be honest, I'd go with a case statement as you'll be hardcoding the method names anyway (because they are code), and it'll be strongly typed (less chance of typos and errors).

global variable in optaplanner

In drools rule file how do I set the value of (or initialize) a global variable for optaplanner. My use case is following:
I want to declare a global java map that is constant and will not change during the execution. Every rule will access the map to check for a value, if value is in the map then rule will evaluate to false. The map is being generated before execution starts by accessing data in files/database.
This link is also requesting the access to global variable but this feature is rejected now.
How do i use the hack defined in this link: Setting global variables in working memory in Drools planner, from which object i should get CustomSolverPhaseCommand? [I am not able to comment on this post yet because i don't have enough reputation, sorry if it seems duplicate question].
I am creating SolverFactory from xml Resource and xml file contains the path to .drl file. Just like in .drl we can access object HardSoftScoreHolder scoreHolder, I want to access the map in the same way in 'then' part of rule.
can anyone please help?
Look at the examples that have a class that ends with Parameterization instead, such as ConferenceParametrization, this is probably a better alternative than globals.

Meteor autoform does not wait for element to exist in DOM

I'm adding a rendered template to the document via:
Blaze.renderWithData(, Session.get(toAdd[i]), document.getElementById('pages'))
This works great... except sometimes with autoform. I'm unsure what's triggering it to happen but some of my autoforms (that can exist inside, they're added to that template dynamically via the data passed in) show, while other throw a client error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'formValues' of undefined :: autoform-inputs.js:162
markChanged :: autoform-inputs.js:169
updateTrackedFieldValue :: afFieldInput.js:72
There's a timeout set to 0 in that afFieldInput.js on line 71. Upping this to 500 fixes the error above but is hacky and causes other issues.
The best I can surmise, autoform is attempting to get the form from the DOM by id before it exists in the DOM, probably it exists as a document fragment via Blaze, if I had to guess.
I can confirm that AutoForm.templateInstanceForForm is getting the correct form ID, but that document.getElementById(formId) is returning null.
The other possibility is that Blaze is, for some reason, failing to render the template but not warning me.
I was WAY off.
I had changed the schema, but was trying to open a doc with improper data for the new schema. Going to post this answer in case someone comes across the same error.
Also, don't pass in objects or functions all the way to the template that autoform doesn't expect, apparently. You can access them still, but remove them from the attr object by declaring attr as a function in the helper, returning this.attr sans any objects that don't need to be sent on to the template.

.Net Inline Schema/XML Programmatic Generation for Excel

I have a set of data rendered using ASP.Net (VB.Net) to a web page. I now want to export that data to XML. I have created some code to generate a schema, however, I don't know what to do next. I want to have the schema be in-line with the XML data, and I would like the compiler to check to make sure that the data I'm entering for the XML content validates against the included schema. Anyone know of a way to do this? The idea is for me to be able to open the resultant file in Excel with fields of the correct type.
I've build XML documents before, and this is my first schema document I've created programmatically. However, I've never worked with inline schema's, much less used them to strongly-type the XML being added to the document.
I've read over the following, which were quite helpful, but neither of which addressed the issue I mention above:
I have no idea what you mean by "... I would like the compiler to check to make sure that the data I'm entering for the XML content validates against the included schema."
The compiler never checks that. If you want to validate your XML Document against a schema programmatically, you should probably use
But for inlining the schema with your document, you sort of answered your own question. The second link in your question, to, is exactly what you are trying to do.
You can think of an inline XML Schema as a document-within-a-document. Well, using Kirk's example, the outermost document is more of a container which uses the undefined namespace (no schema). His example uses a document root of "DerekDoc" that belongs to the undefined namespace. You can name yours whatever you want.
Inside that root are essentially two documents. One is the inline XML Schema. You would just add it as a child element of the root. The other is the XML document that you intended to conform to the XML Schema. You will need to use the xmlns attribute to set this element to the namespace defined by your XML Schema (the target namespace of the schema).
It might work (I haven't tried it) to set the root element to the target namespace of the schema, but it might be harder for clients to validate the document since it's a forward reference.

Accessing an object's workflow state in collective.easytemplate

I would like to use collective.easytemplate to generate templated emails (for content rules). However, I am not sure if it can output an objects workflow state. Anybody know if it is possible and how it is done?
You can, it is possible, and one way is to use the portal_workflow tool e.g. from parts/omelette/plone/app/contentrules/tests/
self.portal.portal_workflow.getInfoFor(self.folder.d1, 'review_state'))
More generally, something like:
context.portal_workflow.getInfoFor(context, 'review_state')
in a page template should work. Or use the portal_catalog as Spanky suggests e.g. if "obj" is a catalog "brain" (i.e. part of a result set from a catalog search) then:
should work.
The portal_catalog also has an index of the workflow's Review State, so if you don't already have the object you're working on (e.g. context ≠ the object) you could use the catalog, look up the object and get the review state from the resulting "brains" object.
Apparently there are ALSO browser view methods available to you as well, and I notice that one of them is workflow_state. See:
