add a virtual property in easy-admin bundle - symfony

I'm currently working with the 2.3 version of the easy-admin bundle in Symfony 4.
I try to create a virtual property for the new view.
I have the following configuration
class: App\Entity\Field
- { type: tab, label: initial information, icon: pencil-alt }
- name
- { property: toto, type: file }
and my entity file:
* #ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="App\Repository\FieldRepository")
class Field
public function setToto(?File $file): self
$this->setImage(new Image);
as explain in the documentation the setter should be sufficient.
but when I reach the new page I get the following error:
Neither the property "toto" nor one of the methods "getToto()", "toto()", "isToto()", "hasToto()", "__get()" exist and have public access in class "App\Entity\Field".
which means that the page is looking for getter and not setter. Is it normal or did I make something wrong ?

I have just ran into this issue and I have solved it by adding the getter.
As you said, it is looking for getter but also setter.


How to extend FOSRestBundle RequestBodyParamConverter?

I am new to Symfony (5.3) and would like to extend the RequestBodyParamConverter (FOSRestBundle 3.0.5) to create a REST api. Using #ParamConverter annotation with the RequestBodyParamConverter works fine. However, I would like to create a custom converter, which does the exact same job as RequestBodyParamConverter plus a little extra work.
My first guess was to simply extend RequestBodyParamConverter and provide my custom subclass in the #ParamConverter annotation. However, RequestBodyParamConverter is defined as final and thus cannot be extended...
Injecting RequestBodyParamConverter / fos_rest.request_body_converter into a custom converter class (see example below) also fails because the service cannot be found. I assume this is because it is defined a private?
So, my last idea was to create a RequestBodyParamConverter inside my custom converter class. While this works, I am not sure if this is the right way to solve this problem. This way RequestBodyParamConverter is created twice. This is nothing special of course, but is this the Symfony way to solve this or are there other solutions?
Inject RequestBodyParamConverter in custom converter class
class MyParamConverter implements ParamConverterInterface {
protected $parentConverter;
public function __construct(ParamConverterInterface $parentConverter) {
$this->parentConverter = $parentConverter;
public function apply(Request $request, ParamConverter $configuration): bool {
return $this->parentConverter->apply(...);
// config/services.yaml
- { name: request.param_converter, converter: my_converter.request_body }
# both fails since service is not found
$parentConverter: '#FOS\RestBundle\Request\RequestBodyParamConverter'
# OR
$parentConverter: '#fos_rest.request_body_converter'
Create RequestBodyParamConverter in custom converter class
class MyParamConverter implements ParamConverterInterface {
protected $parentConverter;
public function __construct(...parameters necessary to create converter...) {
$this->parentConverter = new RequestBodyParamConverter(...);
Symfony provide a way to decorate a registered service
To use it you need the FOS service id registered in the container.
To get it you can use this command
symfony console debug:container --tag=request.param_converter
Retrieve the Service ID of the service you want to override.
Then you can configure your service to decorate FOS one
decorates: 'TheIdOf_FOS_ParamConverterService'
arguments: [ '#My\Project\MyParamConverter.inner' ] # <-- this is the instance of fos service
Maybe you'll need to add the tags to this declaration, I'm not sure.
Let me know if you're facing an error.

How to override the existing method of an existing class, FlysystemAssetStore that is part of the framework in SilverStripe

I am working on a SilverStripe project, in my project, I need to change the behavior of a class that is part of the SilverStripe framework. The class I need to modify is SilverStripe\Assets\Flysystem\FlysystemAssetStore. For example, I am now trying to modify the exists method of the class. I tried using two options Injector and Extension. Both did not work.
The first option I tried is using the Injector. This is what I did.
First, I created a class called, CustomFlysystemAssetStore.
Then I added the following code to the mysite.yml
class: CustomFlysystemAssetStore
I declared the public function called exists in the CustomFlysystemAssetStore class to override the existing behavior. But it did not work. The new method within the new class was not executed at all.
The second option I tried is using the Extension. This is what I did.
First, I created a class called CustomFlysystemAssetStore that is extending the DataExtension class.
Then, I added the following code snippet into the mysite.yml.
- CustomFlysystemAssetStore
Then I declared a public method in the new class called exists to see if the new method is called.
Unfortunately, the second approach did not work either. How can I override the methods of the SilverStripe\Assets\Flysystem\FlysystemAssetStore class that is part of the framework?
This is my assets.yml file
Name: silverstripes3-flysystem
envvarset: AWS_BUCKET_NAME
- '#assetsflysystem'
region: '`AWS_REGION`'
version: latest
class: League\Flysystem\Adapter\Local
root: '`TEMP_PATH`'
s3Client: '%$Aws\S3\S3Client'
bucket: '`AWS_BUCKET_NAME`'
class: League\Flysystem\Cached\Storage\Memory
class: League\Flysystem\Cached\Storage\Adapter
adapter: '%$League\Flysystem\Adapter\Local'
file: 's3metadata/public'
expire: 259200
class: SilverStripe\S3\Adapter\PublicCachedAdapter
adapter: '%$SilverStripe\S3\Adapter\PublicAdapter'
cache: '%$League\Flysystem\Cached\Storage\Adapter.public'
s3Client: '%$Aws\S3\S3Client'
bucket: '`AWS_BUCKET_NAME`'
class: League\Flysystem\Cached\Storage\Adapter
adapter: '%$League\Flysystem\Adapter\Local'
file: 's3metadata/protected'
expire: 259200
class: SilverStripe\S3\Adapter\ProtectedCachedAdapter
adapter: '%$SilverStripe\S3\Adapter\ProtectedAdapter'
cache: '%$League\Flysystem\Cached\Storage\Adapter.protected'
Name: silverstripes3-assetscore
envvarset: AWS_BUCKET_NAME
- '#assetscore'
class: CustomFlysystemAssetStore
In Silverstripe 4.5 we can extend FlysystemAssetStore and define our own exists method.
First we create a CustomFlysystemAssetStore.php file in our project:
use SilverStripe\Assets\Flysystem\FlysystemAssetStore;
class CustomFlysystemAssetStore extends FlysystemAssetStore {
public function exists($filename, $hash, $variant = null)
// Custom logic goes here
// ...
// Fallback to the parent exists function
return parent::exists($filename, $hash, $variant);
We then set this as the AssetStore we want the system to use through a yml config file. We create an assets.yml file:
Name: app-assetscore
- '#assetscore'
class: CustomFlysystemAssetStore

Read from parameters in Symfony 3.4 getParameter null

I can't read a parameter from parameters.yml in my controller.
I want to do this:
//My Controller
class ExampleController extends Controller
function someMethod($argument)
and in parameters.yml I got:
free_proxy: "http://xxx:8080"
I get an error: Call to a member function getParameter() on null
I've tested some solutions like adding some services and using get and stuff but nothing works.
EDIT: also, I tried this:
autowire: true
autoconfigure: true
public: false
$freeProxy: '%free_proxy%'
Then using:
But I got an error: Unused binding "$freeProxy" in service...
So there are two mysteries here. First is why is the container not being injected which in turn causes getParameter to fail. And second, why does bind generate that unused binding error.
You did not show your routing but I suspect that somewhere along the line you actually have:
$exampleController = new ExampleController();
If so then this explains why getParameter is failing. You really need to let Symfony create the controller based on the route. Otherwise the container is not injected and other controller magic is skipped.
I installed a fresh 3.4 app with the old directory structure and added a parameter
composer create-project symfony/framework-standard-edition s34
# app/config/parameters.yml
free_proxy: "http://xxx:8080"
I then tweaked the default controller using the default route annotation:
class DefaultController extends Controller
* #Route("/", name="homepage")
public function indexAction(Request $request)
$freeProxy = $this->getParameter('free_proxy');
// replace this example code with whatever you need
return $this->render('default/index.html.twig', [
'base_dir' => realpath($this->getParameter('kernel.project_dir')).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$freeProxy,
And everything worked as expected. The Symfony request handler takes care of injecting the container and thus gives you access to the parameters. If you cannot get this working then please update your question with your routing information.
I then took a look at the bind issue. You really want to inject these parameters instead of pulling them. I updated services.yml
# app/config/services.yml
$freeProxy: '%free_proxy%'
And started getting those unused binding errors. It turns out that bind does not work for action injection. Not really sure why. I don't use it much but I really would have expected that just adding $freeProxy to your action method would work. In any event, here is a working example of the proper way to do things.
class ExampleController extends Controller
private $freeProxy;
public function __construct($freeProxy)
$this->freeProxy = $freeProxy;
* #Route("/example", name="example")
function someMethod()
I then went to a fresh 4.2 project and tried action injection:
class IndexController extends AbstractController
public function index($freeProxy)
return new Response("Index $freeProxy");
Action injection works as expected for 4.2 but not 3.4. Constructor injection works fine in either version.
documentation show like this :
parameters.yml :
mailer.transport: sendmail
to set :
$container->setParameter('mailer.transport', 'sendmail');
to get :

FOSElasticaBundle: Setting analyzer for custom properties

I am using the FOSElasticaBundle in Symfony 3.3. I have registered an event listener on the POST_TRANSFORM event that computes and adds a custom property like this:
public function addCustomProperty(TransformEvent $event)
$document = $event->getDocument();
$custom = $this->anotherService->calculateCustom($event->getObject());
$document->set('custom', $custom);
Now I need to set the analyzer to be used for this property. How can I do that?
I already tried to add the custom field name to the type definition in my fos_elastica config but that causes an exception as the bundle then expects that property on my entity as well.
I finally found out that I could use dynamic_templates to set the desired analyzer like this:
path_match: customfield.*
analyzer: myanalyzer

symfony2 custom repository extending EntityRepository

I am trying to implement a custom repository class in symfony2, and I want it to extend EntityRepository class. I am having trouble with passing the getting arguments to the parent (i.e. EntityRepository) constructor. This is the signiture of parent constructor:
public function __construct($em, Mapping\ClassMetadata $class)
So I had to add this to my services.yml file, in order to get the arguments:
user_provider.class: Untitled\F5Bundle\Security\UserRepository
class: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetaData
name: "Untitled\F5Bundle\Entity\User"
class: "%user_provider.class%"
entityManager: "#doctrine.orm.entity_manager"
meta_data: "#user_meta_data"
And I also added the annotation tag to my User class (which I'm not sure if it was neccessary)
Now when I run it, it raises an error. the message says:
FatalErrorException: Error: Class 'Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetaData' not found
in /mnt/data/Projects/F5/app/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainer.php line 2749
(/mnt/data/Projects/F5/ is where I keep the code)
I don't get it. What's wrong here? What am I doing wrong?
Metadata is obtained with the MetadataFactory. As an example you can see how it works in EntityManager.
public function getClassMetadata($className)
return $this->metadataFactory->getMetadataFor($className);
You can retrieve you repository as service as well. Look at this question.
You don't need to inject these constructor arguments yourself, just specify which repository class you want to use:
* #Entity(repositoryClass="MyProject\UserRepository")
class User
See also
You miss typed classname "ClassMetaData" should be ClassMetadata
class: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata
