Passing parameter as variable in Run function - autoit

as the title says, here is my code but its not working
; Get the parameter from open file dialog
GUICtrlSetData($locationtxt, FileOpenDialog("Select the program", '', "Supported files (*.exe;*.msi;*.reg;*.inf)|Executable Files (*.exe)|Microsoft Installer files (*.msi)|Registry files (*.reg)|Inf files (*.inf)", 3))
; store the value in a variable
$abc = GUICtrlRead($locationtxt)
; Run the program and pass the parameter value
Run("ussf.exe " & $abc )
; If i do it this way, its working but i want the parameter value from the open dialog not fixed
Run("ussf.exe C:\Users\project\ccsetup563.exe")

The second parameter for Run() is the working directory, not an argument for the program. I think you should be using ShellExecute(), or ShellExecuteWait() instead.


Running multiple files from with Scilab program

I'm new to Scilab. I have to run the same program with a dozen different input files. Currently I simply uncomment the line and then rerun the program, and change the output file to a new name
// Input data file
data_file = 'data1.txt';
//data_file = 'data2.txt';
//data_file = 'data3.txt';
//data_file = 'data4.txt';
//data_file = 'data5.txt';
//data_file = 'data6.txt';
etc. another 6 lines
// Output data file name
output_data = '/output_files/data1.csv';
Is there a way to read in each file (data1.txt, data2.txt...) execute the body of the program and then output a new output file (data1.csv, data2.csv ...) instead of what I'm doing now, which is running the program and then editing it to use the next file and run again?
Just do something like:
for i=1:6
// Input data file
// Output data file name
// exec the body of your script

Workaround for case-sensitive input to dir

I am using Octave 5.1.0 on Windows 10 (x64). I am parsing a series of directories looking for an Excel spreadsheet in each directory with "logbook" in its filename. The problem is these files are created by hand and the filenaming isn't consistent: sometimes it's "LogBook", other times it's "logbook", etc...
It looks like the string passed as input to the dir function is case-sensitive so if I don't have the correct case, dir returns an empty struct. Currently, I am using the following workaround, but I wondered if there was a better way of doing this (for a start I haven't captured all possible upper/lower case combinations):
logbook = dir('*LogBook.xls*');
if isempty(logbook)
logbook = dir('*logbook.xls*');
if isempty(logbook)
logbook = dir('*Logbook.xls*');
if isempty(logbook)
logbook = dir('*logBook.xls*');
if isempty(logbook)
error(['Could not find logbook spreadsheet in ' dir_name '.'])
You need to get the list of filenames (either via readdir, dir, ls), and then search for the string in that list. If you use readdir, it can be done like this:
[files, err, msg] = readdir ('.'); # read current directory
if (err != 0)
error ("failed to readdir (error code %d): %s", msg);
logbook_indices = find (cellfun (#any, regexpi (files, 'logbook'));
logbook_filenames = files(logbook_indices);
A much less standard approach could be:
glob ('*[lL][oO][gG][bB][oO][kK]*')

DM Script to import a 2D image in text (CSV) format

Using the built-in "Import Data..." functionality we can import a properly formatted text file (like CSV and/or tab-delimited) as an image. It is rather straight forward to write a script to do so. However, my scripting approach is not efficient - which requires me to loop through each raw (use the "StreamReadTextLine" function) so it takes a while to get a 512x512 image imported.
Is there a better way or an "undocumented" script function that I can tap in?
DigitalMicrograph offers an import functionality via the File/Import Data... menu entry, which will give you this dialog:
The functionality evoked by this dialog can also be accessed by script commands, with the command
BasicImage ImageImportTextData( String img_name, ScriptObject stream, Number data_type_enum, ScriptObject img_size, Boolean lines_are_rows, Boolean size_by_counting )
As with the dialog, one has to pre-specify a few things.
The data type of the image.
This is a number. You can find out which number belongs to which image data type by, f.e., creating an image outputting its data type:
image img := Realimage( "", 4, 100 )
Result("\n" + img.ImageGetDataType() )
The file stream object
This object describes where the data is stored. The F1 help-documention explains how one creates a file-stream from an existing file, but essentially you need to specify a path to the file, then open the file for reading (which gives you a handle), and then using the fileHandle to create the stream object.
string path = "C:\\test.txt"
number fRef = OpenFileForReading( path )
object fStream = NewStreamFromFileReference( fRef, 1 )
The image size object
This is a specific script object you need to allocate. It wraps image size information. In case of auto-detecting the size from the text, you don't need to specify the actual size, but you still need the object.
object imgSizeObj = Alloc("ImageData_ImageDataSize")
imgSizeObj.SetNumDimensions(2) // Not needed for counting!
imgSizeObj.SetDimensionSize(0,10) // Not used for counting
imgSizeObj.SetDimensionSize(1,10) // Not used for counting
Boolean checks
Like with the checkboxes in the UI, you spefic two conditions:
Lines are Rows
Get Size By Counting
Note, that the "counting" flag is only used if "Lines are Rows" is also true. Same as with the dialog.
The following script improrts a text file with couting:
image ImportTextByCounting( string path, number DataType )
number fRef = OpenFileForReading( path )
object fStream = NewStreamFromFileReference( fRef, 1 )
number bLinesAreRows = 1
number bSizeByCount = 1
bSizeByCount *= bLinesAreRows // Only valid together!
object imgSizeObj = Alloc("ImageData_ImageDataSize")
image img := ImageImportTextData( "Imag Name ", fStream, DataType, imgSizeObj, bLinesAreRows, bSizeByCount )
return img
string path = "C:\\test.txt"
number kREAL4_DATA = 2
image img := ImportTextByCounting( path, kREAL4_DATA )

SQLite: isolating the file extension from a path

I need to isolate the file extension from a path in SQLite. I've read the post here (SQLite: How to select part of string?), which gets 99% there.
However, the solution:
select distinct replace(column_name, rtrim(column_name, replace(column_name, '.', '' ) ), '') from table_name;
fails if a file has no extension (i.e. no '.' in the filename), for which it should return an empty string. Is there any way to trap this please?
Note the filename in this context is the bit after the final '\'- it shouldn't be searching for'.'s in the full path, as it does at moment too.
I think it should be possible to do it using further nested rtrims and replaces.
Thanks. Yes, you can do it like this:
1) create a scalar function called "extension" in QtScript in SQLiteStudio
2) The code is as follows:
if ( arguments[0].substring(arguments[0].lastIndexOf('\u005C')).lastIndexOf('.') == -1 )
return ("");
return arguments[0].substring(arguments[0].lastIndexOf('.'));
3) Then, in the SQL query editor you can use
select distinct extension(PATH) from DATA
... to itemise the distinct file extensions from the column called PATH in the table called DATA.
Note that the PATH field must contain a backslash ('\') in this implementation - i.e. it must be a full path.

Creating a log file with the name as "Logging_20120402.log" where 20120402 is current date

I am working on a logging project i want the name of the loggign file that gets created to be like :-
where 20120402 is the current date since this is a rotation log so every day when the date changes the name of the log file gets changing too for example if a ne file would get created tomorrow it would have the name as
i tried using this code however it didnt work
i have in my project a filelogger.cpp which has a function:-
string Lastdate()
returns date1;//also declared as global in this filelogger.cpp
now when i use it in my main program what i did was this
void test()//function
string* ptr = &date1;//i passed a pointer ptr to the address of the date1(filecreation
now i write the staement as:-
Logging::FileLogger filelog(logger, "logging_" + ptr + ".log");//creating a
Daily.log text File
i am expecting this statement to create a file as Logging_20120402.log at the path
specified,however there is a compile time error,need help
