When i use this filter code
"dimensionFilterClauses": [{
"filters": [
"dimensionName": "ga:productSku",
"operator": "REGEXP",
"expressions": "(FS170)|(FS160)"
It show's all product skus that contains "FS170" or "FS160" how can i match multiple sku's Exact with a regular expression?
You want to use the start (^) and end ($) delimiters so that there can be nothing else than what you specify (start-what i want-end), thus the exact match:
I'm using firebase firestore using Rest API to get data limited by 5 documents only, ordered by a field called LikesCount.
When I want to fetch the next 5 documents I have to use startAt and pass the LikesCount value of the last document from the first 5 documents.
But in this way, it will fetch wrong data when there is another document with the same LikesCount value So I tried and searched a lot about how to pass the last Document id in addition to the LikesCount value But all of them did not work In addition, I tested the pagination using the Web SDK and it was working correctly because you can pass the document snapshot easily, but what does the document snapshot object include? So that we can understand the structure of the Cursor and apply it to the REST API.
I tried to use this method to pass the Document ID as referenceValue
"structuredQuery": {
"from": [{
"collectionId": "Users"
"where": {
"compositeFilter": {
"op": "AND",
"filters": []
"orderBy": [{
"field": {
"fieldPath": "LikesCount"
"direction": "DESCENDING"
{ "values": [
"integerValue": "6"
"referenceValue": "projects/myprojectid/databases/(default)/documents/Posts/xEvmJ1LLHwTKVREQfXtX"
"before": false
But an error will occur : Cursor has too many values.
also, I tried to pass only the referenceValue and it still did not return the correct 5 documents.
Thanks in advance :)
Your orderBy() has 1 field (LikesCount) but your startAt() has 2 fields. I suspect that is the reason for the error message?
Passing the integerValue won't work. If there are 13 results with the value 6, then each time you make the above call you'd get the same first 5 results.
When you say:
I tried only passing the referenceValue and still did not get the correct 5 documents
what documents are you getting? What documents were you expecting to get?
I am writing a pact test for a request that filters out the response data by a certain field, hense I would like to create a matcher that would match an array of objects with an exact match on that field.
I tried doing the following two aproaches:
body: eachLike({
color: 'red',
name: like('any'),
body: eachLike({
color: extractPayload('red'),
name: like('any'),
Bot both of them produce the same result:
"matchingRules": {
"$.body": {
"min": 1
"$.body[*].*": {
"match": "type"
"$.body[*].name": {
"match": "type"
It seems to me that having "$.body[*].*": {"match": "type"} in there negates the exact matching for the color field. Am I wrong in that assumption, or is there a correct approach that would resolve this issue?
Yes, the issue is that the type matching is cascading and is not being reset.
The equal matcher (V3 only) will reset the matching rule for this context.
It's available in the latest beta: https://github.com/pact-foundation/pact-js/tree/feat/v3.0.0#using-the-v3-matching-rules
To work it in v2, I would use the regex that matches a single string value here.
I have a json schema that marks special properties in need of processing and I want to query those via JsonPath.Evaluate.
Here's a part of the schema to illustrate the issue
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"period": {
"description": "The period in which the rule applies",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"start": {
"type": "string",
"format": "date-time"
"end": {
"type": "string",
"format": "date-time"
"required": [
"x-updateIndicatorProperties": [
"productType": {
"type": "string"
"x-updateIndicatorProperties": [
I want to get the the JsonPath of the "x-updateIndicatorProperties" properties, so that I can then query the actual properties to process.
For this example, the expected result would be
I've been trying for a while to get a JsonPath expression that would query these properties.
Currently I'm just iterating all properties and filter them manually :
I've also tried using :
This works. But it returns a lot of duplicates. For the example above, I get 5 results instead of the expected 2. Can be demonstrated here : https://json-everything.net/json-path
Assuming I can't influence the schema itself, only the code that traverses it,
can anybody help with an expression to get the expected results or any other way to achieve the same outcome?
The stack is JsonPath 0.2.0, .net 6 and system.text.json.
This was a bug in the library when parsing paths that use a recursive descent (..) into a quoted-property-name selector (['foo']). So it would happen for any path in the form $..['foo'].
I've fixed the issue and released version 0.2.1.
Trying to setup schema markup for a simple math solver action with two fields. Let's say addition.
Here is Google's doc and example:
"#context": "https://schema.org",
"#type": ["MathSolver", "LearningResource"],
"name": "An awesome math solver",
"url": "https://www.mathdomain.com/",
"usageInfo": "https://www.mathdomain.com/privacy",
"inLanguage": "en",
"potentialAction": [{
"#type": "SolveMathAction",
"target": "https://mathdomain.com/solve?q={math_expression_string}",
"mathExpression-input": "required name=math_expression_string",
"eduQuestionType": ["Polynomial Equation","Derivative"]
"learningResourceType": "Math solver"
How do we add multiple variables for two numbers?
return {
'#context': 'https://schema.org',
'#type': ['MathSolver', 'LearningResource'],
potentialAction: [
'#type': 'SolveMathAction',
target: `domain.com/?num1={num1}&num2={num2}`,
'mathExpression-input': 'required name=num1 name=num2',
eduQuestionType: ['addition', 'sum']
learningResourceType: 'Math solver'
Schema.org says about mathExpression (note: mathExpression-input doesnt seem to exist) but does fall under Thing > Intangible EntryPoint
A mathematical expression (e.g. 'x^2-3x=0') that may be solved for > a specific variable, simplified, or transformed. This can take many > formats, e.g. LaTeX, Ascii-Math, or math as you would write with a > keyboard.
But can this be setup for URL params to accept multiple fields within the mathExpression-input instead of a single math expression?
I would like to add to add a custom extension to my Schedule resource.
In my app, Schedule have visit motives (reasons). I know there's a list of classified appointments / encounter reasons but I would like to use mine.
I have something like this :
"practioner_name":"practioner name"
I'm not sure about this part :
Is it correct to add an extension this way ? There are always multiple visit motives for a specific schedule so I have to list them.
I also have seen this kind of things :
"visit_motives": {
"coding": [
"system": "https://api.test.com/fhir/ValueSet/schedule#visit_motives",
"code": "visit_motive1"
Which one is the correct one or am I wrong ?
There are several issues here:
It seems odd to capture a "reason" on a schedule. A schedule says when a particular clinician or clinic or other resource is available. E.g. "Dr. Smith takes appointments Mon/Wed/Fri from 1pm-4pm". So if you were to capture a reason on the resource, it would reflect "Why does Dr. Smith have a schedule?" Typically reasons are captured for an individual Appointment. That's the resource that reserves a particular slot for a planned visit. And Appointment already has an element for reason where you're free to use your own codes or just send text.
You have extensions to convey identifiers, but Schedule already has an element for identifiers. Why would you use extensions instead of the standard element? Note that you can use the "system" and/or "type" components to differentiate different kinds of identifiers.
You're sending "identifier", "type", "name", etc. as simple strings - but they're complex data types, so you need to communicate the child elements
actor is of type Reference - that means you need to point to the Practitioner resource. You can't send the properties in-line. (If the Practitioner only exists in the context of the Schedule, you could use the "contained" approach which would use an internal reference, but containment doesn't seem to make sense in this use-case.
The URL for your extension contains ValueSet, which isn't correct - extensions are all structure definitions. Also, there shouldn't be a # symbol in the URL.
Your syntax for extensions is incorrect. You can't introduce new properties in FHIR. The property name for all extensions is just "extension". You differentiate by the URL. So your syntax should be:
"extension": [
"identifier": [
"system": http://api.test.com/fhir/NamingSystem/external_id",
"value": "external_id"
"system": http://api.test.com/fhir/NamingSystem/practice_id",
"value": "practice_id"
"type": {
"coding": {
"system": "http://somewhere.org/fhir/CodeSystem/specialties",
"code": "schedule_speciality"
"text": "Some text description of specialty"
"reference": "http://myserver.org/fhir/Practitioner/12345"
"display": "Dr. smith"