Wordpress: Problem with rest_cookie_invalid_nonce - wordpress

When I send rest request to the wp-rest by:
$response = wp_remote_post( $url, array(
'method' => 'POST',
// 'headers' => $headers,
'httpversion' => '1.0',
'sslverify' => false,
'body' => json_encode( array(
'data' => $field,
Unfortunately, I get 403 error:
{"code":"rest_cookie_invalid_nonce","message":"Kodem jednorazowy z ciasteczka jest nieprawid\u0142owy","data":{"status":403}}
Maybe someone knows how to resolve this issue?

When you use wp_remote_... your cookies are not included. WordPress REST API uses the _wpnonce value to validate your session against the wp_rest keyword and your cookie values. To fix this, your options are to either switch to an AJAX browser call to the endpoint from the same browsing session, or you can stick with the remote REST API request and include your cookies in it like this:
$cookies = [];
foreach( $_COOKIE as $name => $value ) {
$cookies[] = new WP_Http_Cookie(
[ 'name' => $name, 'value' => $value ]
$args = [
'body' => [],
'cookies' => $cookies,
'headers' => [ 'Content-type' => 'application/json' ],
$url = get_rest_url() . 'endpoint/v1/endpoint/';
$response = wp_remote_get( $url, $args );


Passing shortcode attributes to WordPress Remote Post URL

I'm trying to pass shortcode attribute values directly into my url for a WordPress Remote Post request. Below is my code example below. I am using the following shortcode in my wordpress page
[example-data start="1" count="10"]
but i cannot get the start or the count data to work in the URL. Any help would be appreciated.
function display_example_data( $atts ) {
$value = shortcode_atts( array(
'start' => 1,
'count' => 10,
), $atts );
$url ="https://example.com/api/reviews?token=".$api_text_key."&start=".$value['start']."&count=".$value['count']."";
$response = wp_remote_post( $url, array(
'method' => 'GET',
'timeout' => 45,
'redirection' => 5,
'httpversion' => '1.0',
'blocking' => true,
'headers' => array(),
'cookies' => array()
<?php }
add_shortcode( 'example-data', 'display_example_data' );

Is there any way to get related posts API in WordPress?

I need to create an API that will render a related post by category filter. I have written the code in my functions.php file but I did not get how can I pass a post id to the arguments?
function related_posts_endpoint( $request_data ) {
$uposts = get_posts(
'post_type' => 'post',
'category__in' => wp_get_post_categories(183),
'posts_per_page' => 5,
'post__not_in' => array(183),
) );
return $uposts;
add_action( 'rest_api_init', function () {
register_rest_route( 'sections/v1', '/post/related/', array(
'methods' => 'GET',
'callback' => 'related_posts_endpoint'
) );
} );
I need to pass the id from my current API call. So, I need to pass that id to the related API arguments that I have currently passed as static (180)
Image of Current post API from which I need to render a related API
You can add to your rest route a parameter called post_id, and then access the id from the request_data array.
function related_posts_endpoint( $request_data ) {
$post_id = $request_data['post_id'];
$uposts = get_posts(
'post_type' => 'post',
'category__in' => wp_get_post_categories($post_id),
'posts_per_page' => 5,
'post__not_in' => array($post_id),
return $uposts;
add_action( 'rest_api_init', function () {
register_rest_route( 'sections/v1', '/post/related/(?P<post_id>[\d]+)', array(
'methods' => 'GET',
'callback' => 'related_posts_endpoint'
You can add the id to the end of your URL call /post/related/183.
Your can get the post id like normal get request. ?key=value and use its ad $request['key'] so Your code should be like this.
function related_posts_endpoint( $request_data ) {
$uposts = get_posts(
'post_type' => 'post',
'category__in' => wp_get_post_categories(183),
'posts_per_page' => 5,
'post__not_in' => array($request_data['post_id']),//your requested post id
return $uposts;
add_action( 'rest_api_init', function () {
register_rest_route( 'sections/v1', '/post/related/', array(
'methods' => 'GET',
'callback' => 'related_posts_endpoint'
Now your api url should be like this /post/related?post_id=183
try this then let me know the result.

PUT HTTP Request in HTTP API Wordpress

I'm unable to use put http requests in WordPress.
This link says you can do it through wp_remote_request()? But where to specify that ?
Can anyone help me with this? I need a code.
$body = array(
"status" => "publish"
$args = array(
'headers' => array(
'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
'body' => json_encode($body),
'method' => 'PUT'
$result = wp_remote_request( "http:300/wp-json/wp/post/1", $args );
Like this
$response = wp_remote_request( 'http://test.com/test', [
'method' => 'PUT'
] );

wp_remote_post with file payload

I'm attempting to POST a file through wp_remote_post. Unfortunately, any file stream, or file paths (prepended with CURL style #, or not), passed to this function are simply dropped and removed from the payload.
I found a post on wp-hackers, however, it's extremely hack-ish and error prone. Is there really no way to transmit a file through this function without writing a complete HTTP payload from scratch?
Here's an example code block using CURL style (prepending path with #), if interested:
$body["attachment[{$i}]"] = "#{$attachment}";
$data = array(
'body' => $body,
'headers' => array(
'Authorization' => 'Basic ' . base64_encode( "user:{$apiKey}" )));
$url = "https://api.someservice.net/{$domain}/endpoint";
$response = wp_remote_post( $url, $data );
Post data should be sent in the body as an array. Example passing post data:
$response = wp_remote_post( $url, array(
'method' => 'POST',
'timeout' => 45,
'redirection' => 5,
'httpversion' => '1.0',
'blocking' => true,
'headers' => array(),
'body' => array( 'username' => 'bob', 'password' => '1234xyz' ),
'cookies' => array()
if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
$error_message = $response->get_error_message();
echo "Something went wrong: $error_message";
} else {
echo 'Response:<pre>';
print_r( $response );
echo '</pre>';
In the example above, $response['body'] will contain the actual page content returned by the server.

Attach image to post in Wordpress XMLRPC

I am using XMLRPC to do posts to Wordpress. I am having issues posting thumbnails, after debugging wordpress code I see that my issue is caused by the fact that the image is not attached to the post.
I must do this without patching wordpress or using PHP, only iwth XMLRPC.
I can upload an image and get the ID of the image.
Other point that confuses me is how do you attach an image to a post that you did not posted yet because you wait for the image to upload? I am supposed to upload image then post ,then using the image id and the post id do an update on the image metadata?
Edit: the code in wordpress that is problematic is this check
if ( $thumbnail_html = wp_get_attachment_image( $thumbnail_id, 'thumbnail' ) )
and my assumption it is that it fails because the image is Unattached, if i fix that code all is fine but I can't patch the WP of my application users(so this is not a solution)
Yes it is possible to do it, if Wordpress version is 3.5 or greater,when using the code for uploading file/image you can set the post_id.
The flow I used for new posts with featured images is like this:
use the newPost function and post the content without the featured
image and also set publish to false, record the post_id returned by
upload the image and set the post_id to the id of the post just
posted, record the image_id
when done edit the post and set the wp_post_thumbnail equal to the
image_id you just uploaded and also set publish to true(if needed)
The mime type is important, it must be "image/jpg" or "image/png" please see documentation, if mime type is worng like "jpg" attaching will fail.
For debugging, if you get a generic error from wordpress and you can't figure out why you can check the wordpress code and even edit it, adding debugging/tracing calls and hopefully you can figure out the cause.
This is an example of a post with category, image and tags. It requires class-IXR.php
and mime_content_type function
$client = new IXR_Client($url);
$content = array(
'post_status' => 'draft',
'post_type' => 'post',
'post_title' => 'Title',
'post_content' => 'Message',
// categories ids
'terms' => array('category' => array(3))
$params = array(0, $username, $password, $content);
$client->query('wp.newPost', $params);
$post_id = $client->getResponse();
$content = array(
'name' => basename('/var/www/sb/img.jpeg'),
'type' => mime_content_type('/var/www/sb/img.jpeg'),
'bits' => new IXR_Base64(file_get_contents('/var/www/sb/img.jpeg')),
$client->query('metaWeblog.newMediaObject', 1, $username, $password, $content);
$media = $client->getResponse();
$content = array(
'post_status' => 'publish',
// Tags
'mt_keywords' => 'tag1, tag2, tag3',
'wp_post_thumbnail' => $media['id']
$client->query('metaWeblog.editPost', $post_id, $username, $password, $content, true);
My version if you want to use only wp.newPost and wp.editPost
include_once( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-IXR.php' );
include_once( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-wp-http-ixr-client.php' );
$usr = 'username_on_the_server_side';
$pwd = 'password_on_the_server_side';
$xmlrpc = 'server side xmlrpc.php url';
$client = new IXR_Client($xmlrpc);
$img_attach = 'link to the image';
$img_attach_content = array(
'name' => basename($img_attach),
'type' => mime_content_type($img_attach),
'bits' => new IXR_Base64(file_get_contents($img_attach)),
$status = $client->query( 'wp.uploadFile','1', $usr, $pwd, $img_attach_content );
$image_returnInfo = $client ->getResponse();
//////////// POST CREATION ///////////
$custom_fields = array(
array( 'key' => 'blabla1', 'value' => 'blabla1_value' ),
array( 'key' => 'blabla12', 'value' => 'blabla1_value2')
$post_content = array(
'post_type' => 'post',
'post_status' => 'draft', //for now
'post_title' => 'XMLRPC Test',
'post_author' => 3,
'post_name' => 'XMLRPC Test',
'post_content' => 'XMLRPC Test Content',
'custom_fields' => $custom_fields
$res = $client -> query('wp.newPost',1, $usr, $pwd, $post_content);
$postID = $client->getResponse();
echo 'Something went wrong....';
else {
echo 'The Project Created Successfully('.$res.')<br>Post ID is '.$postID.'<br>';
//////////// Image Post Attachment Edit ///////////
$img_attach_content2 = array(
'post_type' => 'attachment',
'post_status' => 'inherit',
'post_title' => $postID,
'post_name' => $postID,
'post_parent' => $postID,
'guid' => $image_returnInfo['url'],
'post_content' => '',
'post_mime_type' => 'image/jpg'
$res2 = $client -> query('wp.editPost', 0, $usr, $pwd, $image_returnInfo['id'], $img_attach_content2);
$postIDimg = $client->getResponse();
//////////// POST EDIT ///////////
$post_content2 = array(
'post_status' => 'publish', //publish
'wp_post_thumbnail' => $image_returnInfo['id'],
'custom_fields' => array( 'key' => '_thumbnail_id', 'value' => $image_returnInfo['id'] )
$media2= $client->query('wp.editPost',0, $usr, $pwd, $postID, $post_content2);
This is my version, using wp.newPost and wp.editPost, added on WordPress 3.4, that allow the use of custom post types.
$title = 'My title';
$body = 'My body';
$category="category1, category2"; // Comma seperated pre existing categories. Ensure that these categories exists in your blog.
$keywords="keyword1, keyword2, keyword3";
$customfields=array('key'=>'Author-bio', 'value'=>'Autor Bio Here'); // Insert your custom values like this in Key, Value format
$title = htmlentities($title,ENT_NOQUOTES,#$encoding);
$keywords = htmlentities($keywords,ENT_NOQUOTES,#$encoding);
$content = array(
'post_status' => 'draft', // http://codex.wordpress.org/Post_Status
'mt_allow_comments'=>0, // 1 to allow comments
'mt_allow_pings'=>0, // 1 to allow trackbacks
'custom_fields' => array($customfields)
// Create the client object
$client = new IXR_Client('http://example.com/xmlrpc.php');
$username = "wp_username";
$password = "wp_username_password";
$params = array(0,$username,$password,$content,true); // Last parameter is 'true' which means post immediately, to save as draft set it as 'false'
if (!$client->query('wp.newPost', $params)) {
die('<br/><strong>Something went wrong - '.$client->getErrorCode().' : '.$client->getErrorMessage().'<br >');
$post_id = $client->getResponse();
echo 'Inserted with id'.$post_id;
$picture = '/full/path/to/pic.jpg';
$content = array(
'name' => basename($picture),
'type' => mime_content_type($picture),
'bits' => new IXR_Base64(file_get_contents($picture)),
if (!$client->query('metaWeblog.newMediaObject', 1, $username, $password, $content)) {
die('<br/><strong>Something went wrong - newMediaObject'.$client->getErrorCode().' : '.$client->getErrorMessage().'<br >');
$media = $client->getResponse();
$content = array(
'post_status' => 'publish',
'post_thumbnail' => $media['id']
if (!$client->query('wp.editPost', 0, $username, $password, $post_id, $content)) {
die('<br/><strong>Something went wrong editPost - '.$client->getErrorCode().' : '.$client->getErrorMessage().'<br >');
