Copy face data from one person group to another person group - microsoft-cognitive

Is it possible to copy data from one persongroup to another persongroup in Azure Face API in the same subscription . I tried the snapshot, while apply I am getting following error.
"error": {
"code": "BadArgument",
"message": "Permission denied."

I can repro your issue on my side . Generally , this issue is caused by applyScope param while you taking a snapshot.
applyScope defines which Azure face service subscription that the snapshot could be applied to. If you just want to apply your snapshot within the same Azure face service subscription, you should take snapshot with request body below :
"type": "PersonGroup",
"objectId": "<PersonGroup ID>",
"applyScope": ["<your Azure face service subscription ID>"],
"userData": "{user provided user data}"
You can find the subscription ID on Azure portal :


Not able to create text analytics resource in Azure Congnitive services

I am not able to create text Analytics resource in West US 2 region , due to following error
I have selected all default values ( for ex : I have selected storage type as V1 )
In Text Analytics , I want to analyze PDF , WORD , EXCEL docs to extract phrases , hence selected storage ( and not Cognitive Search )
"code": "InvalidTemplateDeployment",
"details": [
"code": "BringOwnFeatureNotEnabled",
"message": "Bring your own feature is not enabled for Subscription/SKU/Kind."
"message": "The template deployment 'TextAnalyticsCreate_Dx-20220130011000' is not valid according to the validation procedure. The tracking id is 'd62cf124-f927-4b00-b6b6-0f16ae94eadf'. See inner errors for details."
It seems like you are trying to use customer managed key in your Azure Cognitive Service deployment. This can't be done directly.
You need to first raise a request by using below link:
Cognitive Services & Applied AI Customer Managed Keys and Bring Your Own Storage access request
It takes 4-5 business days to get approved. Once approved, the feature responsible for the customer managed key will be enabled on the subscription. You won't get the above error after approval.

Is that possible to add android app to firebase project programmatically using firbase cloud function

Is there any method to add a android app to exiting firebase project programmatically and i need the google-services.json as result then i need to add sha key with that same app using node-js
online documentation not solve my problem or i don't understand how to do it from that documentation
Thankyou for your answer i flowed it and facing another issue
#admin and #Frank van Puffelen please check
when i try to create android it showing this error.
{ "error": { "code": 400, "message": "Request contains an invalid argument.", "status": "INVALID_ARGUMENT" } }
I send post request from live api test window
and in parent i set it as `projects/343202254462`
{ "displayName": "testing", "name": "te4sting", "packageName": "io.asdasd.fdsfdsf", "projectId": "324324324", "appId": "wdeqwe" }
There is a REST api, Firebase Management API, which lets you control the apps connected and other such admin work. Friendly note, make sure you restrict all client api keys from using this api!
REST Resource: v1beta1.projects.androidApps
create POST /v1beta1/{parent=projects/*}/androidApps

Upgrade dailyLimitExceededUnreg

I have a wordpress pluging to booking class on my gym. This wordpress plugin works with Google calendar API and since yesterday I get the same error.
"error": {
"errors": [
"domain": "usageLimits",
"reason": "dailyLimitExceededUnreg",
"message": "Daily Limit for Unauthenticated Use Exceeded. Continued use requires signup.",
"extendedHelp": ""
"code": 403,
"message": "Daily Limit for Unauthenticated Use Exceeded. Continued use requires signup."
Would be possible upgrade this limit? I don't care if I have to paid but need some solution. I have more or less 100 users.
In order to authenticate yourself when using the Google Calendar API, which will allow you considerably larger quotas, you must include an API key in your request's URL. That can be done by simply appending the following query string to it: key=API_key
Where API_key is the key obtained for that project.
In order to obtain an API key you can follow the steps below:
Go to the API Console.
From the projects list, select a project or create a new one.
If the APIs & services page isn't already open, open the left side menu and select APIs & services.
On the left, choose Credentials.
Click Create credentials and then select API key.
Setting up API keys

Firebase : Unable to add new app (Error status : RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED)

I have a firebase project with 24 apps (android and ios) for push notification.
Now I tried to add a new ios app for push notifications.
It shows an error. By inspecting the browser and network section I get a response message.
"error": {
"code": 429,
"message": " Reached limit on number of clients in this project. Code: RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED\ \u003ceye3 title='/ClientAuthConfig.CreateClient, RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED'/\u003e APPLICATION_ERROR;google.identity.clientauthconfig.v1/ClientAuthConfig.CreateClient; Reached limit on number of clients in this project. Code: RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED;AppErrorCode=8;StartTimeMs=1502806165337;tcp;Deadline(sec)=14.993;ResFormat=UNCOMPRESSED;Originator=traffic-prod;Tag=\u0002cidc\u00032;ServerTimeSec=0.08908416;LogBytes=256;Non-FailFast;EffSecLevel=privacy_and_integrity;DelegatedRole=mobilesdk-devrel-frontend;ReqFormat=UNCOMPRESSED;ReqID=87cb8bb02f3e3577;GlobalID=d91b66b01c039b56;Server=[2002:a17:902:44c::]:9875",
"details": [
"#type": ""
What is that..?
Actually, the error message is quite clear:
Reached limit on number of clients in this project
According to this statement, the exact number of free projects you can create is measured by your reputation and starts with a number around 20.
You can either switch to a paid plan or delete some of your existing projects to create new ones.

Azure Resource Health REST API response health status inconsistent with portal result for web app resource type

When I send a GET request using the Azure Resource Management REST API to get the resource health status of all the resources under a particular subscription Id like below:
I get the response as below:
"id": "/subscriptions/<subscriptionId>/resourceGroups/<resGrp-name>/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/<webAppName>/providers/Microsoft.ResourceHealth/availabilityStatuses/current",
"name": "<webAppName>",
"type": "Microsoft.ResourceHealth/AvailabilityStatuses",
"location": "northeurope",
"properties": {
"availabilityState": "Unknown",
"summary": "We are sorry, we are unable to report the health of your Web App",
"reasonChronicity": "Persistent",
"recommendedActions": [
"action": "Continue to monitor this page for updated status",
"actionUrl": "",
"actionUrlText": ""
"detailedStatus": "No health activity detected on your Azure Web App in past 10 minutes.",
"occuredTime": "2015-11-18T23:54:59.543Z"
As shown above, the Availability State for the particular web app is "Unknown".
However, in the Azure portal, this web app has been deliberately paused for more than 15 minutes to check whether the REST API response is consistent with the actual status in the portal, which is expected to return "Stopped" instead of "Unknown".
Does anyone encounter similar behavior or have any idea on this? This result is consistently reproducible with the same unexpected availability status.
Thanks very much.
Please read this blog to understand what the "unknown" state means.
You have mentioned your resource was accessed 15 minutes before to pause the web app. Read carefully under the section
"Signal latency and other important things to keep in mind"
If your resource was not accessed for last 10 minutes then its status becomes unknown.
You can try using the Azure service management APIs to check status of your app.
Hope this helps.
