How to stage individual lines in GitAhead - gitahead

I just started using GitAhead. Have been using SourceTree a lot in the past. In SourceTree you can stage individual lines. I do that all the time. How to do that in GitAhead?

It's not possible (GitAhead v2.6.1)
There is an open issue about it gitahead/issues/344


Qt6 circular gauge issue

I am developing a qml app in qt5 with circular gauge. I want to port application qt 6. But in qt 6 qtquick extras is missing, so circular gauge is not available. Is qt planning to make it available in next releases of qt6? What can I do instead of using circular gauge in qt6?
Is there anyone who knows about it?
As far as I know there are no plans yet to port it to Qt 6. You could create a suggestion on Jira to express your interest in having it.
The code is here and here if you want to try to port it yourself or just use parts of it (keeping in mind the license, which is LGPL).
As you stated in the question, CircularGauge is not available in Qt6. So what can you do?
As a minimal effort, you can substitute CircularGauge with a functional similar component, for instance, RangeSlider. Of course, a RangeSlider looks nothing like a CircularGauge, but, it will, at least, allow you to compile and run your application. It will give you an application to test whilst you decide your options.
Then, as others have stated, you need to spend more effort allocated to porting. If you refer to the source code of CircularGauge, you see that they're using Canvas with a custom onPaint implementation. You could do the same in your port, or, you can find an alternative, e.g. Shape with ShapePath, etc. These efforts are non-trivial, and it boils down to the level of effort you wish to invest.

vis.js library is too big, how to get the part for timeline chart only

vis.js library is 1.6mb and minified file is 610k which is still too big. It takes quite a long time to download the library file to users' machine, especially for slow network connection.
Currently I build timeline chart only by using this library, I am wondering if there is a way to get the part of the library for the timeline chart only.
Thanks for any advice
As a alternative to building it yourself, there is a minified module that just contains the graph 2D and timeline modules, which is only 299KB. It is provided in the vis.js zip distribution as vis-timeline-graph2d.min.js.
That is available in CDNJS: if that matters to you.
The existing visjs library bundled everything together. You want to include just the specific part you can follow the instructions here. Instruction are pretty straight forward you should be able to build in no time.

squish failed when open popsup menu

I use squish-4.2.2 for testing GUI of our tool and use purecov.i386_linux2.7.3 for covering them. Our tools are based on qt-4.7.4_qsci version of QT. After building our tools in Purecov mode, when we run our tests, they fail if tests contain operation with "popsup menu". Purecov cannot generate the result *.pcv file. Also I would like to note that our tools do not fail when they are run without Squish, however "Popsup Menu" opens not earlier than after 30-60 seconds (in normal mode it is done during 1-2 seconds).
So I have 2 issues:
1. when tests are run with Squish, they fail when tests contain operation with "Menu" item;
2. Purecov does not generate *.pcv file when tests fail.
I tried to find some interesting things on your site for resolving those problems, but I couldn't find anything related to my issues.
In my opinion, Squish failed because when I try to open "Menu" item, GUI runs faster than its logic part, and after opening "Menu" item, Squish considers that operation is done and kills my tool.
Could you please tell me what I can do with my tests or tools for resolving those problems?
I had a similar issue in the past, with clicking menus from my app.
I hope this helps you also!
I wanted to open a "File" menu, followed by a sub-menu (which is pop-up) "New". When I'm in record mode of Squish, Squish records the following code in python:
activateItem(waitForObjectItem(":MainWindowForm.m_poMainMenu_QMenuBar", "File"))
activateItem(waitForObjectItem(":MainWindowForm.menuFile_QMenu", "New..."))
Now, this didn't worked all the time, honestly I didn't managed to understand why :).
But, I found on their site, this a possible solution. So, I've replaced Symbolic names from the code above, and created a function that calls the objects after Real name properties:
def callMenu(menu_name, submenu_name):
activateItem(waitForObjectItem("{type='QMenuBar' visible='true'}", menu_name))
activateItem(waitForObjectItem("{type='QMenu' title='%s'}" % menu_name, submenu_name))
After I made this change, the tests run smooth, without anymore problems (at least from the menu side).

GeoTools and JOGL

I am developing a desktop application for Windows that will constantly show the map moving as a vehicle moves, getting the location from a GPS unit. I have written a quick little demo that accomplishes this, however it constantly flickers. I need to implement a solution that has a nice smooth movement. I have several things in mind that will hopefully resolve this.
First I think it would be better to create the map at around 2 to 3 times the size of the visible window and move the window over the map. When the window gets close to a side a new map is built in the background which replaces the current map. I'm still working on how to do that. (Hints welcome!! lol)
I think it would be a big step forward and the ultimate solution to turn on hardware acceleration for the application. Based on what I have read in the forums JOGL is the only practical way to add hardware acceleration to a Java desktop application. So here I am.
Has anyone toyed around with adding JOGL to GeoTools. I'm not talking about 3D at the moment, just making the display more efficient. It looks like it's going to be a big job implementing this change as it appears that it will affect almost all of the code from JMapPane on down. Any suggestions, code examples and hints will be greatly appreciated!!!
You may use the GLG2D project to render a Swing JComponent such as the JMapPane using hardware accelerated using JogAmp JOGL 2. This will allow you to use hardware acceleration with minimal changes to the GeoTools source.
JComponent renderPane = new JMapPane(...
JFrame frame = new JFrame("My GeoTools application");
frame.setContentPane(new GLG2DCanvas(renderPane));

SVN in ASP.NET with Ankh basics for day-to-day usage

My team now has an SVN + Ankh setup in ASP.NET with trunk, branches, and tags. We switch branches and work on code, but many times there will be inexplicable conflicts in files after simple changes. Why is this? I suspect we simply don't understand enough of how this works. Are there any do's and don'ts, or how should we be approaching our daily changes and commits, without causing conflicts? Is there a basic pecking order of operations to perform to achieve SVN zen? Are we updating before committing or something? Any help is greatly appreciated.
Always update before commit. If you really work with branches don't use switch or only if you really undstand the switch command and how it works otherwise checkout a branch into a fresh working copy in other words create a new one.
Always branch, merge on the solution element, make sure you're fully up to date before merging (ankhsvn will warn about this), also make sure you have no modified files before merging.
Read up on svnbook for when to use normal merging and when to use reintegrate.
Finally, if a conflict does occur, make sure you have a good 3way merge tool to solve the conflict. AnkhSVN recognizes a lot of them automatically, but I really like source gear diffmerge
