how to setting docker container (wordpress) only using domain to visit? - wordpress

I build a wordpress blog by docker.Using the 8080 port.But i want to only using my domain to visit the blog ,the ip and the other domain can't .
I try to use caddy proxy the 8080 port to my domain , but it did not work.
So i try to edit the apache.conf , but when i exec into the container,i found there didn't has vi ,so i can't edit anything.
docker run --name some-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw -d mysql:5.7
docker run --name some-wordpress --link some-mysql:mysql -p 8080:80 -d wordpress
I just want to know how i can set only using domain to visit my blog .
Could some one tell me ?


How to migrate existing domain with ssl certificate from CentOS/Apache to Docker/Nginx?

We have a site running on CentOS/PHP/Apache stack. We want to migrate the whole site to Docker/PHP-FPM/Nginx using docker-compose.
So far we've set up plans for migrating pretty much everything except the domain and the existing ssl certificate .
How do we go about this ?
Nginx is up and running on port 80
- '9007:80'
How can we redirect the existing domain to the docker container and also use the existing ssl certificate ?
No need for the hassle, someone already did the work for you:
Its a fully configured auto-ssl docker, which does basically exactly what you need. Start your Website-Container with the following additional parameters (from the git-repo):
docker run -d -e \
-e \
-e \
--network=webproxy \
--name my_app \
I can only recommend it, its a great solution for hosting multiple projects on one server.

Change mapped ip in wordpress docker container

I'm a little bit newbie with Docker. The problem is my server provider changed the public IP recently. When I ran my wordpress container I used the following:
docker run -e WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD=xxx --name wordpress-xx --link wordpressdb-xx -p 185.166.xx.xx:8081:80 -v "$PWD/docker/data/wordpress/xx":/var/www/html -d wordpress
How can I change the old IP in order to assign the new one in a container that is already running?
Is it possible to run this containers with localhost IP? For example:
docker run -e WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD=xxx --name wordpress-xx --link wordpressdb-xx -p -v "$PWD/docker/data/wordpress/xx":/var/www/html -d wordpress
You can also try to save the current container as an image using docker commit and then run the image as a new container with the new IP.
If you have only a single network interface just pass the port only. You can also use the address

Development environment for Wordpress with Docker incl. FTP access

I would like to know if it is possible to provide a local development environment for Wordpress, where the data can be uploaded via FTP?
I already got the official Docker image of Wordpress running:
docker run --name wordpress-db -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=admin -p 3306:3306 -d mysql
docker run --name wordpress --link wordpress-db:mysql -p 8080:80 -d wordpress
Next, I'm trying to use an FTP Docker image. After a short search, I chose metabrainz/docker-anon-ftp. But I do not have to continue using this image if there are better ones. I have extended my commands as follows:
docker run --name wordpress --link wordpress-db:mysql -p 8080:80 -v /wordpress-volume:/var/www/html/wp-content -d wordpress
docker run --name wordpress-ftp -p 20-21:20-21 -p 65500-65515:65500-65515 -v /wordpress-volume:/var/www/html/wp-content -d metabrainz/docker-anon-ftp
Now I have the problem that the FTP server is reachable, but does not provide me with any content.
What did I do wrong? Can someone give me the commands with which I can upload files (from my IDE) into Wordpress via FTP?

How to properly start nginx in Docker

I want nginx in a Docker container to host a simple static hello world html website. I want to simply start it with "docker run imagename". In order to do that I added the run parameters to the Dockerfile. The reason I want to do that is that I would like to host the application on Cloud Foundry in a next step. Unfortunately I get the following error when doing it like this.
FROM nginx:alpine
COPY . /usr/share/nginx/html
CMD ["nginx -d -p 5000:5000"]
Error starting userland proxy: Bind for unexpected error Permission denied.
From ::
EXPOSE does not make the ports of the container accessible to the host. To do that, you must use either the -p flag to publish a range of ports or the -P flag to publish all of the exposed ports. You can expose one port number and publish it externally under another number
CMD ["nginx -d -p 5000:5000"]
You add your dockerfile
FROM nginx:alpine
its already starts nginx.
after you build from your dockerfile
you should use this on
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 <your_image>
If you want to use docker port 80 -> machine port 5000
docker run -d -p 5000:80 <your_image>

Cannot login with wp-cli generated user wordpress behind reverse proxy

Hello fellows I have made a custom wordpress image located there:
And on entrypoint script I am using wp-cli in order to generate a custom user in order to preinstall plugins. But I cannot login to the control panel with the generated user from wp-cli.
Do you have any Idea how to fix it?
The entrypoint of the script is the following:
I run the containers with these commands: (for development purpose)
docker run --name wpdb -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=1234 -d mariadb
docker run --name mywordpress --link wpdb:mysql -p 8080:80 -ti wp
And I am using apache as reverse proxy in order to access the wordpress running in the mywordpress container:
<VirtualHost *:80>
ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /
(In place of can be the ip of the container running the wordpress)
Edit 1
I managed to login by setting up a network:
docker network create --subnet="" wordpress_default
And setting the custom ips to the coontainers. (Also I set some Enviromental variables too.)
docker run --name wpdb --net wordpress_default --ip -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=1234 -d mariadb
run wordpress docker with some extra enviiromental variables
docker run --name mywordpress --net wordpress_default --ip --link wpdb:mysql -e WORDPRESS_ADMIN_PASSWORD=1234 -e -e WORDPRESS_URL= -p 8080:80 -ti wp
And visiting the wordpress site via the ip given oon the second coommand. But I still have problems with the local apache running as reverse proxy.
In the end just manually setting the machine's ip as url works like a charm.
docker run --name wpdb --net wordpress_default --ip -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=1234 -d mariadb
run wordpress docker with some extra enviiromental variables
docker run --name mywordpress --net wordpress_default --ip --link wpdb:mysql -e WORDPRESS_ADMIN_PASSWORD=1234 -e -e WORDPRESS_URL= -p 8080:80 -ti wp
All I had to do wat to set the following vhost to my apache:
<VirtualHost *:80>
RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto "http"
ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /
(Perhaps for production may need some changes)
