How to draw to the full window in rgl? - r

I am drawing 4 subfigures in rgl to a window, and I would like them to fill the available space:
rgl::open3d(windowRect = c(0,50, 1200, 1200));
rgl::mfrow3d(2, 2);
However, the result uses only a tiny potion of the window, it looks like this:
How can I make the 4 colored areas span the whole window, instead of only using the tiny part in the lower left corner?

It tools me hours, but I have finally managed to get this to work reliably by myself. It seems you have to call par3d() after open3d().
Also note the call to Sys.sleep, as suggested by user20650 in the comments above. Without it, the window only gets drawn in full size after clicking on it (on my machine?).
Full working code:
rgloptions = list("windowRect"=c(50,50,1000,1000));
rgl::open3d();, rgloptions);
rgl::mfrow3d(2, 2);
This gives the following output reliably:

I'm not sure if this is an exact solution that you're looking for, but running your code as a function has worked for me.
make_box <- function(){library(rgl)
rgl::open3d(windowRect = c(0,50, 1200, 1200))
rgl::mfrow3d(2, 2)


tradingview pine script error "cannot use 'plot' in a local scope"

I am trying to write a simple if-then-else statement using the Pine language under Tradingview. What the code does is based upon user input.
If the box is checked, the plot the line.
If the box is not checked do not plot the line.
This is the code I have:
notPlot = -2000
var ch382= input(true, ".382")
if ch382
plot( ch382? bottom + diff * .382: noPlot, title="fib-.236", linewidth=3, )
How can I write this in a proper way?
If I try to run it, I get: “cannot use 'plot' in a local scope”
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
ETA: I found this thread below
How to put plot statement inside if statement
but -
what I need to do is to plot if the box is checked and ~not plot~ if the box is not checked.
ETA: figured out the issue. One would use "na" (in the case of plotting) to note that the line should not be displayed - my mistake ...
var ch382 = input(true, ".382")
plot( ch382? bottom + diff * .382: na, title="fib-.382", linewidth=3, )

Get Geometry of widgets with variable size

I have a pop_up widget (say a textbox), which I can place arbitrarily on the screen by setting the properties x and y accordingly.
On the other hand I use the prompt, which is located in the default wibar.
I would like to place the pop_up widget directly below the prompt
I was not yet able to gather any useful information about the geometry of the prompt. With geometry I mean its x and y values together with its height and width. I solved the y-positioning by using the height of the wibar itself.
But I am stuck with x-positioning.
Is there a way to get the width of the widgets within the toolbar?
I read something about forced_width, but in this situation it sounds like a hack to me. So I would prefer to avoid forcing any widths.
I'm currently running awesome WM 4.2 on Fedora 26
Part of a problem is that "a" widget does not have a position and size since awesome allows widgets to be shown in multiple places at once. However, if we just ignore this problem, something like the following could work (to be honest: I did not test this):
function find_widget_in_wibox(wb, widget)
local function find_widget_in_hierarchy(h, widget)
if h:get_widget() == widget then
return h
local result
for _, ch in ipairs(h:get_children()) do
result = result or find_widget_in_hierarchy(ch, widget)
return result
local h = wb._drawable._widget_hierarchy
return h and find_widget_in_hierarchy(h, widget)
However, I have to warn you that the above could break in newer versions of awesome since it access non-public API (the part with wb._drawable._widget_hierarchy). There is a way to work with just the public API using :find_widgets(), but I am too lazy for that for now.
The above function gets the wibox.hierarchy instance representing a widget which allows to get the geometry of the prompt via something like the following (in the default config of awesome 4.2):
local s = screen.primary -- Pick a screen to work with
local h = find_widget_in_wibox(s.mywibox, s.mypromptbox)
local x, y, width, height = h:get_matrix_to_device()
:transform_rectangle(0, 0, h:get_size())
local geo = s.mywibox:geometry()
x, y = x + geo.x, y + geo.y
print(string.format("The widget is inside of the rectangle (%d, %d, %d, %d) on the screen", x, y, width, height)
Finally, note that the widget hierarchy is only updated during repaints. So, during startup the code above will fail to find the widget at all and right after something changed (e.g. you entered another character into the promptbox), the above will still "figure out" the old geometry.

AutoIT get child window from a parent window

I came across a problem which looks trivial to me but I can't find a valid solution after googling for an hour.
I want to fill in a window security popup window.
This is part of a selenium test, that can run in parallel next to other tests.
So in order to be sure that my autoit script fills in the correct popup (and not form another test that is running), i want to identify this popup as a child of a parent window. Is there an easy way to do this?
The code i had so far:
$browserHandl = WinWait($parentTitle)
WinActivate($browserHandl, "")
$popUpHandl = WinWait("Windows Security")
So my fear is that WinWait will return one of all the open Windows Security popups currently open on the machine.
1. Is there a way to obtain the childwindows of a parent window when i got its handle?
2. Is my fear correct that i indeed will have a race condition with multiple tests running at the same time?
input box open
input box hidden
I used a progress to hide what I needed to.
add #include
$file = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 10, 5, 350, 25)
You need 3 lines for the Marquee
Local $iProgress = GUICtrlCreateProgress(30, 10, 270, 20, $PBS_MARQUEE)
GUICtrlSendMsg($iProgress, $PBM_SETMARQUEE, 1, 50)
and to make it cover the input box
and 0 to stop and remove the Marquee GUICtrlSendMsg($iProgress, $PBM_SETMARQUEE, 0, 50) ; Send the message $PBM_SETMARQUEE and wParam of 0 to stop the scrolling marquee.

separate screen for output in R?

I am using RStudio for my project, I want a separate screen for the output. I tried with sink(), but I need a new pop up window. My code is
snd <-apply(select,2,function(rows) paste0(rows, collapse = ""))
cat(sprintf("\"%s\" =>\"%s\"\n", fst,snd))
These data is not the actual one, just example data.
Is it possible to show the output "ONLY" in a separate screen or browser window? no need to show any graph or plot operation.
Per my comment, here's an example using the sinkstart function from rite.
# your code
# close the widget with the X or
# use `sinkstop()` to turn off the `sink`ing
Here's a screenshot:

JSNewtworkX stop layout

i'm using JSNetworkX for graph exploration and rendering.
JSNetworkX is using D3.js for graph render. However, as I work with large graph (json file about 5Mb), I would like to render this graph directly without any animations (so, in placing each node directly without force attraction).
I try to use D3.layout.force().stop() after rendering, but it's without effects.
Because of that, I'm thinking that it has to be done in jsnx.draw, see my code below.
jsnx.draw(G, {
element: 'body',
d3: d3,
layout_attr: {
charge: -1500,
linkDistance: 1,
gravity: 1,
friction: 0.4,
alpha: -100
force = d3.layout.force();
Unfortunately, you can't do that with the current version. Do you need a force layout at all or do you already have positions for each node? FWIW, if you really have a large graph, even a static layout would be slow, because you'd still have too many SVG elements. The next version will include a WebGL rendered for large graphs.
So, we can't for the moment.
As of v0.3.4, jsnx.draw returns the force layout object so you can do var force = jsnx.draw{/*...*/} then force.stop().
