Dapper question. Getting values from returned object - asp.net

Just started learning Dapper. I have an ADO.NET background. Using a demo I downloaded, I can insert/delete data from a webform into a MySql table just fine. This, however, I have searched all morning on.
In retrieving a single row from the db by ID, it doesn't return a LIST<>, it seems to be just an object (using code from the demo I downloaded). The query works, I get the object back. It has the fields: "ProductID, Description and Price".
The only way I could get the values to those three fields was like this:
System.Reflection.PropertyInfo pi = Product.GetType().GetProperty("ProductID");
System.Reflection.PropertyInfo desc = Product.GetType().GetProperty("Description");
System.Reflection.PropertyInfo price = Product.GetType().GetProperty("Price");
int _ProductID = (int)(pi.GetValue(Product, null));
string _Description = (string)(desc.GetValue(Product, null));
decimal _Price = (decimal)(price.GetValue(Product, null));
This works and gets the correct values for the three fields.
I'm used to looping through DataTables, but I just think there is probably a better way to get those values.
Is this the correct way to do this or am I missing something? I did actually read documentation and mess with this all morning before asking, too.
Some of the things I looked at seem to be very complex. I thought Dapper was supposed to simplify things.

OK, Thanks Marc. It was difficult for me to see what was supposed to be in the Dapper class files and what was supposed to be in my code behind. The original demo way of getting a product by ID had the query as .FirstOrDefault();
I changed everything to return a List<> and it all worked. I'm sure my ADO.NET is showing, but this works. In Dapper class files:
public List<Product> ProductAsList(int Id)
return this._db.Query<Product>("SELECT * FROM Cart_product WHERE ProductID=#Id", new { Id = Id }).**ToList()**;
This is just getting one row that matched the ProductID.
In page codebehind:
protected void CartItemAdd(string ProductId) // passing it the selected ProductID
var results = cartservice.ProductAsList(Convert.ToInt32(ProductId));
// returns that one row using Dapper ProductAsList(ProductId)
int _ProductId = 0;
string Description = string.Empty;
decimal Price = 0;
// Loop through the list and get the value of each item:
foreach (Product obj in results)
_ProductId = obj.ProductID;
Description = obj.Description;
Price = obj.Price;
// Using Dapper to insert the selected product into the shopping cart (table):
String UserName = "jbanks";
cartitem = new CartItem();
cartitem.ProductID = _ProductId;
cartitem.Quantity = 1;
cartitem.Description = Description;
cartitem.Price = Price;
cartitem.Created = DateTime.Now;
cartitem.CreatedBy = UserName;
result = cartservice.AddCartItem(cartitem);
if (result)
lblMessage.Text = string.Empty;
lblMessage.Text = "Successfully added a cart item";
It does indeed look up the product from one table and insert a selected item into another table.
Thanks again!

The main Query<T> API returns an IEnumerable<T>, which often will be a List<T>; the AsList<T>() extension method can get it back to a list without a copy, but either way: they are just T, for whatever T you asked for. If you asked for Query<Product>, then: they should be Product instances:
var results = connection.Query<Product>(someSql, someArgs); // perhaps .AsList()
foreach (Product obj in results) { // "var obj" would be fine here too
// now just use obj.ProductID, obj.Description and obj.Price
If that didn't work: check that you used the <T> version of Query. There is a non-generic variant too, which returns dynamic. Frankly, you should almost always use the <T> version.
Note: I'm assuming that somewhere you have something like
class Product {
public int ProductID {get;set;}
public string Description {get;set;}
public decimal Price {get;set;}


How to handle multiple session variables in ASP .Net?

As a part of online shopping, I implemented a cart using Session.
I have implemented the Cart in the following manner :
Session[pname] = qty;
where pname is a string variable which holds the name of the product and I used that as the key. qty is an integer variable which holds the number of items of that particular product.
To display the cart items I simply used the following loop :
foreach(string keys in Session.Keys)
Through this I get the names of the products along with the associated quantity and using this I display the cart items. The problem arises when I also have a session for the user active on the same page.
Session["uname"] = user_name;
And while retrieving the keys using Session.Keys, the uname gets included which I don't want as I need only the product's names. Is there any way I can read the keys from Session[pname] without reading from Session["uname"]?
Instead of storing an object in session for each product and quantity, just store a single object (e.g. List) which contains all of your cart items.
Here is an example which you could tweak to meet your needs:
First, a simple object to store the data:
public class CartItem {
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Quantity { get; set; }
Then if you need to add an object to the cart list:
var cartItems = new List<CartItem>();
cartItems.Add(new CartItem() {
Name = "",
Quantity = 1
Session["Cart"] = cartItems;
//Need to fetch the cart items later on?
cartItems = (List<CartItem>)Session["Cart"];
Obviously this can be implemented differently and this was just a quick example.
You mentioned needing an easier fix than what Justin Helgerson said, so here's a couple of suggestions, but they feel a little quick and dirty. Justin's is probably the superior solution. I used a quick Console app to demonstrate this, so place your constants where they belong, and you obviously don't have to create a dictionary.
const string USERSESSION = "uname";
Dictionary<string, object> session = new Dictionary<string, object>();
session["item1"] = 2;
session["item2"] = 1;
session[USERSESSION] = "StackOverflowUser";
// print cart items - minus the user name session key
foreach (string key in session.Keys.Where(s => s != USERSESSION))
Console.WriteLine("Key: {0} Value: {1}", key, session[key]);
Alternatively, if you plan on there being more keys than just "uname", use the Linq Except method.
// build up except set
List<string> exceptKeys = new List<string>
foreach (string key in session.Keys.Except(exceptKeys))
Console.WriteLine("Key: {0} Value: {1}", key, session[key]);

Creating Webservice with webmatrix

this time i learn how to create webservice with webmatrix.
I try learn from this link :
but i stuck because author didn't sample source code.
This is my getproduct.cshtml code :
public class Product {
public string Name {get; set; }
public int Price {get; set; }
public static Product GetProducts(string price) {
var db = Database.Open("WebService");
var selectQueryString = "SELECT Name, Score FROM Users WHERE Score >= " + #price;
var data = db.Query(selectQueryString);
Product product = new Product();
foreach (var row in data) {
product.Name = #row.Name;
product.Price = #row.Score;
return product;
This is my jsonRequest.cshtml code :
var price = Request.QueryString["price"];
if (price == null || price == string.Empty) {
<p>Please enter a Price value</p>
} else {
var product = getproduct.GetProducts(price);
Json.Write(product, Response.Output);
okay and last i run http://localhost:55278/jsonRequest.cshtml, but there are two error for me, that are :
1. that address there is no QueryString, and code just past if to else.
2. error in getproductGetProduct(price);
CS0117: 'ASP.getproduct' does not contain a definition for
please help me, how to solve my problem, so that i can finish that tutorial from that link.
thank you
this is my folder
Test Webservice
The first issue I can see is just one of case-sensitivity:
var product = getproduct.GetProduct(price);
Should be:
var product = getProduct.GetProduct(price);
The object name is case-sensitive and must be exactly the same as the name of the .cshtml file in the App_Code folder.
You seem to have edited your question to show that the case was correct originally, so the next problem I see is in the name of your method being plural. Your method signature is:
public static Product GetProducts(string price)
So you need to change:
var product = getproduct.GetProduct(price);
var product = getproduct.GetProducts(price);
In your getproduct.cshtml you need to change the opening of the block from #{ to #functions {.
I know you're only following a tutorial too so this is just an aside, but that code looks absolutely ripe for an SQL injection hack to me.

how to query many to many relationship in Linq to EF5

I am learning EF5 and building a small website which simply displays some songs and singers. As a song can be sung by more than one singer and a singer will have many songs so my EF model as below.
I want to display all the list of songs with its relevant singers in a table so I wrote a query and this is so far I have.
Dim res = context.Songs _
.SelectMany(Function(song) song.Artists, Function(s, a) New With
{.SongTitle = s.SongTitle, _
.ArtistName = a.ArtistName, _
.Lyrics = s.Lyrics})
But I am having the result like below.
You will see Lucky is displayed twice in the table. I don't want that to happen. I just want to display it once but have join two singers in the Artist column. I tried to read tutorials and many forum posts but those tutorials don't get this complicated.
So how can i get change the query to return something like this?
I must write my answer with C#, hopefully you are able to translate it into VB.
I would do two changes:
First, simply use Select instead of SelectMany in this situation.
Second, introduce a named ViewModel instead of an anonymous type because it allows you to add a method or custom readonly property that will be helpful later.
The ViewModel would look like this:
public class SongViewModel
public string SongTitle { get; set; }
public string Lyrics { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<string> ArtistNames { get; set; }
public string ArtistNamesString
get { return string.Join(", ", ArtistNames); }
Then you can use this query:
var res = context.Songs.Select(s => new SongViewModel
SongTitle = s.SongTitle,
Lyrics = s.Lyrics,
ArtistNames = s.Artists.Select(a => a.ArtistName)
Now, to list the result, you can use a loop like this (example with console output):
foreach (var item in res)
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} {1} {2}",
item.SongTitle, item.Lyrics, item.ArtistNamesString);
This lists each song only once and the artist names are displayed as a comma separated list.

Code practice to handle empty result set in Linq to custom list

My Question is how do I handle a null set returned from a linq query if I am loading it into a custom class.
queryResults = queryResults.Select(p => new specialItems(p.ID, p.SECTION, p.PROGRAM, p.EVENT).ToList<specialItems>();
public class specialItems
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Section { get; set; }
public string Program { get; set; }
public string Event { get; set; }
public courseItems(string id, string section, string program, string event)
this.Id = id;
this.Section = section;
this.Program = program;
this.Event = event;
Currently this query works great until the result set is empty, then I get:
"Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
I need the query to return an empty List if the result set is empty.
UPDATE - Asided from the invalid redeclaration of a variable (fixed) I did find that the issue was higher up in the initial construction of the linq query. This became apparent when I received several good suggestions and removed the error. Once I fixed the original query things worked swimmingly.
Use the null coalescing operator (??).
List<specialItems> queryResults = queryResults.Select(p => new specialItems(p.ID, p.SECTION, p.PROGRAM, p.EVENT).ToList<specialItems>() ?? new List<specialItems>();
EDIT: Yeah, looking at what you have there a little closer, it's the ToList that's blowing up when this happens. You might have to split it up a bit.
var temp = queryResults.Select(p => new specialItems(p.ID, p.SECTION, p.PROGRAM, p.EVENT);
List<specialItems> results = temp == null ? new List<specialItems>() : temp.ToList<SpecialItems>();
Have to do it this way, because there's no good spot to put the null coalescing operator in this case.
Robaticus is mostly right, use the null coalescing operator (??). Howerver, since you didn't include the stack trace, I assume your code is throwing because queryResults is initially null. By the time you get to the ?? operator, you've already thrown the exception, because you tried to dereference queryResults.
Also, the code you have doesn't make a ton of sense, because queryResults is already defined within that scope by the time you get to that line. You can't redefine a variable that has already been declared locally in that scope.
List<SpecialItems> queryResults = GetSomeResults();
queryResults = (queryResults ?? new List<SpecialItems>())
.Select(p => new SpecialItems(p.ID, p.SECTION, p.PROGRAM, p.EVENT))
If you can get the function or line that spits out the original version of queryResults to return an empty list instead of null, then try to do that, or coalesce the results on that line. That's probably better than having all that code on the query line :)
List<SpecialItems> queryResults = GetSomeResults() ?? new List<SpecialItems>();
queryResults = queryResults
.Select(p => new SpecialItems(p.ID, p.SECTION, p.PROGRAM, p.EVENT))
Linq returns an empty list if there are no results, never null. Therefore, the problem is certainly not that queryResults.Select() returns null.
What is probably going on is that we're looking at a lazily evaluated linq-to-objects 'query'. ToList() triggers the evaluation of it, and probably the nullreference exception occurs in a lambda expression higher up the chain.
Neither Enumerable.Select, nor Queryable.Select, nor Enumerable.ToList return null.
The query is not realized until ToList enumerates it. During that enumeration, a null reference exception is occuring due to code you have not posted in the question.
Consider this code with and without the commented line:
List<int> source = Enumerable.Range(1, 10).ToList();
IEnumerable<int> query = null;
query = source.Where(i => 1 / i > 0);
catch(Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Exception was caught {0}", ex.Message);
// source.Add(0);
List<int> result = query.ToList();
Consider this code with and without the commented line:
DataContext myDC = new DataContext();
string name = null;
IQueryable<Person> query = myDC.Persons.Where(p => p.Name.StartsWith(name));
// name = "Zz";
List<Person> result = query.ToList();

Entity Framework Updating with Related Entity

I'm using the EF to try to update an entity with ASP.NET. I'm creating an entity, setting it's properties then passing it back to the EF on a separate layer with the ID so the change can be applied. I'm doing this because I only store the ID of the entity when it's been bound to the UI controls.
Everything works for standard properties, but I can't update the Category.ID of a Product (a related entity). I've tried EntityKey, EntityReference and a few other but the category ID isn't saved. This is what I have:
Product product = new Product();
product.CategoryReference.EntityKey = new EntityKey("ShopEntities.Categories", "CategoryID", categoryId);
product.Name = txtName.Text.Trim();
... other properties
StockControlDAL.EditProduct(productId, product);
public static void EditProduct(int productId, Product product) {
using(var context = new ShopEntities()) {
var key = new EntityKey("ShopEntities.Products", "ProductID", productId);
context.Attach(new Product() { ProductID = productId, EntityKey = key });
product.EntityKey = key;
product.ProductID = productId;
context.ApplyPropertyChanges("ShopEntities.Products", product);
I really want to use the EF but I seem to be having a few problems with using it with ASP.NET.
The reason this fails is two fold.
In order to update a Reference (i.e. Product.Category) you have to have the original reference value in the context too.
ApplyPropertyChanges(...) only applies to regular / scalar properties of the Entity, the reference is left unchanged
So I would do something like this (Note this code makes heavy use of a trick called stub entities to avoid mucking around with EntityKeys)
Product product = new Product();
// Use a stub because it is much easier.
product.Category = new Category {CategoryID = selectedCategoryID};
product.Name = txtName.Text.Trim();
... other properties
StockControlDAL.EditProduct(productId, originalCategoryID);
public static void EditProduct(Product product, int originalCategoryID ) {
using(var context = new ShopEntities())
// Attach a stub entity (and stub related entity)
var databaseProduct = new Product {
ProductID = product.ProductID,
Category = new Category {CategoryID = originalCategoryID}
context.AttachTo("Products", databaseProduct);
// Okay everything is now in the original state
// NOTE: No need to call AcceptAllChanges() etc, because
// Attach puts things into ObjectContext in the unchanged state
// Copy the scalar properties across from updated product
// into databaseProduct in the ObjectContext
context.ApplyPropertyChanges("ShopEntities.Products", product);
// Need to attach the updated Category and modify the
// databaseProduct.Category but only if the Category has changed.
// Again using a stub.
if (databaseProduct.Category.CategoryID != product.Category.CategoryID)
var newlySelectedCategory =
new Category {
CategoryID = product.Category.CategoryID
context.AttachTo("Categories", newlySelectedCategory)
databaseProduct.Category = newlySelectedCategory;
This will do the job, assuming no typos etc.
This is accepted answer to this question Strongly-Typed ASP.NET MVC with Entity Framework
context.AttachTo(product.GetType().Name, product);
ObjectStateManager stateMgr = context.ObjectStateManager;
ObjectStateEntry stateEntry = stateMgr.GetObjectStateEntry(model);
Have you tried out that?
[Updated, code on top does not work]
This is small extension property I used so next code block is easier to understand:
public partial class Product
public int? CategoryID
CategoryReference.EntityKey = new EntityKey("ShopEntities.Categories", "CategoryID", value);
if (CategoryReference.EntityKey == null)
return null;
if (CategoryReference.EntityKey.EntityKeyValues.Count() > 0)
return (int)CategoryReference.EntityKey.EntityKeyValues[0].Value;
return null;
and that worked for me (this time for sure):
System.Data.EntityKey key = new System.Data.EntityKey("ShopEntities.Products", "ProductID", productId);
object originalItem;
product.EntityKey = key;
if (context.TryGetObjectByKey(key, out originalItem))
if (originalItem is EntityObject &&
((EntityObject)originalItem).EntityState != System.Data.EntityState.Added)
Product origProduct = originalItem as Product;
origProduct.CategoryID == product.CategoryID;//set foreign key again to change the relationship status
key.EntitySetName, product);
For sure it's looks hacky. I think that the reason is because the EF relationships have status as entities (modified, added, deleted) and based on that status EF changes the value of foreign keys or deletes row if many to many relationship is in case. For some reason (don't know why) the relationship status is not changed the same as property status. That is why I had to set the CategoryReference.EntityKey on originalItem in order to change the status of the relationship.
