curl 60 err Unable to get local issuer Ubuntu Nginx vmware - symfony

I am running a VM on Ubuntu 18.04 an using a self signed ssl certificate (openssl). I installed the CA AUthority, uploaded it to Chrome. Chrome recognizes the SSL so I am not getting and error there, I do however get a guzzle error in Symfony. I have tried editing php.ini and inputing the cacert.pem there and nothing is working. this is not a duplicate please
I am reaching out to see if anybody has run into this based on the stack above.


Browser shows letsencrypt certificate expired when it isnt

Can someone please render me some assistance
I have an issue where when accessing the domain results in an error indicating that the cert date is invalid
However when running certbot certificates it shows that the certificate is already up to date and has ample time till expiry
I have also restarted the server through
systemctl restart nginx
systemctl restart php-fpm
My suspicion is that it is using the wrong certificate, can someone please guide me in solving this issue?
Issue was with the filepath in nano /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf.
As the previous letsencrypt certificate had different domains to the new letsencryp certificate generated it didnt replace the original certificate.
had to manually change the filepath in nano /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf.

SSL: Certbot + AWS Lightsail + LetsEncrypt + Really Simple SSL Plugin

Current server # is running an older version of amazon AWS Lightsail with wordpress (ubuntu) and we just had a new certificate issued using letsencrypt. All is well. Original cert was requested with wildcard, so functional for any subdomain.
Now, we needed to spin up a fresh new server for a subdomain, let's call it
The new AWS lightsail instances now are no longer Ubuntu but Debian!
The idea was to install certbot in the new Debian instance and then copy over the certificate files from the primary server #
I've done this successfully in the past when it was going from Ubuntu to Ubuntu but now that the new instance is Debian, the Really Simple SSL plugin does not recognize that a certificate is installed.
STEPS I took to move the certificate files:
What I've done before is simply to copy /etc/letsencrypt/* from one server to another and then follow the steps outlined in the AWS documentation here:
In this case, performing the steps 7.4, 7.5, 7.6 and section 8.
However, steps described in section 8.1 do not appear valid in this document anymore for Debian, because there is no such location on Debian:
sudo chmod 666 /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-config.php
AND because it seems an .htaccess does not exist either.
sudo chmod 666 /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/conf/htaccess.conf
Are there additional steps now which I've missed to be able to copy the necessary files for SSL to work properly on this new subdomain server now running Debian?
I was going to go through a new certificate request in the development server but wouldn't that invalidate the certificate currently installed for the primary domain?
In other words, how to properly copy the SSL files from the main Ubuntu server and configure the Debian subdomain server so that both wordpress installations have SSL correctly installed?
Thank you #mikemoy indeed, one can issue multiple wildcard certificates from different servers in a subdomain. Just went ahead and issued a new certificate.

Ubuntu Server Nginx Error after rebooting the server

An error occurred.
Sorry, the page you are looking for is currently unavailable.
Please try again later.
If you are the system administrator of this resource then you should check the error log for details.
Faithfully yours, nginx.
I rebooted the server just before happening this using sudo reboot now since it is an ubuntu server.
I checked this .I did not understand any of it unfortunately. Also I cant access any of the pages in the specific site of mine which is showing this error.
The error.log is empty on the location /var/log/nginx
error.log.1 has some logs which happens months ago. Same for access.log.1
I am not a network guy.
sudo service nginx status
sudo service nginx start
could be that for some reason nginx not started after reboot

CFHTTP does not connect over SSL connection?

I have just installed an intermediate & primary SSL certificate on my VPS. Everything is working well, except when I make a cfhttp call:
<cfhttp url="" method="get" result="adzone" />
<cfdump var="#adzone#" />
From to These 2 subdomains are on the same server, and I am using a wildcard SSL certificate:
That covers all sub domains.
VPS environment
OS: Windows 2008R2 with IIS7
Application server: Lucee final
Servlet Container: Apache Tomcat/8.0.28
Java: 1.8.0_66 (Oracle Corporation) 64bit
Do I need to install the intermediate.crt & primaryssl.crt into my keystore cacerts? Is this the problem?
I tried just installing the certificate.cer that I grabbed from Internet Explorer, but maybe this is the wrong approach?
I still get the error:
Error Detail
Unknown host: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
OK. For anyone who comes across this issue, instead of having to spend several hours pulling your hair out, I managed to get the connection to work:
This is taken from the following link:!topic/lucee/BPm8vYdgkPQ
Thank you Dominic Watson
I've just tried this and got it working:
Log in to Lucee server admin and navigate to "SSL Certificates"
Enter your host name "" in the Host field (without the quotes)
Hit "list" button
Hit "install" button
That's it. The cfhttp call started working.

Gitlab stop working after instal iRedMail

I have a little problem.
I have VPS with debian 8. I have installed on it apache2 serwer and gitlab ce with default settings.
My serwer work on port 80 and my gitlab worked on 81 ( external_url ).
Everything stop working when i installed iRedMail.
Now I have uninstalled iRedMail but gitlab doesn't work.
After use command "gitlab-ctl restart" all packages are ok (gitlab-workhouse, logrotate, nginx, postgresql, redis, sidekiq, unicorn), but If i try to open site with gitlab, I have got error the page timeout.
What and how should check to solve this problem?
I have to add that I hace checked listen ports and nginx are in this list.
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 4534/nginx
---------- EDIT
"stop working" = after I type "external_url" (which worked) I got "Connection timed out".
I have checked logs in /var/log/gitlab for
gitlab-rails, gitlab-shell, gitlab-workhorse, nginx etc.
In gitlab-rails folder I found files : production.log (clear) and sidekiq.log. There are many of ERRORS ( I paste 2 first line, next are similar ):
2015-12-14_14:57:44.37657 2015-12-14T14:57:44.376Z 14796 TID-daijk ERROR: Error fetching message: No such file or directory - connect(2) for /var/opt/gitlab/redis/redis.socket
2015-12-14_14:57:44.37672 2015-12-14T14:57:44.376Z 14796 TID-daijk ERROR: /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gem/ruby/2.1.0/gems/redis-3.2.1/lib/redis/connection/ruby.rb:180:in `connect_nonblock'
I Have to add that my apache server works fine on :80.
