Get Real time Analytics Data - google-analytics

I want to get analytics data of each user of my website. I know that google analytics provide data user wise but I am not able to export that data using API. I want real time user wise data with export feature to save it in my database. I have gone through many platform like mouseflow but they do not provide data user wise. Is anyone have idea how can I implement this?

Here an example of how to get data from Google Real Time API (with Google Apps Script):


Google Analytics export setup to Bigquery

I was able to setup the GA360 to bigquery and I also got an email that export is complete. But I dont see anything when I click on the dataset. Will it take time for the tables to show up or do I need to create tables once I setup the dataset in bigquery?
If you successfully connected GA360, you don't need to anything else additional for it to work. Make sure you're using the correct account for the Big Query project.
It will take time for the day-of data to show up as well as a few days for the 13 months of data to show up.

How does Google analytics get demographic data (age/gender)

Where does google get this data from and is it possible to manually obtain this data on my own website without it (assuming it is in some kind of cookie/user-agent string/identifier/etc)?
Google gets its data from the 3rd Party double click cookie.
Here is a bit more detail from the Google Analytics documentation
If you are looking to get similar data - you can purchase it from services like Comscore but you would need to get something to identify your users against their database.
Why don't you want to use cookie/ user-agent?
My personal perspective is that even if users block cookies- then some data is better than no data.
When a user logged in their google account, then google analytics collect demographic information like age, gender for that user.
There are also other sources for collecting demographic data along with google account information like:
Third-party double click cookie,
Android advertising ID,
IOS Identifier for advertisers.

Real time data from google analytics

Am I able to push real time data from google analytics to google spreadsheet via google analytics add-on? (I know that it is possible via Google Analytics API)
It is pretty hard to prove a negative but no, you cannot do this from within the interface, you'd need the Google Analytics Realtime API.
I am not convinced that this is really useful. Realtime data is not aggregated, so you'd get a lot of rows really fast (and since a Google spreadsheet holds 2 mio cells at most you'd have to empty or swap the spreadsheet regularly).
Since this is basically raw data you could just as well set up a small apps script like in this gist that writes request data to a spreadsheet, publish this as web app and create a small image pixel within your page that sends data directly to the sheet (but you will not have channel attribution). I expanded a bit on that idea here.

Is there a good alternative to Google Analytics that does not sample?

I want to pay my writers based on unique page views. Right now I am getting my data from Google Analytics. The frustrating thing is that the numbers given by Google Analytics are from sampling.
So is there a Analytics Service to get unique page views that does not sample its data?
Or as anyone try doing something similar to what I am trying to accomplish, what would you recommend I do?
I use Unsampler
Extract unsampled data from a Google Analytics Standard profile. Avoid sampling and get at your real data.
Try to use PIWIK - it is server side analytics system, but you will must save all data on your server - you need separate mysql data base.

Can Google Analytics pull historical data?

Trying to dig in to GA here. I have a site built on a wiki platform (confluence) that has not had any GA setup prior. Trying to see if I could do something crafty with the GAPI to pull historical data as the site has been up for some ~3 years.
Is there any way to pull data if GA was not set up on any of the pages, or am I SOL? Took a gander at but didn't see a clear answer
I have only used Google Analytics to track data as it comes in. If you have the historical data stored somewhere, you could probably write a script to iterate over the standard ga script and send off trackpageviews with the data you want, but unless you or someone else actually have the usage data tracked somewhere, you won't be able to materialize it out of thin air.
