How to lookup and sum multiple columns in R - r

Suppose I have 2 dataframes structured as such:
P1 P2 P3 P4
123 213 312 231
345 123 213 567
123 23
213 12
312 11
213 19
345 10
567 22
I want to add a column to the GROUPS which is a sum of each of their individual results:
123 213 312 231 65
I've tried using various merge techniques, but have really just created a mess. I feel like there's a simple solution I just don't know about, would really appreciate some guidance!

P1 P2 P3 P4
123 213 312 231
345 123 213 567",h=T)
123 23
213 12
312 11
231 19
345 10
567 22",h=T)
I will be using the apply and match functions. Apply will apply the match function to each row of d1, match will find the matching values from the row of d1 and d2$ID (their indices) and then take the values in d2$SCORE at those indices. In the end we sum them up.
and the result
1 123 213 312 231 65
2 345 123 213 567 67

I would try a slow but could be an intuitive way for new users. I think the difficulty was created by the format of your data d1. If you do a little bit of tidy up:
colnames(d1) <-c("group1", "group2")
d1$P = row.names(d1)
d1<-d1 %>%
cols = group1:group2,
names_to = "Group",
values_to = "ID"
df <-left_join(d1, d2, by ="ID")
# A tibble: 8 x 4
<chr> <chr> <int> <int>
1 P1 group1 123 23
2 P1 group2 345 10
3 P2 group1 213 12
4 P2 group2 123 23
5 P3 group1 312 11
6 P3 group2 213 12
7 P4 group1 231 19
8 P4 group2 567 22
Once you get the data to this more "conventional" format, we can easily work out a tidyverse solution.
df %>%
group_by(Group) %>%
summarize(SCORE = sum(SCORE))
# A tibble: 2 x 2
<chr> <int>
1 group1 65
2 group2 67

Another possibility is to reformat the first data.frame to contain the group and subgroup Information:
groups <- tidyr::gather(d1,name,number,P1:P4)
These information could be added to the second data.frame and could be further used for different analyses. Such as aggregrations.
d2_groups <- merge(groups, d2, by.x = "number",by.y = "ID")
aggregate(d2_groups$SCORE, by=list(groups = d2_groups$name), FUN=sum)


Conditional Calculation for a Column in R

I have the following data:
pop.2017 <- c(434,346,345,357)
pop.2018 <- c(334,336,325,345)
pop.2019 <- c(477,346,145,345)
pop.2020 <- c(474,366,341,300)
total <- c(34,36,34,35)
incident_month_yr <- c("2017-2","2017-5","2018-2","2019-2")
df <- data.frame(incident_month_yr,pop.2017,pop.2018,pop.2019,pop.2020,total)
df['perc'] <- NA
For rows where incident_month_yr contains 2017, I want perc to equal total/pop.2017
For rows where incident_month_yr contains 2018, I want perc to equal total/pop.2018
For rows where incident_month_yr contains 2019, I want perc to equal total/pop.2019
For rows where incident_month_yr contains 2020, I want perc to equal total/pop.2020
I've tried this:
df$perc[grepl(2017,df$incident_month_yr)] <- df$total/df$pop.2017
df$perc[grepl(2018,df$incident_month_yr)] <- df$total/df$pop.2018
df$perc[grepl(2019,df$incident_month_yr)] <- df$total/df$pop.2019
df$perc[grepl(2020,df$incident_month_yr)] <- df$total/df$pop.2020
However, it's not applying the calculations to specific rows like I want. How can I do this?
You can use the following solution:
df %>%
mutate(perc = ifelse(str_detect(incident_month_yr, "2017"), total/pop.2017,
ifelse(str_detect(incident_month_yr, "2018"), total/pop.2018,
incident_month_yr pop.2017 pop.2018 pop.2019 pop.2020 total perc
1 2017-2 434 334 477 474 34 0.07834101
2 2017-5 346 336 346 366 36 0.10404624
3 2018-2 345 325 145 341 34 0.10461538
4 2019-2 357 345 345 300 35 0.10144928
Special Thanks to dear #akrun
We can also replace str_detect with grepl function from base R to use fewer packages and use case_when in place of ifelse as an unnested alternative.
df %>%
mutate(perc = case_when(
grepl("2017", incident_month_yr) ~ total/pop.2017,
grepl("2018", incident_month_yr) ~ total/pop.2018,
TRUE ~ total/pop.2019
incident_month_yr pop.2017 pop.2018 pop.2019 pop.2020 total perc
1 2017-2 434 334 477 474 34 0.07834101
2 2017-5 346 336 346 366 36 0.10404624
3 2018-2 345 325 145 341 34 0.10461538
4 2019-2 357 345 345 300 35 0.10144928
We can do this with match. Get the column names that have 'pop' substring ('nm1)', remove the characters that are not year from 'incident_month_yr', and the column name, use match to return the column index, cbind with the sequence of rows, extract the values from the 'pop' columns, divide by 'total' and assign it to 'perc' column
nm1 <- grep('pop', names(df), value = TRUE)
nm2 <- trimws(df$incident_month_yr, whitespace = '-.*')
nm3 <- trimws(nm1, whitespace = 'pop\\.')
df$perc <- df$total/df[nm1][cbind(seq_len(nrow(df)), match(nm2, nm3))]
#[1] 0.07834101 0.10404624 0.10461538 0.10144928
In dplyr, an option is do rowwise, construct the column name from the 'incident_month_yr' with str_replace to capture the year part, append the 'pop.' as prefix, get the value and divide with 'total' column
df %>%
rowwise %>%
mutate(perc = total/get(str_replace(incident_month_yr,
"(\\d{4})-\\d+", 'pop.\\1'))) %>%
# A tibble: 4 x 7
# incident_month_yr pop.2017 pop.2018 pop.2019 pop.2020 total perc
# <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#1 2017-2 434 334 477 474 34 0.0783
#2 2017-5 346 336 346 366 36 0.104
#3 2018-2 345 325 145 341 34 0.105
#4 2019-2 357 345 345 300 35 0.101
Here are two approaches, one in base R and one using tidy data. The provided data is not tidy, that's why base R looks uncomfortable:
# Define the target
target <- c(0.07834101, 0.10404624, 0.10461538, 0.10144928)
That is our goal, calculating target.
First, use base R and ifelse:
result1 <- with(df,
ifelse(grepl(2017, incident_month_yr),
ifelse(grepl(2018, incident_month_yr),
ifelse(grepl(2019, incident_month_yr),
ifelse(grepl(2020, incident_month_yr),
identical(round(result1, 4), round(target, 4))
#> [1] TRUE
And, the tidy way, reshaping into tidy data and calculating the result:
result2 <- df %>% pivot_longer(starts_with("pop."), names_to = "pop", names_prefix = "pop.") %>%
filter(substr(incident_month_yr, 1, 4) == pop) %>%
mutate(perc = total/value) %>%
identical(round(result2, 4), round(target, 4))
#> [1] TRUE

Find the newest entry per client in R

I am trying to filter a dataframe in which I have three columns:
date (format: "day/month/year")
client name
client spending on an specific product
I want to filter this df so I could get only the newest data purchase by client
Is there any way I could do this?
Let me first create a dummy data frame
names <- c("A", "B", "C", "D")
client <- sample(names, size=20, replace=T)
dates <- sample(seq(as.Date('1999/01/01'), as.Date('2000/01/01'), by="day"), 20)
amount <- sample(c(0:1000), size=20)
df <- data.frame(dates, client, amount)
So the data frame looks like this
dates client amount
1 1999-08-21 A 632
2 1999-08-06 B 449
3 1999-03-20 B 402
4 1999-05-15 B 557
5 1999-04-29 D 960
6 1999-03-07 A 977
7 1999-12-02 D 106
8 1999-12-08 D 891
9 1999-12-06 B 375
10 1999-03-28 C 509
11 1999-07-27 C 722
12 1999-02-01 D 923
13 1999-02-20 B 517
14 1999-12-17 B 487
15 1999-11-27 C 486
16 1999-05-26 B 873
17 1999-01-11 A 493
18 1999-08-16 A 620
19 1999-03-17 B 899
20 1999-03-01 C 297
You can then get filter the data
result <- df %>%
group_by(client) %>%
filter(dates == max(dates))
which will give you the following result.
dates client amount
<date> <fct> <int>
1 1999-08-21 A 632
2 1999-12-08 D 891
3 1999-12-17 B 487
4 1999-11-27 C 486

Find matching intervals in data frame by range of two column values

I have a data frame of time related events.
Here is an example:
Name Event Order Sequence start_event end_event duration Group
JOHN 1 A 0 19 19 ID1
JOHN 2 A 60 112 52 ID1
JOHN 3 A 392 429 37 ID1
JOHN 4 B 282 329 47 ID1
JOHN 5 C 147 226 79 ID1
JOHN 6 C 566 611 45 ID1
ADAM 1 A 19 75 56 ID2
ADAM 2 A 384 407 23 ID2
ADAM 3 B 0 79 79 ID2
ADAM 4 B 505 586 81 ID2
ADAM 5 C 140 205 65 ID2
ADAM 6 C 522 599 77 ID2
There are essentially two different groups, ID 1 & 2. For each of those groups, there are 18 different name's. Each of those people appear in 3 different sequences, A-C. They then have active time periods during those sequences, and I mark the start/end events and calculate the duration.
I'd like to isolate each person and find when they have matching time intervals with people in both the opposite and same group ID.
Using the example data above, I want to find when John and Adam appear during the same sequence, at the same time. I then want to compare John to the rest of the 17 names in ID1/ID2.
I do not need to match the exact amount of shared 'active' time, I just am hoping to isolate the rows that are common.
My comforts are in using dplyr, but I can't crack this yet. I looked around and saw some similar examples with adjacency matrices, but those are with precise and exact data points. I can't figure out the strategy with a range/interval.
Thank you!
Here is the example of the desired result
Name Event Order Sequence start_event end_event duration Group
JOHN 3 A 392 429 37 ID1
JOHN 5 C 147 226 79 ID1
JOHN 6 C 566 611 45 ID1
ADAM 2 A 384 407 23 ID2
ADAM 5 C 140 205 65 ID2
ADAM 6 C 522 599 77 ID2
I'm thinking you'd isolate each event row for John, mark the start/end time frame and then iterate through every name and event for the remainder of the data frame to find time points that fit first within the same sequence, and then secondly against the bench-marked start/end time frame of John.
As I understand it, you want to return any row where an event for John with a particular sequence number overlaps an event for anybody else with the same sequence value. To achieve this, you could use split-apply-combine to split by sequence, identify the overlapping rows, and then re-combine:
overlap <- function(start1, end1, start2, end2) pmin(end1, end2) > pmax(start2, start1), lapply(split(dat, dat$Sequence), function(x) {
jpos <- which(x$Name == "JOHN")
njpos <- which(x$Name != "JOHN")
over <- outer(jpos, njpos, function(a, b) {
overlap(x$start_event[a], x$end_event[a], x$start_event[b], x$end_event[b])
x[c(jpos[rowSums(over) > 0], njpos[colSums(over) > 0]),]
# Name EventOrder Sequence start_event end_event duration Group
# A.2 JOHN 2 A 60 112 52 ID1
# A.3 JOHN 3 A 392 429 37 ID1
# A.7 ADAM 1 A 19 75 56 ID2
# A.8 ADAM 2 A 384 407 23 ID2
# C.5 JOHN 5 C 147 226 79 ID1
# C.6 JOHN 6 C 566 611 45 ID1
# C.11 ADAM 5 C 140 205 65 ID2
# C.12 ADAM 6 C 522 599 77 ID2
Note that my output includes two additional rows that are not shown in the question -- sequence A for John from time range [60, 112], which overlaps sequence A for Adam from time range [19, 75].
This could be pretty easily mapped into dplyr language:
overlap <- function(start1, end1, start2, end2) pmin(end1, end2) > pmax(start2, start1)
sliceRows <- function(name, start, end) {
jpos <- which(name == "JOHN")
njpos <- which(name != "JOHN")
over <- outer(jpos, njpos, function(a, b) overlap(start[a], end[a], start[b], end[b]))
c(jpos[rowSums(over) > 0], njpos[colSums(over) > 0])
dat %>%
group_by(Sequence) %>%
slice(sliceRows(Name, start_event, end_event))
# Source: local data frame [8 x 7]
# Groups: Sequence [3]
# Name EventOrder Sequence start_event end_event duration Group
# (fctr) (int) (fctr) (int) (int) (int) (fctr)
# 1 JOHN 2 A 60 112 52 ID1
# 2 JOHN 3 A 392 429 37 ID1
# 3 ADAM 1 A 19 75 56 ID2
# 4 ADAM 2 A 384 407 23 ID2
# 5 JOHN 5 C 147 226 79 ID1
# 6 JOHN 6 C 566 611 45 ID1
# 7 ADAM 5 C 140 205 65 ID2
# 8 ADAM 6 C 522 599 77 ID2
If you wanted to be able to compute the overlaps for a specified pair of users, this could be done by wrapping the operation into a function that specifies the pair of users to be processed:
overlap <- function(start1, end1, start2, end2) pmin(end1, end2) > pmax(start2, start1)
pair.overlap <- function(dat, user1, user2) {
dat <- dat[dat$Name %in% c(user1, user2),], lapply(split(dat, dat$Sequence), function(x) {
jpos <- which(x$Name == user1)
njpos <- which(x$Name == user2)
over <- outer(jpos, njpos, function(a, b) {
overlap(x$start_event[a], x$end_event[a], x$start_event[b], x$end_event[b])
x[c(jpos[rowSums(over) > 0], njpos[colSums(over) > 0]),]
You could use pair.overlap(dat, "JOHN", "ADAM") to get the previous output. Generating the overlaps for every pair of users can now be done with combn and apply:
apply(combn(unique(as.character(dat$Name)), 2), 2, function(x) pair.overlap(dat, x[1], x[2]))

Merging data frames and combining columns into one

I've got the following three dataframes:
df1 <- data.frame(name=c("John", "Anne", "Christine", "Andy"),
age=c(31, 26, 54, 48),
height=c(180, 175, 160, 168),
group=c("Student",3,5,"Employer"), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
df2 <- data.frame(name=c("Anne", "Christine"),
age=c(26, 54),
height=c(175, 160),
group2=c("Teacher",6), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
df2 <- data.frame(name=c("Christine"),
group3=c("Scientist"), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
I'd like to combine them so that I get the following result:
df.all <- data.frame(name=c("John", "Anne", "Christine", "Andy"),
age=c(31, 26, 54, 48),
height=c(180, 175, 160, 168),
group=c("Student", "Teacher", "Scientist", "Employer"))
At the moment I'm doing it this way:
df.all <- merge(merge(df1[,c(1,4)], df2[,c(1,5)], all=TRUE, by="name"),
df3[,c(1,6)], all=TRUE, by="name")
row.ind <- which(df.all$group %in% c(6,5))
df.all[row.ind, c("group")] <- df.all[row.ind, c("group2")]
row.ind2 <- which(df.all$group2 %in% c(6))
df.all[row.ind2, c("group")] <- df.all[row.ind2, c("group3")]
This isn't generalisable and it is really messy. Maybe there would be a way to use merge_all or merge_recurse for the merging step (especially as there might be more than two dataframes to be merged), but I haven't figured out how. These two don't produce the right result:
df.all <- merge_all(list(df1, df2, df3))
df.all <- merge_recurse(list(df1, df2, df3), by=c("name"))
Is there a more general and elegant way to solve this problem?
Here is another possible approach, if I understand what you're ultimately after. (It is not clear what the numeric values in the "group" columns are, so I'm not sure this is exactly what you're looking for.)
Use Reduce() to merge your multiple data.frames.
temp <- Reduce(function(x, y) merge(x, y, all=TRUE), list(df1, df2, df3))
names(temp)[4] <- "group1" # Rename "group" to "group1" for reshaping
# name age height group1 group2 group3
# 1 Andy 48 168 Employer <NA> <NA>
# 2 Anne 26 175 3 Teacher <NA>
# 3 Christine 54 160 5 6 Scientist
# 4 John 31 180 Student <NA> <NA>
Use reshape() to reshape your data from wide to long.
df.all <- reshape(temp, direction = "long", idvar="name", varying=4:6, sep="")
# name age height time group
# Andy.1 Andy 48 168 1 Employer
# Anne.1 Anne 26 175 1 3
# Christine.1 Christine 54 160 1 5
# John.1 John 31 180 1 Student
# Andy.2 Andy 48 168 2 <NA>
# Anne.2 Anne 26 175 2 Teacher
# Christine.2 Christine 54 160 2 6
# John.2 John 31 180 2 <NA>
# Andy.3 Andy 48 168 3 <NA>
# Anne.3 Anne 26 175 3 <NA>
# Christine.3 Christine 54 160 3 Scientist
# John.3 John 31 180 3 <NA>
Take advantage of the fact that as.numeric() will coerce characters to NA, and use na.omit() to remove all of the rows with NA values.
na.omit(df.all[$group)), ])
# name age height time group
# Andy.1 Andy 48 168 1 Employer
# John.1 John 31 180 1 Student
# Anne.2 Anne 26 175 2 Teacher
# Christine.3 Christine 54 160 3 Scientist
Again, this might be over-generalizing your problem--there might be NA values in other columns, for example--but it might help direct you towards a solution to your problem.
First step is to use merge_recurse with all.x = TRUE:
merge.all <- merge_recurse(list(df1, df2, df3), all.x = TRUE)
# name age height group group2 group3
# 1 Anne 26 175 3 Teacher <NA>
# 2 Christine 54 160 5 6 Scientist
# 3 John 31 180 Student <NA> <NA>
# 4 Andy 48 168 Employer <NA> <NA>
Then you can use apply to get the last non-NA group from all the "group" columns:
group.cols <- grep("group", colnames(merge.all))
merge.all <- data.frame(merge.all[-group.cols],
group = apply(merge.all[group.cols], 1,
function(x)tail(na.omit(x), 1)))
# name age height group
# 1 Anne 26 175 Teacher
# 2 Christine 54 160 Scientist
# 3 John 31 180 Student
# 4 Andy 48 168 Employer

Reshaping a data frame --- changing rows to columns

Suppose that we have a data frame that looks like
county <- rep(letters[1:4], each=2)
state <- rep(LETTERS[1], times=8)
industry <- rep(c("construction", "manufacturing"), 4)
employment <- round(rnorm(8, 100, 50), 0)
establishments <- round(rnorm(8, 20, 5), 0)
data <- data.frame(state, county, industry, employment, establishments)
state county industry employment establishments
1 A a construction 146 19
2 A a manufacturing 110 20
3 A b construction 121 10
4 A b manufacturing 90 27
5 A c construction 197 18
6 A c manufacturing 73 29
7 A d construction 98 30
8 A d manufacturing 102 19
We'd like to reshape this so that each row represents a (state and) county, rather than a county-industry, with columns construction.employment, construction.establishments, and analogous versions for manufacturing. What is an efficient way to do this?
One way is to subset
construction <- data[data$industry == "construction", ]
names(construction)[4:5] <- c("construction.employment", "construction.establishments")
And similarly for manufacturing, then do a merge. This isn't so bad if there are only two industries, but imagine that there are 14; this process would become tedious (though made less so by using a for loop over the levels of industry).
Any other ideas?
This can be done in base R reshape, if I understand your question correctly:
reshape(data, direction="wide", idvar=c("state", "county"), timevar="industry")
# state county
# 1 A a 146 19
# 3 A b 121 10
# 5 A c 197 18
# 7 A d 98 30
# employment.manufacturing establishments.manufacturing
# 1 110 20
# 3 90 27
# 5 73 29
# 7 102 19
Also using the reshape package:
m <- reshape::melt(data)
cast(m, state + county~...)
> cast(m, state + county~...)
state county construction_employment construction_establishments manufacturing_employment manufacturing_establishments
1 A a 146 19 110 20
2 A b 121 10 90 27
3 A c 197 18 73 29
4 A d 98 30 102 19
I personally use the base reshape so I probably should have shown this using reshape2 (Wickham) but forgot there was a reshape2 package. Slightly different:
m <- reshape2::melt(data)
dcast(m, state + county~...)
