Trying to use a select value to save information -

I used a select dropdown that is filled dynamically, based on conditions on country>state. But I can not get it out on context for the backend to properly save it to the database (selected value).
I can show the dropdowns correctly and save differently and correctly if I use a asp dropdownlist. Thing is, this code is imported and apparently all I can use if the select value.
<label for="country" class="col-form-label">Country: </label>
<select name="txtAddress_Country" class="countries order-alpha form-control" id="txtAddress_Country" runat="server">
<option value="">Select Country</option>
<label for="txtPersonal_FirstName" class="col-form-label">State: </label>
In the backend... this function works wonders with dropdownlist and text.
dbCampos.Save(u, new ASF.HC.JobApplication.Entity.Campo("txtAddress_Country", txtAddress_Country.Text));
So I am guessing the place to modify is the frontend.
I am guessing that I am missing some attribute but can not seem to find it. Says that it does not contain a definition for "Text" or accepting a first argument.
Maybe an initial value?

It is better to use instead of html with runat server.
secondly you can try as below:
dbCampos.Save(u, new ASF.HC.JobApplication.Entity.Campo("txtAddress_Country", txtAddress_Country.SelectedValue));
instead of:
dbCampos.Save(u, new ASF.HC.JobApplication.Entity.Campo("txtAddress_Country", txtAddress_Country.Text));


Vue.js: insert value into textfield but don't bind it

I am facing an interesting problem: I have a form where I want to insert old values (if the form was submitted before) like this:
<input type="text" :value="oldName" id="name" />
Now the problem is that I can't overwrite the oldName variable like this, so yes, I have the old value in there, but I can't change it anymore. Can you think of a solution? I basically want the value to be in the textfield, but I want the user to be able to change it. Thank you!
Sounds like adding v-once to the input field would solve your problem. V-once means that oldName will be used to render the value once, but after that it will be a normal string literal.
<input type="text" :value="oldName" id="name" v-once/>
In case you want the user to be able to modify the value use v-model instead of v-bind. V-model provides two way binding so when the user writes something in the input field it is reflected in the value.
<input type="text" v-model="oldName" id="name" v-once/>

How to select the item form the dropdownlist in gridview

I have the dropdownlist in the gridview itemtemplate, i need to select the value based on the dataset, i tried to bind it as "SelectedValue='<%# Eval("code") %>', but i cant find any attribute like "SelectedValue" in HTML code.
I tried below link also it was not work out to me
Eval() in a DropDownList within a GridView
Can any one help me in that
You have to understand how dropdown list (select tag) in HTML works.
E.g. if you want to select some item you have to mark it as selected as follows
<option value="a">a</option>
<option value="b" selected="1">b</option>
<option value="c">c</option>
So you have to put selected="1" to item you want to select. That means you can not do it easily using Eval method. You have to utilize server side which will do it for you.
The example given on the page you have postetd and which you said you have tried works correctly. Check whether the HTML output contains value attributes at each option. The value can differ from what is enclosed within the option tag. If the value attribute is missing that is the reason why the item is not being selected. (Use firebug or any developer console to examine).

R brew select statement

Question - Re: R brew package with HTML (using Rook)
When using forms to retrieve queries, usually when the screen refreshes, the user's preselected option remains selected in the form. For eg., if there was a name field and I enter John,... enter other form data, hit Submit, when the page refreshes, the form will still show "John" in the name field instead of an empty box.
I can pre-fill an entry in a text type input field using something like --
<input class="someclass" type="text" name="Name" value="<%=Name%>" />
... (other form data)
When the user hits submit and the page refreshes, R prefills the name field with the value from <%=Name%>
I'm having some difficult in replicating the same when using drop-down menus. The idea is that when the page refreshes, the option that the user had selected in the previous query will be active.
<select class="someclass" name="group3" style="width:200px;">
<option value="," selected>None</option>
<option value="Name,">Name)</option>
<option value="Phone">Phone</option>
I think one way could be to enter something like say,
<%if (group3=="Name"){ print("selected") } ... etc for each of those options in the respective lines, but that is a bit cumbersome. Could you please share your thoughts on the same,
Got this working using jQuery finally. The inline <%= if(..) print ("selected") ... within the tags wasn't working.
Add the id=something tag to select --
<select class="someclass" name="group3" id="myselect" style="width:200px;">
<option value=",">None</option>
<option value="Name">Name)</option>
<option value="Phone">Phone</option>
Add jquery.js to the html file in the header--
<script src=""></script>
In my Rook brew file, I have something like,
forminput <- req$GET()
userselection <- forminput$group3 #group3 is the class name for the select statement
and in the HTML document, before the closing form tag, enter the following --
$("#myselect").val("<%=userselection%>").attr("selected", "selected");

ASP .NET Reques.Form DropDownlist strange behavior

I have an issue getting the selected value of a dropdownlist.
My view source looks like this:
<div class="editor-field">
<select class="list" id="DivisionesLists" name="DivisionesLists">
<option value=""> -- Seleccione -- </option>
<option selected="selected" value="1">COORPORATIVO</option>
<option value="2">MANUFACTURA</option>
And my controller:
string s = Request.Form["DivisionesLists"];
The problem is that Request.Form["DivisionesLists"] returns "1,1" instead of just "1" (which is the actual selected value of the dropdownlist).
What may be happening?
Thank you!!!
It might also be posting some additional data, what happens if you select the first one, what does it post back? Does it post anything back with a comma?
It could be a duplicate control... though like Html.CheckBox action method: it renders the checkbox control and a hidden field that represents the value when the checkbox isn't there; accessing the value when its checked is true,false.
If the select isn't a multiple select I think you have another control (input or select) that have the same name attribute on the page.

Dealing with checkboxlists and radiobuttonlists when POSTing forms

What is the right way of creating and processing a group of related controls on posted forms?
From using ASP.NET MVC I see a standard option is to create a number of inputs and assign the same "name" attribute value to them. Like this:
<input name="OrderOptions" type="checkbox" value="1" />
<input name="OrderOptions" type="checkbox" value="2" />
<input name="OrderOptions" type="checkbox" value="N" />
And when processing forms we get all the values in a comma delimited string:
public OrderController
public ActionResult (FormCollection form)
string selection = form["OrderOptions"];
Now, is this how it is supposed to be done with any server technology? Does assigning the same name value to inputs break some validation rules or something?
One extra question: If I were to use the built-in HTML helpers, I would get the inputs generated with both "id" and "name" attribute. Like this:
<input id="OrderOptions" name="OrderOptions" type="checkbox" value="1" />
<input id="OrderOptions" name="OrderOptions" type="checkbox" value="2" />
<input id="OrderOptions" name="OrderOptions" type="checkbox" value="N" />
But it is clearly invalid to have multiple elements with the same "id" in a document. Still, it works.
If I discard the standard helpers and make my own, do I need to insert the "id" attribute to inputs if I do not really need it (except in some label cases)? Some folks are telling we have to always assign both "id" and "name" attributes to elements because there is some incompatibility with old browsers, and the "name" attribute is deprecated (I know it is only for some other elements). But even if I wanted to, I would have to assign different id/name values for input elements and then I cannot process them as a group. You see my dilemma?
Any advice is greatly appreciated.
a) No. Assigning the same name is definitely valid behaviour -- it's how radio buttons know which group they're a part of (so that others in the same group turn off when you click one, while other groups on the same page are unaffected).
b) Yes, having the same ID is invalid. I have the same problem with the helper apps. It makes the entire page invalid and, for me at least, makes any javascript more difficult.
No, you don't need the ID. But if they exist they should be unique. Furthermore, I don't know about this whole "name being deprecated" thing. How else will forms work? Forms do not submit the ID when POSTing back. See .
If you choose to assign ID, they can be different without affecting group_processing. In fact, I'll generally name them something like "OrderOptions-<%= %>".
PS: Use the html validator at . It'll catch and notify you of things like duplicate IDs or missing IDs. It'll also (if I remember correctly) tell you of deprecated elements/attributes that you use.
