Xamarin.forms ios open dialer without alert box - xamarin.forms

I am using Xamarin.Essentials Phone Dialer in my xamarin forms app to make calls. In android when we click call it will directly open dialer. In ios when we click call it will firstly show a alert box that will ask Call or cancel. Is it possible to open the dialer in ios without showing the popup? If it is not possible can we get the alert box cancel or call click event?

Unfortunately, this is not possible in iOS.
From Apple's documentation:
When a third party application invokes openURL: on a tel://,
facetime://, or facetime-audio:// URL, iOS displays a prompt and
requires user confirmation before dialing.
For security reasons, iOS requires users to confirm they want to perform the call before dialing in.

Is it possible to open the dialer in ios without showing the popup?
No, it is by design.
can we get the alert box cancel or call click event
You have to detect the state of phone call by yourself in the iOS project, you can write below codes in the AppDelegate:
CXCallObserver callObserver = new CXCallObserver();
callObserver.SetDelegate(new myDelegate(), DispatchQueue.MainQueue);
And in the delegate, you can check the call state:
public class myDelegate : ICXCallObserverDelegate
public IntPtr Handle => throw new NotImplementedException();
public void CallChanged(CXCallObserver callObserver, CXCall call)
if (call.Outgoing==true && call.HasConnected ==false)
//use Messaging Center to send the state to Xamarin.forms Project.
if (call.Outgoing ==false && call.HasConnected == false)
//use Messaging Center to send the state to Xamarin.forms Project.
//you can use other state to check the state...
//call.OnHold; call.HasEnded;
public void Dispose()


DispatchKeyEvent stops firing after Xamarin Forms Entry control IsFocused

I am building a Xamarin Forms mobile app that runs in Android on a Zebra scanner. I flip 2 different StackLayouts to IsVisble true/false to display different stuff in the UI. (StackLayout1 and StackLayout2)
The customer wants the user to be able to use the app entirely from the hardware keyboard on the scanner. So I have used the device Settings so that it never displays the virtual keyboard (I don’t think that matters for the issue I am having.)
I am overriding DispatchKeyEvent in a PageRenderer in the Android project and everything is working great … except.
The problem case:
StackLayout1 is displayed
the user taps an Entry control, putting the focus there
the user taps a button in the UI
the app displays StackLayout2
at this point the DispatchKeyEvent never fires no matter what key I press on the device keyboard
If an Entry box does NOT get the focus (step #2 above) the DispatchKeyEvent always fires in StackLayout2 and the StackLayouts display as expected.
If I programatically put the focus in an Entry box in StackLayout2 at step #3 above the DispatchKeyEvent fires fine.
That is not an OK solution. I have tried to progamatically put the focus on StackLayout2, and that code seems to do what is expected but DispatchKeyEvent does not fire.
Maybe I need to do something in the Android-project PageRenderer so that it is aware of StackLayout2 when it is made IsVisible = true.
Update 2: I found that I did NOT need custom StackLayouts. The solution which I posted below does not include any of this stuff I am describing in Update 1 (sorry, if that's confusing).
Update 1:
I added a ViewRenderer for both StackLayouts, and the code is hitting the OnElementChanged event when StackLayout2's IsVisible property flips to true, just great. Although the problem case is the same: DispatchKeyEvent does not fire once StackLayout2 is displayed, if an EntryBox had the focus in StackLayout1
Here is the OnElementChanged part of the new StackLayout ViewRenders
async void OnElementPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
switch (e.PropertyName)
case "IsVisible":
if (Element.IsVisible)
if (sender is StackLayout)
this.FocusableViewAvailable(this); // if I comment these 2 lines out I get the same bad result
this.Focusable = true; // if I comment these 2 lines out I get the same bad result
this.FocusableInTouchMode = true;
var dd = this.RequestFocus(); // this is always false
var ee = this.IsFocused; // this is always false
Also, as I am pointing out in the comments ^ there, IsFocused is always false.
My hunch, "Maybe I need to do something in the Android project PageRenderer" was correct. In the DispatchKeyEvent I had to make the MainPage have the focus when the keypress was handled.
Here is what the DispatchKeyEvent looks like now (notice the comments):
public override bool DispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent ke)
// MainPage.ReceiveKeyPress(e); is the method that this method returns to
bool KeyPressWasHandled = false;
KeyPressWasHandled = (Element as MainPage).ReceiveKeyPress(ke);
if (KeyPressWasHandled)
// this next block seems to be needed so that this class
// continues to receive the keypress event after an Entry box has had the focus
this.Focusable = true;
this.FocusableInTouchMode = true;
return true; // returning true tells the parent class that the keypress has been handled
} else
return base.DispatchKeyEvent(ke);
Now the "problem case" in my initial post is no longer a problem.
NOTE: I found that I did NOT need the custom ViewRenderers that I had made for the StackLayouts.

Prism navigation usage from Xamarin Forms App.OnAppLinkRequestReceived

I am building an app that makes use of some App links. In below example, I want to open a ResetPasswordPage when the user activates a link from an e-mail.
protected override async void OnInitialized()
await NavigationService.NavigateAsync("/NavigationPage/LoginPage");
protected override void OnAppLinkRequestReceived(Uri uri)
if (uri.Host.EndsWith("site.nl", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
if (uri.AbsolutePath.StartsWith(#"/appname/resetpassword/"))
if (uri.Segments.Length == 4)
string resetCode = uri.Segments[3];
NavigationParameters param = new();
param.Add(NavConst.PasswordResetCode, resetCode);
await NavigationService.NavigateAsync("ResetPasswordPage", param);
This code works, but not what I would expect (for both iOS and Android). I would expect that ResetPasswordPage would be added to the navigation stack that was set in OnInitialized, so that it would contain a back button in the navigation bar, bringing the user back to the login page in this case.
But instead, it looks like the navigation stack gets replaced. When ResetPasswordPage is shown, and the user clicks the hardware back button, the app is closed. However, i want it to go back to where the user was before.
Am I not understanding some navigation concepts well or might this be a bug?
The NavigationService is a rather unique service within Prism for Xamarin.Forms. It is constructed new for each page as navigation and the navigation stack is dependent on where you are navigating from.
For instance when you Navigate from the context of a MasterDetailPage / FlyoutPage, it understands that you aren't trying to push a modal on top of that page but instead you are starting from the context of Detail/Flyout. If the NavigationService continually updated the Page context then the navigation service injected into that MasterDetailPage/FlyoutPage's ViewModel would have no idea that it needed that page as the context to navigate from.
Your issue here ultimately is that you are Navigating from the context of the Application which has a NavigationService with no Page set. As a result even a relative Navigation will still have the effect of an absolute Navigation thus resetting the Application.MainPage since that NavigationService does not have the contextual understanding of another page.
Depending on your business requirements you have a few different options. One is to do an absolute Navigation that gives you navigation stack that you're looking for.
Optionally you may want to get the currently displayed page and update the NavigationService to understand it. In the App class you might add something like:
protected override void OnAppLinkRequestReceived(Uri uri)
if (NavigationService is IPageAware pa)
page.Page = PageUtilities.GetCurrentPage(MainPage);
if (someCondition)
// This will now navigate from relatively from the page
// returned by GetCurrentPage.

Handle Toast Notification message on foreground and background of app - windows10

My app receives toast from PHP using WNS server. Now I want to perform some actions when clicking on toast as listed below.
When the app is not active - the user should redirect to a page on the app "ShowPage".
When the app is active - the toast should show two buttons "Show" and "Cancel". When clicking on Show button app should redirect to "ShowPage"
My current toast from PHP is
$toastMessage= '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'.
'<toast launch="">'.
'<visual baseUri="">'.
'<binding template="ToastGeneric">'.
'<actions />'.
And I'm calling below function on App.xaml.cs
private async void RegisterEngagementNotification()
StoreServicesEngagementManager engagementManager = StoreServicesEngagementManager.GetDefault();
await engagementManager.RegisterNotificationChannelAsync();
Please see the documentation for sending a local toast and handling activation. Everything applies there (other than you're sending the toast from your server, but otherwise adding buttons and handling activation remains the same).
I saw that you're using StoreServicesEngagementManager APIs, then I know you're sending toast notification from windows developer dashboard. So, if you want to your toast contains two buttons, you would need to add actions like the following:
Then, in your "App.xaml.cs" file, you would need to add some code to handle this option in OnActivated.
protected override void OnActivated(IActivatedEventArgs args)
Frame rootFrame = Window.Current.Content as Frame;
if (rootFrame == null)
rootFrame = new Frame();
var toastActivationArgs = args as ToastNotificationActivatedEventArgs;
if (toastActivationArgs.Argument =="ShowPage")

Xamarin.Forms, using the Prism.Forms NavigationService

I am trying to implement a login scenario with Xamarin Forms and Prism.
My application root page is a MasterDetail page (HomeMasterDetailPage); this being used to provide the side menu.
What I am trying to do is to have the HomeMasterDetailPage page shown with Content set to an instance of LoginPage. When the user logs in, the Content should change to an instance of HomeDetailContentPage. It should not be possible to return to the LoginPage using the back button.
I am using the NavigationService from Prism Forms.
My start up is like this...
public partial class App : PrismApplication {
public App(IPlatformInitializer initializer = null)
: base(initializer) {
protected override void OnInitialized() {
Uri uri = new Uri($"/{nameof(NavigationPage)}/{nameof(HomeMasterDetailPage)}/{nameof(HomeDetailContentPage)}", UriKind.Absolute);
var settings = Container.Resolve<SettingsService>();
if (!settings.DeviceUserID.HasValue)
uri = new Uri($"/{nameof(NavigationPage)}/{nameof(HomeMasterDetailPage)}/{nameof(LoginPage)}", UriKind.Absolute);
protected override void RegisterTypes() {
Container.RegisterTypeForNavigation<LoginPage, LoginPageViewModel>();
Container.RegisterTypeForNavigation<HomeMasterDetailPage, HomePageViewModel>();
This correctly displays the LoginPage within the HomeMasterDetailPage if the user is not already logged on, and the HomeDetailContentPage within the same HomeMasterDetailPage if the user is logged on.
The problem comes when actually logging on; the following is the code within the view model for the LoginPage...
protected async Task ExecuteLoginCommand() {
Uri uri = new Uri($"/{nameof(NavigationPage)}/{nameof(HomeMasterDetailPage)}/{nameof(HomeDetailContentPage)}", UriKind.Absolute);
await this.navigationService.NavigateAsync(uri);
It is my understanding that by using an absolute Uri this should reset the navigation so that the new page arrangement (/NavigationPage/HomeMasterDetailPage/HomeDetailContentPage) is at the top and bottom of the stack, allowing me to then move forward from there. Instead, I am getting an unhandled exception (on Android 7.0).
What am I doing wrong?
Note: All of the examples that I see have the MasterDetailPage at the root with Content being set to NavigationPage/ContentPage; when I try this I do not get exceptions, however the side menu operates differently within the MasterDetailPage - when you tap on the "hamburger" the side menu slides in over everything (including the action/title bar) and the only way to clear it is to tap outside of the side menu that slides in whereas when I show the MasterDetailPage within a NavigationPage the side menu slides in below the action/title bar and the hamburger changes to an arrow that you can click to hide the side menu again.
I can't say I've tested this exact scenario. However, if your LoginPage is the Detail of a MasterDetailPage, you may not want to perform the navigation from the LoginPage. You could, instead create a SuccessfulLoginEvent, which you would then publish from the LoginPage using the IEventAggregator, and you would subscribe to on your MasterDetailPage's ViewModel. You could then perform the navigation as _navigationService.NavigateAsync("NavigationPage/ViewA") and it should reset the Detail such that the back button doesn't bring you to the LoginPage.
Alternatively, you can simply perform an absolute Navigation which has the effect of:
Application.Current.MainPage = new MyPage().
To do to this, you could do the navigation from anywhere as:

Android TV: Disable collapsing on info_field on ImageCardView

I'm working with Android TV for the first time and I'm learning to use Leanback by modifying the example tv app that is provided.
The issue I'm having is that when I press left on the first item in the lists the navigation drawer opens and focus goes to the headers in the navigation drawer. When this happens, the info_field view in the ImageCardViews collapse behind the image.
What happens: The info field on the ImageCardView hides when I open the navigation drawer.
What I want to Happen: The info field remains visible when I open the navigation drawer.
I'm sure there's a way to do this because I've seen it in some Android TV apps, like Twitch. What's the best way to have the info_field visible when the navigation drawer is open?
I've worked out how to do it. In the CardPresenter, in onCreateViewHolder, when creating the ImageCardView I've overridden the BaseCardView method, setActivated(boolean activated) to always pass 'true' into it's super. And then call setActivated so that it's activated from the beginning. Like this:
public ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent) {
ImageCardView cardView = new ImageCardView(parent.getContext()) {
public void setActivated(boolean activated) {
public void setSelected(boolean selected) {
updateCardBackgroundColor(this, selected);
return new ViewHolder(cardView)
So that did the trick for me. The ImageCardView never collapses.
I think if you look at this SO post you'll get most of the way there. The info view hides due to what leanback calls "expanding".
Try just calling enableMainFragmentScaling(false); in your BrowseFragment and see if that does what you want. If it doesn't feel like exactly what you want, refer to the post I linked to.
Additionally, if you've tried what I recommend in the linked SO post, you could also call the API on the BaseCardView setInfoVisibility() and pass it CARD_REGION_VISIBLE_ALWAYS. This just requires calling on a reference to your card which shouldn't need an override of the Presenter or Card.
