Does OpenstackSDK have support for usage metrics? - openstack

So...I'm facing a problem which I need the available amount of resources (and how are they being used) in the DCs (focusing on each project/server/network consume) of my Openstack (Stein) through python code (cause the other functionalities are in python and I don't like mixing languages if it have support for a functionality).
Are there any support for this on OpenstackSDK libraries? If yes, where to find the API documentation (or code examples of usage). If don't, why?

You can use existing Nova APIs to list down Compute capabilities and available resources.
nova hypervisor-stats
| Property | Value |
| count | 2 |
| current_workload | 0 |
| disk_available_least | 1378 |
| free_disk_gb | 1606 |
| free_ram_mb | 47003 |
| local_gb | 1606 |
| local_gb_used | 0 |
| memory_mb | 48027 |
| memory_mb_used | 1024 |
| running_vms | 0 |
| vcpus | 28 |
| vcpus_used | 0 |
You can automate it by wrapping it in shell or calling python-openstack lib.


volume backup create what is errno 22?

Trying to create a volume backup both using the web UI and the cmd and keep getting errno 22. I'm unable to find information about the error or how to fix it. Anyone knows where I should start looking?
(openstack) volume backup create --force --name inventory01_vol_backups 398ee974-9b83-4918-9935-f52882b3e6b7
(openstack) volume backup show inventory01_vol_backups
| Field | Value |
| availability_zone | None |
| container | None |
| created_at | 2021-08-03T23:45:49.000000 |
| data_timestamp | 2021-08-03T23:45:49.000000 |
| description | None |
| fail_reason | [errno 22] RADOS invalid argument (error calling conf_read_file) |
| has_dependent_backups | False |
| id | 924c6e62-789e-4e51-9748-927695fc744c |
| is_incremental | False |
| name | inventory01_vol_backups |
| object_count | 0 |
| size | 30 |
| snapshot_id | None |
| status | error |
| updated_at | 2021-08-03T23:45:50.000000 |
| volume_id | 398ee974-9b83-4918-9935-f52882b3e6b7 |
The issue was caused due to a bug in Cinder version 16.2.1.dev13. Updating cinder to the latest version solved the issue

WSO2 analytics server database is growing

I am using WSO2 API Manager along with it's analytics server. I configured MySQL as it's database.
After a year of PROD use, I found that there are couple of tables from Analytics module, which consumes most of the DB space, around 95%.
Would like to know the significance of these tables. As well the challenges if we delete those tables.
Table names are
| Database | Table | Size in MB |
| wso2_analytics_event_store | anx___7lsekeca_ | 665.03 |
| wso2_analytics_event_store | anx___7lmnf2xa_ | 638.00 |
| wso2_analytics_event_store | anx___7lqcf_8o_ | 636.14 |
| wso2_analytics_event_store | anx___7lmk3tr0_ | 398.13 |
| analytics_processed_data_store | anx___7lpteea4_ | 282.75 |
| analytics_processed_data_store | anx___7lsn7ita_ | 249.97 |
| wso2_analytics_event_store | anx___7lsgqyce_ | 209.25 |
| wso2_analytics_event_store | anx___7lmno15m_ | 207.25 |
| wso2_analytics_event_store | anx___7lver1fy_ | 191.16 |
You can enable data purging for analytics tables. See below section taken from the docs.

Asterisk dial function answered extension

When I dial multiple extension with dial function, I couldn't find which extension answered.
I'm using dial function with these parameters dial(SIP/1001&SIP/1002&SIP/1003,30,tTr) and I'm checking results on the real-time table with MySQL. But when I check the cdr record on table its looking like
| calldate | clid | src | dst | dcontext | channel | dstchannel | lastapp | lastdata | duration | billsec | disposition | amaflags | accountcode | userfield | uniqueid | linkedid | sequence | peeraccount |
| 2018-04-06 17:10:17 | "05555555555" <05555555555> | 05555555555| aa | aaContext | SIP/908500000000-000000f7 | SIP/908500000000-000000f8 | Dial | SIP/1001&SIP/1002&SIP/1003 | 462 | 435 | ANSWERED | 3 | | | 1523049017.247 | 1523049017.247 | 269 | |
So, I can see which channel answered, but there is no extension on it
You can have 3 solutions
1) CEL. Channel Level Log in newer asterisk version allow you get much more events per call.
2) Dial like Local/1001#ext&Local/1002#ext&Local/1003#ext.
This way you will have more cdrs in ext context.
3) Use on-answer macro and record which ext answered.

openstack ocata glance creating 0 sized image

When I create new image using glance does not matter if using cli or gui I am getting returned code 0 and image is created but its size is zero.
The behavior is slightly different as from GUI my browser crushes but stil image is created from cli I am getting return code 0.
openstack image create --file cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk.img --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare --public --debug cirros-deb
| Field | Value |
| checksum | d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
| container_format | bare |
| created_at | 2018-01-20T23:24:47Z |
| disk_format | qcow2 |
| file | /v2/images/c695bc30-731d-4a4f-ab0f-12eb972d8188/file |
| id | c695bc30-731d-4a4f-ab0f-12eb972d8188 |
| min_disk | 0 |
| min_ram | 0 |
| name | cirros-deb |
| owner | a3460a3b0e8f4d0bbdd25bf790fe504c |
| protected | False |
| schema | /v2/schemas/image |
| size | 0 |
| status | active |
| tags | |
| updated_at | 2018-01-20T23:24:47Z |
| virtual_size | None |
| visibility | public |
clean_up CreateImage:
END return value: 0
I tried with different cirros image and with ubuntu cloud image always behavior is the same.
Under /var/lib/glance/images file is created with size 0:
-rw-r-----. 1 glance glance 0 Jan 21 00:24 c695bc30-731d-4a4f-ab0f-12eb972d8188
grep c695bc30-731d-4a4f-ab0f-12eb972d8188 glance/api.log
2018-01-21 00:24:47.915 1894 INFO eventlet.wsgi.server [req-7246cd30-47c4-41a5-b358-c8e5cc0f4e56 8bd3e4905ffb4f698e2476d9080a7d90 a3460a3b0e8f4d0bbdd25bf790fe504c - default default] - - [21/Jan/2018 00:24:47] "PUT /v2/images/c695bc30-731d-4a4f-ab0f-12eb972d8188/file HTTP/1.1" 204 213 0.111323
2018-01-21 00:24:47.931 1894 INFO eventlet.wsgi.server [req-28e0cda2-c9f7-4543-b19a-d59eccffa47e 8bd3e4905ffb4f698e2476d9080a7d90 a3460a3b0e8f4d0bbdd25bf790fe504c - default default] - - [21/Jan/2018 00:24:47] "GET /v2/images/c695bc30-731d-4a4f-ab0f-12eb972d8188 HTTP/1.1" 200 780 0.015399
Any idea what can be wrong?
Find location of python glance client.
find / -name
vi /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/glanceclient/common/
- data = self._chunk_body(data)
+ pass

MS App Analytics timeline chart

I have data in the following format. Is it possible to create a time line chart using App Analytics. I am trying to easily identify the calls which overlap in my DataSet.
| Start Time | End Time | Call Name | Duration
| 17:41:30.5001642Z | 17:41:30.703291Z | CreateDraftEnvelope | 203
| 17:41:31.0711234Z | 17:41:31.0867211Z | CreateLock | 21
| 17:41:31.1189342Z | 17:41:31.1345349Z | addDocument | 17
| 17:41:31.1961265Z | 17:41:31.2117613Z | addDocument | 17
| 17:41:31.4243498Z | 17:41:31.4399953Z | addDocument | 19
| 17:41:31.5242518Z | 17:41:31.5398738Z | addDocument | 17
I am looking for a chart as follows
Unfortunately, Analytics does not today provide this visualization type. Could you please submit it on our UserVoice?
