Top Navigation Menu is not visible in mobile view using GeneratePress premium - wordpress

I am using the Generate Press premium theme My issue is simple but not able to troubleshoot yet. Top navigation on the header of the website is not visible when it collapses to the mobile view.
images ,
I have no idea how to solve it. Please help me!
Thank You

Isn't there a hamburger icon (3 horizontal stripes) in your mobile view? I can see it when I minimize the page.


Any idea how to create scroll effects on wordpress like apple's ipad presentation?

i'm trying to find a theme or plugin in order to create a site like this one
On every scroll you see elements moving as well as when you reach on ipad the element remains sticky and the scroll is inside the ipad's screen.
Any suggestion on how to do this?
Thanks in advance
for animation scrolling effect you can check , if you want ready made plugin for Wordpress then you can download this WP plugin

Bootstrap 4 navbar horizontal overflow

I would like to set up a horizontal navbar to scroll inside the page in the style of uber eats ( ,check the second navbar in which you can navigate throught the different categories of the menu). I managed to create the navbar and set the spyscroll but I don't know how to reproduce the responsive behaviour : how to hide the category from the navbar when it overflow and add it to the "More..." dropdown ?
I hope my question was clear enought !
Thanks for your help
What You are looking for is called a "Priority Navigation". Just Google it, there are plenty of examples and plugins out there.
e.g. or

Wordpress Sticky menu on mobile

I need help with my mobile menu in WordPress site, as you can see in this print screen: menu doesn´t show after scrolling in mobile.
It can be checked here
Can anyone help? Thanks

Wordpress menu not working when viewed on mobile

I inherited a website with some new business. The menu works fine on the desktop when viewed at full screen. When the browser is sized down and the navigation links are placed into the hamburger menu, it doesn't work. I'm not sure why it isn't working.
If you inspect the element, the links are there, but the nav bar doesn't expand at all. It's using foundation for the menu. I've read the documentation and I'm still not sure why it isn't working. Any guidance is appreciated.
Here's a link to the site:
Replace this code in lnm-scripts.min.js
jQuery(document).foundation();jQuery("#preloader").css("width",jQuery(window).width());jQuery("#preloader").css("height",jQuery(document).height());jQuery(".ajax-link").on("click",function(){jQuery(".ajax-link").removeClass("ajax-active");jQuery(this).addClass("ajax-active");});jQuery("ul.children").parent().addClass("page_parent"); jQuery(".slick-background-slider .slick-slide").css("min-width",jQuery(window).width());jQuery("#scrolltoform").click(function(){if(jQuery("#contactForm").length>0){jQuery('html, body').animate({scrollTop:jQuery("#contactForm").offset().top},2000);return false;}else{return true;}});});jQuery(window).load(function(){if(jQuery("#click-on-load").length>0){jQuery("#click-on-load").click();}
jQuery(".color-picker").on("click",function(){jQuery(".color-picker").toggleClass("translate");});});jQuery(window).on("resize load",function(){ if(jQuery(window).width()<=1500){var ratio=2560/1440;jQuery(".slick-desktop").css("min-height",jQuery(window).height());jQuery(".slick-desktop").css("min-width",jQuery(window).height()*ratio);jQuery(".slick-desktop").css("left",-((jQuery(".slick-desktop").width()-jQuery(".slick-background-slider .slick-slide").width())/2));jQuery(".slick-desktop").css("position","relative");}
if(jQuery(".slider-wrapper").width()>jQuery(window).width()){var overflow=(jQuery(".slider-wrapper").width()-jQuery(window).width());var fixPositioning=overflow/2;jQuery(".slider-wrapper").css("left",-fixPositioning);}});jQuery(window).scroll(function(){jQuery("[class*='animate-from-'").each(function(){var theTop=jQuery(window).scrollTop()+(jQuery(window).height()-(jQuery(window).height()/4));var thisTop=jQuery(this).offset().top;if(theTop-250>thisTop){jQuery(this).delay(500).addClass("complete");}});});

Wordpress Responsive Nav Menu not working

I have a navigation menu issue that I can't figure out for the life of me, but basically my responsive menu doesn't respond in order to reveal the li's underneath it. The site is and the menu switches at 600px
Any help you can give me, including how you found the issue, would be greatly appreciated.
I believe you issue is that there is no JavaScript added to the menu button to toggle (show/hide) your menu when you are in a mobile view.
