Is there a way to handle "cannot allocate vector of size" issue without dropping data? - r

Unlike a previous question about this, this case is different to that and that is why I'm asking. I have an already cleaned dataset containing 120 000 observations of 25 variables, and I am supposed to analyze it all through logistic regression and random forest. However, I get an error "cannot allocate vector of size 98 GB whereas my friend doesn't.
Summary says most of it. I even tried to reduce number of observations to 50 000 and number of variables in dataset to 15 (used 5 of them in regression) and it failed. However, I tried sending the script where i shortened the dataset to a friend, and she could run it. This is odd because I have a 64 bit system and 8 GB RAM, she has only 4 GB. So it appears that the problem lies with me.
pd_data <- read.csv2("pd_data_v2.csv")
split <- rsample::initial_split(pd_data, prop = 0.7)
train <- rsample::training(split)
test <- rsample::testing(split)
log_model <- glm(default ~ profit_margin + EBITDA_margin + payment_reminders, data = pd_data, family = "binomial")
The result should be a logistic model where I can see coefficients and meassure it's accuracy, and make adjustments.


VAR Model in R, Error in Solve.default(sigma)

I'm currently trying to fit a VAR model with 6 variables from an XTS time series set. I have over 800 observations as well. The code I'm trying to run is
estim <- VAR(MinuteSeries, p = AIC , type = "both")
The value AIC is the AIC value retrieved from the lag-select function. When I pass the summary statement I am given the error:
Error in solve.default(Sigma) :
system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number = 5.61898e-17
I have read online that this can be due to have a larger amount of coefficients in the model than observations in the data, however I have over 800 observations in the data and still getting this issue with just 6 variables. Is the size the issue still for my model or am I missing something more important?
I had the very same issue with seemingly non-problematic data (60 observations with 4 variable TS). So, I read online that one guy advised the following:
"It isn't just the high correlation of your variables, but also their scaling with respect to the response and/or the spatial coefficient. Using a different method= (say "LU") and using a power trace vector trs= may get you there too, but re-scaling the variable will also re-scale its square. The same problem affects the STSLS - re-scale the variable. If these are say in Euro, use thousand, million or whatever Euro instead, for example."
It helped when I transformed GDP from $ to billions $.

Variance inflation factors in R

I am trying to compute the VIFs from a regression model that has a lot of independent variables (> 100). I am using vif from the car package to do that.
I always get the error: cannot allocate vector of size 13.8 GB. I realize this is a memory issue, but my PC already has a lot of memory. So the question is, can this function optimized in any way, so it doesn't require so much memory? I am unsure if this is more of a stats or a computational question. And as my dataset is quite large, I am unsure how to represent this case with a MWE. Basically what is needed is a lot of independent variables (e.g. 200+) and one arbitrary dependent variable, with length of each variable around 440 observations. Thanks for any hints.
I just ran a simulated version of what you did, and it worked fine: it took less than a second to run. This is 250 explanatory variables and one response, 500 observations.
For entertainment I pasted together a formula for it, but that isn't really necessary. The vif() were computed easily.
In general, since vif(j) = 1/(1-R^2_j), where R^2_j is the R-squared value when regressing the jth explanatory variable against all the other explanatory variables, computation should take, at most, the time of 250 linear regressions, with 500 observations and 250 explanatory variables, which is very, very fast and not at all memory intensive.
You might need to post your code so we can see what went wrong.
> resp <- rnorm(500)
> X <- matrix(nrow=500, ncol=250, rnorm(500*250))
> X <- data.frame(X)
> colnames(X) <- col_names <- paste("x",1:250, sep="")
> formula <- paste(col_names, collapse="+")
> formula <- paste("resp~",formula)
> hold <- lm(formula, data=cbind(resp,X))
> summary(vif(hold))

Error during wrapup: long vectors not supported yet: in glm() function

I found several questions on Stackoverflow regarding this topic (some of them without any answer) but nothing related (so far) with this error in regression.
I'm, running a probit model in r with (I'm guessing) too many fixed effects (year and places):
myprobit <- glm(factor(Y) ~ factor(T) + factor(X1) + factor(X2) + factor(X3) +
factor(YEAR) + factor(PLACE),
family = binomial(link = "probit"),
data = DT)
The PLACE variable has about 1000 unique values and YEAR 8 values. The dataset DT has 13,099,225 obs and 79 columns.
The error I got is:
Error: cannot allocate vector of size 59.3 Gb
Error during wrapup: long vectors not supported yet: ../include/Rinlinedfuns.h:519
The machine I'm using has 128 GB of RAM.
So, I don't know what I can do, without change the function. Does anyone know how to deal with this issue? Thanks!
In order to close this question, I have to mention that the #Axeman's answer it is the only approach feasible for my problem. The whole issue is, there is not enough memory to manage such a huge design matrix.
Therefore, run a probit regression using the biglm package and bigglm() function is the only solution I found so far.
Nevertheless, I realize, due to how the biglm package works, taking iteratively chunks of the data, the use of factor() variables in the RHS it's problematic every time when factor level is not represented in the chunk. In other words, if a factor variable has 5 levels, but in the data chunk only 4 levels appear, I will have an error in the estimation.
There are several questions and comments about this on Stackoverflow.

mgcv bam() error: cannot allocate vector of size 99.6 Gb

I am trying to fit an additive mixed model using bam (mgcv library). My dataset has 10^6 observations from a longitudinal study on growth in 2.10^5 children nested in 300 health centers. I am looking for the slope for each center.
The model is
bam(haz ~ s(month, bs = "cc", k = 12)+ sex+ s(age)+ center+ year+ year*center+s(child, bs="re"), data)
Whenever, when I try to fit the model the following error message appears:
Error: cannot allocate vector of size 99.6 Gb
In addition: Warning message:
In matrix(by, n, q) : data length exceeds size of matrix
I am working on a cluster with 500 Gb de RAM.
Thank you for any help
To diagnose more precisely where the problem is, try fitting your model with various terms left out. There are several terms in the model that could blow up on you:
the fixed effects involving center will blow up to 300 columns * 10^6 rows; depending on whether year is numeric or a factor, the year*center term could blow up to 600 columns or (nyears*300) columns
it's not clear to me whether bam uses sparse matrices for s(.,bs="re") terms; if not, you'll be in big trouble (2*10^5 columns * 10^6 rows)
Order of magnitude, a vector of 10^6 numeric values (one column of your model matrix) takes 7.6 Mb, so 500 GB / 7.6 MB would be approximately 65,000 columns ...
Just taking a guess here, but I would try out the gamm4 package. It's not specifically geared for low-memory use, but:
‘gamm4’ is most useful when the random effects are not i.i.d., or
when there are large numbers of random coeffecients [sic] (more than
several hundred), each applying to only a small proportion of the
response data.
I would also make most of the terms into random effects:
gamm4::gamm4(haz ~ s(month, bs = "cc", k = 12)+ sex+ s(age)+
(1|center)+ (1|year)+ (1|year:center)+(1|child), data)
or, if there are not very many years in the data set, treat year as a fixed effect:
gamm4::gamm4(haz ~ s(month, bs = "cc", k = 12)+ sex+ s(age)+
year + (1|center)+ (1|year:center)+(1|child), data)
If there are a small number of years then (year|center) might make sense, to assess among-center variation and covariation among years ... if there are many years, consider making it a smooth term instead ...

Random Forest with caret package: Error: cannot allocate vector of size 153.1 Gb

I was trying to build a random forest model for a dataset in Kaggle, i always doing machine learning with caret package, the dataset has 1.5 million + rows and 46 variables with no missing values (about 150 mb in size), 40+ variables are categorical and the outcome is the response i am trying to predict and it is binary. After some pre-processing with dplyr, I started working on building model with caret package, but i got this error message when i was trying to run the "train" function:"Error: cannot allocate vector of size 153.1 Gb" Here is my code:
## load packages
## prepare for parallel processing
n_Cores <- detectCores()
n_Cluster <- makeCluster(n_Cores)
## import orginal datasets
people_Dt <- read_csv("people.csv",col_names = TRUE)
activity_Train <- read_csv("act_train.csv",col_names = TRUE)
### join two sets together and remove variables not to be used
first_Try <- people_Dt%>%
## try with random forest
in_Tr <- createDataPartition(first_Try$outcome,p=0.75,list=FALSE)
rf_Train <- firt_Try[in_Tr,]
rf_Test <- firt_Try[-in_Tr,]
## set model cross validation parameters
model_Control <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv",repeats=2,number=2,allowParallel = TRUE)
rf_RedHat <- train(outcome~.,
My computer is a fairly powerful machine with E3 processors and 32GB RAM. I have two questions:
1. Where did i get a vector that is as large as 150GB? Is it because some codes I wrote?
2. I cannot get a machine with that big ram, is there any workarouds to solve the issue that i can move on with my model building process?
the dataset has 1.5 million + rows and 46 variables with no missing values (about 150 mb in size)
To be clear here, you most likely don't need 1.5 million rows to build a model. Instead, you should be taking a smaller subset which doesn't cause the memory problems. If you are concerned about reducing the size of your sample data, then you can do some descriptive stats on the 40 predictors, on a smaller set, and make sure that the behavior appears to be the same.
The problem is probably related to the one-hot-encoding of caret in your categorical variables. Since you have a lot of categorical variables, this seems to be a real problem such that it increases your dataset in a huge way. One-hot encoding will create a new column for every factor per categorical variables that you have.
Maybe you could try something like the h2o-package, which handles categorical variable in another way such that in not exploding your dataset when the model is run.
