Why my function results in infinite loop? I want to return the value of the exponential base (2**3 which should return 8)?
def iterPower(base, exp):
i = 0
answer = 0
while exp >= 0:
if i!= exp:
answer = base * (base * i)
i += 1
answer = base * (base * i)
return answer
you are stucked in the infinite loop because of while condition is comparing exp which is not decreasing
I simplified your code to:
def iter_power(base, exp):
answer = 1
while exp > 0:
answer *= base
exp -= 1
return answer
print(iter_power(2, 3)) # 8
print(iter_power(2, 0)) # 1
print(iter_power(2, 8)) # 256
I have been having a look at some simple recursive functions to wrap my head around the concept. However one example has me a little confused.
The function below uses recursion to obtain the largest integer from a list:
A = [-4, 2, 4]
n = len(A)
def findMaxRec(A, n):
if (n == 1):
return A[0]
return max(A[n - 1], findMaxRec(A, n - 1))
As n will eventually equal 1 why does the function not always return the first element in the list?
In such cases it might be helpful to just write out what code will be executed. I've tried to do that with your function as pseudo-code, where n is replaced with its value:
findMaxRec(A, 3):
if (3 == 1):
return A[0]
return max(A[3 - 1],
findMaxRec(A, 2):
if (2 == 1):
return A[0]
return max(A[2 - 1],
findMaxRec(A, 1):
if (1 == 1):
return A[0]
Effectively, this results in:
max(A[2], max(A[1], A[0]))
Where the inner call max(A[1], A[0]) = max(2, -4) = 2
And the outer call max(A[2], ...) = max(4, 2) = 4
I was doing a ZTM course there he said that Quick Select algo at worst case can be O(1) Space complexity using tail recursion as it only makes one recursive calls.
His Code was
const quickSelect = function (nums, left, right, indexToFind) {
const partitionIndex = getPartition(nums, left, right);
if (partitionIndex === indexToFind) {
return nums[partitionIndex];
} else if (indexToFind < partitionIndex) {
return quickSelect(nums, left, partitionIndex - 1, indexToFind);
} else {
return quickSelect(nums, partitionIndex + 1, right, indexToFind);
And here is the optimized version of Quick Sort from GFG article it looks like quickSelect and one recursive call each time.
def quickSort(arr, low, high)
while (low < high):
''' pi is partitioning index, arr[p] is now
at right place '''
pi = partition(arr, low, high);
# If left part is smaller, then recur for left
# part and handle right part iteratively
if (pi - low < high - pi):
quickSort(arr, low, pi - 1);
low = pi + 1;
# Else recur for right part
quickSort(arr, pi + 1, high);
high = pi - 1;
Why can't this be O(1) Space complexity then using Tail rec?
Iterative version of quick select using Lomuto partition scheme. I don't know if python optimization handles tail recursion.
def quickselect(a, k):
lo = 0
hi = len(a)-1
while (lo < hi):
p = a[hi]; # Lomuto partition
i = lo;
for j in range(lo, hi):
if (a[j] < p):
a[i],a[j] = a[j],a[i]
i += 1
a[i],a[hi] = a[hi],a[i]
if (k == i): # if pivot == kth element, return it
return a[k]
if (k < i): # loop on partition with kth element
hi = i - 1
lo = i + 1
return a[k] # sorted to kth elemement, return it
Iterative version of quick select using Hoare partition scheme, it has to loop until lo == hi, since the pivot and values equal to pivot can end up anywhere after a partition step. However, it is faster than Lomuto partition scheme (at least with Python).
def quickselect(a, k):
lo = 0
hi = len(a)-1
while (lo < hi):
p = a[(lo + hi) // 2] # Hoare partition
i = lo - 1
j = hi + 1
i += 1
if(a[i] >= p):
j -= 1
if(a[j] <= p):
if(i >= j):
a[i],a[j] = a[j],a[i]
if (k <= j): # loop on partition with kth element
hi = j
lo = j + 1
return a[k] # sorted to kth elemement, return it
I would like to implement multiplication of polynomials using NTT. I followed Number-theoretic transform (integer DFT) and it seems to work.
Now I would like to implement multiplication of polynomials over finite fields Z_p[x] where p is arbitrary prime number.
Does it changes anything that the coefficients are now bounded by p, compared to the former unbounded case?
In particular, original NTT required to find prime number N as the working modulus that is larger than (magnitude of largest element of input vector)^2 * (length of input vector) + 1 so that the result never overflows. If the result is going to be bounded by that p prime anyway, how small can the modulus be? Note that p - 1 does not have to be of form (some positive integer) * (length of input vector).
Edit: I copy-pasted the source from the link above to illustrate the problem:
# Number-theoretic transform library (Python 2, 3)
# Copyright (c) 2017 Project Nayuki
# All rights reserved. Contact Nayuki for licensing.
# https://www.nayuki.io/page/number-theoretic-transform-integer-dft
import itertools, numbers
def find_params_and_transform(invec, minmod):
mod = find_modulus(len(invec), minmod)
root = find_primitive_root(len(invec), mod - 1, mod)
return (transform(invec, root, mod), root, mod)
def check_int(n):
if not isinstance(n, numbers.Integral):
raise TypeError()
def find_modulus(veclen, minimum):
if veclen < 1 or minimum < 1:
raise ValueError()
start = (minimum - 1 + veclen - 1) // veclen
for i in itertools.count(max(start, 1)):
n = i * veclen + 1
assert n >= minimum
if is_prime(n):
return n
def is_prime(n):
if n <= 1:
raise ValueError()
return all((n % i != 0) for i in range(2, sqrt(n) + 1))
def sqrt(n):
if n < 0:
raise ValueError()
i = 1
while i * i <= n:
i *= 2
result = 0
while i > 0:
if (result + i)**2 <= n:
result += i
i //= 2
return result
def find_primitive_root(degree, totient, mod):
if not (1 <= degree <= totient < mod):
raise ValueError()
if totient % degree != 0:
raise ValueError()
gen = find_generator(totient, mod)
root = pow(gen, totient // degree, mod)
assert 0 <= root < mod
return root
def find_generator(totient, mod):
if not (1 <= totient < mod):
raise ValueError()
for i in range(1, mod):
if is_generator(i, totient, mod):
return i
raise ValueError("No generator exists")
def is_generator(val, totient, mod):
if not (0 <= val < mod):
raise ValueError()
if not (1 <= totient < mod):
raise ValueError()
pf = unique_prime_factors(totient)
return pow(val, totient, mod) == 1 and all((pow(val, totient // p, mod) != 1) for p in pf)
def unique_prime_factors(n):
if n < 1:
raise ValueError()
result = []
i = 2
end = sqrt(n)
while i <= end:
if n % i == 0:
n //= i
while n % i == 0:
n //= i
end = sqrt(n)
i += 1
if n > 1:
return result
def transform(invec, root, mod):
if len(invec) >= mod:
raise ValueError()
if not all((0 <= val < mod) for val in invec):
raise ValueError()
if not (1 <= root < mod):
raise ValueError()
outvec = []
for i in range(len(invec)):
temp = 0
for (j, val) in enumerate(invec):
temp += val * pow(root, i * j, mod)
temp %= mod
return outvec
def inverse_transform(invec, root, mod):
outvec = transform(invec, reciprocal(root, mod), mod)
scaler = reciprocal(len(invec), mod)
return [(val * scaler % mod) for val in outvec]
def reciprocal(n, mod):
if not (0 <= n < mod):
raise ValueError()
x, y = mod, n
a, b = 0, 1
while y != 0:
a, b = b, a - x // y * b
x, y = y, x % y
if x == 1:
return a % mod
raise ValueError("Reciprocal does not exist")
def circular_convolve(vec0, vec1):
if not (0 < len(vec0) == len(vec1)):
raise ValueError()
if any((val < 0) for val in itertools.chain(vec0, vec1)):
raise ValueError()
maxval = max(val for val in itertools.chain(vec0, vec1))
minmod = maxval**2 * len(vec0) + 1
temp0, root, mod = find_params_and_transform(vec0, minmod)
temp1 = transform(vec1, root, mod)
temp2 = [(x * y % mod) for (x, y) in zip(temp0, temp1)]
return inverse_transform(temp2, root, mod)
vec0 = [24, 12, 28, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0]
vec1 = [4, 26, 29, 23, 0, 0, 0, 0]
print(circular_convolve(vec0, vec1))
def modulo(vec, prime):
return [x % prime for x in vec]
print(modulo(circular_convolve(vec0, vec1), 31))
[96, 672, 1120, 1660, 1296, 876, 184, 0]
[3, 21, 4, 17, 25, 8, 29, 0]
However, where I change minmod = maxval**2 * len(vec0) + 1 to minmod = maxval + 1, it stops working:
[14, 16, 13, 20, 25, 15, 20, 0]
[14, 16, 13, 20, 25, 15, 20, 0]
What is the smallest minmod (N in the link above) be in order to work as expected?
If your input of n integers is bound to some prime q (any mod q not just prime will be the same) You can use it as a max value +1 but beware you can not use it as a prime p for the NTT because NTT prime p has special properties. All of them are here:
Translation from Complex-FFT to Finite-Field-FFT
so our max value of each input is q-1 but during your task computation (Convolution on 2 NTT results) the magnitude of first layer results can rise up to n.(q-1) but as we are doing convolution on them the input magnitude of final iNTT will rise up to:
m = n.((q-1)^2)
If you are doing different operations on the NTTs than the m equation might change.
Now let us get back to the p so in a nutshell you can use any prime p that upholds these:
p mod n == 1
p > m
and there exist 1 <= r,L < p such that:
p mod (L-1) = 0
r^(L*i) mod p == 1 // i = { 0,n }
r^(L*i) mod p != 1 // i = { 1,2,3, ... n-1 }
If all this is satisfied then p is nth root of unity and can be used for NTT. To find such prime and also the r,L look at the link above (there is C++ code that finds such).
For example during string multiplication we take 2 strings do NTT on them then convolute the result and iNTT back the result (that is sum of both input sizes). So for example:
the q = 10 and both operands are 9^32 so n=32 hence m = 9*9*32 = 2592 and the found prime is p = 2689. As you can see the result matches so no overflow occurs. However if I use any smaller prime that still fit all the other conditions the result will not match. I used this specifically to stretch the NTT values as much as possible (all values are q-1 and sizes are equal to the same power of 2)
In case your NTT is fast and n is not a power of 2 then you need to zero pad to nearest higher or equal power of 2 size for each NTT. But that should not affect the m value as zero pad should not increase the magnitude of values. My testing proves it so for convolution you can use:
m = (n1+n2).((q-1)^2)/2
where n1,n2 are the raw inputs sizes before zeropad.
For more info about implementing NTT you can check out mine in C++ (extensively optimized):
Modular arithmetics and NTT (finite field DFT) optimizations
So to answer your questions:
yes you can take advantage of the fact that input is mod q but you can not use q as p !!!
You can use minmod = n * (maxval + 1) only for single NTT (or first layer of NTTs) but as you are chaining them with convolution during your NTT usage you can not use that for the final INTT stage !!!
However as I mentioned in the comments easiest is to use max possible p that fits in the data type you are using and is usable for all power of 2 sizes of input supported.
Which basically renders your question irrelevant. The only case I can think of where this is not possible/desired is on arbitrary precision numbers where there is "no" max limit. There are many performance issues binded to variable p as the search for p is really slow (may be even slower than the NTT itself) and also variable p disables many performance optimizations of the modular arithmetics needed making the NTT really slow.
Hi I was wondering if someone knows how to realize this sequence in R?
Consider a sequence with following requirement.
an=an-1+3 (If n is a even number)
an=2×an-1-5 (If n is a odd number)
e.g. 1,4,3,6,7,10,15,...
Try the following.
It will return the entire sequence, not just the last element.
seq_chih_peng <- function(n){
a <- integer(n)
a[1] <- 1
for(i in seq_along(a)[-1]){
if(i %% 2 == 0){
a[i] <- a[i - 1] + 3
a[i] <- 2*a[i - 1] - 5
Note that I do not include code to check for input errors such as passing n = 0 or a negative number.
If you want to do it recursively, you just have the write the equations in your function as follows:
sequence <- function(n) {
if (n == 1) return(1)
else if (n > 1) {
if (n %% 2 == 1) {
return(2 * sequence(n - 1) - 5)
return(sequence(n - 1) + 3)
stop("n must be stricly positive")
# returns 32770