I would like to perform a two sample t test in R using separate groupings. The t.test must be "unbiased", meaning that for all transactions in the outer group (group 2 below), the T test must be run for each inner group (group 1 below) like: "inner group A" vs. "inner group not A". The for loop code shown below is probably clearer than a verbal explanation...
My current code is below. Does anyone know a faster/better way to do this? Open to using any package, but currently using data.table.
For context, I have ~1 million rows of transaction data. Group 1 indicates a person (if there are multiple rows they have multiple transactions) and contains ~30k unique values. Group 2 indicates a zip code and contains ~500 unique values
# fake data
grp1 <- c('A','A','A','B','B','C','C','D','D','D','D','E','E','E','F','F')
grp2 <- c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 2,2,2,2,2,2,2, 2,2)
vals <- c(10,20,30, 40,15, 25,60, 70,100,200,300, 400,1000,2000, 3000,5000)
DT <- data.table(grp1 = grp1, grp2 = grp2, vals = vals)
# "two sample t.test" --------------------------------------------------
# non vectorized, in-place
# runtime is ~50 mins for real data
for (z in DT[,unique(grp2)]){
for (c in DT[grp2 == z, unique(grp1)]) {
res = t.test(
DT[grp2 == z & grp1 == c, vals],
DT[grp2 == z & grp1 != c, vals],
alternative = 'greater'
DT[grp2 == z & grp1 == c, pval := res$p.value]
DT[grp2 == z & grp1 == c, tstat := res$statistic]
# vectorized, creates new summarized data.table
# runtime is 1-2 mins on real data
vec <- DT[,{
grp2_vector = vals
.SD[,.(tstat = t.test(vals, setdiff(grp2_vector, vals), alternative = 'g')$statistic,
pval = t.test(vals, setdiff(grp2_vector, vals), alternative = 'g')$p.value), by=grp1]
} , by=grp2]
stats::t.test is generalized and does a number of checks. You can just calculate what you need, i.e. t-statistic and p-value and also make use of the optimization in data.table to calculate length, mean and variance. Here is a possible approach:
#combinations of grp1 and grp2 and those not in grp1 for each grp2
comb <- unique(DT[, .(grp1, grp2)])[,
rbindlist(lapply(1:.N, function(n) .(g1=rep(grp1[n], .N-1L), notIn=grp1[-n]))),
#this is optimized, switch on verbose to see the output
X <- DT[, .(nx=.N, mx=mean(vals), vx=var(vals)), .(grp1, grp2)] #, verbose=TRUE]
#calculate length, mean, var for values not in grp1
Y <- DT[comb, on=.(grp2=g2, grp1=notIn), allow.cartesian=TRUE][,
.(ny=.N, my=mean(vals), vy=var(vals)), by=.(grp1=g1, grp2=grp2)]
#calculate outputs based on stats:::t.test.default
ans <- X[Y, on=.(grp1, grp2)][, c("tstat", "pval") := {
stderrx <- sqrt(vx/nx)
stderry <- sqrt(vy/ny)
stderr <- sqrt(stderrx^2 + stderry^2)
df <- stderr^4/(stderrx^4/(nx - 1) + stderry^4/(ny - 1))
tstat <- (mx - my)/stderr
.(tstat, pt(tstat, df, lower.tail = FALSE))
}, by=1:Y[,.N]]
grp1 grp2 nx mx vx ny my vy tstat pval
1: C 1 2 42.500 612.50 5 23.0000 145.0000 1.06500150 0.22800432
2: B 1 2 27.500 312.50 5 29.0000 355.0000 -0.09950372 0.53511601
3: A 1 3 20.000 100.00 4 35.0000 383.3333 -1.31982404 0.87570431
4: F 2 2 4000.000 2000000.00 7 581.4286 489747.6190 3.30491342 0.08072148
5: E 2 3 1133.333 653333.33 6 1445.0000 4323350.0000 -0.32174451 0.62141500
6: D 2 4 167.500 10891.67 5 2280.0000 3292000.0000 -2.59809850 0.97016160
timing code:
library(data.table) #data.table_1.12.4
np <- 4.2e5
nzc <- 4.2e3
DT <- data.table(grp1=rep(1:np, each=5), grp2=rep(1:nzc, each=np/nzc*5),
vals=abs(rnorm(np*5, 5000, 2000)), key=c("grp1", "grp2"))
mtd0 <- function() {
DT[, {
grp2_vector <- vals
tres <- t.test(vals, setdiff(grp2_vector, vals), alternative = 'g')
.(tstat=tres$statistic, pval=tres$p.value)
}, by=grp1]
} , by=grp2]
mtd1 <- function() {
comb <- unique(DT[, .(grp1, grp2)])[,
rbindlist(lapply(1:.N, function(n) .(g1=rep(grp1[n], .N-1L), notIn=grp1[-n]))),
X <- DT[, .(nx=.N, mx=mean(vals), vx=var(vals)), .(grp1, grp2)] #, verbose=TRUE]
Y <- DT[comb, on=.(grp2=g2, grp1=notIn), allow.cartesian=TRUE][,
.(ny=.N, my=mean(vals), vy=var(vals)), by=.(grp1=g1, grp2=grp2)]
ans <- X[Y, on=.(grp1, grp2)][, c("tstat", "pval") := {
stderrx <- sqrt(vx/nx)
stderry <- sqrt(vy/ny)
stderr <- sqrt(stderrx^2 + stderry^2)
df <- stderr^4/(stderrx^4/(nx - 1) + stderry^4/(ny - 1))
tstat <- (mx - my)/stderr
.(tstat, pt(tstat, df, lower.tail = FALSE))
}, by=1:Y[,.N]]
microbenchmark::microbenchmark(mtd0(), mtd1(), times=1L)
Unit: seconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
mtd0() 65.76456 65.76456 65.76456 65.76456 65.76456 65.76456 1
mtd1() 18.29710 18.29710 18.29710 18.29710 18.29710 18.29710 1
I would suggest looking at the package Rfast. There are commands, such as ttest1, ttest2 and ttests for one sample, 2 sample and many t
Summary of real-world problem
Essentially this is a scenario evaluation, of a linear system of equations.
I have two data tables.
s_dt contains the scenarios, drivers (d) and values (v) for each observed scenario (o).
c_dt contains a series of terms (n) for a number of fitted model bases (b).
The individual powers of drivers, and associated coefficients are coded into (d and t) as name-value pairs.
Each basis (b) is essentially a polynomial with n terms.
The issue
Repro case below gives desired output format.
But is far too slow for required use case, even on a cut-down problem.
Numbers are junk, but I can't share actual data. Running on real-world data gives similar timing.
Circa 3sec for "lil" problem on my system (12 threads).
But "big" problem is 4000 times larger. So expect circa 3hours. Ouch!
Aim is to have the "big" problem run sub 5min (or ideally much faster!)
So, awesome clever people, how can this be made a lot faster?
(And what is the root cause of the slowdown?)
I'll happily accept base/tidyverse solutions too, if they meet the performance needs. I just assumed data.table was the best way to go for the size of the problem.
Current solution
Run fun on s_dt, grouping by o.
fun: Joins c_dt with each group data, to populate v, thus enabling calculation of r (the result of evaluating each of the polynomial equations).
In data.table parlance:
s_dt[, fun(.SD), keyby = .(o)]
Repro case
Creates two data.tables that have the combinations and field types matching real-world problem.
But with cut-down size for illustrative purposes.
Defines fun, then runs to populate r for all scenarios.
# problem sizing ----
dims <- list(o = 50000, d = 50, b = 250, n = 200) # "big" problem - real-life size
dims <- list(o = 100, d = 50, b = 25, n = 200) # "lil" problem (make runtime shorter as example)
# build some test data tables ----
build_s <- function() {
o <- seq_len(dims$o)
d <- paste0("d",seq_len(dims$d))
v <- as.double(seq_len(dims$o * dims$d))/10000
CJ(o, d)[, `:=`(v = v)]
s_dt <- build_s()
build_c <- function() {
b <- paste0("c", seq_len(dims$b))
n <- seq_len(dims$n)
d <- c("c", paste0("d", seq_len(dims$d)))
t <- as.double(rep_len(0:6, dims$b * dims$n * (dims$d+1)))
dt <- CJ(d, b, n)[, `:=`(t = t)]
dt <- dt[t != 0]
c_dt <- build_c()
# define fun and evaluate ----
# (this is what needs optimising)
fun <- function(dt) {
# don't use chaining here, for more useful profvis output
dt <- dt[c_dt, on = .(d)]
dt <- dt[, r := fcase(d == "c", t,
is.na(v), 0,
rep(TRUE, .N), v^t)]
dt <- dt[, .(r = prod(r)), keyby = .(b, n)]
dt <- dt[, .(r = sum(r)), keyby = .(b)]
res <- s_dt[, fun(.SD), keyby = .(o)]
Example inputs and outputs
> res
o b r
1: 1 c1 0.000000e+00
2: 1 c10 0.000000e+00
3: 1 c11 0.000000e+00
4: 1 c12 0.000000e+00
5: 1 c13 0.000000e+00
2496: 100 c5 6.836792e-43
2497: 100 c6 6.629646e-43
2498: 100 c7 6.840915e-43
2499: 100 c8 6.624668e-43
2500: 100 c9 6.842608e-43
> s_dt
o d v
1: 1 d1 0.0001
2: 1 d10 0.0002
3: 1 d11 0.0003
4: 1 d12 0.0004
5: 1 d13 0.0005
4996: 100 d50 0.4996
4997: 100 d6 0.4997
4998: 100 d7 0.4998
4999: 100 d8 0.4999
5000: 100 d9 0.5000
> c_dt
d b n t
1: c c1 2 1
2: c c1 3 2
3: c c1 4 3
4: c c1 5 4
5: c c1 6 5
218567: d9 c9 195 5
218568: d9 c9 196 6
218569: d9 c9 198 1
218570: d9 c9 199 2
218571: d9 c9 200 3
This would be difficult to fully vectorize. The "big" problem requires so many operations that going parallel is probably the most straightforward way to get to ~5 minutes.
But first, we can get a ~3x speed boost by using RcppArmadillo for the product and sum calculations instead of data.table's grouping operations.
"std::vector<double> sumprod(arma::cube& a) {
for(unsigned int i = 1; i < a.n_slices; i++) a.slice(0) %= a.slice(i);
return(as<std::vector<double>>(wrap(sum(a.slice(0), 0))));
depends = "RcppArmadillo",
plugins = "cpp11"
cl <- makeForkCluster(detectCores() - 1L)
The following approach requires extensive preprocessing. The upshot is that it makes it trivial to parallelize. However, it will work only if the values of s_dt$d are the same for each o as in the MRE:
identical(s_dt$d, rep(s_dt[o == 1]$d, length.out = nrow(s_dt)))
#> [1] TRUE
Now let's build the functions to accept s_dt and c_dt:
# slightly modified original function for comparison
fun1 <- function(dt, c_dt) {
# don't use chaining here, for more useful profvis output
dt <- dt[c_dt, on = .(d)]
dt <- dt[, r := fcase(d == "c", t,
is.na(v), 0,
rep(TRUE, .N), v^t)]
dt <- dt[, .(r = prod(r)), keyby = .(b, n)]
dt <- dt[, .(r = sum(r)), keyby = .(b)]
fun2 <- function(s_dt, c_dt, cl = NULL) {
s_dt <- copy(s_dt)
c_dt <- copy(c_dt)
# preprocess to get "a", "tt", "i", and "idxs"
i_dt <- s_dt[o == 1][, idxs := .I][c_dt, on = .(d)][, ic := .I][!is.na(v)]
ub <- unique(c_dt$b)
un <- unique(c_dt$n)
nb <- length(ub)
nn <- length(un)
c_dt[, `:=`(i = match(n, un) + nn*(match(b, ub) - 1L), r = 0)]
c_dt[, `:=`(i = i + (0:(.N - 1L))*nn*nb, ni = .N), i]
c_dt[d == "c", r := t]
a <- array(1, c(nn, nb, max(c_dt$ni)))
a[c_dt$i] <- c_dt$r # 3-d array to store v^t (updated for each unique "o")
i <- c_dt$i[i_dt$ic] # the indices of "a" to update (same for each unique "o")
tt <- c_dt$t[i_dt$ic] # c_dt$t ordered for "a" (same for each unique "o")
idxs <- i_dt$idxs # the indices to order s_dt$v (same for each unique "o")
uo <- unique(s_dt$o)
v <- collapse::gsplit(s_dt$v, s_dt$o)
if (is.null(cl)) {
# non-parallel solution
o = rep(uo, each = length(ub)),
b = rep(ub, length(v)),
r = unlist(
function(x) {
a[i] <- x[idxs]^tt
key = "o"
} else {
# parallel solution
clusterExport(cl, c("a", "tt", "i", "idxs"), environment())
o = rep(uo, each = length(ub)),
b = rep(ub, length(v)),
r = unlist(
function(x) {
a[i] <- x[idxs]^tt
key = "o"
Now the data:
# problem sizing ----
bigdims <- list(o = 50000, d = 50, b = 250, n = 200) # "big" problem - real-life size
lildims <- list(o = 100, d = 50, b = 25, n = 200) # "lil" problem (make runtime shorter as example)
# build some test data tables ----
build_s <- function(dims) {
o <- seq_len(dims$o)
d <- paste0("d",seq_len(dims$d))
v <- as.double(seq_len(dims$o * dims$d))/10000
CJ(o, d)[, `:=`(v = v)]
build_c <- function(dims) {
b <- paste0("c", seq_len(dims$b))
n <- seq_len(dims$n)
d <- c("c", paste0("d", seq_len(dims$d)))
t <- as.double(rep_len(0:6, dims$b * dims$n * (dims$d+1)))
dt <- CJ(d, b, n)[, `:=`(t = t)]
dt <- dt[t != 0]
Timing the lil problem, which is so small that parallelization doesn't help:
s_dt <- build_s(lildims)
c_dt <- build_c(lildims)
microbenchmark::microbenchmark(fun1 = s_dt[, fun1(.SD, c_dt), o],
fun2 = fun2(s_dt, c_dt),
times = 10,
check = "equal")
#> Unit: seconds
#> expr min lq mean median uq max neval
#> fun1 3.204402 3.237741 3.383257 3.315450 3.404692 3.888289 10
#> fun2 1.134680 1.138761 1.179907 1.179872 1.210293 1.259249 10
Now the big problem:
s_dt <- build_s(bigdims)
c_dt <- build_c(bigdims)
system.time(dt2p <- fun2(s_dt, c_dt, cl))
#> user system elapsed
#> 24.937 9.386 330.600
A bit longer than 5 minutes with 31 cores.
I want to get the rolling 7-day sum by ID. Suppose my data looks like this:
1 2014-05-01 1 1
2 2014-05-04 2 2
3 2014-05-07 3 1
4 2014-05-10 4 2
5 2014-05-13 5 1
6 2014-05-16 6 2
7 2014-05-19 1 1
8 2014-05-22 2 2
9 2014-05-25 3 1
10 2014-05-28 4 2
How can I add a new column that will contain the rolling 7-day sum by ID?
If your data is big, you might want to check out this solution which uses data.table. It is pretty fast. If you need more speed, you can always change mapply to mcmapply and use multiple cores.
#Load data.table and convert to data.table object
#Build reference table
Ref <- data[,list(Compare_Value=list(I(USD)),Compare_Date=list(I(Date))), by=c("ID2")]
#Use mapply to get last seven days of value by id
data[,Roll.Val := mapply(RD = Date,NUM=ID2, function(RD, NUM) {
d <- as.numeric(Ref$Compare_Date[[NUM]] - RD)
sum((d <= 0 & d >= -7)*Ref$Compare_Value[[NUM]])})]
Dataset provided by OP does not expose the complexity of the task. In terms of addressing OP question so far only Mike's answer was the correct one.
In fact for a 8 rolling days, instead of 7 rolling days, due to d <= 0 & d >= -7.
zoo solution by #G. Grothendieck is almost valid, only if merge would be made to each group of ID.
Below second data.table solution, this time valid results, using dev RcppRoll which allows na.rm=TRUE.
And slightly formatted Mike's solution output.
library(RcppRoll) # install_github("kevinushey/RcppRoll")
library(data.table) # install_github("Rdatatable/data.table")
correct_jan_dt = function(n, partial=TRUE){
DT = as.data.table(data) # this can be speedup by setDT()
date.range = DT[,range(Date)]
all.dates = seq.Date(date.range[1],date.range[2],by=1)
r = DT[CJ(unique(ID),all.dates)][, c("roll") := as.integer(roll_sumr(USD, n, normalize = FALSE, na.rm = TRUE)), by="ID"][!is.na(USD)]
# This could be simplified when `partial` arg will be implemented in [kevinushey/RcppRoll](https://github.com/kevinushey/RcppRoll)
r[is.na(roll), roll := cumsum(USD), by="ID"][]
correct_mike_dt = function(){
data = as.data.table(data)[,ID2:=.GRP,by=c("ID")]
#Build reference table
Ref <- data[,list(Compare_Value=list(I(USD)),Compare_Date=list(I(Date))), by=c("ID2")]
#Use mapply to get last seven days of value by id
data[, c("roll") := mapply(RD = Date,NUM=ID2, function(RD, NUM){
d <- as.numeric(Ref$Compare_Date[[NUM]] - RD)
sum((d <= 0 & d >= -7)*Ref$Compare_Value[[NUM]])})][,ID2:=NULL][]
identical(correct_mike_dt(), correct_jan_dt(n=8,partial=TRUE))
# [1] TRUE
microbenchmark(unit="relative", times=5L, correct_mike_dt(), correct_jan_dt(8))
# Unit: relative
# expr min lq mean median uq max neval
# correct_mike_dt() 274.0699 273.9892 267.2886 266.6009 266.2254 256.7296 5
# correct_jan_dt(8) 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 5
Looking forward for update from #Khashaa.
Edit (20150122.2): Below benchmarks do not answer OP question.
Timing on a bigger (still very tiny) dataset, 5439 rows:
zoo_f = function(){
z <- read.zoo(data)
z0 <- merge(z, zoo(, seq(start(z), end(z), "day")), fill = 0) # expand to daily
roll <- function(x) rollsumr(x, 7, fill = NA)
transform(data, roll = ave(z0$USD, z0$ID, FUN = roll)[time(z)])
dt_f = function(){
DT = as.data.table(data) # this can be speedup by setDT()
date.range = DT[,range(Date)]
all.dates = seq.Date(date.range[1],date.range[2],by=1)
][order(Date), c("roll") := rowSums(setDT(shift(USD, 0:6, NA, "lag")),na.rm=FALSE), by="ID"
dp_f = function(){
data %>% group_by(ID) %>%
mutate(roll=roll_sum(c(rep(NA,6), USD), 7))
dt2_f = function(){
# this can be speedup by setDT()
as.data.table(data)[, c("roll") := roll_sum(c(rep(NA,6), USD), 7), by="ID"][]
# [1] TRUE
# [1] TRUE
# [1] TRUE
microbenchmark(unit="relative", times=20L, zoo_f(), dt_f(), dp_f(), dt2_f())
# Unit: relative
# expr min lq mean median uq max neval
# zoo_f() 140.331889 141.891917 138.064126 139.381336 136.029019 137.730171 20
# dt_f() 14.917166 14.464199 15.210757 16.898931 16.543811 14.221987 20
# dp_f() 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 20
# dt2_f() 1.536896 1.521983 1.500392 1.518641 1.629916 1.337903 20
Yet I'm not sure if my data.table code is already optimal.
Above functions did not answer OP question. Read the top of post for update. Mike's solution was the correct one.
1) Assuming you mean every successive overlapping 7 rows for that ID:
transform(data, roll = ave(USD, ID, FUN = function(x) rollsumr(x, 7, fill = NA)))
2) If you really did mean 7 days and not 7 rows then try this:
z <- read.zoo(data)
z0 <- merge(z, zoo(, seq(start(z), end(z), "day")), fill = 0) # expand to daily
roll <- function(x) rollsumr(x, 7, fill = NA)
transform(data, roll = ave(z0$USD, z0$ID, FUN = roll)[time(z)])
Updated Added (2) and made some improvements.
data <- data.table(Date = seq(as.Date("2014-05-01"),
by = 3),
USD = rep(1:6, 7),
ID = rep(c(1, 2), 21))
data[, Rolling7DaySum := {
d <- data$Date - Date
sum(data$USD[ID == data$ID & d <= 0 & d >= -7])
by = list(Date, ID)]
I found that there is some problem with Mike.Gahan's suggested code and correct it as below after testing it out.
Ref <-data[,list(Compare_Value=list(I(USD)),Compare_Date=list(I(Date))),by=c("ID2")]
data[,Roll.Val := mapply(RD = Date,NUM=ID2, function(RD, NUM) {
d <- as.numeric(Ref[ID2 == NUM,]$Compare_Date[[1]] - RD)
sum((d <= 0 & d >= -7)*Ref[ID2 == NUM,]$Compare_Value[[1]])})]
I am trying to create some groups based on the percent rank of some values in dplyr.
The code below creates a data frame and then sapply a function to determine the groups. The downside is that I can't get sapply to work for tbl_postgres, only data frames. So I'm curious if there is another solution for this.
I had considered something with ntile, but the groups I want to create have some arbitrary cut-offs. Also, I have not had much luck getting it to work with dplyr (maybe pure sql might work).
n <- 100
df1 <- data.frame(idx = 1:n, x = rnorm(n))
df1 <- df1 %>%
arrange(x) %>%
mutate(pc_x = percent_rank(x))
index <- function(x) {
if (x < 0) {
} else if (x < 0.3) {
} else if (x < 0.7) {
} else if (x <= 1) {
} else {
df1 <- df1 %>%
mutate(group = sapply(pc_x, index))
Perhaps cut will serve your needs:
n <- 100
df1 <- data.frame(idx = 1:n, x = rnorm(n))
df1 <- df1 %>%
arrange(x) %>%
mutate(pc_x = percent_rank(x))
I use -1e9 in breaks because cut is "left-open", so if I used breaks <- c(0, ...) then the first row would be NA instead of 1.
breaks <- c(-1e9, 0.3, 0.7, 1)
df1 %>%
mutate(grp = cut(pc_x, breaks=breaks, labels=FALSE)) %>%
## Source: local data frame [100 x 4]
## Groups: grp [3]
## idx x pc_x grp
## (int) (dbl) (dbl) (int)
## 1 59 -2.9930901 0.00000000 1
## 2 18 -2.6564554 0.01010101 1
## 3 19 -2.4404669 0.02020202 1
## 4 39 -2.4142076 0.03030303 1
## 5 22 -1.7813084 0.04040404 1
## .. ... ... ... ...
As per suggested by #joranE and #krlmlr in response to the issue you posted on GitHub, you could build your own custom sql query using sql():
n <- 100
df <- data.frame(idx = 1:10e5, x = rnorm(n))
copy_to(my_db, df, "df")
mbm <- microbenchmark(
joranE = tbl(my_db, sql("
WHEN x > 0 AND x <= 0.3 THEN 1
WHEN x > 0.3 AND x <= 0.6 THEN 2
WHEN x > 0.6 AND x <= 1 THEN 3
FROM df")),
krlmlr = tbl(my_db, sql("
WHEN x <= 0.3 THEN
CASE WHEN x <= 0.6 THEN 2
WHEN x <= 1 THEN 3
FROM df")),
times = 100
Both methods yield similar results:
#Unit: milliseconds
# expr min lq mean median uq max neval cld
# joranE 3.070625 3.118589 3.548202 3.206681 3.307202 30.688142 100 a
# krlmlr 3.058583 3.109567 3.250952 3.205483 3.278453 3.933817 100 a
I want to get the rolling 7-day sum by ID. Suppose my data looks like this:
1 2014-05-01 1 1
2 2014-05-04 2 2
3 2014-05-07 3 1
4 2014-05-10 4 2
5 2014-05-13 5 1
6 2014-05-16 6 2
7 2014-05-19 1 1
8 2014-05-22 2 2
9 2014-05-25 3 1
10 2014-05-28 4 2
How can I add a new column that will contain the rolling 7-day sum by ID?
If your data is big, you might want to check out this solution which uses data.table. It is pretty fast. If you need more speed, you can always change mapply to mcmapply and use multiple cores.
#Load data.table and convert to data.table object
#Build reference table
Ref <- data[,list(Compare_Value=list(I(USD)),Compare_Date=list(I(Date))), by=c("ID2")]
#Use mapply to get last seven days of value by id
data[,Roll.Val := mapply(RD = Date,NUM=ID2, function(RD, NUM) {
d <- as.numeric(Ref$Compare_Date[[NUM]] - RD)
sum((d <= 0 & d >= -7)*Ref$Compare_Value[[NUM]])})]
Dataset provided by OP does not expose the complexity of the task. In terms of addressing OP question so far only Mike's answer was the correct one.
In fact for a 8 rolling days, instead of 7 rolling days, due to d <= 0 & d >= -7.
zoo solution by #G. Grothendieck is almost valid, only if merge would be made to each group of ID.
Below second data.table solution, this time valid results, using dev RcppRoll which allows na.rm=TRUE.
And slightly formatted Mike's solution output.
library(RcppRoll) # install_github("kevinushey/RcppRoll")
library(data.table) # install_github("Rdatatable/data.table")
correct_jan_dt = function(n, partial=TRUE){
DT = as.data.table(data) # this can be speedup by setDT()
date.range = DT[,range(Date)]
all.dates = seq.Date(date.range[1],date.range[2],by=1)
r = DT[CJ(unique(ID),all.dates)][, c("roll") := as.integer(roll_sumr(USD, n, normalize = FALSE, na.rm = TRUE)), by="ID"][!is.na(USD)]
# This could be simplified when `partial` arg will be implemented in [kevinushey/RcppRoll](https://github.com/kevinushey/RcppRoll)
r[is.na(roll), roll := cumsum(USD), by="ID"][]
correct_mike_dt = function(){
data = as.data.table(data)[,ID2:=.GRP,by=c("ID")]
#Build reference table
Ref <- data[,list(Compare_Value=list(I(USD)),Compare_Date=list(I(Date))), by=c("ID2")]
#Use mapply to get last seven days of value by id
data[, c("roll") := mapply(RD = Date,NUM=ID2, function(RD, NUM){
d <- as.numeric(Ref$Compare_Date[[NUM]] - RD)
sum((d <= 0 & d >= -7)*Ref$Compare_Value[[NUM]])})][,ID2:=NULL][]
identical(correct_mike_dt(), correct_jan_dt(n=8,partial=TRUE))
# [1] TRUE
microbenchmark(unit="relative", times=5L, correct_mike_dt(), correct_jan_dt(8))
# Unit: relative
# expr min lq mean median uq max neval
# correct_mike_dt() 274.0699 273.9892 267.2886 266.6009 266.2254 256.7296 5
# correct_jan_dt(8) 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 5
Looking forward for update from #Khashaa.
Edit (20150122.2): Below benchmarks do not answer OP question.
Timing on a bigger (still very tiny) dataset, 5439 rows:
zoo_f = function(){
z <- read.zoo(data)
z0 <- merge(z, zoo(, seq(start(z), end(z), "day")), fill = 0) # expand to daily
roll <- function(x) rollsumr(x, 7, fill = NA)
transform(data, roll = ave(z0$USD, z0$ID, FUN = roll)[time(z)])
dt_f = function(){
DT = as.data.table(data) # this can be speedup by setDT()
date.range = DT[,range(Date)]
all.dates = seq.Date(date.range[1],date.range[2],by=1)
][order(Date), c("roll") := rowSums(setDT(shift(USD, 0:6, NA, "lag")),na.rm=FALSE), by="ID"
dp_f = function(){
data %>% group_by(ID) %>%
mutate(roll=roll_sum(c(rep(NA,6), USD), 7))
dt2_f = function(){
# this can be speedup by setDT()
as.data.table(data)[, c("roll") := roll_sum(c(rep(NA,6), USD), 7), by="ID"][]
# [1] TRUE
# [1] TRUE
# [1] TRUE
microbenchmark(unit="relative", times=20L, zoo_f(), dt_f(), dp_f(), dt2_f())
# Unit: relative
# expr min lq mean median uq max neval
# zoo_f() 140.331889 141.891917 138.064126 139.381336 136.029019 137.730171 20
# dt_f() 14.917166 14.464199 15.210757 16.898931 16.543811 14.221987 20
# dp_f() 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 20
# dt2_f() 1.536896 1.521983 1.500392 1.518641 1.629916 1.337903 20
Yet I'm not sure if my data.table code is already optimal.
Above functions did not answer OP question. Read the top of post for update. Mike's solution was the correct one.
1) Assuming you mean every successive overlapping 7 rows for that ID:
transform(data, roll = ave(USD, ID, FUN = function(x) rollsumr(x, 7, fill = NA)))
2) If you really did mean 7 days and not 7 rows then try this:
z <- read.zoo(data)
z0 <- merge(z, zoo(, seq(start(z), end(z), "day")), fill = 0) # expand to daily
roll <- function(x) rollsumr(x, 7, fill = NA)
transform(data, roll = ave(z0$USD, z0$ID, FUN = roll)[time(z)])
Updated Added (2) and made some improvements.
data <- data.table(Date = seq(as.Date("2014-05-01"),
by = 3),
USD = rep(1:6, 7),
ID = rep(c(1, 2), 21))
data[, Rolling7DaySum := {
d <- data$Date - Date
sum(data$USD[ID == data$ID & d <= 0 & d >= -7])
by = list(Date, ID)]
I found that there is some problem with Mike.Gahan's suggested code and correct it as below after testing it out.
Ref <-data[,list(Compare_Value=list(I(USD)),Compare_Date=list(I(Date))),by=c("ID2")]
data[,Roll.Val := mapply(RD = Date,NUM=ID2, function(RD, NUM) {
d <- as.numeric(Ref[ID2 == NUM,]$Compare_Date[[1]] - RD)
sum((d <= 0 & d >= -7)*Ref[ID2 == NUM,]$Compare_Value[[1]])})]
I am working on some summaries for financial datasets and I would like to sort the summary in regard to a certain criterion, but without loosing the remaining summary values in a row. Here is a simple example:
tseq <- seq(Sys.time(), length.out = 36, by = "mins")
dt <- data.table(TM_STMP = tseq, COMP = rep(c(rep("A", 4), rep("B", 4), rep("C", 4)), 3), SEC = rep(letters[1:12],3), VOL = rpois(36, 3e+6))
dt2 <- dt[, list(SUM = sum(VOL), MEAN = mean(VOL)), by = list(COMP, SEC)]
1: A a 9000329 3000110
2: A b 9001274 3000425
3: A c 9003505 3001168
4: A d 9002138 3000713
Now I would like to get the SEC per COMP with highest VOL:
dt3 <- dt2[, list(SUM = max(SUM)), by = list(COMP)]
1: A 9003505
2: B 9002888
3: C 9005042
This gives me what I want, but I would like to keep the other values in the specific rows (SEC and MEAN) such that it looks like this (made by hand):
1: A 9003505 c 3001168
2: B 9002888 f 3000963
3: C 9005042 k 3001681
How can I achieve this?
If you are looking for the SEC and the MEAN corresponding to max of SUM:
dt3 <- dt2[, list(SUM = max(SUM),SEC=SEC[which.max(SUM)],MEAN=MEAN[which.max(SUM)]), by = list(COMP)]
> dt3
1: A 9003110 a 3001037
2: B 9000814 e 2999612
3: C 9002707 i 2999741
Edit: This'll be faster:
dt2[dt2[, .I[which.max(SUM)], by = list(COMP)]$V1]
Another way to do this would be to setkey of the data.table to: COMP, SUM and then use mult="last" as follows:
setkey(dt2, COMP, SUM)
dt2[J(unique(COMP)), mult="last"]
# 1: A c 9002500 3000833
# 2: B g 9003312 3001104
# 3: C i 9000058 3000019
Edit: To answer to Simon's benchmarking about speed differences between this and #metrics':
N <- 1e6
tseq <- seq(Sys.time(), length.out = N, by = "mins")
ff <- function(x) paste(sample(letters, x, TRUE), collapse="")
val1 <- unique(unlist(replicate(1e5, ff(8), simplify=FALSE)))
val2 <- unique(unlist(replicate(1e5, ff(12), simplify=FALSE)))
dt <- data.table(TM_STMP = tseq, COMP = rep(val1, each=100), SEC = rep(val2, each=100), VOL = rpois(1e6, 3e+6))
dt2 <- dt[, list(SUM = sum(VOL), MEAN = mean(VOL)), by = list(COMP, SEC)]
metrics <- function(x=copy(dt2)) {
x[, list(SUM = max(SUM),SEC=SEC[which.max(SUM)],MEAN=MEAN[which.max(SUM)]), by = list(COMP)]
arun <- function(x=copy(dt2)) {
setkey(x, COMP, SUM)
x[J(unique(COMP)), mult="last"]
microbenchmark(ans1 <- metrics(dt2), ans2 <- arun(dt2), times=20)
# Unit: milliseconds
# expr min lq median uq max neval
# ans1 <- metrics(dt2) 749.0001 804.0651 838.0750 882.3869 1053.3389 20
# ans2 <- arun(dt2) 301.7696 321.6619 342.4779 359.9343 392.5902 20
setkey(ans1, COMP, SEC)
setkey(ans2, COMP, SEC)
setcolorder(ans1, names(ans2))
identical(ans1, ans2) # [1] TRUE
from your sample output, it's not exactly clear what you would like to keep / drop, but you can simply list your additional columns in the j argument of DT[i, j, ]
> dt2[, list(SUM = max(SUM), SEC, MEAN), by = list(COMP)]
1: A 9007273 a 3000131
2: A 9007273 b 3000938
3: A 9007273 c 2999502
4: A 9007273 d 3002424
5: B 9004829 e 3001610
6: B 9004829 f 2999991
7: B 9004829 g 2998471
8: B 9004829 h 2999571
9: C 9002479 i 3000826
10: C 9002479 j 2999826
11: C 9002479 k 3000728
12: C 9002479 l 2999634
I was very interested in the performance of the two different approaches from #Metrics that I denote in the following as which.func and from #Arun that I denote as innate.func. So, I made some benchmarking with my example given in the question above. Here are the results:
which.func <- function() {dt3 <- dt2[, list(SUM = max(SUM), SEC=SEC[which.max(SUM)], MENA=MEAN[which.max(SUM)]), by = list(COMP)]}
innate.func <- function() {dt3 <- dt2[J(unique(COMP)), mult = "last"]}
benchmark(which.func, innate.func, replications = 10e+6)
test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self
2 innate 10000000 24.689 1.000 24.259 0.425
1 which.func 10000000 32.664 1.323 32.216 0.446
Of course this is maybe a little unfair towards the which.func becuase the innate.funcinvolves a call to setkey, which is especially for large samples a time consumer. If I include the setkeycall into the function I get the following:
innate.func <- function() {setkey(dt2, COMP, SUM); dt3 <- dt2[J(unique(COMP)), mult = "last"]; setkey(dt2, NULL)}
test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self
2 innate.func 10000000 25.271 1.000 24.834 0.430
1 which.func 10000000 26.476 1.048 26.062 0.397
It seems, that the two approaches have a very similar performance. The approach of #Arun has perhaps a more elegant style in regard to the data.table and needs less code. Its disadvantage may come with different aggregation functions than the maxor min, where the approach of #Metrics plays out its character of being able to be applied in a more general setting.
I learned from both approaches and put them into my toolbox.
During my further work with the solutions given here I encountered another problem with the summary shown above in my question and I found a solution to it, that I would like to share.
If I want to provide a choice to the user for
an aggregation function, denoted by aggregate and
a criterion (variable of the summary) the aggregate method should be applied to, denoted by crit,
then I encounter the problem, that I have to check, which of the columns are remaining (see e.g. #Metrics answer that uses the which). A simple example:
We take data.table dt2 from my question above. A user now, wants to apply the aggregate = "max" method on the crit = "SUM" variable in the data.table summary of dt2. Here is a solution I found out that works fine (any discussion of course appreciated):
aggregate = "max"
crit = "SUM"
user call <- expression(do.call(aggregate, list(get(crit))))
dt2[, .SD[which(get(crit) == eval(mycall))], by = COMP]
1: A c 9002500 3000833
2: B g 9003312 3001104
3: C i 9000058 3000019