how to solve error Can not execute "qemu" - pintos

I am doing my home work assignment on pintos. for set up i am following this .
On running
./pintos run alarm-multiple
I got the error
Can't exec "qemu": No such file or directory at ./pintos line 923.
command failed
How can i solve the error ?


Why does this error occur for Teleram Build?

Why does this error come up?
Build command failed.
Error while executing process /home/kaninym/Android/Sdk/cmake/ with arguments {-C /home/kaninym/İndirilenler/Kodlar/Telegram-FOSS/TMessagesProj/.cxx/Debug/d2bh2v26/x86 tmessages.42}
ninja: Entering directory `/home/kaninym/İndirilenler/Kodlar/Telegram-FOSS/TMessagesProj/.cxx/Debug/d2bh2v26/x86'
ninja: error: '/home/kaninym/İndirilenler/Kodlar/Telegram-FOSS/TMessagesProj/jni/ffmpeg/build/x86/lib/libswscale.a', needed by '/home/kaninym/İndirilenler/Kodlar/Telegram-FOSS/TMessagesProj/build/intermediates/cxx/Debug/d2bh2v26/obj/x86/', missing and no known rule to make it

Getting 'E/launcher - Error: spawn EACCES' error while trying to run protractor tests in Unix machine

I am getting below mentioned error while running the protractor tests in headless mode in Unix machine.
Thinking it might be due to some permission issue, I gave execute permission to 'protractor' file in protractor/bin folder and to the protractor conf file, but no help.
[12:27:50] I/launcher - Running 1 instances of WebDriver
[12:27:50] I/direct - Using ChromeDriver directly...
[12:27:50] E/launcher - spawn EACCES
[12:27:50] E/launcher - Error: spawn EACCES
at exports._errnpException (util.js:1024:11)
at ChildProcess.spawn(internal/child_process.js:325:11)
at Object.exports.spawn(child_process.js:493:9)
at exec (/Ruser1/home/user1/Project1/node_modules/protractor/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/io/exec.js:116:27
at resolveCommandLineFlags.then.args (/Ruser1/home/user1/Project1/node_modules/protractor/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/remote/index.js:219:25)
at <anonymous>
I tried running my tests from terminal as well as from jenkins using command:
./node_modules/protractor/bin/protractor config/test1_cucumber.conf
But getting the same error. I have set directConnect=true in my conf file and passing --headless in chromeOptions.

Error to build a signed apk

i'm trying to build an signed apk with visual studio /Cordova template. But i'm receiving this error: ERROR building one of the platforms 1
And : Error MDAVSCLI 1
I´m following this tutorial:
and my Keystore is like image bellow:
[aapt] Creating full resource package...
[apkbuilder] Current build type is different than previous build: forced apkbuilder run.
[apkbuilder] Creating MainActivity-release-unsigned.apk for release...
[echo] Signing final apk...
C:\Users\Leo\AppData\Local\Android\sdk1\tools\ant\build.xml:1135: The following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\Users\Leo\AppData\Local\Android\sdk1\tools\ant\build.xml:1147: C:\Users\Leo\Desktop\Mobile\Mobile\platforms\android\"my-release-key.Keystore" (The file name syntax, the name of the directory or volume label incorrect)
Total time: 52 seconds
Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Xmx512M
throw e;
Error code 1 for command: cmd with args: /s /c "ant release -f C:\Users\Leo\Desktop\Mobile\Mobile\platforms\android\build.xml -Dout.dir=ant-build -Dgen.absolute.dir=ant-gen"
Command finished with error code 1: C:\Users\Leo\Desktop\Mobile\Mobile\platforms\android\cordova\build.bat --release
ERROR building one of the platforms : error : C:\Users\Leo\Desktop\Mobile\Mobile\platforms\android\cordova\build.bat: Command failed with exit code 1
You may not have the required environment or OS to build this project
MDAVSCLI : error : C:\Users\Leo\Desktop\Mobile\Mooobile\platforms\android\c
I've found a way : removing the quotes in my i can build.

Please help me debug this error message I get at the console

When I run this command php app/console translation:update es GWDAdminBundle --force --prefix="__" at the terminal I get the following error message:
Unexpected token "name" of value "View" ("end of print statement" expected) at line 31
I don't which file is throwing this error, when I look at the log there is nothing remotely close to this, I suspect that it is one of my view files but how do I begin looking? Any ideas?
Many thanks to kix! I was able to debug all of my twig files with the following command:
php app/console twig:lint src/

Prod logs in symfony 2 not using root dir

I'm developping a symfony2 website. I'm using apache2.2.
Everything works fine in dev environment.
But when i want to try it on the prod environment, it goes :
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'UnexpectedValueException' with message 'The stream or
file "/var/www/domain/app/logs/prod.log" could not be opened:
fopen(/var/www/domain/app/logs/prod.log) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No
such file or directory' in /var/www/myapp/app/cache/prod/classes.php on line 4799
Why is it trying to write in /var/www/domain since my application is in /var/www/myapp ?
I tried to modify the config_prod.yml to no result.
Any idea ?
#Boris Guéry it was a cache problem, you were right, but i couldn't use de command line to clear it. I had to use rm -rf in the shell.
