Need to intercept & redirect http requests because IP for site is invisible from test machine yet the webserver is accessible from an internal address - http

I need to access a website we have from a machine that isn't able to see the external IP of the webserver. All http requests are of the form http://a.b.c.d/sitelauncher/sitelauncher.aspx and fail to see the site since that IP is inaccessible, yet the webserver happens to be on the local network. How can I somehow intercept and replace so all requests are of the form http://192.168.x.y/sitelauncher/sitellauncher.aspx
Silverlight is required on the client side in case this helps although have no access to source.
Is there some tool available that would permit some kind of string replacement on each occasion an http request is made?
Have tried a thing called rinetd which complains because it can't bind to the original IP target:port (no surprise since it'll be invisible).
Any ideas folks?


Website accessible from everywhere except for client's network

My client has a website that is showing some strange behavior. The site is built in ASP.Net and used to be hosted on their internal network. It's now been moved to a different server outside their network. They have other sites hosted on the same server, some built using DotNetNuke, and some classic ASP. All these sites are hosted on one application server, with a database (SQL Server 2008) on a separate server (which is on the same network as the application server). They share the application server, and the database server.
Now that this site has been moved to the outside server, they can't access it. I can, and so can others that I work with (from different IPs, across the country). But the client can't from their network. They can access the landing page (no db access), but nothing else. So, for instance, there's a link to When they click that link, the URL changes to, which does not work. For myself and others not at the client site, the URL does not change and opens with no problems.
I didn't write the site, and didn't even know it existed before this problem cropped up, so I know very little more than this. Any help is appreciated.
I'm going to go with Martijn B's answer. There's a DNS issue on the internal network. Somewhere on of the DNS servers is a definition that maps http://companywebsite to an ip address like or whatever.
I would open a command prompt on your PC and type
Take a look at the IP address that comes back. You can also do an nslookup on that will give you more information. If you (person A) gets one IP address and Person B (inside the network) gets a different IP address....there is definitely a DNS issue on the internal network.
You're going to have to do some network tracing to determine exactly where any redirection is occurring. Given that the problem is only manifested in certain locations, it is likely that it is a function of network configuration in that location (as previously suggested). Without understanding exactly what redirection is occurring, it would be unwise to make configuration changes that might make the problem worse or introduce new issues.
A DNS server cannot AFAIK redirect to a different URL. So something is redirecting from to, which could be caused by a HTTP redirect. This can be triggered by the software/website itself or by IIS.

What exactly happens when you instruct your browser to go to a webpage?

I have some knowledge on my question but not exactly. What exactly programatically happening after http request?
Scott Hanselman said in one of his blog posts:
Describe, in as much detail as you think is relevant, as deeply as you can, what happens when I type "" into a browser and press "Go".
My question is exactly this,
That's like asking "describe how to perform a coronary bypass". Yes, one can explain how, but one is better first studying medicine and learning about the basics, before starting with specific procedures. However, in bulletpoints:
Your browser will want to know the IP address of It doesn't do DNS lookups itself, but rather asks the operating system.
Your browser will connect to that IP address on port 80
Your browser will send a HTTP GET request
The webserver will reply with statuscode 200 and the body contents
Your browser will parse the HTML
In the HTML, other resources (images, scripts, css-files...) might be included, which the browser will also fetch.
After the browser is done, it will close the connection. If it doesn't, the webserver will.
Browser tries to resolve the name into its ip address.
Browser TCP connects to's ip address on the default HTTP port (80)
Browser sends a GET request to the server, asking for the / page
Browser says that it's trying to connect to "" ( and could be hosted on the same hosting company, with the same IP address)
Browser also says what's your browser, browser engine, browser version, operating system and the plug-ins that you have installed.
Server sends a header saying what's coming on your reply, the kind of data you're going to receive (in this case, HTML), and the size of the response if it's available.
Server closes the connection if there isn't any keep-alive instruction from the browser. Otherwise it will use this opened connection to ask for other things that might be needed (images within the page, for example.)
By the way, download and install Wireshark if you want to go deep and see what's really going on behind the curtains.

Redirecting http traffic to another server temporarily

Assume you have one box (dedicated server) that's on 24 7 and several other boxes that are user machines that have unused bandwidth. Assume you want to host several web pages. How can the dedicated server redirect http traffic to the user machines. It is desirable that the address field in the web browser still displays the right address, and not an ip. Ie. I don't want to redirect to another web page, I want to tell the web browser that it should request the same web page from a different server. I have been browsing through the 3xx codes, and I don't think they are made for anything like this.
It should work some what along these lines:
1. Dedicated server is online all the time.
2. User machine starts and tells the dedicated server that it's online.
(several other user machines can do similarly)
3. Web browser looks up domain name and finds out that it points to dedicated server.
4. Web browser requests page.
5. Dedicated server tells web browser to repeat request to user machine
Is it possible to use some kind of redirect, and preferably tell the browser to keep sending further requests to user machine. The user machine can close down at almost any point of time, but it is assumed that the user machine will wait for ongoing transactions to finish, no closing the server program in the middle of a get or something.
What you want is called a Proxy server or load balancer that would sit in front of your web server.
The web browser would always talk to the load balancer, and the load balancer would forward the request to one of several back-end servers. No redirect is needed on the client side, as the client always thinks it is just talking to the load balancer.
Looking at your various comments and re-reading the question, I think I misunderstood what you wanted to do. I was thinking that all the machines serving content would be on the same network, but now I see that you are looking for something more like a p2p web server setup.
If that's the case, using DNS and HTTP 30x redirects would probably be what you need. It would probably look something like this:
Your "master" server would serve as an entry point for the app, and would have a well known host name, e.g. "".
Whenever a new "user" machine came online, it would register itself with the master server and a the master server would create or update a DNS entry for that user machine, e.g. "".
If a request came to the master server for a given page, e.g. "", it would do a 302 redirect to one of the user machines based on whatever DNS entry it had created for that machine - e.g. redirect them to "".
Some problems I see with this approach:
First, Once a user gets redirected to a user machine, if the user machine went offline it would seem like the app was dead. You could avoid this by having all the links on every page specifically point to "" instead of using relative links, but then every single request has to be routed through the "master server" which would be relatively inefficient.
You could potentially solve this by changing the DNS entry for a user machine when it goes offline to point back to the master server, but that wouldn't work without an extremely short TTL.
Another issue you'll have is tracking sessions. You probably wouldn't be able to use sessions very effectively with this setup without a shared session state server of some sort accessible by all the user machines. Although cookies should still work.
In networking, load balancing is a technique to distribute workload evenly across two or more computers, network links, CPUs, hard drives, or other resources, in order to get optimal resource utilization, maximize throughput, minimize response time, and avoid overload. Using multiple components with load balancing, instead of a single component, may increase reliability through redundancy. The load balancing service is usually provided by a dedicated program or hardware device (such as a multilayer switch or a DNS server).
and more interesting stuff in here
apart from load balancing you will need to set up more or less similar environment on the "users machines"
This sounds like 1 part proxy, 1 part load balancer, and about 100 parts disaster.
If I had to guess, I'd say you're trying to build some type of relatively anonymous torrent... But I may be wrong. If I'm right, HTTP is entirely the wrong protocol for something like this.
You could use dns, off the top of my head, you could setup a hostname for each machine that is going to serve users:
www in A # ip address of machine 1
www in A # ip address of machine 2
www in A # ip address of machine 3
Then as others come online, you could add then to the dns entries:
www in A # ip address of machine 4
Only problem is you'll have to lower the time to live (TTL) entry for each record down to make it smaller (I think the default is 86400 - 1 day)
If a machine does down, you'll have to remove the dns entry, though I do think this is the least intensive way of adding capacity to any website. Jeff Attwood has more info here: is round robin dns good enough?

How to get visitor IP on load balancing machine using

We are having two load balancing server. In that we have hosted a 3.5 application right now we are using request userhostaddress to get visitor ip but it is giving load balancer ip instead of real ip. Can anyone have code for this.
I think that you must search not only for HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR, but for all that, depent what your loading ballance using
The return of one of that, is the actual Ip of you client, except if is other proxy, I also need to learn how some one can get this, to find the user that is behind 2-3 proxy's...
If you know any other, please tell me so.
The problem is more to do with the fact that the "load balancer" is acting as a proxy. What type of load balancer are you using? I know with Microsoft ISA server there is a setting to pass the original users IP address through to the webserver.
Otherwise you will have to write a page to dump out the server variables and see if there an extra server variable being added that gives you the real client IP address.
depending on the load balancing server the client's IP could/should be written to:
But beware if the user is also behind a proxy the value may be the proxies original client instead of the load balancer's client (which would be the proxy IP in this case). I'm not certain what behaviour is "normal".
Hope that helps,

How to get browser IP or hostname?

I have a web application that should behave differently for internal users than external ones. The web application is available over the Internet, and therefore obviously to the internal users as well.
All the users are anonymous, not authenticated, but the page should render differently for internal users than external. What I'm doing in my code is use Request.UserHostName and then Dns.GetHostEntry. The result is then compared to a setting in my web.config (that holds something like *.mydomain.local) . If the comparison gives a positive result then I render the HTML that the internal user should see otherwise I render the HTML the external user should see.
However, my problem is that I don't always get the expected value from Request.UserHostName. on the development site I get the IP-number (?) of the machine running the browser but on the customer site I don't get the IP-number of the user machine, I get some other IP-number. The browsers don't have any proxies set or anything like that.
Should I be using something else than Request.UserHostName?
I recommend using IP addresses as well. I'm dealing with this exact same situation setting up an authentication system right now as well and the conditions described by Epso and Robin M are exactly what is happening. External users coming to the site give me their actual IP address while all internal users provide the IP of the gateway machine(router) on to the private subnet the webservers sit on.
To deal with it I just check for that one IP. If I get the IP of the gateway, I provide the internal access. If I get anything else they get the external one which requires additional authentication in my case. In yours, it would just mean a different interface.
Try Request.UserHostAddress, which returns the client's IP address. Assuming your internal network uses IP addresses reserved for LANs, it should be relatively simple to check if an IP is internal or external.
There might be a firewall that is doing some sort of NAT, to enable inside clients to use the external dns-name to reach the server.
Is the IP-number you get on customer site the same at the external customer-server ip? In that case you can hard code for that one IP-address. All internal computers behind that firewall will appear to have to same ip-address and you can classify them as "internal".
It looks like you're being returned a public facing IP Address. Get the user to go to . If this is the same as the IP Address returned to your software, then this is definitely the case.
The only solution I can see to get around this is to either get them to connect to the machine holding the application via a VPN, or to use some other kind of authentication. The latter is probably the best option.
It does sound like there is a proxy between users and the server on the customer site (it doesn't need to be configured in the browser). It may be an internal or external proxy depending on your network configuration.
I would avoid using the UserHostName for what is effectively authentication as it is presented by the browser duing the request and would be easy to spoof. IP address would be much more effective as it's difficult to spoof an IP address in a TCP/IP connection (and maintain a connection). It's still weak authentication but may be sufficient in this scenario.
Even if you are using IP address, if there's a NAT proxy between client and server, you may have to accept that anything coming through that proxy is trusted (I'm assuming that external/untrusted clients don't come through that proxy).
If that isn't acceptable, you're back to other methods of authentication. Rather than requiring a logon or VPN connection, you might consider a permanent cookie or client certificates and only give those to internal clients but you would need some way of delivering those to the client. You could certainly deliver a permanent cookie based on a one-time logon. Cookies can be spoofed in a similar way in that the UserHostName can be however you've got a better opportunity to create a cookie value that is less guessable than a domain name.
