I have material grid and menu .I use mat-menu like tooltip,there will be other grids below and each of them have this mat-menu.When user clicks it,user should see appeared box and whats inside.I decided to use Mat-Grid inside but it isn't being responsible as usual it is.Mat-grid is flex and skrinking due to user's action as protecting its position.Thats what I want.But mat-grid here isn't getting smaller as big mat-grid does when you change the page width.
StackBlitz Demo : https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-material-bootstrap-css-zcjddn?file=src/app/app.component.html
That looks well when page is orginal size(PC,Laptop etc)
Here that problem exists below(Width for tablet , mobile etc.Not getting smaller like grid on the outside)
<mat-grid-list [cols]="breakpoint" rowHeight="2:0.5 (window:resize)="onResize($event)">
<`enter code here`mat-grid-tile>1</mat-grid-tile>
.ts file:
ngOnInit() {
this.breakpoint = (window.innerWidth <= 400) ? 1 : 6;
onResize(event) {
this.breakpoint = (event.target.innerWidth <= 400) ? 1 : 6;
Check Stackblitz demo here
This is an angular app (but anyone with css knowledge can help), where there is a text area with dynamic content.
So as the content item.text changes the text area should grow or shrink according to the content to fit the content perfectly without any overflow.
<textarea [value]="item.text" [placeholder]="item.text ? '' : 'Your Text Here...'" class="font-xl font-bold"></textarea>
// dont worry about the placeholder. you can ignore that.
Currently in my case scrollbar appears & it is not shrinking or growing with the dynamic content.
How can I achieve that?
Or if there is a way to convert a regular html <div> to a textarea, you can suggest that too. But prefers a solution for the above one.
I've tried css rules like, max-content fit-content etc... nothing is working out!
Install npm install ngx-autosize
in html add autosize
<textarea autosize [value]="item.text" [placeholder]="item.text ? '' : 'Your Text Here...'" class="font-xl font-bold"></textarea>
then in appmodule
put in imports: [AutosizeModule ],
This can't be accomplished with just css, it needs JavaScript that has quite a few corner cases and can be tricky. Such as, pasted input, input populated programatically, auto filled input, handling screen size changes correctly, and on and on, and doing so in a way that is reusable and performs well.
Given all that, I recommend using a lib for this.
I've used angular material's plenty of times with no issues, just add material to your project (can be done via angular CLI with ng add #angular/material) and either import the MatInputModule from #angular/material/input or TextFieldModule from #angular/cdk/text-field (TextFieldModule is quite a bit smaller) to the module where you want to use it, then do:
<textarea cdkTextareaAutoSize cdkAutosizeMinRows="5" [value]="item.text" [placeholder]="item.text ? '' : 'Your Text Here...'" class="font-xl font-bold"></textarea>
you can exclude the cdkAutosizeMinRows option and then it will default to 1 row, but you can use that option to set however many minimum rows you'd like to display. You can also use the cdkAutosizeMaxRows option to make it stop growing at a certain number of rows if you wish, otherwise it will grow indefinitely with the content.
blitz: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-4zlkw1?file=src%2Fapp%2Ftext-field-autosize-textarea-example.html
docs: https://material.angular.io/components/input/overview#auto-resizing-textarea-elements
You can't change the height of the textarea without Javascript. But you can use an editable div instead. In plain HTML something like this would serve the same purpose as an textarea and will resize automatically based on the content.
<div class="font-xl font-bold" contentEditable>Hello World</div>
If you use a <div> which you can edit then it can grow or shrink accordingly.
<div contenteditable="true">This is a div. It is editable. Try to change this text.</p>
The below will loop over the item and compare height to scrollHeight incrementing the height by lineHeight. Then resets the rows once the height is greater than the scroll height
(function () {
const el = document.querySelector('textarea');
el.addEventListener('change', function () { dynamicallyResize(el); });
function dynamicallyResize(el) {
el == undefined && (el = this.target);
const lineHeight = 16;
let i = el.getAttribute('rows'),
height = Math.ceil(el.getBoundingClientRect().height);
el.style.overflow = 'visible'; //triger redraw
while(height < el.scrollHeight) {
height += lineHeight;
el.setAttribute('rows', i);
el.style.overflow = 'auto';
<textarea [value]="item.text" [placeholder]="item.text ? '' : 'Your Text Here...'" class="font-xl font-bold" rows="2">Starting text that exceeds the 2 row limit initially placed on this particular text area.</textarea>
I'm working with PrimeFaces and BootsFaces libraries. I have a little form inside bootsfaces modal. The form is used to change system parameters, and for one specific parameter has a <p:keyboard /> to change its value. My problem is that in extra-small devices, the bootstrap modal doesn't allow horizontal scroll, and the keyboard is not showing complete:
The keyboard is not responsive by default when the viewport with is less than 510px, so I have adjusted it to 436px by default in extra small screens. I want to make horizontal scroll on the modal just to see the complete keyboard, but only when I open the modal.
This is my javascript function to adjust the keyboard depending on screen size:
$(document).on('click', '.inpKeyboard', function() {//- The input text has a class called 'inpKeyboard'
if ($(window).width() <= 505) {//- Small screen
$('#keypad-div').css('width', '436px');
$('#keypad-div').css('left', '0px');
//$('.modal-open').css('overflow-x', 'auto');
$('#keypad-div').css('z-index', '2000');
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
What a nice puzzle! :) PrimeFaces calculate the size of the keypad window in JavaScript and stores it as an inline-style. So the clue to solving this is to add a timeout, like so:
$(document).on('click', '.hasKeypad', () => {
$('#keypad-div').css('z-index', '2000');
if (!(window.width > 505)) { // JSF (i.e. XML) doesn't accept the less-than-operator
// add a timeout to make sure the code is executed after PrimeFaces did its magic
setTimeout(() => {
// set a fixed with
$('#keypad-div').css('width', '436px');
// add the horizontal scrollbar
$('#keypad-div').css('overflow-x', 'auto');
// increase the height to make space for the scrollbar
$('#keypad-div').css('height', '180px');}
<!-- set a minimum width for the keyboard rows -->
<!-- (otherwise the key overflow to the next row) -->
#media screen and (max-width: 504px) {
.keypad-row {
I have a main page. This page has an iframe. The iframe has a page loaded in it that has a table and an iframe.
1) I want to display the main page iframe (which I am able to do by detecting the pressing of the 'Enter' key which executes a function that grabs the main page's iframe element and generates a full screen view of it -- however the background color is black and I can't read text. I've tried every CSS solution to change the background color. I tried everything I could find on here regarding that problem. Please help me find a solution that will work on all browsers.
2) Aside from that, I want to generate a full screen view of the main page's iframe document's table and generate a full screen view of the main page's iframe document's iframe. I am unable to generate a full screen view of the main page's iframe document's table. I am unable to generate a full screen view of the main page's iframe document's iframe. Please let me know how this can be done. I can successfully store the main page's iframe document in a variable using the contentWindow lingo -- but then using the variable to access its contents using the get Element by id nomenclature does not work. Please help me find a way to generate a full screen view of the main page's iframe document elements.
Please help with the two issues above.
My main page iframe id is "hello". The main page's iframe's document's table id is "jukebox". The main page's iframe's document's iframe id is "albumcover".
Not that this is of any actual debugging use other than letting you know that all elements discussed have id's and the get Element by id code still did not work or was able to be displayed by the function displaying a full screen view of elements...except when using the get Element by id code with the function displaying a full screen view of elements together when trying to generate a full screen display of the main page's iframe...it just helps someone who may help with creating a meaningful example. It'll help others finding this web page follow the issue's solution and if they have a similar problem then that information may allow them to follow the solution better and solve their own problem.
Thanks guys!
Main page:
function toggleFullScreen(x, y) {
var videoElement;
var q;
var w;
if (x == 1)
if (y == 0)
q = document.getElementById("hello");
w = q.contentWindow.document;
alert("videoElement = documenttable;");
else if (y == 1)
alert("videoElement = documentalbumiframe;");
else if (y == 2)
alert("videoElement = queuetextarea;");
else if (y == 3)
alert("videoElement = songlisttextarea;");
if (y == 0)
videoElement = document.getElementById("hello");
if ( (x == 1) || ( (x == 0) && (y == 0) ) )
if (!document.mozFullScreen && !document.webkitFullScreen) {
if (videoElement.mozRequestFullScreen) {
} else {
} else {
if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) {
} else {
<iframe src="menu.html" height=549 width=100% frameborder=0 name = "hello" id = "hello" style ="overflow-x:scroll"></iframe>
iFrame's document page:
<table id="jukebox" border = "0">
<iframe id="albumcover" height=432 width=450 frameborder=0 name = "cake" style =""></></iframe>
Problems generating a full screen view of HTML elements
This demo uses the Full Screen API:
The external script file fullview.js is responsible for toggle button state (full screen mode/normal view mode), and determining what state the viewport should be changing to.
Blue Button: Full Screen Toggle for index.html targets <body>
Yellow Button: Full Screen Toggle for jukebox.html targets the iframe#jBox
Fuschia Button: Full Screen Toggle for cover.html targets the iframe#cBox
In order to test the full screen feature, you must test it out of the IDE (please see illustration. )
// fullView.js
function fullView(event) {
var btn = this;
var ele = this.id;
var tgt = document.querySelector('.tgt' + ele);
var state = btn.classList;
if (state == 'off') {
} else {
function enterFS(element) {
if (element.requestFullscreen) {
} else if (element.mozRequestFullScreen) {
} else if (element.webkitRequestFullscreen) {
} else if (element.msRequestFullscreen) {
function exitFS() {
if (document.exitFullscreen) {
} else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) {
} else if (document.webkitExitFullscreen) {
// Usage
A trigger element
ex. <button>, <a>, etc.
A target element
ex. <body>, <section>, <div>, etc.
Assign an id to the trigger.
ex. <button id='btn1'></button>
Assign a specific class to the target.
There is a naming pattern:
'.tgt'+{{id of trigger}}
ex. .tgtbtn1
<body class='tgtbtn1'>
Add an eventListener() to trigger.
var btn1 = document.getElementById('btn1');
Use fullView as the eventHandler
btn1.addEventListener('click', fullView, false);
I would like my "mega menu" JS to only run at full screen width and for a Responsive Menu (from module) to load at any lower screen width. Currently at lower screen width the responsive menu seems to work correctly, but the JS for the mega menu is still running and so is interfering with the responsive menu. I have set the option for CSS selectors to be removed in the Responsive Menu module, but the id for the menu does not change in the HTML naturally and so the mega menu is still using that id. (Is that the problem perhaps?) How can I get the JS to only run at full screen width? Thank you!
$('#subnav').dcMegaMenu({effect: 'slide', speed: 'slow', rowItems: '5', fullWidth: 'true' });
One piece of javascript that we used as a check if it's a mobile display is this (using 640px wide as our 'mobile display'):
function IsMobileDisplay()
if (document.all && !document.addEventListener)
return false;
var windowWidth = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth;
return windowWidth <= 640 || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i) != null;
Then in your case:
if (!IsMobileDisplay)
//do stuff
I am looking at websites for inspiration for my new start ups homepage. I saw https://www.pactcoffee.com/ and their home page features a full background image for the header and the nav bar is transparent then it becomes a solid color nav bar as you scroll down. I have only been able to set up the CSS for the site but I don't understand what to do to have the change in nav bar color.
You can do something like this...
Check the Fiddle to see the rest of the code... like the CSS.
This JS will do this.
$(document).scroll(function () {
var y = $(this).scrollTop();
if (y > 100) {
} else {
} });
By the way, I found this info by search.
Show div on scrollDown after 800px
I just made edits to the code so it was at the top and not bottom.
Best of luck.
I have found that you can set two divs. One of which will be display set to none.
$(document).scroll(function () {
var headerHeight = $('header').height(),
s = $('.nav'),
y = $(this).scrollTop();
if (y > headerHeight) {
} else {
This allows one div to disappear when one appears and vice versa. A working example is can be found in the DEMO