CSS - attribute starts with selector? - css

I have HTML markup that contain randomly generated attributes from Angular. For example,
<i _ngcontent-sgg-c2 class="some-class"></i>
These attributes do not have values so I'm wondering in this case if I can use the [attribute^=value] attribute selector. Am I able to apply styles to all elements where the attributes themselves start with a certain pattern?

It's not possible to use wildcards on attributes names. See https://stackoverflow.com/a/21222776/3980303 where it was originally answered.
It seems though that the generated attribute of Angular is used for scoped styles.
Check this link for reference it explains that good https://dev.to/themeticulist/everything-you-should-know-about-styles-in-angular-12ab


How to use a pseudo-element to select links to domains ending in foo?

I am taking practice test for Microsoft 70-480. I came across the question in the image. To select attributes that end in specific given value should be a css attribute selector such as [attribute$='value']. I don't understand how we make that selection with a css pseudo-element. Can some one explain to me why
As you've correctly stated, you need an attribute selector for this (although you would need to use [attribute*=value] instead), and you can't match elements using pseudo-element selectors (that's why they're called pseudo-elements!).
The only explanation for the "correct answer" here being option C is that whoever wrote that test either made a mistake with the options, or doesn't understand CSS selectors. Hopefully the former.

"Don't use IDs in selectors (CSS)" then, what to use instead of IDs?

One of CSS lint rules is: "It's better to not use IDs in selectors".
So, what should we use instead of IDs to point to a unique element?
For example, say I have dozens of elements that have a class named my-class, and I want only one of them to have a special CSS property. What can I do?
CSS-lint should be 'fixed' or rather updated to modern standard because its based on more than 10 year old code base where support for IE6 and IE7 where still preferable.
Nowadays everyone should know ID's are the fastest css selectors followed by Classes, Dom tags, adjacent siblings etc. And that CSS reads from right to left. So the shortest selector is the fastest. Since #ID is the fastest selector and #ID (should be) unique its ridicule to not use the #id as selector in CSS.
give them another class for example:
<div class="myClass special"></div>
color: red;
You could add an additional class to the element and specify it in your css instead of ids. ID selectors have a higher specificity than attribute selectors but using ids in css isn't recommended and can't be reused. CSS classes can do everything IDs can.

Identify if an element has rel="nofollow" attribute using CSS for selenium tests

I am using CSS selectors as the element locators for selenium test scripts.
Now, I want to check if an element has a rel="nofollow" attribute using CSS.
Does any one know how to check this?
The question isn't 100% clear on what you're trying to do, but I'll try to answer anyway.
If I'm reading you correctly, you're working within the Selenium script language, and you want to determine your the Selenium script that the page contains an <a> element that has rel='nofollow' attribute.
According to the Selenium reference page, this should be possible, as Selenium supports most CSS selectors (the exception except pseudo selectors, but they're not relevant for you here).
It also supports DOM references and XPath references, so one way or the other you should be able to check just about anything.
For CSS, the syntax is css=cssSelector, so in your case this would be css=a[rel=nofollow].
This selector will check the page for any <a> element with the rel=nofollow attribute. If you need to check if a specific element has this attribute, then modify the selector to include the ID or class of the element you want - eg a#myspecificelement[rel=nofollow]
This would be used with a Selenium command such as assertElementPresent() to check that the element is present, or a range of other possible Selenium commands.
Hope that helps.
Won't work in all browsers.
A better solution would be to use jquery who selectors are supported in all browsers

wikia template style attribute

I have made some templates on wikia.com, which contain only CSS code (key:value;).
My problem is having another template use these style templates in a style attribute tag.
This code does not evaluate as expected. The CSS code is outputted before the element and the style attribute is not included inside the element.
Am I trying something not possible for a wiki ?
I merely want to be able to change styling on certain templates in one place, like regular HTML & CSS pages.
CSS styling specified from the style="" attribute always takes priority over any other css, even if you use !important in a CSS specification.
Therefore any edits you make to your CSS on Wikia will not ever override the CSS specified inside an attribute.
Kim, you were right to switch to classes instead of embedding in-line styles via templates.
The very idea of using templates suggest that this was going to be re-used in more than one place, applying styles to a group or, in fact, a class of elements.
This approach is much simpler to read and maintain (as you only have one, central place to edit), and also, if done right, will enable you to seamlessly change the colour scheme via Special:ThemeDesigner.

Class Style Sheet with two names or?

<div id="SideBar" class="sidebar mainbar">
I've just seen this in a .aspx file. Is this valid? Can someone point me in the right direction to learn what this does. I'm assuming its valid, but I'm not finding it in the css file. I am finding sidebar defined as a class, but not mainbar.
Thanks in advance,
This div just has two classes, which means it will get the properties defined under .sidebar as well as those under .mainbar
Sure, you can have an element implement as many css classes as you like. If there is no class defined in the CSS files it is possible that either:
The additional css classes have been removed from the styles sheets and the .aspx pages have not been refactored to match.
The css class is been used to identify the element(s) via javascript or some other scripting language.
As for mainbar not showing up in your CSS file, sometimes developers assign classes to elements and then reference those classes in javascript.
Yes this is perfectly valid. An element can be styled by multiple classes.
See this reference and this one which touches on which one takes precedence for duplicate style attributes.
CSS Tricks has a few other CSS tricks including having two classes.
Copy/Pasting the trick from the above site:
Usually attributes are assigned just one class, but this doesn't mean that that's all you're allowed. In reality, you can assign as many classes as you like!
Using these two classes together (separated by a space, not with a comma) means that the paragraph calls up the rules assigned to both text and side. If any rules overlap between the two classes then the class which is below the other in the CSS document will take precedence.
Beware of IE6 if someday you try to style an element using more than one class, it doesn't work like intended.
Googling "multiple classes ie6"
test case
No problem with id+class (like #anid.class ) or two selectors like .classA and then .classB but no .classA.classB
