Bulk writes when one object requires the Key of another - google-cloud-datastore

Trying to figure out a good solution to this. Using Python and the NDB library.
I want to create an entity, and that entity is also tied to another entity. Both are created at the same time. Example would be creating a Message for a large number of users. We have an Inbox table/kind, and a Message table.
So once we gather the Keys of all the users we want, what I'm doing is just creating the Inbox entity, saving it, and then using the provided Key that it returns and attaching to the Message, and then saving the Message. For a large number of users, this seems pretty expensive. 2 writes per user. Normally I would just create the objects themselves and then use ndb.put_multi() to just batch the writes. Since there is no Key until it's saved, I can't do that.
Hope that made sense. Ideas?

Take a look at the allocate_ids API. You can pass a parent key and get id assigned. The allocate_ids call guarantees that the id is never reused within that parent key context. allocate_ids is a small operation and fast. Once you allocate these ids, then you can do the put_multi by referencing the allocated ids in the other entities that refer them. As I understand the message entity itself is not being referenced and if so you only need to allocate ids for Inbox (presumably if the user already doesn't have one) and do a multi_put on both inbox and message entities.


How to use DynamoDB streams to maintain duplicated data consistency?

From what I understand one of the uses cases of DynamoDB Streams is to maintain/update duplicated data.
Let's say I have a User object, and its name attribute is replicated in many Invoice objects.
When a User edits/updates its name, I will have a lambda using DynamoDb Streams to then update all Invoices related to this user with his new name.
There could be thousands of Invoices related to this user so this updating could take a while, specially because I will want to do a rate limited batch_write so that this operation doesn't throttle my table.
The question is : How can my (web)application know that the lambda has finished updating? For example, I want to show a loading screen to the client using the application untill the duplicated data updating is done, so that he doesn't see any outdated information on his browser.
Or is there other ways of rapidly dealing with updating thousands of duplicated data?
Why aren't you capturing the output of Lambda. You can make Lambda return successful status, once all the updates are persisting to DDB.
Invoice can keep a reference to User object instead of storing the exact name and can fetch name at the time of generating/printing

Lookup the existence of a large number of keys (up to1M) in datastore

We have a table with 100M rows in google cloud datastore. What is the most efficient way to look up the existence of a large number of keys (500K-1M)?
For context, a use case could be that we have a big content datastore (think of all webpages in a domain). This datastore contains pre-crawled content and metadata for each document. Each document, however, could be liked by many users. Now when we have a new user and he/she says he/she likes document {a1, a2, ..., an}, we want to tell if all these document ak {k in 1 to n} are already crawled. That's the reason we want to do the lookup mentioned above. If there is a subset of documents that we don't have yet, we would start to crawl them immediately. Yes, the ultimate goal is to retrieve all these document content and use them to build the user profile.
My current thought is to issue a bunch of batch lookup requests. Each lookup request can contain up to 1K of keys [1]. However to get the existence of every key in a set of 1M, I still need to issue 1000 requests.
An alternative is to use a customized middle layer to provide a quick look up (for example, can use bloom filter or something similar) to save the time between multiple requests. Assuming we never delete keys, every time we insert a key, we add it through the middle layer. The bloom-filter keeps track of what keys we have (with a tolerable false positive rate). Since this is a custom layer, we could provide a micro-service without a limit. Say we could respond to a request asking for the existence of 1M keys. However, this definitely increases our design/implementation complexity.
Is there any more efficient ways to do that? Maybe a better design? Thanks!
[1] https://cloud.google.com/datastore/docs/concepts/limits
I'd suggest breaking down the problem in a more scalable (and less costly) approach.
In the use case you mentioned you can deal with one document at a time, each document having a corresponding entity in the datastore.
The webpage URL uniquely identifies the page, so you can use it to generate a unique key/identifier for the respective entity. With a single key lookup (strongly consistent) you can then determine if the entity exists or not, i.e. if the webpage has already been considered for crawling. If it hasn't then a new entity is created and a crawling job is launched for it.
The length of the entity key can be an issue, see How long (max characters) can a datastore entity key_name be? Is it bad to haver very long key_names?. To avoid it you can have the URL stored as a property of the webpage entity. You'll then have to query for the entity by the url property to determine if the webpage has already been considered for crawling. This is just eventually consistent, meaning that it may take a while from when the document entity is created (and its crawling job launched) until it appears in the query result. Not a big deal, it can be addressed by a bit of logic in the crawling job to prevent and/or remove document duplicates.
I'd keep the "like" information as small entities mapping a document to a user, separated from the document and from the user entities, to prevent the drawbacks of maintaining possibly very long lists in a single entity, see Manage nested list of entities within entities in Google Cloud Datastore and Creating your own activity logging in GAE/P.
When a user likes a webpage with a particular URL you just have to check if the matching document entity exists:
if it does just create the like mapping entity
if it doesn't and you used the above-mentioned unique key identifiers:
create the document entity and launch its crawling job
create the like mapping entity
launch the crawling job which creates the document entity taking care of deduplication
launch a delayed job to create the mapping entity later, when the (unique) document entity becomes available. Possibly chained off the crawling job. Some retry logic may be needed.
Checking if a user liked a particular document becomes a simple query for one such mapping entity (with a bit of care as it's also eventually consistent).
With such scheme in place you no longer have to make those massive lookups, you only do one at a time - which is OK, a user liking documents one a time is IMHO more natural than providing a large list of liked documents.

Fetch new entities only

I thought Datastore's key was ordered by insertion date, but apparently I was wrong. I need to periodically look for new entities in the Datastore, fetch them and process them.
Until now, I would simply store the last fetched key and wrongly query for anything greater than it.
Is there a way of doing so?
Thanks in advance.
Datastore automatically generated keys are generated with uniform distribution, in order to make search more performant. You will not be able to understand which entity where added last using keys.
Instead, you can try couple of different approaches.
Use Pub/Sub and architecture your app so another background task will consume this last added entities. On entities add in DB, you will just publish new Event into Pub/Sub with key id. You event listener (separate routine) will receive it.
Use names and generate you custom names. But, as you want to create sequentially growing names, this will case performance hit on even not big ranges of data. You can find more about this in Best Practices of Google Datastore.
You can add additional creation time column, and still use automatic keys generation.

Get an object from a bucket in riak without knowing its key

I am using a riak bucket to store a list of messages, using a UUID as the key and a json message as value. This is working fine.
What I need is an efficient way to get a single message from the bucket without knowing its key, at least in one of these two scenarios:
Get the last inserted object (this is my prefered approach).
Get a random object from the bucket (if the first alternative is not possible).
Is there any efficient way to achieve that?
I think one alternative could be to retrieve the keys in the bucket and then get the first one. But this means making two calls to riak, one to obtain all the keys (just to discard all but one) and a second one to obtain the object. It does not seem very efficient.
As Riak is a key-value store, the by far most efficient way to retrieve data is through the keys. Listing or retrieving all keys in a bucket, even if you only end up using the one returned first, is one of the least efficient operations you can perform as it causes Riak to scan ALL keys in the system (not just the bucket), and it is usually recommended NEVER to use this on a production system.
The most efficient way to get the last inserted object would probably be to store the id in a separate, known record in a different bucket. This would however require you to perform two writes on every insert and two reads for every read, but would do so in the most efficient way. You could possibly implement a post-commit hook (would have to be in Erlang as it is not currently not possible to write records using JavaScript functions) on the bucket containing messages to get the system to perform the update for you, which would remove the need for the last write.
If you write a lot of data to the bucket containing messages, you may want to adjust the separate bucket so that it does not allow multiple values and that the last value wins. This way you would reduce the risk of having lots of siblings created due to frequent updates to this single record across the system. This would always give you one of the last written records, but not necessarily the last one (especially if you frequently write messages to the database), as Riak does not support any type of atomicity and is an eventually consistent database.
You could also create one or more secondary indexes if you are using the leveldb backend, and use this to limit your scan to only recent records, which would be more efficient than a scann of all keys. You could then either select the most recent key or a random one through mapreduce, but this would be much less efficient than the previously described approach.
I can not think of any efficient way to retrieve a random record in a bucket from Riak unless you know the range of keys you have inserted and can decide randomly on the client which one to get. One way to do this would be to generate all keys in sequence rather than using a UUID, but that is naturally not a good idea in a highly concurrent distributed system.
1st task is pretty easy to implement:
Add post-commit hook that will write the last inserted key to some predefined key/bucket place
Get the key from that predefined key/bucket and issue a get query using them
It's still two operations but both are just gets that are fast. Plus additional overhead on hook but nothing too heavy either.
2nd scenario is also easy, but it is way too inefficient to be used practically:
Get all keys (extremely expensive operation)
Pick random
Issue get
I have come up with the same scenario. In My scenario I have to save the users. For that I required an auto increment Id. So what I did is, I placed the last inserted key in a separate bucket as like mentioned by "Christian Dahlqvist", every time I want to insert new record I fetch the last inserted key from that key bucket. Here we have only one value in that bucket with the key as "LastKey" which is always known to us. And I incremented the key based on the fetched key and again updated the key bucket. So always the key bucket contains the latest key in it.

semaphore for a datarow

I am writing a web application that allows the user basic CRUD operations against a database. The tables that are being updated have less than 200 records and there may be multiple users using this applications there is a need for some sort of locking mechanism to avoid the 2 users from overwriting each others changes.
I have looked into semaphores but that seems to only limit the number of users executing the same code. In my data layer I have a class file for each table so I can certainly employ this on a specific table's class file but can I somehow limit the locking to the key fields?
Assuming that you are using a proper SQL implementation along with ASP .Net, why dont you use transactions to achieve this? Check it out here.
Additionally, you can also read up on optimistic concurrency to see if that is what you need. Basically, before saving a value, the user checks if the value in a particular field is the same as it was when he first read it. If the value is the same, it is assumed that noone else has overwritten it, and the new value is saved to the DB; if the values are not the same, a warning message is returned instead.
