I am using flutter with firebase to manage my users, and in this link, it says you can specify the uid during user creation: https://firebase.google.com/docs/auth/admin/manage-users#create_a_user
My question: What's the equivalent in dart/ flutter? I understand firebase auto-generates one for you, but in my use case I need to be able to specify mine.
For flutter, I am only aware of createUserWithEmailAndPassword method but it does not have a 'uid' argument.
FirebaseAuth.instance.createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email: null, password: null)
In the link above, however, they provided an example (node.js) with such methods.
uid: 'some-uid',
email: 'user#example.com',
phoneNumber: '+11234567890'
.then(function(userRecord) {
// See the UserRecord reference doc for the contents of userRecord.
console.log('Successfully created new user:', userRecord.uid);
.catch(function(error) {
console.log('Error creating new user:', error);
You can fully control the creation of Firebase Authentication users by implementing a custom provider. But as you can probably imagine, this is a sensitive operation, so the code requires that you have full administrative access to the Firebase project. For that reason, you can't run this type of operation in your Flutter app, but must run it on a trusted environment, such as your development machine, a server you control, or Cloud Functions.
Typically this means:
you'll gather the user's credentials in your Flutter app
send them (securely) to a custom endpoint on the server
and there validate the the user credentials are correct
and use the Admin SDK to create a token for the user
that you then send back securely to the Flutter app
There is no such option for any of the Firebase the client SDKs on any platform (Android, iOS, web, Flutter, etc).
Firebase Admin is a server SDK, and trusts that the code calling its methods is privileged and running in a secure and trusted environment. This is considered to be safe for inventing UIDs. The client SDKs are run on user devices, which is considered untrusted and could be compromised. In that case, the Firebase Auth product has to come up with an appropriate UID for the user.
Use the firebase cloud functions
const functions = require("firebase-functions");
const admin = require("firebase-admin");
exports.createUser1 = functions.https.onCall(async (data, _context) => {
try {
const user = await admin.auth().createUser({
uid: data.uid,
phoneNumber: data.phoneNumber,
disabled: false,
}); return {response: user};
} catch (error) {
throw new functions.https.HttpsError("failed to create a user");
then request from flutter app
"uid": "12345678",
"phoneNumber": "+905378227777",
"disabled": false
We are having a flutter app (ios, android, web), where users are signed in via username & password.
We are also using google firebase since its powerful and easy to integrate.
The username and password mainly belongs to the website where we are gathering data at. (As example - If they use the website without the app, and they change the password, after that he wont be able to login to the app)
Now the mentionned websites host is giving us API access, login via OpenId to get the access token for the API. Because we are a safety risk since we store the passwort of the users too!
For the API access we dont really need to store Username and password of the user, since they are redundant anyway. But if we want to add a feature (for example message sending or further data storage) we need to have the user signed in into firebase.
Upt to now we are using for (first) signin the following snippet:
email: email, password: password);
and for already signed in users :
email: email, password: password);
Notice that similar credentials are also using to login on the API. (Since the user is there already registered)
How can we login on firebase with said information without asking twice for a password ond username (once for us, and once for the API) ?
We already tried :
await firebaseAuth.signInWithCustomToken(token)
with the jwl token from the OpenId, of course it did not work because the token did not contain the uid reference.
Create a Firebase Cloud Function just like described in Firebase Cloud Functions.
Be aware that if you want to create a customtoken, the cloud functions need rights. On initializeApp(..)
serviceAccountId: '{App_Name}#appspot.gserviceaccount.com',
So the correct service account has to be selected, you also have to give him the rights to generate tokens. (See => Stackoverflow Question
The Cloud Function does then look the following way :
export const functionName= functions.https.onRequest(async (request, response) => {
const id = request.query.id;
const passcode = request.query.passcode; // not really needed
// add other passcodes for different authentications
if (passcode == "{COMPARE SOMETHING}") {
await admin.auth().createCustomToken(id).then((customToken) => {
'id': id,
'customToken': customToken
}).catch((error) => {
'ErrorMessage': "No token could be generated",
"Error": error
else {
'ErrorMessage': "Passcode wrong"
On the other hand we have the code on the mobile app :
// Get JWT Token
Map<String, dynamic> jwtpayload =
Jwt.parseJwt(response_decoded['id_token']); // use import 'package:jwt_decode/jwt_decode.dart';
final queryParameters = {
'id': jwtpayload ['sub'],
'passcode': 'APassCode',
final uri = Uri.https('us-central1-{yourApp}.cloudfunctions.net',
'/{functionName}', queryParameters);
final cloud_function_api_call = await client.post(uri);
var decoded_cloud_function_api_call =
And at the end :
await firebaseAuth.signInWithCustomToken(
I hope it helps others facing a similar issue.
i'm using react native with firebase to use fcm push notification..
this is documnet example
// Node.js
var admin = require('firebase-admin');
// ownerId - who owns the picture someone liked
// userId - id of the user who liked the picture
// picture - metadata about the picture
async function onUserPictureLiked(ownerId, userId, picture) {
// Get the owners details
const owner = admin
// Get the users details
const user = admin
await admin.messaging().sendToDevice(
owner.tokens, // ['token_1', 'token_2', ...]
data: {
owner: JSON.stringify(owner),
user: JSON.stringify(user),
picture: JSON.stringify(picture),
// Required for background/quit data-only messages on iOS
contentAvailable: true,
// Required for background/quit data-only messages on Android
priority: 'high',
document says if i want to request message by using rest api instead of firebase admin
i have to use this url
which is
but i confused how can i use this url??
and i wonder should i use this url in backend or frontend?
Sending messages to devices through FCM requires that you specify the so-called FCM server key to the API. As its name implies this key should only be used in trusted environments, such as a server you control, your development machine, or Cloud Functions.
There is no secure way to send messages directly from client-side code directly through the FCM API. For more on this, see:
the architectural overview in the Firebase documentation
How to send one to one message using Firebase Messaging
I've a project in which I used to authenticate the users with firebase-auth.In my project users can not create their accounts on their own.Only admin have the privilege to add the user accounts.
In order to use onAuthStateChanged() function I must use firebase-auth in my page.But the issue is because of using firebase-auth on client side one can esaily create accounts by running createUserWithEmailAndPassword() function on the console without having the admin privilege.
Now how can I restrict the people from using createUserWithEmailAndPassword() function on client side?
The only way you can stop clients apps from creating accounts is to disable all authentication providers for your project in the Firebase console. You could write an auth onCreate Cloud Function that attempts to figure out if a new account was created by client or admin code if you want to try to delete it immediately.
I think you can add a claim once the user is added, via a cloud function, which requires authorization, so that if the user doesn't have that claim he can't use the app or can't login.
In 2022 with Firebase Auth with Identity Platform and blocking functions, we can accomplish that the following way:
Create an HTTP function that receives email, password and displayName, and creates user using firebase-admin:
import { https } from 'firebase-functions';
import { getAuth } from 'firebase-admin/auth';
import cors from 'cors';
const auth = getAuth();
// Register an HTTP function with the Functions Framework
export const signupUser = https.onRequest((req, res) => {
const options = {
origin: 'http://localhost:3000'
cors(options)(req, res, () => {
console.log('all good');
email: 'example#email.com',
emailVerified: false,
password: 'secretPassword',
displayName: 'John Doe',
disabled: false,
.then((userRecord) => {
// See the UserRecord reference doc for the contents of userRecord.
console.log('Successfully created new user:', userRecord.uid);
.catch((error) => {
console.log('Error creating new user:', error);
// Send an HTTP response
Modify response and origin in CORS as you need.
Now create a blocking beforeCreate function and check for user's display name, if there is no display name, throw an error:
import { auth } from "firebase-functions";
import { initializeApp, applicationDefault } from 'firebase-admin/app';
import { getAuth } from 'firebase-admin/auth';
import postmark from 'postmark';
const app = initializeApp({
credential: applicationDefault(),
projectId: 'your_project_id',
const tnc = getAuth(app);
export const signUp = auth
.user().beforeCreate((user, context) => {
if (!user.displayName) {
throw new auth.HttpsError('permission-denied');
This will work because there is no way to include "display name" when signing up via client side
So you, in short, point is to create a Cloud Function that will register users and make sure to add the check to beforeCreate for something that you know is only possible to do on server-side via firebase-admin sdk.
Just found out you can now disable client side signup from Firebase Console if you have Auth + Identity Platform
I use Firebase auth and realtime database in my Android app. This is the code that I use in Firebase functions to save the user email into the realtime database when they register in the app with email:
'use strict';
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
exports.initializeUserProfile = functions.auth.user().onCreate(user => {
const userUid = user.uid;
return admin.auth().getUser(userUid).then(userRecord => {
const userProfile = {
email: userRecord.email
return admin.database().ref(`/profiles/${userUid}`).set(userProfile);
}).catch(error => {
console.log("Error fetching user data: ", error);
exports.removeUserProfile = functions.auth.user().onCreate(user => {
const userUid = user.uid;
return admin.database().ref(`/profiles/${userUid}`).remove();
When I register an user in the android app (I use the built in registration UI for Firebase), it gives me no error in the Functions logs:
My problem is that although I don't have an error in the log and the user was added to the Firebase Authentication section, the Realtime database doesn't contain the node with the email. The problem is very sporadic. Sometimes it registers it fine into the realtime database, but sometimes it doesn't (like in the log of Jun 25). In the Android app I try to query the database node of the user after registration to display they email and there I get an error (maybe it is an bug in my app, but anyhow, that code up there should be run on server side and the email should be in the Firebase Realtime Database).
What I also don't know is that why do I have those removeUserProfile calls in the log as I didn't remove any user from the Authentication database or from the Realtime database.
Actually, your two Cloud Functions are triggered with exactly the same event, i.e. onCreate(user). So it is normal that they are triggered (almost) simultaneously and that you see the two invocations in the log.
Since you write that "The problem is very sporadic" what is probably happening is that the new record is first created at /profiles/${userUid} by the initializeUserProfile Cloud Function BUT is then removed by the removeUserProfile Cloud Function.
So you should change the trigger of the removeUserProfile Cloud Function to onDelete():
exports.removeUserProfile = functions.auth.user().onDelete((user) => {
const userUid = user.uid;
return admin.database().ref(`/profiles/${userUid}`).remove();.
I have a client who wants access to the Firebase console so they can add users manually themselves in the Authentication module.
I tried to add them via "Users and Permissions" but could not find any roles which fit adding users in authentication and no write permission in the database.
For the moment I added them as Project Editor, but not comfortable with it.
Granting admin access to your app dashboard is probably not the right answer for administrating in-app users. It could even be a security risk. It is, in my mind, equivalent to giving your app users access to your physical server via a shell prompt instead of creating an API for them to call.
A better alternative here would be to set up a Google Cloud Functions endpoint which would accept API requests and create users on their behalf, validating their access privileges by some criteria you determine.
1) Enable and deploy Cloud Functions
2) Set up an Authenticated HTTPS endpoint
3) Function code for creating a new user would look something like this:
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
const express = require('express');
const cookieParser = require('cookie-parser')();
const cors = require('cors')({origin: true});
const app = express();
// See https://github.com/firebase/functions-samples/blob/Node-8/authorized-https-endpoint/functions/index.js
const validateFirebaseIdToken = require('./validateFirebaseIdToken');
app.get('/createUser', (req, res) => {
const userData = req.params;
// This represents some criteria you set for determining who can call this endpoint
// possible a list of approved uids in your database?
if( req.user.uid !== VALID_ADMIN_USER ) {
// See https://firebase.google.com/docs/auth/admin/manage-users#create_a_user
email: userData.email,
displayName: userData.name,
.then(function(userRecord) {
// See the UserRecord reference doc for the contents of userRecord.
res.json({result: 'success', uid: userRecord.uid});
console.log("Successfully created new user:", userRecord.uid);
.catch(function(error) {
console.error("Failed to create new user");
res.status(500).json({status: 'error', error: 'Unable to process the request'});
// This HTTPS endpoint can only be accessed by your Firebase Users.
// Requests need to be authorized by providing an `Authorization` HTTP header
// with value `Bearer <Firebase ID Token>`.
exports.app = functions.https.onRequest(app);
4) Provide the API endpoint to your client or build a rudimentary app/web interface they can use that calls this endpoint.
So go to the Google Cloud Platform(from Firebase Console) and then choose Manage Roles from where you can create Custom roles.
Note that Custom Roles is currently in Beta and you might not be able to achieve what you need but as docs suggest:
Custom roles let you group permissions and assign them to members of
your project or organization. You can manually select permissions or
import permissions from another role.