Swift: How to decode Base64Url into json object like JWT - ios13

I have the following JWT encode payload:
But I haven't found a way to decode this string like JWT does.
By any chance any of you knows a way in swift to decode this payload?
I'll really appreciate your help.

Add dependencies
Add the Swift-JWT package to the dependencies within your application’s Package.swift file. Substitute "x.x.x" with the latest Swift-JWT release.
.package(url: "https://github.com/IBM-Swift/Swift-JWT.git", from: "x.x.x")
Add SwiftJWT to your target's dependencies:
.target(name: "example", dependencies: ["SwiftJWT"]),
Import package
import SwiftJWT
To include Swift-JWT in a project using CocoaPods, add SwiftJWT to your Podfile:
pod 'SwiftJWT'
Try this code:
let jwtEncoder = JWTEncoder(jwtSigner: jwtSigner)
let jwtString = try jwtEncoder.encodeToString(myJWT)
let jwtDecoder = JWTDecoder(jwtVerifier: jwtVerifier)
let jwt = try jwtDecoder.decode(JWT<MyClaims>.self, fromString: jwtString)
For documentation


Is chardetect.exe required for get request and content?

is "chardetect.exe" executable required for a get request and content? Just wanted to know. If not needed, then is it okay to delete it so that I can store the chardet files in bitbucket/git without an executable?
Code to use:
req = requests.get(url)
with io.BytesIO() as buf:
Requests currently requires the chardet package but doesn't rely on any of the CLI tools.

FireBase sendMessage Function update to v1 Google Cloud Endpoint

So... this morning... I got an email saying:
Our records show that you own projects with App Engine applications or
Cloud Functions that are still calling the pre-GA v0.1 and v1beta1
endpoints of the App Engine and Cloud Functions metadata server.
We’re writing to let you know that these legacy endpoints are
scheduled to be turned down on April 30, 2020. After April 30, 2020,
requests to the v0.1 and v1beta1 endpoints will no longer be
supported, and may return HTTP 404 NOT FOUND responses.
I'm only using Firebase Functions to send messages... and the email went on to identify my sendMessage function as the culprit. But I can't... for the life of me... figure out WHERE I need to update the endpoints. My sendMessage function is as follows:
exports.sendMessage = functions.database.ref('/messages/{receiverUid}/{senderUid}/{msgId}')
.onWrite(async (change, context) => {
const message = change.after.val().body;
const receiverUid = change.after.val().receiverUid;
const senderUid = change.after.val().senderUid;
const msgId = change.after.val().msgId;
if (!change.after.val()) {
return console.log('Sender ', senderUid, 'receiver ', receiverUid, 'message ', message);
console.log('We have a new message: ', message, 'for: ', receiverUid);
I've tried following some of the Curl suggestions from this link: https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/migrating-to-v1-metadata-server
...but every time I try one of them I get:
curl: (6) Couldn't resolve host 'metadata.google.internal'
So... at this point... I have no idea what it is I'm supposed to change or where I'm supposed to look. Any help would be appreciated.
I had this same problem, and didn't see any of the libraries I was using listed here.
In my case, the culprit turned out to be firebase-admin. I was using version 7.3.0, and I found this gem:
$ grep -rni "computeMetadata/" *
firebase-admin/lib/auth/credential.js:30:var GOOGLE_METADATA_SERVICE_PATH = '/computeMetadata/v1beta1/instance/service-accounts/default/token';
So, I updated my Cloud Functions libraries as shown here:
npm install firebase-functions#latest --save
npm install firebase-admin#latest --save-exact
and then, voila!
$ grep -rni "computeMetadata/" *
node_modules/firebase-admin/lib/auth/credential.js:30:var GOOGLE_METADATA_SERVICE_PATH = '/computeMetadata/v1/instance/service-accounts/default/token';
Then I redeployed and problem solved.
I searched at the https://github.com/firebase/firebase-functions repo latest version (3.3.0), and I found the file: spec/fixtures/https.ts. Inside this file there are some mock functions, which use the old: /computeMetadata/v1beta1 endpoint.
This might mean that firebase-functions modules package should be updated to use the /computeMetadata/v1 endpoint instead.
Fwiw I found this old dependency in package.json was dragging in other very old packages:
"#google-cloud/functions-emulator": "^1.0.0-beta.6",
In particular it brought in gcs-resumable-upload v 0.10.2, which is below the v 0.13.0 recommended by google (see https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/migrating-to-v1-metadata-server#apps-to-update). Probably others too.
The fix was to either:
remove #google-cloud/functions-emulator, or
switch to its modern replacement, #google-cloud/functions-framework

how to tell FlowType to ignore some json requires?

I have this kind of code in a ./src folder:
var fs = require('fs')
var config = require("../config.json")
when run flow, it has this error:
var config = require("../config.json")
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ../config.json. Required module not found
to me, that's a valid statement because the final version will be in a folder with that config.json, is there a way to instruct flowtype not checking this type of error?
You could make flow ignore all json files by adding the following to your .flowconfig:
If you want the json file to be checked as well, you could use module.name_mapper to map to the location of your json file. Flow automatically checks required json files.
It would looks something like:
module.name_mapper='^\(.*\)\.json$' -> '<PROJECT_ROOT>/path/to/json/files'

Is there a way to get version from package.json in Meteor code?

This answer explains how to read the package.json "version" from a npm started application. Is there an env variable in Meteor (1.3+) with this info?
Well, there is not npm_package_version environment value in process object.
But you get the value of version using following code :
var pjson = require('/package.json');
console.log(pjson.version); // This will print the version

Grunt : JASMINE is not supported anymore

i created an angular application with yeoman, when i executed grunt command i got the following error
Running "karma:unit" (karma) task
WARN [config]: JASMINE is not supported anymore.
Please use `frameworks = ["jasmine"];` instead.
WARN [config]: JASMINE_ADAPTER is not supported anymore.
Please use `frameworks = ["jasmine"];` instead.
WARN [config]: LOG_INFO is not supported anymore.
Please use `karma.LOG_INFO` instead.
ERROR [config]: Config file must export a function!
module.exports = function(config) {
// your config
how do i solve this error ?
It's just those two predefined terms (JASMINE and JASMINE_ADAPTER)
that should not be used any more. All you have to do is open the
config file ./config/karma.conf.js and comment out those terms and add
frameworks = ["jasmine"];.
Via Yasuhiro Yoshida
apart from #sheplu's answer, there are additional changes that need to be done in karma.conf.js, you can see it in https://gist.github.com/sivakumar-kailasam/6421378
this gist solves your problem of 'Config file must be a export a function!'
The official docs has these changes as well http://karma-runner.github.io/0.10/config/configuration-file.html
