Why does this Material-UI Grid item move when I click on it? - css

I am developing a React app using Material UI. I am having an issue with one page of the app.
That page contains some text and a button, which are vertically aligned with one another. It also contains a second piece of text and a second button, which are vertically aligned with one another and which are initially hidden. The first button can be used to reveal the second piece of text and the second button. The second button can be used to conceal the second piece of text and itself (i.e. the second button).
Here's a link to a screenshot of the page with the initially-hidden content visible (I don't have enough StackOverflow rep points to embed an image yet).
The issue I'm having is:
When I click the first button (i.e. the "SHOW" button), then click the second button (i.e. the "HIDE" button), then click the first button again; the first button jumps across the page. More specifically, it goes from having its right edge touch the right edge of the <body> element, to having its left edge touch the right edge of the preceding piece of text.
Once the button has jumped, when I resize the browser window (e.g. by clicking and dragging the Chrome application window), the button returns to its original location.
Note: The jumping happens in Chrome, but not in Firefox.
Do any of you know why that is happening?
I created a demo of this phenomenon on CodeSandbox. Here's a link to that demo:

Upon a closer look, it appears to have to do with having flex-wrap: wrap on a display: flex; flex-direction: column;.
...fixes it.
See it here.
It's difficult to say if it's a bug or not. What should we expect from a flex column container with flex-wrap:wrap and without a set height, in terms of column width?
Because the correct behavior might be to shrink the column as much as possible.
The bug is that it renders differently in different contexts. Whatever the correct behavior is, it should be consistent.

You can prevent the behavior by adding a width to line 19.
19 <Grid item style={{ border: "1px dashed lightblue", width: "100%" }}>


How to get rid of useless scrollbars in a material dialog when a radio-group is used?

This Stackblitz example opens a simple dialog which contains a radio group in the mat-dialog-content div.
You can see that the dialog-content shows an ugly scrollbar:
This does not happen when other components are used: e.g. input, etc.
Using chrome dev-tools, I can see that the mat-radio-buttons have a height of 20px:
but the mat-radio-group only has a height of 17px:
Is this a bug in angular material components (the example uses version 12.0.4), or is there a simple workaround/css that we can use to get rid of the scrollbar?
I've tried explicitly setting the height on the mat-radio-group, but this has no effect.
in production we do of course have many dialogs and some of them are large and need the scrollbars
we need an application wide solution/workaround
simply hiding the scrollbars is not okay: it must remain auto so that the dialog can react to size changes (e.g. user rotates device, some items are shown/hidden dynamically, etc.
For now we came up with a workaround that fixes the issue in all our 30+ dialogs.
The nice thing is that we can apply it in one place, in styles.scss:
.mat-dialog-content {
padding-bottom: 10px !important;
We just add a padding to the bottom of the dialog content area and then scrollbars: auto works as expected in all our dialogs (small and large). i.e. when you make the browser window larger/smaller, the scrollbar is automatically shown/hidden.
And it also works when there are multiple mat-radio-groups in one dialog.
The additional padding between the content and bottom dialog-actions is acceptable for our ui.
Stackblitz example with workaround
The reason this happens is due to the ripple effect on the radio button - which takes up additional space and causes the scrollbar to show. See https://github.com/angular/components/issues/20344
There are a number of ways to resolve this, such as using padding or margins on the components or on the dialog content itself like you did. The important thing is that there is enough space added to accommodate the ripple.

z-index when nesting custom elements seems to get a new stacking context. Why?

I have a dialog box in my application which displays a list of cards. I made a jsbin simplified version of it
If I click on the blue outline on any of the cards a nice dialog box pops up with a short menu item in it. Particularly click on the blue outline below 'Joe' and see how the dialog box covers the current card and those surrounding it.
I need to refactor the code so that this current element in each card action is a new custom element, which brings with it all the functionality of displaying the menu dialog box. In the real application this does some ajax calls to the serve to update information.
The problem I have is that the very fact of refactoring has destroyed the way the dialog box displays. This is shown is this jsbin
Click on the red box under 'Joe' and see how the dialog box is above the current card, but slips under the other cards nearby
I assume it is something to do with "stacking context", since the explicit styles that has added a z-index to each of the two dialog boxes should imply it still works, but it doesn't
The .item with an active dialog needs to be set a z-index that's higher than its siblings. The child dropdown menu's z-index is relative to that of its parents, no matter what it's explicitly set to. So if the furthermost parent does not have a z-index that enables it to overlap the other cards, none of its children will be able to do the same.

links under iframe /span cannot be clicked

I've developed a static advert ticker that sits at the bottom of the window. This is in an <iframe> to make it easier for other people to place the unit on their sites. Another <span> around the <iframe> keeps it fixed to the bottom of the screen. The script has a help window which is within a tag - within the <iframe> and uses the visible / hidden property to show or hide text.
Now since the code is in an <iframe>, the help text would not appear on main window. To get around this, I made the <iframe> larger,and set it to transparent.
Visually, everything is fine. When the user clicks a button on the ticker, the help menu appears over the data in the background. However, I've just discovered that if there is a link on the main page that passes under the <span><iframe> section, it cannot be clicked. I've tried CSS pointer-events, but can't get that to work, (links within the <iframe> must also remain clickable)
Not sure which is causing the "fault", ie the <iframe> or the tag around it. Is it a security thing to stop "click jacking" (??) or more to the point, is there a work around.
If push came to shove, I COULD reduce the size of the <iframe> and use a javascript pop-up window to display help text, but those windows show the URL and status windows, and are not exactly elegant!
Here is the code before anyone asks:
This span covers the entire screen to the height of the underlying <iframe> I did this so the data could be centred
<span style="position:fixed;bottom:10px;display:inline;width:100%">
<iframe src="http://www.xxx.com/cgi-bin/ticker/run_tick.pl?s=xzy" frameborder=0 align=top width=800px height=330px marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 hspace=0 vspace=0 scrolling=no allowtransparency=true></iframe>
Set a height to the span the same as the iframe (330px)
Let me know how that goes
Oh boy, what FUN I've had getting this to work!! (Twelve hours on Wed 23rd, and about three hours today)
Originally, I had an <iframe> that filled virtually 3/4 of screen, (so that I could display the help window to uses in a '' rather than use a modal popup. But, for security reasons, the browsers will not let you click through text that covers links underneath.
I had to literally redesign the whole layout.
Now, I have the help file in a separate <span> window which has its visibility set to hidden till user needs it. But that still left the ticker code at the bottom.
I had to divide that into three <divs> one on either side of the main ticker. But again, the ones on the side are effectively masking the page underneath, so I had to set both <divs> so that they used "pointer-events:none" meaning the <div> was not clickable, and mouse events would pass through to the code underneath. The mid section for the ticker was set to the opposite, namily "pointer-events:auto" so that the TOP window got the clicks, but not the page underneath.
Next problem: Because the ticker shows graphics that extend into the main text, that left a 1/2" area where clicks on main page couldn't be accessed. Another span was added to the code which covered the area with a transparent gif. When the user places their mouse over this graphic, a swap takes place and displays a semi transparent checkerboard. They can then read what this means in the help file.
Finally, when user's click the minimize button, the <div> holding the ticker code is hidden (giving accesss to all the links on the page) and ANOTHER <div> displays "Restore" graphic. When they click that, it gets hidden whilst the main ticker window - and the two <divs> on either side are made visible again.
And it was only meant to be a simple script!! (Oh, and don't check the website or my blog 'cos I won't be uploading the changes till eve of Sat 26th)

Twitter Bootstrap Submit Button Placement Not Behaving

Using a default/vertical form, the bootstrap documentation suggests that the submit button sits underneath the various inputs but that's not the case in my form.
When the browser has a large viewing space, it sits beside the last input field and is not in line. If you resize the browser to a phone or tablet width, Responsive takes over and it displays correctly.
Changing the wrapping div from .span12 to .span3 pushes the button down, but it seems like a hackish fix because adding .span3 to the inputs and buttons to make them uniform in size yields the button pushed off to the side.
Am I missing some markup or is there an issue with Bootstrap? In their docs, the button is preceded by a checkbox label and some help text wrapped in a p - so that could be affecting their styling to make it look correct.
You have to put your submit button in a div with the class controls.
If you check the source on the Bootstrap documentation page, they even divide all the inputs and buttons in control-groups and controls.

CSS: Why is my form submit button on a new line?

On my web site, http://tinyurl.com/yhvj6g
Why is it that Internet Explorer is placing my "Find listing" submit button on a new line whereas Firefox & Chrome keep the submit button inline horizontally with the input field (which is the desired result)?
I would like Internet Explorer to behave the same as Firefox & Chrome in that it keeps the "Find Listings" submit button horizontally inline with the input field.
I assume this is a CSS issue. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
try setting width on that button so that textbox + button + padding < 400px (size of your container). Seems to me that the button slips to the second line simply because it's too wide to fit on the same line
Looking at both, the button is significantly wider in IE than in Firefox. I'd guess that it's too wide to fit in the available space on IE, and is getting moved to the next "line". Try reducing the padding to 0 on the button and see what happens; also, you might put the form inside an explicitly-sized div to force enough room.
I figured it out. My FORM width was not wide enough
