Gmapsdistance function not accepting departure times - r

I am attempting to give a series of routes to gmapsdistance function. This has previously worked fine with other routes but is not accepting the departure_time arguments with this combination of lat and long.
I have attempted simply entering in a future time in character format ("20:00:00") but get the same error.
route_1 <- c(c(57.14748,-2.0954), c(51.12788,-4.25714))
route_2 <- c(c(55.81875,-4.02555), c(51.4721,-0.45273))
route_3 <- c(c(54.96566,-5.0152), c(55.86568,-4.25714))
route_4 <- c(c(51.12788,-4.25714), c(51.38867,0.193838))
route_5 <- c(c(55.86568,-4.25714), c(51.12788,-4.25714))
route_6 <- c(c(51.4721,-0.45273), c(51.12788,-4.25714))
result <- gmapsdistance(origin = route_6[[1]], route_6[[2]],
destination = route_6[[3]], route_6[[4]],
traffic_model = "pessimistic",
mode = "driving",
dep_date = as.character(Sys.Date()),
dep_time = as.character(Sys.time() + 60*10),
combinations = "all",
avoid = "")``
Error received is strangely:
The departure time has to be some time in the future!

This is not related to setting departure_time in the past like the error indicates. It actually looks like it's stemming from an invalid format for origin & destination and for dep_time.
According to the library's docs, the coordinates should be formatted as follows:
And departure time should only contain a time, not a date+time. E.g.:
Please try running the full code below (with your API key):
route_6 <- c(c("51.4721+-0.45273"), c("51.12788+-4.25714"))
results = gmapsdistance(origin = route_6[[1]],
destination = route_6[[2]],
traffic_model = "pessimistic",
mode = "driving",
dep_date = as.character(Sys.Date()),
dep_time = as.character(format(Sys.time() + 60*10, "%H:%M:%S")),
combinations = "all",
avoid = "")
Which for me as of now it returns:
[1] 16842
[1] 337527
[1] "OK"
Hope this helps!


how can I use just post codes to calculate travel time using MapsApi in Rstudio

Error in encode_locations(origins) : object 'encoded' not found
this error msg was generated when I try to use MapsApi package in Rstudio to calculate the driving time, below is what I tried to put in... ...
locations <- experiment_api_Sheet1
doc = mp_matrix(origins = locations, destinations = "10019", mode = "driving",
departure_time = Sys.time() + as.difftime(1, units = "mins"),
key = readLines("~/key"))

How to to calculate the shortest path in R efficiently?

I have more than 3500 origins and more than 3500 destinations that are connected by more than 54000 links with 24000 nodes. I am modeling a real street network (Chicago Metropolitan Area) in R using Igraph and CppRouting. The following code is called "all or nothing traffic assignment (AON)" which has to be executed more than 40 times to reach the equilibrium in the network. Now it takes more than 10 minutes for each AON execution. It is too much time. I appreciate any suggestion besides parallel computing to reduce the execution time of the following source code:
demand_matrix <- demand_matrix[order(demand_matrix$ORG ,demand_matrix$DEST) ,]
for (i in 1:length(unique(demand_matrix$ORG))){
#I think I have to iterate on every origin
org <- unique(demand_matrix$ORG)[i]
destinations <- demand_matrix$DEST[demand_matrix$ORG == org ]
demand <- demand_matrix[demand_matrix$ORG == org,2:3]
#the igraph function is also included here which requires more time to run!
#destinations <- demand_matrix$DEST[demand_matrix$ORG == org]
#sht_path <- unlist(shortest_paths(network_igraph,from =c (org) , to = c(destinations) , mode = c("out"), weights = resolved.Network[[5]]$t0,output = c("epath")),recursive = FALSE)
#sht_path <- sapply(sht_path , as_ids)
#the procedures with cppRouting
sht_path <- get_multi_paths(network_cpprouting_graph , from = org , to = destinations ,long = TRUE)
sht_path$end <- c(sht_path$node[2:nrow(sht_path)],0)
sht_path <-sht_path[sht_path$from != sht_path$node , ]
sht_path$paste <- paste(sht_path$end , sht_path$node)
edge_id_node_sequence <- as.integer(unlist(strsplit(sht_path$paste , split = " ")))
sht_path$edge_ids <- get.edge.ids(network_igraph , edge_id_node_sequence)
###I changed the sequence of nodes to edge ids in shortest path.
sht_path$to <- as.integer(sht_path$to) #I just found that "to" is character and changing it to integer would result lower time in left_join function
sht_path <-left_join(sht_path , demand,by = c("to" = "DEST"))
V2[sht_path$edge_ids] <- V2[sht_path$edge_ids] + sht_path$TRIPS #adding traffic to each link (that is what is all about, the goal is to calculate each link volume)
The demand Matrix has more the 4e6 none-zero values and I tried to calculate the shortest path with get_path_pair with all origin-destination Pairs, but it never ended and I restarted my Laptop. I have only 8GB of rams.
I tried to have the shortest paths with only 8e5 pairs each time (divided my matrix to 5 sections) the third section almost never ended.
length_group <- min(nrow(demand_matrix)/4,800000)
path_pair <- get_path_pair(Graph = test_net , from = demand_matrix$ORG[1:length_group],to = demand_matrix$DEST[1:length_group], long = TRUE)
path_pair <- rbind(path_pair , get_path_pair(Graph = test_net , from = demand_matrix$ORG[(length_group+1):(2*length_group)],to = demand_matrix$DEST[(length_group+1):(2*length_group)],long = TRUE))
path_pair <- rbind(path_pair , get_path_pair(Graph = test_net , from = demand_matrix$ORG[((2*length_group)+1):(3*length_group)],to = demand_matrix$DEST[((2*length_group)+1):(3*length_group)],long = TRUE))
path_pair <- rbind(path_pair , get_path_pair(Graph = test_net , from = demand_matrix$ORG[((3*length_group)+1):(4*length_group)],to = demand_matrix$DEST[((3*length_group)+1):(4*length_group)],long = TRUE))
path_pair <- rbind(path_pair , get_path_pair(Graph = test_net , from = demand_matrix$ORG[((4*length_group)+1):(5*length_group)],to = demand_matrix$DEST[((4*length_group)+1):(5*length_group)],long = TRUE))
path_pair <- rbind(path_pair , get_path_pair(Graph = test_net , from = demand_matrix$ORG[((5*length_group)+1):nrow(demand_matrix)],to = demand_matrix$DEST[((5*length_group)+1):nrow(demand_matrix)],long = TRUE))
If I understand correctly, demand_matrix is all possible combination between origin and destination nodes ? (3500² = 12 250 000)
Since cppRouting functions are vectorized, why not try :
get_multi_path(graph, origin, dest, long=TRUE)
with origin and dest your origin and destination nodes, with length of ~ 3500.
get_multi_path is the equivalent of get_distance_matrix function, it use the main property of Dijkstra's algorithm : finding shortest path between an origin node "n" and all nodes. So, full Dijkstra algorithm is runned N times, with N being origin length.
On the other hand, get_*_pair functions run Dijkstra's algorithm with a stopping criterion : when destination node is reached. So you basically increase runtime by a factor of ~1500 (not 3500, because Dijkstra's algorithm is aborted in the last option)
If you have memory issues, splitting all combinations in smaller chunks is the good strategy. However, I suggest you to split origin nodes by 10, then run get_multi_path between origin chunk and all destination nodes. At each iteration, you can aggregate the result to have the cumulated flow for each node of the network.
Finally, try to use lapply() and data.table::rbindlist() instead of multiple rbind() calls.
EDIT : If you want to accumulate traffic on edges, here is a piece of code :
# or are origin nodes (I assume of length 3500)
# dest are destination nodes
chunk_size = 350
test <- lapply(seq(1,3500, chunk_size), function(x){
res = get_multi_paths(graph, or[x:(x+chunk_size-1)] ,
long = TRUE)
# eventually merge demand for each trip (origin-destination)
# reconstruct edges (by reference using data.table)
res[,edge_from := c(node[-1], NA),.(from,to)]
# aggregate demand on each edge
res <- res[!,.(traffic = sum(demand)),.(edge_from,node)]
test <- rbindlist(test)
test <- test[,.(traffic = sum(traffic)),.(edge_from,node)]
Of course, you can modify chunk_size depending your available memory.

how to interpolate data within groups in R using seqtime?

I am trying to use seqtime ( to analyze time-serie microbiome data, as follow:
meta = data.table::data.table(day=rep(c(15:27),each=3), condition =c("a","b","c"))
meta<- meta[order(meta$day, meta$condition),]
otu=matrix(1:390, ncol = 39)
oturar<-rarefyFilter(otu, min=0)
interp.otu<-interpolate(rarotu, time.vector = time,
method = "stineman", groups = meta$condition)
the interpolation returns the following error:
[1] "Processing group a"
[1] "Number of members 13"
[1] "Selected interval: 1"
[1] "Length of time series: 13"
[1] "Length of time series after interpolation: 1"
Error in stinepack::stinterp(time.vector, as.numeric(x[i, ]), xout = xout, :
The values of x must strictly increasing
I tried to change method to "hyman", but it returns the error below:
Error in interpolateSub(x = x, time.vector = time.vector, method = method) :
Time points must be provided in chronological order.
I am using R version 3.6.1 and I am a bit new to R.
Please can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong/ how to go around these errors?
Many thanks!
I used quite some time stumbling around trying to figure this out. It all comes down to the data structure of meta and the resulting time variable used as input for the time.vector parameter.
When meta.ts is being converted to a data frame, all strings are automatically converted to factors - this includes day.
To adjust, you can edit your code to the following:
meta <- data.table::data.table(day=rep(c(15:27),each=3), condition =c("a","b","c"))
meta <- meta[order(meta$day, meta$condition),]
meta.ts <-, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) # Set stringsAsFactors = FALSE
otu <- matrix(1:390, ncol = 39)
oturar <- rarefyFilter(otu, min=0)
rarotu <- oturar$rar
time <- as.integer(meta.ts[1,]) # Now 'day' is character, so convert to integer
interp.otu <- interpolate(rarotu, time.vector = time,
method = "stineman", groups = meta$condition)
As a bonus, read this blogpost for information on the stringsAsFactors parameter. Strings automatically being converted to Factors is a common bewilderment.

How to exactly reproduce historical ORS-Isochrones? [duplicate]

I am working with the gmapsdistance package in R. I have my API key, and I am familiar with the functions within the package.
However, I would like to work out a problem in the reverse direction. Instead of just finding the Time, Distance, and Status between lat/longs are vectors of lat/longs, I would like to input a lat/long, and draw a region of all points that could be driven to in 3 hours or less. Then I'd like to draw this on a Google map.
To start, it would be great to use Marimar, FL: 25.9840, -80.2821.
Does anyone have experience with that type of problem?
As suggested in the comments, you can sign up to a service like Travel Time Platform (which I'm using in this example) and use their API to get the possible destinations given a starting point.
Then you can plot this on a map using Google Maps (in my googleway package)
appId <- "TravelTime_APP_ID"
apiKey <- "TravelTime_API_KEY"
location <- c(25.9840, -80.2821)
driveTime <- 2 * 60 * 60
## London example
## location <- c(51.507609, -0.128315)
## sign up to and get an API key
## and use their 'Time Map' API
url <- ""
requestBody <- paste0('{
"departure_searches" : [
{"id" : "test",
"coords": {"lat":', location[1], ', "lng":', location[2],' },
"transportation" : {"type" : "driving"} ,
"travel_time" : ', driveTime, ',
"departure_time" : "2017-05-03T08:00:00z"
res <- httr::POST(url = url,
httr::add_headers('Content-Type' = 'application/json'),
httr::add_headers('Accept' = 'application/json'),
httr::add_headers('X-Application-Id' = appId),
httr::add_headers('X-Api-Key' = apiKey),
body = requestBody,
encode = "json")
res <- jsonlite::fromJSON(as.character(res))
pl <- lapply(res$results$shapes[[1]]$shell, function(x){
googleway::encode_pl(lat = x[['lat']], lon = x[['lng']])
df <- data.frame(polyline = unlist(pl))
df_marker <- data.frame(lat = location[1], lon = location[2])
google_map(key = mapKey) %>%
add_markers(data = df_marker) %>%
add_polylines(data = df, polyline = "polyline")
If you want to render in leaflet and use a free isochrone service, this is a pretty neat option. There is a limit of 2 hours drive away though.
Sys.setenv(MAPZEN_KEY = "") # get for free at
marimar <- mz_geocode("Marimar, FL")
isos <- mz_isochrone(
costing_model = mz_costing$auto(),
contours = mz_contours(c(60 * 2)) # 2 hours
leaflet(as_sp(isos)) %>%
addProviderTiles("CartoDB.DarkMatter") %>%
addPolygons(color = ~paste0("#", color), weight = 1)

Mapdist: Error is.character(from)

My dataset includes a column "pickup" corresponding to the starting coordinates and a "dropoff" for the ending coordinates, of a trip. Like:
pickup dropoff
40.77419,-73.872608 40.78055,-73.955042
40.7737,-73.870721 40.757007,-73.971953
I want to calculate the shortest route suggested by Google Maps, and saved the calculations in a new column. This is what I'm doing:
X$GoogleDist <- mapdist(from= list(X$pickup),
to = list(X$dropoff),
mode = "driving" ,
output = "simple", messaging = FALSE, sensor = FALSE,
language = "en-EN", override_limit = FALSE)
Which gives me the following error:
Error: is.character(from) is not TRUE
You could do
X <- read.table(header=TRUE, text="pickup dropoff
40.77419,-73.872608 40.78055,-73.955042
40.7737,-73.870721 40.757007,-73.971953")
X <-, function(x) sapply(as.character(x), function(y) URLencode(y, T) ) ), stringsAsFactors = F)
rownames(X) <- NULL
res <- mapdist(from= X$pickup,
to = X$dropoff,
mode = "driving" ,
output = "simple", messaging = FALSE, sensor = FALSE,
language = "en-EN", override_limit = FALSE)
cbind(X, res)
# pickup dropoff from to m km miles seconds minutes hours
# 1 40.77419%2C-73.872608 40.78055%2C-73.955042 40.77419%2C-73.872608 40.78055%2C-73.955042 12805 12.805 7.957027 1212 20.20 0.3366667
# 2 40.7737%2C-73.870721 40.757007%2C-73.971953 40.7737%2C-73.870721 40.757007%2C-73.971953 14038 14.038 8.723213 1437 23.95 0.3991667
Your columns are probably of type factor (check with str(X)). mapdist needs character vectors (check ?mapdist). So you have to convert the columns using as.character beforehand. Also, when using geo coordinates, I think you got to URL encode them. I.e. the comma , becomes %2C. Otherwise it didn`t work for me...
