How many clients are connected to my firestore? - firebase

I am working on a flutter app that fetches 341 documents from the firestore, after 2 days of analysis I found out that my read requests are increasing too much. So I made a chart on the stackdriver metrics explorer from which I get to know that my app is just reading 341 docs a single time, it's the firebase console which is increasing my reads.
Now, comes to what are the questions that are bothering me,
1)How reads are considered when we see data on the console and how can I reduce my read requests? Basically there are 341 docs but it is showing more than 600 reads whenever I refresh my console.
2)As you can see in the picture there are two types of document reads 'LOOKUP' and 'QUERY', what's the exact difference between them?
3)I am getting data from the firestore with a single instance and when I open my app the chart shows 1 active client which is cool but in the next 5 minutes, the number of active clients starts to increase.
Can anybody please explain to me why this is happening?
For the last question, I tried to disable all the service accounts and then again opened my app but got the same thing again.
Firestore.instance.collection("Lectures").snapshots(includeMetadataChanges: true).listen((d){
print(d.metadata.isFromCache);//prints false everytime
print(d.documents.length);// 341
This is the snippet I am using. When the app starts it runs only once.

I will try to answer your questions:
How reads are considered when we see data on the console and how can I
reduce my read requests? Basically there are 341 docs but it is
showing more than 600 reads whenever I refresh my console.
Reads are considered depending on your how you query your Firestore database in addition to your access to this database from the console so using of the Firebase console will incur reads and even if you leave the console open to do other stuff, when new changes to database occured these changes will incur reads also, automatically.and any document read from the server is going to be billed. It doesn't matter where the read came from. The console should be included in that.
Check this official documentation under the "Manage data" title you can see there is a note : "Note: Read, write, and delete operations performed in the console count towards your Cloud Firestore usage."
Saying that if you think there is an issue with this, you can contact Firebase support directly to have more detailed answers.
However, If you check the free plan of Firebase you can see that you have 50K free reads per day.
A workaround that I found for this (thanks to Dependar Sethi)
Bookmarking the Usage tab of the Firestore page. (So you basically
'Skip' the Data Tab)
Adding a dummy collection in a certain way that ensures it is the
first collection(alphabetically) which gets loaded by default on
the Firestore page.
you can find his full solution here.
Also, you can optimise your queries however you want to retreive only the data that you want using where() method and pagination with Firebase
As you can see in the picture there are two types of document reads
'LOOKUP' and 'QUERY', what's the exact difference between them?
I guess there are no important difference between them but "QUERY" is getting the actual data(when you call data() method) while "LOOKUP" is getting a reference of these data(without calling data() method).
I am getting data from the firestore with a single instance and when I
open my app the chart shows 1 active client which is cool but in the
next 5 minutes, the number of active clients starts to increase.
For this question, considering the metrics that you are choosing in Stackdriver I can see 3 connected clients. and as per the decription of "connected client" metric:
The number of active connections. Each mobile client will have one connection. Each listener in admin SDK will be one connection. Sampled every 60 seconds. After sampling, data is not visible for up to 240 seconds.
So please check: how many mobiles are connected to this instance and how many listeners do you have in your app. The sum of all of them is the actual number of connected clients that you are seeing in Stackdriver.


How to setup web hooks to send message to Slack when Firebase functions crash?

I need to actively receive crash notifications for firebase functions.
Is there any way to set up Slack webhooks to receive a message when Firebase Functions throw an Error, functions crash, or something like that?
I would love to receive issue messages by velocity ie: Firebase Functions crash 50 times a day.
Thank you so much.
First you have to create a log based (counter) metric that will be counting specific error occurencies and second - you create alerting policy with Slack notification channel.
Let's start from finding corresponding logs that appear when the function throws an error. Since I didn't have one that would crash I used logs that indicated that it was started.
Next you have to create a log based metric. Ignore the next screen and go to Monitoring > Alerting. Click on "Create new policy", find your metric and select "Rolling Window" to whatever time period you need. For testing I used 1 minute. Then set "Rollind windows function" to "mean".
Now configure when the alert has to be triggered - I chose over 3 (within 1 minute window).
On the next screen you select notification channel. In case of Slack it has to be configured first in "Notification Channels".
You can save policy the policy now.
After a few minutes I gathered enough data to generate two incidents:
And here's some alerting related documentation that may help you understand how to use them.

Cosmos DB Emulator hangs when pumping continuation token, segmented query

I have just added a new feature to an app I'm building. It uses the same working Cosmos/Table storage code that other features use to query and pump results segments from the Cosmos DB Emulator via the Tables API.
The emulator is running with:
/EnableTableEndpoint /PartitionCount=50
This is because I read that the emulator defaults to 5 unlimited containers and/or 25 limited and since this is a Tables API app, the table containers are created as unlimited.
The table being queried is the 6th to be created and contains just 1 document.
It either takes around 30 seconds to run a simple query and "trips" my Too Many Requests error handling/retry in the process, or hangs seemingly forever and no results are returned, the emulator has to be shut down.
My understanding is that with 50 partitions I can make 10 unlimited tables, collections since each is "worth" 5. See documentation.
I have tried with rate limiting on and off, and jacked the RU/s to 10,000 on the table. It always fails to query this one table. The data, including the files on disk, has been cleared many times.
It seems like a bug in the emulator. Note that the "Sorry..." error that I would expect to see upon creation of the 6th unlimited table, as per the docs, is never encountered.
After switching to a real Cosmos DB instance on Azure, this is looking like a problem with my dodgy code.
Confirmed: my dodgy code.
Stand down everyone. As you were.

Firebase Functions returns error of Bandwidth Exhausted

We are using Firebase Functions with a few different HTTP functions .
One of the functions runs via a manual trigger from our website. It then pulls in a lot of data from an external resource and saves it into our Firestore database. Our function resources are Node.js 10, 1 GB of Memory and 540s before it times out.
However, when we have large datasets that we need to pull in, e.g. 5 000 - 10 000 records to write to the database, we start running into issues. We receive an error on large data sets of:
8 RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED: Bandwidth exhausted
The full error on Firebase Functions Health Dashboard logs looks like this:
Error: 8 RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED: Bandwidth exhausted
at Object.callErrorFromStatus (/workspace/node_modules/#grpc/grpc-js/build/src/call.js:31:26)
at Object.onReceiveStatus (/workspace/node_modules/#grpc/grpc-js/build/src/client.js:176:52)
at Object.onReceiveStatus (/workspace/node_modules/#grpc/grpc-js/build/src/client-interceptors.js:342:141)
at Object.onReceiveStatus (/workspace/node_modules/#grpc/grpc-js/build/src/client-interceptors.js:305:181)
at Http2CallStream.outputStatus (/workspace/node_modules/#grpc/grpc-js/build/src/call-stream.js:117:74)
at Http2CallStream.maybeOutputStatus (/workspace/node_modules/#grpc/grpc-js/build/src/call-stream.js:156:22)
at Http2CallStream.endCall (/workspace/node_modules/#grpc/grpc-js/build/src/call-stream.js:142:18)
at (/workspace/node_modules/#grpc/grpc-js/build/src/call-stream.js:420:22)
at ClientHttp2Stream.emit (events.js:198:13)
at ClientHttp2Stream.EventEmitter.emit (domain.js:466:23)
Our Firebase project is on the blaze plan and also, on GCP connected to an active billing account.
Upon inspection on GCP, it seems like we are NOT exceeding our WRITES per minute quote, as previously thought, however, we are exceeding our Cloud Build limit. We are also using batched writes when we save data to firestore from within the function, which seems to also make the amount of db writes less. e.g.
We don't use Cloud Build, so I assume that Firebase Functions uses Cloud Build in the back end to run the functions or something, but I can't find any documentation on the matter. We also have a few firestore database functions that run when documents are created. Not sure if that uses Cloud build in the back end or not.
Any idea why this would happen ? Whenever this happens, our function gets terminated with that error which causes us to only import half of our data. The data import works flawlessly with smaller amounts of data.
See our usage here for this particular project:
Cloud Build is used during the deployment of Cloud Functions. If you check this documentation you can see that:
Deployments work by uploading an archive containing your function's source code to a Google Cloud Storage bucket. Once the source code has been uploaded, Cloud Build automatically builds your code into a container image and pushes that image to Container Registry. Cloud Functions uses that image to create the container that executes your function.
This by itself is not enough to justify the charges you are seeing, but if you check the container image documentation it says:
Because the entire build process takes place within the context of your project, the project is subject to the pricing of the included resources:
For Cloud Build pricing, see the Pricing page. This process uses the default instance size of Cloud Build, as these instances are pre-warmed and are available more quickly. Cloud Build does provide a free tier: please review the pricing document for further details.
So with that information in mind, I would make an educated guess that your website is triggering the HTTP function enough times to make Cloud Functions scale up this particular function with new intances of it, which triggers a build process for the container that hosts the function and charges you as a Cloud Build charge. So to keep doing what you doing you are going to have to increase your Cloud Build Quota to meet this demand of your website.
There was a Firestore trigger that was triggering on new records of the same type I was importing.
So in short, I was creating thousands of records in a collection, and for every one of those, the firestore rule (function) triggered, but what I did not know at the time, is that it created a new build process in the background for each firestore trigger that ran, which is not documented anywhere.

Firebase console reads cost

Does using the firebase console and clicking on different collection/documents count against my read operations quota?
I have about 2 real users and about 13 fake ones and my usage is showing 1100 reads so far today. There are only about 30 documents in the entire database!
Any document read from the server is going to be billed. It doesn't matter where the read came from. The console should be included in that.

How the Connection is calculated in Firebase

How are the connections are being calculated?
Let's assume that I have a web app which one load sends a message to all connected clients, and let's say I have 5 connected clients. Does it means that as long as the browser tab with the web app is open it will count as 1 connections, which means that I will have 6 concurrent connections and that's count towards what you define as "Connection" in the pricing page?
If not, please explain how you calculate the "Connection". Thanks
This question was bugging me ever since I ran through the angular+firebase tutorial and I saw my firebase analytics tab showing a peak concurrent of 6 even though I only remember having the one page open. I looked back at the code and thought it could be to do with how the tutorial has you create a new Firebase(url) for each location in your firebase.
I wanted to test the difference between creating a new Firebase(url) vs taking the root reference and then accessing the .child() location. My theory was that new Firebase(url) would create a new connection each time, while .child() would re-use the existing connection.
Created two new firebases each with identical data
Setup an angularjs project using yeoman
Included angularfire
For simplicity, I just put everything in the main controller of the generated code.
To test out the connections created with new Firebase() I did the following:
$scope.fb_root = $firebase(new Firebase(FBURL_NEW));
$scope.fb_root_apps = $firebase(new Firebase(FBURL_NEW + '/apps'));
$scope.fb_root_someApp = $firebase(new Firebase(FBURL_NEW + '/apps/someApp'));
$scope.fb_root_users = $firebase(new Firebase(FBURL_NEW + '/users'));
$scope.fb_root_mike = $firebase(new Firebase(FBURL_NEW + '/users/mike'));
To test out the connections created with ref.$child() I did the following:
$scope.fb_child = $firebase(new Firebase(FBURL_CHILD));
$scope.fb_child_apps = $scope.fb_child.$child("apps");
$scope.fb_child_someApp = $scope.fb_child_apps.$child("someApp");
$scope.fb_child_users = $scope.fb_child.$child("users");
$scope.fb_child_mike = $scope.fb_child_users.$child("mike");
I then bound these objects in my view so I can see them, and I played around with updating data via my firebase forge and watching the data update live on my app.
I opened up my local app into 17 browser tabs, hoping that a large number of tabs would exaggerate any differences between the connection methods.
What I found is that each tab only opened up one single web socket connection back to firebase for each firebase db. So at the end of the test, both methods resulted in the same peak count of 17 connections.
From this simple test I think it's safe to say that the Firebase JS library does a good job of managing its connection.
Regardless of your code calling new Firebase() a bunch of times, or by referencing child locations via .child(), the library will only create a single connection as far as your metering is concerned. That connection will stay online for as long as your app is open.
So in your example - yes I believe you will see 6 concurrent connections, 1 for the app where someone is sending the message, and 5 for the apps receiving the message.
One other thing worth mentioning is that Firebase measures connections for paid plans based on the 95th percentile of usage during the month. This is listed in the FAQ section of their Pricing page #
Update 11-Mar-16: Firebase no longer appears to measure connections based on 95th %. Instead, the 101st concurrent connection is denied. :
All our plans have a hard limit on the number of database connections.
Our Free and Spark plans are limited to 100. The limit cannot be
raised. All other plans have a courtesy limit of 10,000 database
connections. This can be removed to permanently allow Unlimited
connections if you email us at The
reason we impose this courtesy limit is to prevent abuse and to ensure
that we are prepared to handle our largest customers. Please contact
us at least 24 hours in advance so we can lift this limit and ensure
we have enough capacity available for your needs.
