How to preinstall Gapps on android x86 AOSP? - android-x86

I have managed to download and build the androidX86 src. When I ran the .iso image on a VM, I noticed that the AOSP does not include the GApps. I guess this is expected in some respect. Does anyone know how to put the Gapps in the androidX86 src so when I build an .iso image I can have the google apps preinstalled or alternatively just install the GApps . Thank you.

You can follow this modop :
I just notice you, the path of the manifest is in .repo/manifests/android-x86-X.X-rx.xml or the default.xml file if you dont used special manifest to DL (like -m android-x86-8.1-r1.xml at the end of the repo init commmand)
And you don't have to put these 2 lines :
<project path="vendor/opengapps/sources/arm" name="arm" clone-depth="1" revision="master" remote="nezor" />
<project path="vendor/opengapps/sources/arm64" name="arm64" clone-depth="1" revision="master" remote="nezor" />
You depend of x86 not arm and it can make you issue if you put them.
after add it, do your repo sync commands.
and the makefile to change is in device/generic/x86_64/, add package of opengapps you want. (comparaison here :
I Hope this is usefull.
Regards, Bastien


Client-side changes don't apply after deployment the AMP

I made changes to the people-finder.js script to change the sort order, and locally everything works well. To override the functionality, I used the following directory structure and Maven-based SDK to generate AMP file:
As I expected, locally everything works fine and I can see my changes:
Next, I deploy the AMP file on the remote server, as described here: Install the AMP file
And here I do not see my changes:
Directory /opt/alfresco-community/tomcat/webapps/share/components/people-finder also contains the scripts without changes.
And thus, sorting does not work as I need.
Additional information: I unpacked the AMP file and not found there branch /web/components/... Of course, people-finder.js and people-finder-min.js is not present there also.
What could be the reason?
All that was required is to add a parameter -force:
sudo java -jar bin/alfresco-mmt.jar install amps/some-customization-share-1.0-SNAPSHOT.amp tomcat/webapps/share.war -force
Thank you very much Sanjay Patel for your assistance!
These discussions can also be useful:
Client-side changes don't apply after deployment the AMP
Files inside src/main/amp/web folder aren't packaged inside the resulting amp file
Modifications of original client-side files are not picked up

phonegap build + phonegap-cli + ionic icons

I am pretty sure what I am trying to accomplish is kind of extreme.. no wait, it isn't!
I just need to get the ionic resources+phonegap-cli+phonegap build combo right.
Now, here's the problem.
No matter how hard I try (because I probably am trying hard and wrong ^^ ) I can't get an ios build to show the icon files I am submitting to phonegap build. But I am beginning to consider the fault not entirely on pg:build side.
I have a root folder, with an /app application and a /resources folder. The latter is generated by ionic resources.
Now when I build for phonegap remote I have this structure in a /pgbuild folder I create ad hoc:
The config.xml (which is in the main project root folder) contains the following entries:
Here's my ipa package contents:
Which is more or less what specificated in the phonegap build docs. In the docs there is no way I found to understand to which path these src are relative. To the root of the zip? to the root of the www? I've tried also to move /resources to /www, to no avail.
I've tried pretty every combination of folders and src, but I am missing something because the info.plist contains only:
CFBundleIconFiles = ( "icon.png", "icon-60.png", "icon-60#2x.png", "icon-76.png", "icon-76#2x.png", "icon-60#3x.png" );
which is weird because these icons are correct :) except for icon.png which doesn't get copied.
In one app I had this exact problem which prevented me to submit to the app store, I finally solved it but -believe me or not- I am not able to recreate this condition on another app.
These are the commands I run from my ionic app root:
ionic resources
to generate resources, then:
mkdir -p pgbuild/www;
mkdir -p pgbuild/resources
cp -R ./resources/* ./pgbuild/resources
cp -r ./www/* ./pgbuild/www;
cp config.xml pgbuild/;
cd pgbuild && phonegap remote build ios && cd .. ;
Is phonegap-cli supported for this kind of remote build? Am I missing something?
I've got online Demo Apps on getting icons and splash screens working. The documentation for iOS is especially convoluted. (Should we blame middle managers for taking old documentation offline?)
The notes on github include: On filesnames and how they are found for iOS
NOTE: I only use PhoneGapBuild. I've created boilerplates to get around this annoyance for remembering what I did the last time. Best of Luck, Jesse.
Here's what I found.
I understand that resources must be inside www, and the path in config.xml is relative to the www folder. That seems to fix the problem, even if you should increase the size of your app bundle this way (it would be better if phonegap could take resources outside of the www folder which is used by the application).
so if I have a
in the config I should use
Also, the ionic resources command embeds resources into
<platform name="ios">
That doesn't seem to be appreciated by Phonegap Build.

Adding ControlFX.jar file to build path

I am trying to install ControlFx for creating dialogs in my application. I have put controlsfx-8.x.x.jar file in the appropriate folder (lib/ext). It is the same folder where jfxrt.jar is present.
I am unable to add this jar to build path. The only option available is configure build path.
Can someone let me know what I am doing wrong?
Controlsfx should not be put in lib/ext but simply added to your projects build path!

Qt How to make and install plugins?

I would like to use the Qt Quick Components for Desktop mentioned here:
The author gives the following installation-instructions:
Since all of this is developed as a plugin to Qt itself, all you need to get started is the Qt 4.7.2 SDK. Just check out the and do the equivalent of a qmake && make install on your system.
I cloned the repository, executed qmake, mingw32-make and mingw32-make install on it in the command-line.
A new folder was created which includes the files libstyleplugin.a and styleplugin.dll.
I just don't know what to do with them. The sample-qml-files (using the components I try to install here) show nothing in the QML-Viewer, which means they aren't isntalled correctly.
So what am I supposed to do? (btw. I'm on Windows).
Hedge, I've done that on Linux but I believe you will be able to do the same on Windows. You already built the plugin which is good. Cause it seems "make install" doesn't really work (lets not blame the trolls - its just an experimental project), you need to do that manually. Now you need to do the following:
Create "imports" directory inside the directory whether you installed Qt.
Create "Qt/labs" directory inside that "imports" directory so overall it looks like this: YOUR_QT_DIR/imports/Qt/labs.
Copy "components" directory from the director where you built the components to "YOUR_QT_DIR/imports/Qt/labs" so it looks like this: YOUR_QT_DIR/imports/Qt/labs/components.
Go to "examples" directory in the directory where you built the components. You will find Browser.qml, Gallery.qml and Panel.qml files there. Open say Gallery.qml in a text editor and replace the following two lines on the top:
import "../components"
import "../components/plugin"
import Qt.labs.components 1.0
save changes and run Gallery.qml in qmlviewer. You should be able to run it.
Also you could leave the import statements from Gallery.qml as they were but that would rely on the relative directory where you built the components and won't work anywhere else.
Hope that helps
On Windows my directory ended up being C:\QtSDK\Desktop\Qt\4.7.3\mingw.
Hope this helps!

Need to run custom scripts before compiling/building

I am creating an AIR app. In this app there's a need to copy a folder from a fixed known localtion C:\xyz to app:/. I would like to know how can I do this copying before compilation/build so that they get packaged when I run the 'Export Release Build'.
Thanks guys in advance... :)
you can copy your c:\xyz folder inside the /src folder of the project. That way it will always be placed inside the bin-debug folder when debugging :) and will be included into the release build.
Maybe you should have a look at the ant tasks for compiling your application:
