Using WKTapGestureRecognizer in WKInterfaceTable row - watchkit

I'm looking to create a table in WatchKit (watchOS 4.3) that is essentially a grid view and am using a WKInterfaceTable to try to get there. I want 2 square items per row with each triggering a segue to another interface controller.
I have the list populating and everything looks great. However, I'm stuck on the gesture handling. I have a WKTapGestureRecognizer placed in each respective group covering the desired areas, however the connected actions never get triggered on tap.
I did a quick test using the same gesture recognizer outside of a table and it worked right away.
My question is, is it possible to use a WKTapGestureRecognizer in a WKInterfaceTable row? (I haven't been able to find anything in the docs saying this isn't possible)


WKSwipeGestureRecognizer not working in cell of WKInterfaceTable

I'd like to get swipes on certain cells within a WKInterfaceTable.
It is possible to add a WKSwipeGestureRecognizer to a group within a cell but the action is never called.
Adding the recognizer to the table works but this way I cannot get a reference to the cell that was tapped.
Any ideas/ or solutions to this issue?

How can I create a draganddrop wrapper inside a table row, that can represent the whole row

When I use treetable in Vaadin, it is working fine drag and drop the whole row when click the left and right blank ereas. but that is not user friendly, I wanna create a draggable layout inside the row, let's say the 1st component of the each row, that when clicking it, the whole row is selected and can be draged and dropped to reorder.
The thing is I can create a vertical layout with wrapper doing that, but drag mode is only for its component or the wrapper itself, and when doing the drag action, it doesn't actually showing the whole row is moving, which may confuse the clients. What can I do to make it looking like I am dragging the whole row, similar with the one you drag the blank area of each row? Thanks.
I'm afraid there currently is no way for adding a wrapper that would extend the entire row instead of just one cell. To do this you'd need to extend the client-side implementation of Table (VScrollTable) and this is not something I would recommend as it is quite complex.
I do think that what you describe should be possible in core Vaadin (without using drag & drop wrappers), so could you please file a ticket at And please attach a small application showing the problem to make it easier for us to see the problem and fix it.
Anyways, in order for you to get it working today I'd suggest that you change your UI design a bit and for example borrow drag handles from iOS. By this I mean that you could add an icon that suggests "draggable" as a background-image in the first cell (or in the row header cell of each row) that encourages the user to grab the row there, where it is "empty" and dragging works. This way the user might not be too confused if dragging only works reliably in some parts of the rows.

How can I implement drag-out-to-delete in Flex?

I have a List component from which I'd like to be able to remove items using drag & drop, but without having a specific target. If you use the mac, the behaviour I'm looking for is something like what the Dock uses; when you drag something out of the bounds of the control it should get an icon that indicates that it'll be deleted (OSX uses a cloud or something?) and then if you release it it will be removed from the list.
How can I do this?
(If I need to provide a more clear description, please comment; I'll fill in what I can)
In my experience with drag/drop in Flex, you cannot simply drag something out and handle that. There is no dragOut event (unfortunately), so that would leave you up to the task of writing dragOver and dragDrop listeners on all the containers surrounding your dragInitiator and handling the process accordingly.
It's more time consuming and can become complicated if any of these controls already have specific dragOver and dragDrop event handlers.
Hope this helps.
Having no Flex experience all I can offer is some psuedo code which resembles how I implemented a similar effect in JavaScript, but hopefully it will get you started.
Essentially what you'll want to do is during your drag event measure the current coordinates of the object you're dragging to see if they intersect the original container and when they fall outside of its bounds call the logic to update the icon in order to indicate it will be removed. Then, on the drop event, check the coordinates once more and delete the item if needed.

Flex tree droplocation indicator stuck (edit 2/4/10, almost a totaly different question)

OK I've got a little more research on this done so I'm going to totally rephrase the question:
I have two trees, I want to be able to drag items from one tree to the other. In the receiving tree I have some logic that allows or denys the drop. I am using the native cursor feedback Like this :
When the logic determines NONE it properly rejects the item except the drop position indicator sticks like in the screenshot.
I know now that neither dragComplete, nor dragDrop are being fired in this situation, so I have no function to put code into that would clean that up. So how can I listen for this drag rejection?
ScreenShot shows app After drop
alt text
PS with my other question: how-do-i-detect-that-drag-and-drop-operation-ended We have a way of getting an event to fire so we can clean up the tree control. I'm attaching an event listener to the stage so that as the mouse is moved (maybe I'll put it on a timer)it will constantly check if dragmanager.isdragging if it's not it will fire the tree.hideDropFeedBack. This still begs the question, what event is changing the isDragging Boolean and how do I listen for it?
You need to call tree.hideDropFeedback(); or; to remove the drop indicators.

Show Editors for All Cells in Row in QTableView

I would like to display editors for all cells in a row when a user begins editing any cell in a QTableView. I have made several attempts but I cannot obtain the correct behaviour.
The only way to open multiple editors is by QAbstractItemView::openPersistentEditor() - attempts to successively call QAbstractItemView::edit() results in only one editor.
I cannot use signals such as clicked() and doubleClicked() from QAbstractItemView to invoke editing, because then it would not respect the edit triggers of the view.
There appears to be no "editing complete" signal. I would like to connect this signal to a slot that calls closePersistentEditor() for cells in the editing row.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I can't think of any easy way to do what you want. I can think of a couple of options, each more painful than the last:
You could create a delegate that always shows the editors, and when the user changes the selected row, set that delegate for the newly selected row, and the original delegate for the deselected row.
You could try inheriting from the table view, and overriding the behavior for drawing the appropriate items for everything in the given row. I have no idea how hard this would be, but I doubt it would be trivial.
You could create your own view to display the model. I've never done this, and I'd hate to think about all that would be required to "complete" support the models. However, to match with one specific model, you might be able to get away with it.
