disable some calls in default function - k6

export default function() {
I want to disable the request for api_2.I want to do this by passing some parameters during the k6 script execution.Is k6 provide some support for this?
I tried using the boolean flag.

Yes, you can use environment variables to control the k6 script execution: https://docs.k6.io/docs/environment-variables
So, in your case you can run write your function like this:
export default function() {
And then execute k6 run script.js when you don't want to execute the second API call and k6 run --env SOMETHING=true script.js when you do.


Is it possible to stub meteor methods and publications in cypress tests?

Is it possible to stub meteor methods and publications in cypress tests?
In the docs (https://docs.cypress.io/guides/getting-started/testing-your-app#Stubbing-the-server) it says:
This means that instead of resetting the database, or seeding it with
the state we want, you can force the server to respond with whatever
you want it to. (...) and even test all of the edge cases, without needing a server.
But I do not find more details about that. All I can find is, that when not using the virtual user in the tests to fill the database, it is possible to call API calls on the app, like so:
cy.request('POST', '/test/seed/user', { username: 'jane.lane' })
In my opinion that is not a "stub". It is a method to "seed" the database.
Is it possible to tell cypress to answer a meteor method in the client code like
Meteor.call('getUser', { username: 'jane.lane' }, callbackFunction);
with some data, it would give back in production?
I can only show an example using sinon to stub Meteor method calls:
const stub = sinon.stub(Meteor, 'call')
stub.callsFake(function (name, obj, callback) {
if (name === 'getUser' && obj.username === 'jane.lane') {
setTimeout(function () {
callback(/* your fake data here */)
That would be of corse a client-side stub. You could also simply override your Meteor method for this one test.

firebase serve: From a locally served app, call locally served functions

How can I properly simulate a cloud function locally so that it has all data as when being invoked on firebase servers? (e.g. the context.auth)
I am serving my project with firebase serve, it runs ok on http://localhost:5000/, however, my cloud functions are being called from https://us-central1-<my-app>.cloudfunctions.net/getUser. (The function is not even deployed.)
To avoid XY problem, I am trying to debug my function, but calling it from firebase shell results in context.auth being undefined, same when calling via postman from http://localhost:5000/<my-app>/us-central1/getUser.
This is my ./functions/src/index.ts file
import * as functions from 'firebase-functions'
import admin from 'firebase-admin'
import { inspect } from 'util'
export const getUser = functions.https.onCall((data, context) => {
console.debug('== getUser called =========================================')
console.log('getUser', inspect(data), inspect(context.auth))
return admin.database().ref('userRights/admin').child(context.auth.uid).once('value', snapshot => {
if (snapshot.val() === true) {
return 'OK'
// return {status: 'OK'}
} else {
return 'NOK'
// return {status: 'error', code: 401, message: 'Unauthorized'}
file ./firebase.functions.ts
import { functions } from '~/firebase'
export const getUser = functions.httpsCallable('getUser')
Consumer ./src/pages/AdminPanel/index.tsx
import { getUser } from '~/firebase.functions'
getUser({myDataX: 'asd'}).then(response => console.debug('response', response))
UPDATE - April/2021
As of April/2021, method useFunctionsEmulator has been deprecated. It is suggested to use method useEmulator(host, port) instead.
Original post:
By default, firebase serve sends queries to CLOUD function instead of localhost, but it is possible to change it to to point to localhost.
#gregbkr found a workaround for that at this github thread.
You basically add this after firebase initialization script (firebase/init.js) in html head.
Make sure to REMOVE it when deploying to SERVER
There is currently no support for local testing of callable functions like this. The team is working on a way for you to specify the URL endpoint of a callable function so that you can redirect it to a different location for testing.
Just found a workaround.
using fiddlers AutoResponder to redirect the function call to the local served function.
step 1
copy the target url of the function from the client
step 2
copy the local served function url
step 3
active the auto respoder and use the following rules
(the second rule is also importent to allow all outher requests
That worked for me, thank you #GorvGoyl!
script src="/__/firebase/init.js?useEmulator=true"></script

Can I use proxies ipv6 with CasperJS and SlimerJS?

I have a CasperJS Script duolingo.js and I run the script using a MeteorJS App using a Meteor Method like this:
// define server methods so that the clients will have access to server components
runCasperJS: function() {
// This method call won't return immediately, it will wait for the
// asynchronous code to finish, so we call unblock to allow this client
// to queue other method calls (see Meteor docs)
// run synchonous system command
var result = process_exec_sync('casperjs duolingo.js --engine=slimerjs --disk-cache=no --proxy= --proxy-type=HTTP');
// check for error
if (result.error) {
throw new Meteor.Error("exec-fail", "Error running CasperJS: " + result.error.message);
// success
return true;
I need to run the CasperJS Instance using a proxy IP V6. But I don't have any idea, the official documentations of slimerjs and casperjs did not say anything.
Here is the exact part of the code where I use an IP V4 Proxy.
var result = process_exec_sync('casperjs duolingo.js
--engine=slimerjs --disk-cache=no --proxy=
Thank you for your time and help.

meteor-testing tutorial fails

I started the meteor-testing tutorial, but the 2nd automatic generated test fails with:
TypeError: Cannot call method 'url' of undefined
So it seems that the client variable is not defined. Did anybody experience similar issues? (btw is there a way to debug this)
i'm using ubuntu 14.04 with
node v4.0.0
xolvio:cucumber 0.19.4_1 CucumberJS for Velocity
Generated test code intests/cucumber/features/step_definitions/sample_steps.js:
// You can include npm dependencies for support files in tests/cucumber/package.json
var _ = require('underscore');
module.exports = function () {
// You can use normal require here, cucumber is NOT run in a Meteor context (by design)
var url = require('url');
// 1st TEST OK
this.Given(/^I am a new user$/, function () {
server.call('reset'); // server is a connection to the mirror
// 2nd TEST FAIL
this.When(/^I navigate to "([^"]*)"$/, function (relativePath) {
// process.env.ROOT_URL always points to the mirror
client.url(url.resolve(process.env.ROOT_URL, relativePath));
I was said to file an issue in the chimp repository, where I was pointed to the solution:
// 2nd TEST FAIL
this.When(/^I navigate to "([^"]*)"$/, function (relativePath) {
// REPLACE client with browser
browser.url(url.resolve(process.env.ROOT_URL, relativePath));
This is a short fix, but I'm not sure whether you should later rather use client (seems to be wrapper for different environments).
**Update: ** meanwhile this was fixed, no adaption necessary anymore

Are there 'private' server methods in Meteor?

Is there a way to stop a Client calling a Server Method from the browser console?
I gather from the Unofficial Meteor FAQ that there isn't. I just wanted to check if that's definitely the case - the FAQ isn't really specific. I mean are there no 'private' methods?
In meteor the 'methods' described by Meteor.methods can all be called from the client. In this sense there aren't private methods because the purpose of the RPC call is for the client to make the call.
If you want a 'private' method you could use an ordinary JavaScript method. If you define the method with var, it would only be accessible within the file, and cannot be called from the client.
var yourmethod = function() {
which is equivalent to:
function yourmethod() {
Or you can define it so any of your server script can use it:
yourmethod = function() {
If you mean you want a RPC method call that is accessible only from the javascript code, but not from the javascript console in chrome this isn't possible. This is because the idea behind meteor is all RPCs from the client are not trusted & there is no way to distinguish whether it came from the console or not. You can use meteor user authentication or Collection.allow or Collection.deny methods to prevent any unauthorized changes this way.
I made a private method by checking this.connection to be null.
Ref: http://docs.meteor.com/#/full/method_connection
'serverCallOnlyFunc': function() {
if (this.connection === null) {
//do something
} else {
throw(new Meteor.Error(500, 'Permission denied!'));
